Formula for success - advice from successful people!

Lately, I have been carried away by the question “how can I become loved, happy and, in short, a successful person, and so that I have everything, and I don’t get anything for it)))..." I collected advice from famous people who have achieved success and tried to draw up an action plan. Here's what happened.

1. Desire
The key to success is desire. And it constantly burns inside me (Al Pacino, theater and film actor, world-famous director)
There is a desire - a thousand ways; no desire - a thousand reasons!
(Peter I, Russian Emperor)

2. Ultimate goal
The road will be mastered by the one going... there (write where) (Lissy Moussa, psychologist, writer)
“Formulate your life credo. - I would formulate it with a phrase from a movie: the main thing is to see the goal and not notice the obstacles. - Does this mean walking over corpses? - This means you can walk through walls. (from an interview with Arkady Kolodkin, President of the National Reserve Bank)

3. Believe in yourself
Never let someone tell you you can't do something. Even me... Okay?! If you have a dream, protect it! People who can't do something will tell you that you can't do it either. If you want something, go and get it! And point! (Will Smith, American actor, musician, Oscar nominee)
You can’t go wrong in any case: say “I can’t” and you won’t be able to, say “I can” and you can (Henry Ford, American industrialist, owner of car factories around the world, inventor)
What one person in the world can do, everyone can do (one of the presuppositions of NLP)

4. Take action!
If there is no wind, take to the oars (Latin proverb)
Anyone can have a good thought while they are taking a shower. But only an active person is able to get out of the shower, dry off and begin to implement it (Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari)
The success of training is determined by changes in behavior. You can't think you've learned anything until you put it into practice (from the book "Everyone's Coach" by Don Shula and Ken Blanchard, global management experts and writers)
A reasonable approach is to use a method and try it out. If it doesn't bring results, admit it frankly and try another method. But in any case - act! (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the most prominent US politicians of the 20th century)

5. Visualization of the goal
Mentally create an image of “a successful yourself who has already achieved your goal” and imagine this “picture” in your mind (one of the presuppositions of NLP)

6. High self-esteem
We would not strive for universal respect so much if we firmly knew that we deserve it (Luc de Vauvenargues, famous French philosopher, moralist, writer)
Confidence is half the victory (V. Korban, Belarusian satirist, translator, fabulist)
It is dangerous to underestimate a person who overestimates himself (Franklin Delano Roosevelt, one of the most prominent US politicians of the 20th century)
Never get upset if something goes wrong. List all your achievements for the day/week/year. Praise yourself every day. Learn to appreciate your victories and be proud of them! Give yourself gifts (Itzhak Pintosevich, business coach, coach, writer)
The inevitable must be accepted with dignity (Marlene Dietrich, German and American actress and singer)
Poor self-esteem leads to the belief "I don't deserve it." And with such a conviction, you will never achieve anything.

7. Do what you love (examples: Steve Jobs, William Boeing, Michael Dell, Mark Zuckenberger, Robert Kiyosaki, Al Pacino, Daniel Radcliffe, etc.)
There are no lazy people. There are bad goals - those that don't inspire (Anthony Robbins, writer, entrepreneur, professional speaker, actor, coach, psychologist)
Ideally, a business owner would be well aware of what his strengths are, what gives him entrepreneurial passion. I don’t understand anything about the product, but I understand sales and enjoy organizing them (Evgeny Chichvarkin, Russian millionaire, entrepreneur, co-founder and former co-owner of the Euroset network of cellular communication stores)
Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like in between these two events (Bob Dylan, American songwriter, poet, artist, film actor)
Never do anything for money that you don't enjoy (Bodo Schaefer, multimillionaire businessman, author and financial advisor)

8. Thank yourself for your mistakes!
Failure is the first sign of success. It can start a new venture. When a child learns to walk, he has to fall many times before he masters this skill. Failure can also be a sign that you are on your way to success. When a pole vaulter fails to reach the winning height, his failure becomes the starting point for a new attempt and shows that no failure is final (Dave Anderson, President of Anderson's LeamToLead)
Victory is the absence of fear of defeat (Robert Kiyosaki, American entrepreneur, investor, writer, teacher)
People tend to blame their troubles on circumstances that they supposedly have no control over. I do not believe in this. Successful people look for the circumstances they need, and if they can't find them, they create them themselves. (George Bernard Shaw, British writer, novelist, playwright, Nobel Prize laureate in literature)
A different scenario does not mean a "worst" scenario. What is death for a caterpillar is birth for a butterfly.

