1. Election of Michael

Immediately after the liberation of Moscow in October 1612, letters were sent to the cities about sending elected people to Moscow, 10 representatives from each city, for the "Sovereign's defrauding". By January 1613, elected representatives from 50 cities gathered in Moscow and, together with the higher clergy, the surviving boyars and representatives of Moscow, formed the Zemsky Sobor.

For more than a month, various candidates were proposed and discussions were going on. But on February 7, the Cossack ataman and two elected noblemen proposed to the Cathedral the name of the son of Metropolitan Filaret, 16-year-old Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. On February 21, 1613, Mikhail Romanov was proclaimed Tsar of the Muscovite State and the Cathedral swore an oath to him. Then ambassadors were sent from the Cathedral to Mikhail, who lived with his mother in the Ipatiev Monastery near Kostroma.

As soon as it became known that Mikhail Fedorovich had been elected to the throne, one detachment of Poles headed for Kostroma to find and kill Mikhail. When the Poles approached Kostroma, they began to ask people where Mikhail was. When Ivan Susanin, who was asked this question, asked the Poles why they needed to know this, they replied that they wanted to congratulate

new king with the election to the throne. But Susanin did not believe them and sent his grandson to warn Mikhail of the danger. He himself told the Poles this way: "There is no road here, let me lead you through the forest, along the middle path." The Poles were glad that now they could easily find Mikhail and went after Susanin.

The night passed, and Susanin kept leading and leading the Poles through the forest, and the forest became more and more deaf. The Poles rushed to Susanin, suspecting him of deceit. Then Susanin, in full confidence that the Poles would not be able to find their way out of the forest, said to them: Now you can do with me what you want; but know that the king is saved and you cannot reach him! The Poles killed Susanin, but they themselves died.

The family of Ivan Susanin was generously rewarded by the tsar. In memory of this self-sacrifice, the famous composer Glinka wrote the opera A Life for the Tsar, and a monument was erected to him in Kostroma, Susanin's homeland.

The ambassadors of the Council for a long time begged Michael and his mother (Michael's father, Metropolitan Filaret, was in Polish captivity) to become king. Mikhail's mother said that the Russian people were exhausted and would destroy Mikhail, like the former tsars. The ambassadors answered that the Russian people now well understand that without a tsar the state perishes. In the end, the ambassadors declared that if Mikhail and his mother did not agree, then Russia would perish through their fault. 4.Michael's reign

In difficult times, the young Tsar Michael had to rule. The entire western part of the state was devastated, the border regions were captured by enemies - Poles and Swedes. Gangs, and sometimes large detachments, Poles, thieves, and robbers roamed and robbed all over the state.

Therefore, the young and inexperienced Tsar Mikhail did not dissolve the Zemsky Sobor for 13 years and ruled jointly with him. Mikhail Fedorovich felt better when in 1619 his father returned from captivity and became "the great sovereign, patriarch of Moscow and All Russia." Until his death in 1633, Patriarch Filaret, in accordance with Russian tradition, helped Tsar Michael rule.

Since unrest continued in the Muscovite state for a long time, Tsar Mikhail always used the help of the Zemsky Sobor in governing the country. It should be said that the Zemsky Sobors played an exclusively deliberative role. In other words, the tsar consulted with the Zemsky Sobor on various issues, but made the final decisions himself, agreeing or disagreeing with the opinion of the Sobor.

Russian Zemsky Sobors consisted of three parts:

1. "Consecrated Cathedral", i.e. higher clergy.

2. "Boyar Duma", i.e. know.

3. "Earth", i.e. elected from "service" (nobility) and "taxable" free people - townspeople and peasants.

Zemsky Sobors of these times developed a tradition: the requests and wishes of the "land" were almost always fulfilled by the tsar, even when they were unprofitable for the boyars. Zemsky Sobors forever destroyed the dream of the "princes" of the "boyar tsar". The sole power of the king increased, but he always relied on the "land", i.e. people, and the "land" has always supported the king.

2. Return to order

Tsar Michael's first task was to restore order in the state. Astrakhan, occupied by the Cossacks of Zarutsky, who was trying to establish a Cossack state, was cleared of rebels. Marina Mnishek died in prison, and her son was executed along with Zarutsky.

The huge band of robbers of Ataman Balovnya reached Moscow, and only here it was defeated and most of his people were caught. Prince Pozharsky hunted for a long time for the Polish robber, Lisovsky, but it was not possible to disperse his gang until Lisovsky himself died.

