Confident people are the product of a good upbringing. Education, as everyone knows, begins from the moment the baby "lies across the bench." Subsequent attempts by parents are difficult and often meaningless, because it is easier to do than to redo. And it will not be about ethics and etiquette at all, the concept of “education” means more nurturing.

From the first days of the appearance of the baby, you should understand: in front of you is not a baby, but a future independent person who will have to live with his own mind. So, here are some useful tips for those parents who want to see a confident and, accordingly, successful person in their child.

Tip #1: Love your child

From the first days of life, a baby needs warmth, love from his parents, especially his mother. He feels her attitude towards him, in his own way complaining about inattention, because even on the most sleepless, difficult nights for you, the child should know that he is loved.

As he ages, he needs verbal and tactile confirmation of your feelings. Often and regardless of the circumstances, you need to tell him about your love.

Even if the baby has done something undesirable, he should explain that the parents still love him, although they are very unpleasant one or another of his actions.

“An affectionate word is also pleasant for a cat,” therefore, words of love should reach the addressee at any age - this will create a feeling of a reliable rear for him.

Tip two: always listen and hear your child

Already at the age of three days, a little person has something to say, so new parents should not ignore his crying. A little later, the baby will begin to "walk", and the reaction of the parents to these sounds should be as if you started a conversation with an adult. Answer him, maintain, so to speak, a dialogue. Believe me, the baby will love it.

Over time, speech skills develop. His first sentences will be incoherent and frivolous, but mom and dad should always be ready to listen to such things. A small person should know that they are listening to him, and most importantly, they are hearing him. Thus, he will feel like a respected, significant person, even if in the eyes of adults it sounds ridiculous.

In the future, parents also should not dismiss the child, always be ready to listen to him, sort out problems and answer all questions. This is especially true of critical age periods:

  • three-year crisis;
  • Primary School;
  • puberty;
  • graduating from school and choosing an institute;
  • graduation from the institute, entry into an independent, adult life.

Somewhere in these points there will be the first grievances, and the first friends, and the first love, and the first dissatisfaction with yourself and your life. Everything should be listened to with patience, understanding and moral support.

The child should know that, despite the fact that he is the youngest among adults, he is valued and respected.

Tip #3: Praise your baby

Never leave a child without praise. He must see that none of his work is in vain. Of course, here one should adhere to the golden mean, so that the future member of society does not decide that he is a wizard and he does not care. But again, kind words work wonders.

Tip #4: Don't compare your child to other children

Of course, often parents are unhappy with their offspring, especially during the school period. And yet it is worth filtering everything that spins on the tongue. Comparing a child with another, more successful partner, adults provoke him to first prove his “goodness”, and then let everything take its course or, even worse, do everything “in spite of the ancestors”.

We must remember that before you is your child, your genes and your upbringing. Also, do not compare it with yourself and your achievements: each has its own capabilities, character and attendant circumstances.

Tip #5: Be careful with criticism

Of course, not a single educational process can do without criticism. But there is a difference between criticism and criticism, although in principle this is a very bad word. It is necessary not to criticize, but to suggest, making unobtrusive remarks. At the same time, the following must be observed:

  • firstly, make comments only if you yourself are clean as a glass on this point, otherwise, growing up, the child will dip you like a kitten in a bowl;
  • secondly, do it without rude words and raising your tone;
  • Thirdly, try to be as objective as possible in your judgments.

When the child begins to speak and understand you well, he should explain that in human society There is such a thing as "objective criticism". And even if it is paradoxical, you can’t get away from it, you just have to learn how to adequately perceive it.

These are the basic tips for those who want to raise a confident child. But, in addition to the above, you should also remember:

  • about promotion;
  • about adequate requirements, because children are just a continuation, or rather, even a “product” of their parents;
  • about your own example;
  • about support in undertakings;

We should not forget about the limits of permissibility. The child must know the limits of this in order to navigate in the space of adult life and not get into awkward situations. Teach your child kindness, empathy, responsiveness. But the most important thing is to always be a friend, helper and example.

A good disposition is the most valuable thing a person can possess. This is his happiness in both worlds, protection from the evil of people and the pleasure of Allah. The character of a person is his true face, for which he is responsible and accountable for every quality of his character.

We are influenced by those around us, our loved ones, friends, colleagues ... But the biggest impact we have on ourselves is through the way we understand, educate and criticize ourselves. This means that we must be aware of our mistakes and weaknesses as well as our strengths.

How to cultivate character and become the owner of a good disposition?

  1. Striving for the Good removes from obscenity and forbidden. A person who is aware of his position, who believes in his standing before Allah, the Day of Judgment, receiving what he has found in this world, cannot incur trouble and fall into sins. Allah said:

“And those who fight for Us, We will certainly lead in Our ways. Indeed, Allah is with those who do good!” (29:69) That is why a good disposition is part of Allah's guidance.

  1. Self control. This means analyzing what has been done, thinking before doing something, and studying one's behavior. It is impossible to keep something in order without looking after it, and the same goes for the behavior that hones our character. The term "control" best describes a believer who disciplines his actions and words.
  2. Striving for the best. Islam and the path of faith means the daily path and daily striving and improvement. This applies to our faith, character, behavior. In every situation, we must find ways to express ourselves with better side and gain the pleasure of Allah.
  3. Man is imperfect, he tends to err but the pursuit of a good disposition must not end if we stumble. Having made a mistake, you must immediately “wash it away” with something good, find an opportunity to commit a good deed. This is the only way to improve your character.