9. Constantly improve your level
Talent is inherent in you by nature; skills can only be developed by devoting many hours to your craft (Will Smith, American actor, musician, Oscar nominee)
Books and plays helped me understand myself and the world around me, some kind of shift occurred, I became more serious (Al Pacino, theater and film actor, world-famous director)
If you want to achieve success, expand your comfort zone - play sports, expand your social circle (Itzhak Pintosevich, business trainer, coach, writer)

10. Think and act globally (examples - Henry Ford and his cars, brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright - the invention and adjustment of the world's first airplane, Thomas Edison and his ventilation pipe, Bill Gates - the founding of Microsoft, Jeffrey Ward - Director of Development Strategy SAP technologies, etc.)
We think too narrowly, like a frog at the bottom of a well. She thinks that the sky is as big as the opening of a well. If she comes up, she has a completely different point of view. (Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese statesman and politician)
One sees only a puddle in a puddle, and the other, looking into a puddle, sees stars.

11. If you want to receive, give first
Most people understand success as an acquisition. However, in reality, success begins with the ability to give (Henry Ford, American industrialist, owner of automobile factories around the world, inventor)
Only those who always strive to help others achieve success (Brian Tracy, renowned lecturer and writer on business issues, head of Brian Tracy International / Will Smith, American actor, musician, Oscar nominee)
Tell your loved ones, friends and acquaintances about what you have decided to do to make your life better. Invite them to join you, teach them the positive changes that you have decided to apply in your life. Thus, you will be even better able to master this yourself and acquire useful skills and habits that will change your destiny and help you become successful (Itzhak Pintosevich, business trainer, coach, writer).
At the same time, you will share with the people around you information that may be useful to them - you will “give”!
Success in life has nothing to do with your acquisitions or selfish achievements. The measure of success is what you do for others (Danny Thomas, show business personality)
The only thing a competitor can't steal from you is the relationship between your people and your customers (Ken Blanchard, global management expert, writer)

12. Surround yourself with successful people
Surround yourself with people who have bigger plans and goals than you have.
Where there is no community of interests, there cannot be unity of goals, not to mention unity of actions (Friedrich Engels, German philosopher, social and political figure, one of the founders of Marxism)
You should not discuss your problems with people who cannot help solve them.
Communicate with those who have the qualities you want to possess. In the club “Magic, self-development, the path of the magician, self-improvement”

I wish you all success!

Alain Souchon - Foule Sentimentale

Formula for success in the life of every person lies in his continuous development, revealing his potential, learning new skills and using new opportunities.

From the perspective of development, metaphorically, a person can be represented as a seed, which over time will develop into a powerful and incredibly beautiful tree. For a tree to grow healthy and strong, it needs fertile soil.

Continuing the analogy, we can say that fertile soil for a person is his life situations. The seed in this case is the person himself with his potentialities. Whether a person will reveal his potential or not depends entirely on him.

Each of us is already placed in the fertile soil called life. All our surroundings, people, situations, work, and the like contribute to our development. Only the person himself, of his own free will, can strengthen the process of his own development or slow it down.

Since a person cannot fail to develop at all, humanity can be divided into actively and passively developing people.

Active and passive development

For those who are reluctant to embrace their own development, life is perceived as a series of problematic situations that force a person to suffer largely quietly, and in some cases even very loudly.

They struggle with life, it is difficult for them to accept anything new. The philosophy of such people implies the immutability and static nature of their personality. For them, it seems easier to change the world around them than to change themselves.

These people resemble children who dream of driving a car, but do not understand that in order to do this, in addition to the car itself, they need to know the rules of driving, the structure of the car and learn much more.

Likewise, we can want and dream a lot, but by and large we are not ready to have it, because we do not want to change.

This position is unnatural. If we want something new in life, we need to update ourselves.

The shortest way to change a situation is to change yourself

For actively developing people, they are also called successful people, life is perceived as a stream of continuous opportunities where they can realize themselves. For them, life is presented as something interesting, mysterious and beautiful.

The perception of such people allows you to meet every situation with a smile. Luck itself comes their way. These people achieve their goals by changing themselves, their lives and the lives of others, thereby introducing harmony and prosperity into it.