It was very difficult to restore obedience and honesty among the governors and officials who were used to the anarchy of the Time of Troubles and tried to govern as they pleased.

Immediately after Moscow was liberated from the Poles, it was decided to proceed with the election of the tsar. Letters were sent throughout the cities with an invitation to send elected people to Moscow to accomplish a great deed.

When the elected people gathered, meetings began. First of all, it was decided to choose a "natural Russian sovereign, and not a foreign and non-infidel prince." In addition, they considered it possible to choose from the boyar families only the one that was not involved in the last troubles. As a result, it turned out that the tsar could only be elected from the family of the Romanov boyars, who, by kinship, were closest to the former royal family.

February 21, 1613, the week of Orthodoxy, elected for the last time gathered for a meeting to submit written opinions - and all unanimously pointed to the young Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov as a "natural sovereign." Then the higher clergy and the boyars went up to Lobnoye Mesto and asked the people who had gathered on Red Square: “Whom do you want to be king?” In response to this, the entire square resounded with loud cries: “Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov will be the tsar-sovereign of the Muscovite state and the entire Russian state!”

Immediately after that, a prayer service was served in the Assumption Cathedral and many years were proclaimed to the newly elected tsar, and then all the elected, boyars and people took the oath to him. Letters were sent to all cities with a notice of the election of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom. The young tsar was at that time in Kostroma and an embassy was sent to him from all the Russian land - "to invite him to the kingdom."

Upon arrival in Kostroma on March 13, 1613, the embassy went to the Ipatiev Monastery, where sixteen-year-old Mikhail Fedorovich lived with his mother, nun Marfa. After a prayer service in the cathedral church, the embassy presented the elected tsar with a letter from all the Russian land and invited him to go to Moscow to take the throne. However, young Mikhail and his mother refused. Nun Marfa, on behalf of her son, said that he “has no idea of ​​being a sovereign, that he is not yet in his perfect years, and the people of the Muscovite state have become exhausted - they swore faithful service to the former sovereigns and betrayed all of them.” In support of her words, she recalled the betrayal of Godunov and the removal of Shuisky from the throne. “Besides,” added nun Martha, “the entire Moscow state has been devastated by the Polish and Lithuanian people, the royal treasures and treasury have been plundered, so that the tsar has nothing to favor service people and fight against enemies.”

To this, the ambassadors replied that the former sovereigns - both Boris Godunov and Vasily Shuisky - “came to the throne at their own will,” and the current king was chosen by the whole Earth to reign “not at his own will, but at the will of God.” At the same time, the ambassadors added that “all the people of the Muscovite state have now been punished and have come into union,” and with tears they prayed to Mikhail Fedorovich and nun Martha so that the young tsar “does not remove the will of God from himself if he does not want God to exact the final destruction and ruin of the entire state.

Then Mikhail Fedorovich and his mother said that "they rely on the righteous, incomprehensible fate of God in everything." The mother blessed her son, and Mikhail Fedorovich accepted the royal staff from the archbishop. Shortly thereafter, the young tsar went to Moscow, where he was married to the kingdom on June 11, 1613.

From the Romanov dynasty. At the end of February 1613, he would be chosen as the ruler of the Russian kingdom at the Zemsky Sobor. He became king not by ancestral heritage, not by seizing power, and not by his own will.

Mikhail Fedorovich was chosen by God and people, and at that time he was only 16 years old. His reign came at a very difficult time. Mikhail Fedorovich, by the will of fate, had to solve serious economic and political problems: to bring the country out of the chaos in which it was after the Time of Troubles, to raise and strengthen the national economy, to preserve the territories of the Fatherland, torn apart. And most importantly - to arrange and secure the house of the Romanovs on the Russian throne.

Romanov dynasty. Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov

In the Romanov family, the boyar Fyodor Nikitich, who later became Xenia Ivanovna (Shestova), had a son on July 12, 1596. They named him Michael. The Romanov family was related to and was very famous and rich. This boyar family owned vast estates not only in northern and central Russia, but also on the Don and in Ukraine. At first, Mikhail lived with his parents in Moscow, but in 1601 his family fell out of favor and was disgraced. Boris Godunov, who was ruling at that time, was informed that the Romanovs were preparing a conspiracy and wanted to kill him with the help of a magic potion. The massacre followed immediately - many representatives of the Romanov family were arrested. In June 1601, a verdict was passed at the meeting: Fyodor Nikitich and his brothers: Alexander, Mikhail, Vasily and Ivan - should be deprived of their property, forcibly cut into monks, exiled and imprisoned in various places remote from the capital.