Self-confidence is a quality without which it is impossible to become a successful person. Of course, the basic qualities of character are laid down in childhood, but the main role in their development belongs to parents. Use the basic rules to help your child grow up as a confident person who can stand up for himself.

1. Do not interfere with the child's undertakings and always respect his desire to learn new things. Encourage any initiative, inspire self-confidence. If your toddler is learning a skill, be always ready to help, but don't say you know how to do it right. Just be there, tell me if you need it.

Observe the child's behavior, his aspirations and desires. Do not try to limit him in games, do not insist on what exactly you think is more useful for him. Give the child the opportunity to determine for himself what he wants to do (for example, music, sports or drawing).

2. Sincerely rejoice at any, even in your opinion, insignificant achievement of the baby. After all, for a child, in any case, this is a big breakthrough.

3. Talk with your baby on various topics: about good and evil, about friendship, about mutual assistance, about attitudes towards adults, about what adult life is and how it differs from childhood. Pay attention to sex education. Try to build your explanations in an accessible, understandable language for the child, do not prevaricate, be always frank. Children are very sensitive to falsehood.

4. Carefully listen to his opinion on each issue, respect him. If the child is mistaken, gently, without ridicule and reproaches, try to convince him. All this should take place in an atmosphere of goodwill.

5. Engage in the development of your child. Take time to read and discuss together interesting book, see good cartoon or a fairy tale.

6. Never compare your baby with other children in their presence, do not become an intermediary in relations between children, let them learn to communicate with each other themselves. You can only slightly correct their relationship in case of any problems.

7. Pay attention to your intra-family relationship with your husband. Keep in mind that children are very acutely experiencing all the problems in communicating with their parents. Therefore, try to show respect for each other, then the child will feel confident.

8. Consider individual characteristics your child. If by nature he is not endowed with a very sociable character, do not scold him for this, but help him deal with this problem by conducting classes that remove communication barriers.

9. Do not isolate the child from other children, do not keep him under a "glass jar", protecting him from all possible and impossible problems. The child must visit Kindergarten, various clubs and activities.

10. Treat him like a person, in which case he will be quite confident. And remember that happiness is too broad a concept to write its recipe on one sheet of paper. The main thing is to love your child, respect his rights, take care of him.

You will discover infinity, your spiritual world, your infinite dimension.

Every person asks himself: “Why am I alive?”. This question, in essence, is about its origin, about the source of life.

Man has long been curious about how history developed, what happened on Earth millions, billions of years ago, where we came from. But, in fact, the question of our origin is not about how our bodies arose in the process of evolution, but about the force that created us. By asking what we exist for, we raise the question of the future, the ultimate goal of our existence.

Questions about the meaning of life wake up in a person in childhood. This is a sign that, by nature, children are already ready to hear the answer to them, open to their decision. And to the extent that the child is ready, parents and the environment are obliged to satisfy his curiosity. Otherwise, he will remain an "animal", and his whole life will pass instinctively, monotonously, without any change, elevation above the animal level.

And they will roll: a kindergarten, a school, perhaps a university, some kind of job, a wife, children ... One person will be interested in football, another in religion, a third in science, and will live by these interests until his death. As a result, a person achieves nothing special in life and fills the lived years in accordance with what is priority in the current generation, in a particular era.

How can a person be helped to rise above his material interests so as not to live on the same plane for all 70 years of his existence?

Namely, by answering a person to the question: “What is the meaning of our life?”, which arose in him in childhood, he is, as it were, lifted a little above the material world. All people need an answer to this question, and each person, both a child and an adult, will absorb it according to his individual susceptibility, according to his structure and ability to absorb this information into this moment. After all, year after year, from generation to generation, a person is constantly improving. We see how much humanity has developed, what progress it has made. What makes this happen?

The fact is that the desires of people are intensifying all the time, the passion, the desire for money, fame, knowledge increases, and hence the question: “What is the meaning of our life?” itching everything with more importunity.

The people who ask this question today are not at all the same as those who asked it 200 or 2000 years ago. Their desire to know the answer about the meaning of life is already on a completely different level, since the question comes from a state of complete dejection, depression, confusion from unfulfilled hopes and is a consequence of previous development, the past experience of all generations.

The secular and religious education practiced in our time dulls the question of the meaning of existence in a person, programming everyone for the impeccable acceptance of the stated truths, observance of rules, customs, traditions and laws.

Instead of being imbued with this question, nurturing, living and developing it, a person follows the blind imitation of the performance of rituals. It doesn’t matter at all whether this framework is of a religious plan with a biased fulfillment of the commandments and the expectation of rewards in the future, or it is secular persuasion to get along with each other - all of the above are just distracting maneuvers from conscious, deep work on the main issue of life. It simply ceases to arise, suppressed by "opium" or fashionable secular currents. Modern education should be focused on ensuring that a person every moment throughout his life feels the need for analytical work, analyzing everything that happens from the point of view of compliance with the basic law of nature, asking again and again the question about the meaning of life and each time trying to find an extensive , full answer.

Unfortunately, a child not taught such inner work, does not change throughout his life, only his body wears out and becomes decrepit.

And it is said about this: “What to do with children who have grown old?” For they did not rise above the “animal” life, having existed on the same plane.

Only a conscious advance towards the goal can be called a "human" level, so let's cultivate a "Man" in ourselves!