These people recognize and do not resist the law of development - all living things are continuously developing and improving themselves.

The formula for success consists of the following components:


All living things are in continuous development. It is necessary to accept this fact, this is the law of nature. The less a person resists his own development, the better his life.


Take responsibility for your life. If you don't have something, then for some reason it doesn't exist. Every action has its consequences. All our decisions and actions lead us to certain results. If you are not satisfied with the results of your life, do not blame others for this, look at your actions or your own inaction, and you will understand why you have such results.


Think positive. Perceive every situation not as another difficulty or mockery of fate, but as an opportunity to improve your life and become stronger, to attract more favorable circumstances to yourself.


Treat yourself as a constantly evolving being. See life circumstances as a learning factor. Find new opportunities for yourself in your own development.


Accept every situation in your life, don't fight it. Acceptance does not mean agreement. If you find yourself in a situation where you are insulted and humiliated, then accepting this situation does not at all mean agreeing with such an attitude towards yourself.

Acceptance means stating a fact, it is, it happened. Often we do not accept the very fact of what happened. Rejection makes it impossible to adequately respond to the situation.

This is similar to how a person complains about the heat at noon and experiences resentment and stress about it. Why fight the forces of nature, stand in the sun and complain about fate; isn’t it easier to step into the shade of a branchy tree and enjoy the coolness?

But not only his business results are attractive, but also his worldview, his way of life, which are very attractive and close to me. Sergey is active not only in business, but also in sports and science. In my opinion, the most unique thing is that he has no bias towards business, he lives for his own pleasure. And his success is a natural extension of his worldview and lifestyle.

The video is quite large (80 minutes and 300+ MB), so I will write down the main thoughts (my interpretation) voiced in the speech below. On Wikipedia you can also see fragments of his other speeches, which weigh less.

Important thoughts from the speech of Sergei Polonsky:

1. There is no universal formula for success - everyone has their own.

2. Any knowledge is meaningless without its implementation. Good study at a university or anywhere does not guarantee success in life.

3. Everyone has a comfort zone, after reaching which a person stops growing. Success is only possible when you constantly raise your bar. Gradually (so as not to overstrain).

4. You cannot force a person to study. You can only learn if you want to. It is precisely because 95% of people are forced to study (parents, teachers, lecturers), the majority do not like to study and do not know how to study.

5. Every person is a leader. In a certain area. Likewise, it is normal that in other areas he may be completely ignorant.

6. In order to achieve success, you need to think and calculate the consequences of your actions at least several steps ahead. Think not only about how much you will earn, but also what people will think of you and how this will affect your future and the future of your business.

Components of a successful person:

1. Energy.

2. Intuition/feeling/vision of the future.

3. Self-learning.

4. Sociability.

5. Team.

6. Purpose.

7. Stress resistance.

8. Self-esteem.

In addition, Sergei believes that in the near future women will overtake men in business. This is due to the fact that men always used their analytical abilities. And now the amount of information in the world doubles every 18 months. And since it is impossible to analytically process such an amount of information, intuition, which is most developed in women, will come to the fore.

There are a lot of interesting and useful thoughts in the video. See for yourself. And if you can’t look, look for useful thoughts in your own head - everything is already there :)

Victoria Shimanskaya talks about the rules by which successful people live.

Formula of nine: the rules by which successful people live

Victoria Shimanskaya

We often see successful people around us. They are present in our lives, they appear on TV, their happy faces smile at us from the covers of magazines. We are impressed by their wealth and aspirations, their careers and talent. What is the secret of success? Maybe it's because they were born under a lucky star?

But let's remember one example out of thousands of others - the story of Howard Schultz, the founder of the Starbucks coffee chain, who grew up in a poor neighborhood in a low-income family. Nothing foreshadowed his success, however, having started his journey from a small coffee shop, today Howard has developed his Starbucks chain to 16 thousand locations around the world! And he's a billionaire, worth an estimated $2.1 billion!

Today there is no longer any doubt about the fact that every person makes himself.

There are different paths to success, but the surest path is self-improvement. And this article presents a formula of 9 steps that will help you on the path to a successful life.

Formula of nine

1. There are no failures!

Remember what Edison said about his many years of trying to invent the incandescent lamp: “ I didn't fail. I just discovered 1000 ways not to invent the light bulb».