Fyodor Nikitich was sent to the Antoniev-Siysky Monastery, which was located in a deserted, deserted place 165 miles from Arkhangelsk, up the Dvina River. It was there that Father Mikhail Fedorovich was cut into monks and named Filaret. The mother of the future autocrat, Xenia Ivanovna, was accused of complicity in a crime against the tsarist government and sent into exile in the Novgorod district, in the Tol-Yegorevsky churchyard, which belonged to the Vazhitsky monastery. Here she was cut into a nun, named Martha and imprisoned in a small building surrounded by a high palisade.

Mikhail Fedorovich's exile on Beloozero

Little Mikhail, who was in his sixth year at that time, was exiled along with his eight-year-old sister Tatyana Fedorovna and aunts, Martha Nikitichnaya Cherkasskaya, Uliana Semyonova and Anastasia Nikitichnaya, to Beloozero. There the boy grew up in extremely harsh conditions, malnourished, endured deprivation and need. In 1603, Boris Godunov somewhat softened the sentence and allowed Mikhail's mother, Marfa Ivanovna, to come to Beloozero to the children.

And some time later, the autocrat allowed the exiles to move to the Yuryev-Polsky district, to the village of Klin, the native patrimony of the Romanov family. In 1605, False Dmitry I, who seized power, wishing to confirm his relationship with the Romanov family, returned to Moscow its surviving representatives from exile, including Mikhail's family, and himself. Fyodor Nikitich was granted the Rostov Metropolis.

Trouble. The state of siege of the future tsar in Moscow

In difficult times from 1606 to 1610, Vasily Shuisky ruled. During this period, many dramatic events took place in Russia. In particular, the movement of "thieves" appeared and grew, a peasant uprising, led by I. Bolotnikov. Some time later, he teamed up with a new impostor, the "Tushino thief" False Dmitry II. The Polish intervention began. The troops of the Commonwealth captured Smolensk. The boyars overthrew Shuisky from the throne because he thoughtlessly concluded the Vyborg Treaty with Sweden. Under this agreement, the Swedes agreed to help Russia fight against False Dmitry, and in return received the territory of the Kola Peninsula. Unfortunately, the conclusion of the Treaty of Vyborg did not save Russia - the Poles defeated the Russian-Swedish troops in the Battle of Klushino and opened up approaches to Moscow.

At this time, the boyars ruling the country swore allegiance to the son of the king of the Commonwealth, Sigismund, Vladislav. The country split into two camps. In the period from 1610 to 1613, an anti-Polish popular uprising arose. In 1611, it was formed under the leadership of Lyapunov, but it was defeated on the outskirts of Moscow. In 1612, a second militia was created. It was headed by D. Pozharsky and K. Minin. At the end, a terrible battle took place, in which the Russian troops won. Hetman Khodkevich retreated to Sparrow Hills. By the end of October, the Russian militia cleared Moscow of the Poles who had settled in it, who were waiting for help from Sigismund. The Russian boyars, including Mikhail Fedorovich and his mother Martha, who were captured, exhausted by hunger and deprivation, were finally released.

Attempted murder of Mikhail Fedorovich

After the hardest Moscow siege, Mikhail Fedorovich left for the Kostroma estate. Here, the future tsar almost died at the hands of a gang of Poles who were in and were looking for a way to Domnino. Mikhail Fedorovich was saved by the peasant Ivan Susanin, who volunteered to show the robbers the way to the future tsar and led them in the opposite direction, to the swamps.

And the future tsar took refuge in the Yusupov monastery. Ivan Susanin was tortured, but he never revealed Romanov's whereabouts. That was how difficult the childhood and adolescence of the future king, who at the age of 5 was forcibly separated from his parents and, with his mother and father alive, became an orphan, experienced the hardships of isolation from the outside world, the horrors of a state of siege and hunger.

Zemsky Sobor of 1613 Election of Mikhail Fedorovich to the kingdom

After the expulsion of the interventionists by the boyars and the people's militia, led by Prince Pozharsky, a decision was made on the need to choose a new tsar. On February 7, 1613, at the preliminary election, a nobleman from Galich proposed to enthrone Filaret's son, Mikhail Fedorovich. Of all the applicants, he was closest in kinship to the Rurik family. Messengers were sent to many cities to find out the opinion of the people. On February 21, 1613, the final elections were held. The people decided: "To be the sovereign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov." Having made such a decision, they equipped an embassy to notify Mikhail Fedorovich of his election as king. On March 14, 1613, the ambassadors, accompanied by a religious procession, came to the Ipatiev Monastery and nun Marfa. Long persuasion finally succeeded, and Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov agreed to become tsar. Only on May 2, 1613, did the sovereign's magnificent solemn entry into Moscow take place - when, in his opinion, the capital and the Kremlin were already ready to receive him. On July 11, a new autocrat, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, was crowned king. The solemn ceremony took place in the Assumption Cathedral.

The beginning of the reign of the sovereign

Mikhail Fedorovich took the reins of government in a torn, ruined and impoverished country. In difficult times, the people needed just such an autocrat - generous, charming, gentle, kind and at the same time generous in spiritual qualities. It's not for nothing that people called him "meek." The personality of the tsar contributed to the strengthening of the power of the Romanovs. The domestic policy of Mikhail Fedorovich at the beginning of his reign was aimed at restoring order in the country. An important task was to eliminate gangs of robbers rampant everywhere. A real war was waged with the ataman of the Cossacks Ivan Zarutsky, which eventually ended in capture and subsequent execution. The question of the peasants was acute. In 1613, the distribution of state lands to the needy was carried out.

Important strategic decisions - armistice with Sweden

The foreign policy of Mikhail Fedorovich was focused on the conclusion of a truce with Sweden and the end of the war with Poland. In 1617, the Stolbovsky Treaty was drawn up. This document officially ended the war with the Swedes, which lasted for three years. Now the Novgorod lands were divided between the Russian kingdom (the captured cities returned to him: Veliky Novgorod, Ladoga, Gdov, Porkhov, Staraya Russa, as well as the Sumer region) and the Kingdom of Sweden (he got Ivangorod, Koporye, Yam, Korela, Oreshek, Neva). In addition, Moscow had to pay Sweden a serious sum - 20 thousand silver rubles. The Peace of Stolbov cut off the country from the Baltic Sea, but for Moscow, the conclusion of this truce allowed it to continue its war with Poland.

The end of the Russian-Polish war. Return of Patriarch Filaret

The Russo-Polish war lasted with varying success, starting in 1609. In 1616, the enemy army, led by Vladislav Vaza and hetman Jan Khodkevich, invaded Russian borders, wanting to overthrow Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich from the throne. It could only reach Mozhaisk, where it was suspended. Since 1618, the army of Ukrainian Cossacks, led by Hetman P. Sahaydachny, joined the army. Together they launched an assault on Moscow, but it was unsuccessful. Detachments of the Poles withdrew and settled down next to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. As a result, the parties agreed to negotiations, and on December 11, 1618, a truce was signed in the village of Deulino, which put an end to the Russian-Polish war. The terms of the treaty were unfavorable, but the Russian government agreed to accept them in order to end internal instability and restore the country. Under the treaty, Russia ceded Roslavl, Dorogobuzh, Smolensk, Novgorod-Seversky, Chernihiv, Serpeysk and other cities to the Commonwealth. Also during the negotiations, it was decided to exchange prisoners. On July 1, 1619, an exchange of prisoners was carried out on the Polyanovka River, and Filaret, the tsar's father, finally returned to his homeland. Some time later he was consecrated to the rank of patriarch.

Dual power. Wise decisions of two rulers of the Russian land

The so-called dual power was established in the Russian kingdom. Together with his father-patriarch, Mikhail Fedorovich began to rule the state. He, like the king himself, was given the title of "great sovereign."

At the age of 28, Mikhail Fedorovich married Maria Vladimirovna Dolgoruky. However, she died a year later. For the second time, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich married Evdokia Lukyanovna Streshneva. During the years of marriage, she bore him ten children. In general, the policy of Mikhail Fedorovich and Filaret was aimed at centralizing power, restoring the economy and filling the treasury. In June 1619, it was decided that taxes would be taken from the devastated lands according to sentinel or scribe books. It was decided to again conduct a census of the population to establish the exact amount of tax collections. Scribes and watchers were sent to the region. During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, in order to improve the tax system, scribe books were compiled twice. Since 1620, governors and elders began to be appointed in the localities, who kept order.