Our failures are an invaluable experience, a guideline that allows us to make the right choice. Learn from your mistakes and see them as opportunities to become even better.

2. Fill your life with interesting projects

Don't waste your precious days, weeks, years on boring work. Only what turns us on can lead to success!

Growing up in poverty, Walt Disney managed to make a lot of money from his innate talent as an artist, director and screenwriter. Despite his father’s prohibitions, he did not stop drawing drawings at night, which 50 years later were sold for fabulous money!

3. Find your way back from the maze

When faced with a difficult task, you can help yourself make a difficult decision. Imagine a situation in which a solution has already been found.

  1. Create an image of yourself in this alternate reality and physically place it two or three steps away from you.
  2. Then just stand in that place, enter a state of decision and look back.
  3. All possible ways out of a confusing situation will open before you.

Everything is like in childhood, remember? The maze is easier to navigate from end to beginning.

4. Create a puzzle analogy

It’s easy to understand how correct the decision was. Create an analogy with a puzzle - if you inserted the wrong puzzle, it is unlikely to help you create a complete picture, and vice versa - if the puzzle is correct, you will have more and more suitable pieces that ultimately create a whole picture.

It’s the same with decisions - the right ones are always promising, they open up new opportunities for us, give us fresh flows of energy. The same cannot be said about bad decisions.

5. Learn to fully engage with reality

You may only receive two minutes of another person's attention, but they will seem much larger and richer than 20 minutes of distracted communication. This quality is often attributed to successful people who are able to direct all their five senses to the here and now.

Steve Jobs is known to have a unique charm. This man knew how to persuade, but what was most captivating was his complete involvement in the dialogue and his ability to grasp the mood and motives of his interlocutor. It was this quality that allowed Jobs to gather at Apple the most talented and successful people in the country, who had previously worked in no less promising companies.

How to train full inclusion in reality? Gradually connect all your 5 senses: first your eyes - what do you see? Then hearing - listen to the sounds. Then sensations, smells and tastes.

This training is effective in any environment: on the street, at home, at work. Gradually, this state will become a habit, and you will begin to feel the complete harmony of all five senses in the present time.


6. Do what you must, and come what may!

A successful person sees his goal and always has a plan to achieve this goal. But at the same time, he is open to circumstances and opportunities.

The harmonious combination of focus on the goal and constant movement opens up new paths to success.

For example, if you perform well at a conference, you may receive a great offer from an interesting person who heard about your success at that event. Don't miss the opportunity to express yourself in a new way. This often leads to pleasant consequences.

7. Learn to see positive intention even under negative manifestations

All people want happiness, but not everyone knows how to be happy. In most cases, even under negative actions there is a positive intention. And successful people can always spot it.

Let's imagine a boss who raised his voice to a subordinate. His intention was to push his subordinate to develop, but he perceived the manager’s actions as a desire to fire him. This is the whole problem of communications - a distorted understanding of intentions. The employee gave even more distorted meaning to the boss’s already incorrect actions.

Successful people learn to see positive intent and not react to the meaning. The essence is always more important than the manifestation.

8. Success is about balance.

Happy people always find time for family, work, sports, development, sleep and entertainment. They know how to spin the balance wheel and adjust it as efficiently as possible.

To understand how effectively you spend your time, it is enough to:

  1. Draw a circle and mark on it the 8 sectors that are most important to you. For example, family, health, work, love, entertainment, sports, development and social responsibility.
  2. Then note at what level on a 10-point scale you are implementing each of the segments of your life at the moment.
  3. If you spend 12 hours at work, devote little time to your family and have already forgotten when you were on vacation - this is an obvious imbalance!
  4. Give yourself the opportunity to improve lagging segments by at least one point per month and very soon you will notice a positive effect.

You will stop getting tired at work, improve your family relationships and finally begin to truly enjoy life!

9. It's all about prioritization

There are thousands of ways to spend money and everyone chooses their own option. They can be increased or spent, lost or donated.

American actor and journalist Will Rogers said: “Too many people spend their hard-earned money on things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.”

Time is also a matter of priority. Successful people do not always manage to do everything, but they do not complain about the lack of time or money, because they know that a person wastes himself only on priorities.

If you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, perhaps you should think about your priorities and admit to yourself your true preferences.

The formula of nine is 9 golden rules of success, 9 simple steps to true harmony and happiness. There is nothing difficult about being successful.

Just follow the basic rules and the result will not keep you waiting!

Personal example is known to be contagious.

What if this is an example of people who left their mark on history, those whom we call “great”?

Oh, this example should be looked at especially carefully. Indeed, in addition to undoubted talent, these people had their own formula for success.

For example, Albert Einstein, the greatest of the minds of all times and peoples, not only formulated the principles of success, but also derived its mathematical formula.

Einstein said: “If A is success, then its formula is:

A = X + Y + Z, where

X – work.

Z is your ability to remain silent"

Einstein undoubtedly had a great sense of humor. Let's look at the three variables in this equation.

1. Work. Albert Einstein was a true workaholic who gave more to society and modern science than any other person in recent times.

2. Game. Einstein, however, did not work 24 hours a day and always found time for fun and relaxation.

3. The ability to remain silent. This part of him success formulas lies in the ability to keep your mouth shut.

Indeed, a man of few words is able to express the maximum information in a few phrases and say much more with them than another talker.

Winston Churchill - British statesman and politician, prime minister Great Britain, military man, journalist, writer, Nobel Prize laureate in literature, one of the most outstanding Britons in history by the nature of his activities could not be silent; on the contrary, he made incendiary speeches, but always expressed himself succinctly and aphoristically. He put his personal experience into his statements, deducing his own formula for success:

“Don’t be afraid of the future,” Churchill admonished. - Look at him, do not be deceived about him, but do not be afraid. Yesterday I climbed onto the captain's bridge and saw waves as huge as mountains and the bow of a ship that was confidently cutting them. And I asked myself why the ship overcomes the waves, although there are so many of them, and he is alone? And I realized that the reason is that the ship has a goal, but the waves do not. If we have a goal, we will always get where we want to go.”

Formula for success Winston Churchill and in his following statements:

“Any crisis brings new opportunities.”

“Success is our journey from one failure to another, which we can do without losing our heads and without losing optimism.”

“Throughout his life, every person stumbles over his “great chance.” Unfortunately, most of us just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move on as if nothing happened.”

“Looking back on my experience, I remember the story of an old man who, on his deathbed, said that his life was full of troubles, most of which never happened.”

“Do not wish for health and wealth, but wish for good luck, because on the Titanic everyone was rich and healthy, but only a few were lucky!”

"I'm an optimist. I don’t see much benefit in being anything else.”

“Success is not the end, failure is not the end: the only thing that matters is the courage to continue the fight.”

“To improve means to change, to be perfect means to change often.”

“A person’s destiny is formed in accordance with his aspirations.”

“Every person has his own path open to him. It can narrow, expand, go uphill, or, conversely, lead down. We are often disappointed along the way. But only the courage, perseverance and tenacity of each person will help him discover his true path. This is what brings real joy.”

“If something needs to be done, then it needs to be done 100%.”

“People who think negatively and stereotypically cannot be successful.”

“If you want to get something, you need to work for it, sincerely believing in the success of your idea.”

“If your mind is open, you can learn even from the sound of the wind.”

“You may have a rich and exceptional experience, but if you are distracted, you may miss a golden opportunity to see something useful and learn something new. Whatever you do, take your life seriously. In this way you will continually expand your knowledge and be able to extract the truth from even the faintest breeze.”

And one more thing: if Winston Churchill said that “he who owns information, owns the world,” then Matsushite believed that information is drawn to the right person: “You may think that this is a property of a person, but in fact it is information that reaches to the right person.” to a person. Information is life. She quickly finds people who recognize her importance and really want to have her. Information bypasses those who only idly collect data and cannot put it into action. Whether the information is used or not depends on the person.”

A more detailed program was formulated for himself by another outstanding political figure, scientist, journalist, publisher, diplomat, educator, one of the leaders of the American War of Independence - Benjamin Franklin.

By your virtues or components success formulas he thought:

"1. ABSTINENCE - Do not eat to satiety; Don't drink until you drop.

2. SILENCE - Say only what will benefit others or you; avoid frivolous conversations.

3. ORDER - Keep all your things in their places; Have your own time for each lesson.

4. DETERMINATION - Decide to do what needs to be done; strictly carry out what is decided.

5. FRUGALITY - Spend money only on what benefits me or others, do not waste anything.

6. HARDWORK - Don’t waste time; be always busy with something useful; refuse all unnecessary actions.

7. SINCERE - Do not cause harmful deception, have pure and fair thoughts; also adhere to this rule in conversation.

8. JUSTICE - Do not harm anyone; do not commit injustice and do not forget about good deeds, which are among your responsibilities.

9. MODERATION - Avoid extremes; Tolerate insults and injustices as far as is appropriate.

10. CLEANNESS - Be intolerant of uncleanliness of the body; Maintain neatness in clothing and home.

11. CALM - Do not get upset over trifles and do not worry about ordinary accidents or the inevitable.

12. CHASTITY - Rarely indulge in voluptuousness - only for health or procreation, never for boredom, weakness, or to the detriment of oneself, or to the detriment of the world and reputation of others.

13. HUMILITY - Imitate Jesus and Socrates.”

Franklin trained all these qualities in himself over the years, and they helped him achieve significant success in life, happiness and good health. The routine that he tried to adhere to is also interesting (although it did not always work):

5:00 Get up, wash and pray. Question: “What good will I do to Almighty God today?”

6:00 Think about what I will do today and make decisions for the day; continue current classes.

7:00 Breakfast

14-17 Work

18:00 Put everything in order. Dinner.

19:00 Question: “What good have I done this day?”

20:00 Music, entertainment or conversation

21-22 Think over the past day.

American businessman, billionaire, major real estate owner, and media mogul Donald Trump went even further: he wrote the book “Formula for Success,” where he outlined the principles that allow any person to most effectively use their personal qualities and achieve maximum success.

Here are some of Donald Trump's 33 principles for successful business:

“- Don’t waste your life on work you don’t love. Passion is more beneficial. In order to fully devote yourself to your chosen business and succeed, you must truly love it.

Set the bar high. Surprise those around you. Ask yourself: “What are the standards that should be associated with me?” Define these standards and stick to them. Don't cheat.

Think in Trump terms. The bigger, the better. Thinking small when you can think big means limiting your capabilities and depriving yourself of bright prospects. People are capable of great things, but only when they really want it. Start with installation.

Hold on until the last minute. Be persistent. Most people are impatient and want quick results, but often it makes more sense to just wait. It takes grit to hold on and wait, especially when you have to wait for a long time.

Intuition is the best advisor. Listen to yourself. Only you know where you want to go! It takes strength to rely on your intuition when everyone around you is telling you you're wrong. Ultimately, the responsibility for making decisions lies with you. This is your life, your money, your business and your choice.

Work with those you like. It's better than having enemies among your colleagues. Set an example, and those who need you will be drawn to you. This is the best way to work with people you like.

Where there is will, there is victory. Think. Let a positive attitude towards life prevail: be persistent in your optimism.

Swim against the current. Your comfort zone can let you down. It is easy to move along a well-worn track without deviating to the side, but the path of least resistance may turn out to be the most unfortunate; sometimes walking along it is like marking time. “If just comfort and the absence of difficulties are enough for you, that’s great, but I want something completely different from life.”

Work as art. May your work be great. Do the best job you can and don't be afraid to ask for the fee you deserve. Create products such that you won’t be ashamed to put your signature on them.

It takes courage to persist. The pressure in business never lets up. “Courage is the ability to work day after day, year after year, without disappointment, without fatigue, without regret. It means perseverance, non-stop movement and complete dedication.”

Join the Explorers Club. Explore the wonders of life. “Follow the path you choose, because it will lead you to where you want to go.”

Focus on the target, not the weapon. Focus on what matters most. “Focus on what really matters and try to be the best you can be.”

But even if we do not set ourselves the goal of becoming the greatest businessman, we still need success in the activities we are engaged in and certain guidelines in life. And, one way or another, each of us brings out our own formula for success. But what can be argued against the statements of Stefan Zweig, which are equally true for politicians, scientists, billionaires and for all those who feel responsible for their own lives:

“Talk to people from whom you can learn something good. May your communication with friends be a school of knowledge, and your conversation an exquisitely pleasant learning experience: look upon your friends as mentors and season the benefits of learning with the pleasure of conversation.”

“Lord, give me the strength to change what I can; patience - to come to terms with what you cannot change, and wisdom - to distinguish one from the other.”

“It’s impossible,” said Reason.

This is recklessness,” said Experience.

It's useless! - Pride snapped.

Try,” whispered the Dream.”

“Great despair always breeds great strength!”

Do you have your own formula for success?