Restoration of Moscow

During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, the capital and other cities, destroyed during the Time of Troubles, were gradually restored. In 1624, the Stone Pavilion and the striking clock over the Spasskaya Tower were built, and the Filaret Belfry was built. In 1635-1636, stone mansions were erected for the king and his offspring in place of the old wooden ones. 15 churches were built on the territory from the Nikolsky to the Spassky Gates. In addition to the restoration of the destroyed cities, the policy of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was aimed at further enslavement of the peasants. In 1627, a law was created that allowed the nobles to transfer their lands by inheritance (for this it was necessary to serve the king). In addition, a five-year investigation of fugitive peasants was established, which in 1637 was extended to 9 years, and in 1641 to 10 years.

Creation of new army regiments

An important activity of Mikhail Fedorovich was the creation of a regular national army. In the 30s. In the 17th century, "shelves of the new system" appeared. They also included free people, and foreigners were accepted for the position of officers. In 1642, the training of military people in a foreign system began. In addition, reytarsky, soldier and cavalry regiments began to form. Also, two Moscow elective regiments were created, which were later named Lefortovsky and Butyrsky (from the settlements in which they were located).

Industry development

In addition to creating an army, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov sought to develop various crafts in the country. The government began to call on foreign industrialists (miners, foundry workers, gunsmiths) on preferential terms. The Nemetskaya Sloboda was founded in Moscow, where engineers and foreign military men lived and worked. In 1632, a factory was built for casting cannonballs and cannons near Tula. Textile production also developed: the Velvet Yard opened in Moscow. Here, velvet work was trained. Textile production was launched in Kadashevskaya Sloboda.

Instead of a conclusion

Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov died at the age of 49. It happened on July 12, 1645. The result of his government activities was the calming of the state, agitated by the Time of Troubles, the establishment of centralized power, raising prosperity, restoring the economy, industry and trade. During the reign of the first Romanov, wars with Sweden and Poland were stopped, and, in addition, diplomatic relations were established with the states of Europe.

History of Russia from Rurik to Putin. People. Developments. Dates Anisimov Evgeniy Viktorovich

The election of Mikhail Romanov as tsar and his first steps

The Zemsky Sobor, convened in January 1613 (it was attended by representatives from 50 cities and the clergy), immediately decided: do not elect a non-Christian to the throne. Many worthy people claimed the throne. However, 16-year-old Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was chosen from all of them, who at that moment was not even in Moscow. On the other hand, the former Tushins and Cossacks advocated for him especially zealously and even aggressively. The last participants of the Zemsky Sobor were afraid - everyone knew the irrepressible power of the Cossack freemen. Another candidate for king, one of the leaders of the Home Guard, Prince D.T. Trubetskoy, tried to please the Cossacks and win their support. He arranged plentiful feasts, but received nothing but ridicule from them in return. The Cossacks, who boldly walked around Moscow in armed crowds, looked at Mikhail as the son of the “Tushino Patriarch” Filaret, who was close to them, believing that he would be obedient to their leaders. However, Mikhail suited many others as well - Russian society craved peace, certainty and mercy. Everyone remembered that Mikhail came from a family revered for the kindness of the first wife of Ivan the Terrible, Anastasia - "Dove".

The decision to elect Mikhail was made by the zemstvo on February 7, and on February 21, 1613, after a solemn procession through the Kremlin and a prayer service in the Assumption Cathedral, Mikhail was officially elected to the kingdom. For Trubetskoy, the victory of Mikhail's party was a terrible blow. According to a contemporary, he turned black with grief and fell ill for 3 months. Still - the crown for Trubetskoy was lost forever. The cathedral sent a deputation to Kostroma, to Mikhail. Sent on behalf of the whole earth, they called the young man to the kingdom.

By the time the deputation arrived in Kostroma, Mikhail and his mother, nun Marfa, lived in the Ipatiev Monastery. This ancient monastery was founded in 1330, when the noble Tatar Chet camped near Kostroma. At night, the Mother of God appeared to him. Chet immediately converted to Orthodoxy, and on the site of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God he founded a monastery, called Ipatiev Trinity. This Tatar Chet, who became Zakhar in Orthodoxy, was the ancestor of Boris Godunov. It was here on April 14, 1613 that the Moscow delegation met with Martha and her son Mikhail.

A member of the embassy, ​​Avraamiy Palitsyn, said that the tsar’s mother did not agree to let her son go to the kingdom for a long time, and she can be understood: although the country was in a terrible situation, Martha, knowing the fate of Michael’s predecessors, was very worried about the future of her unintelligent 16-year-old son. But the deputation implored Marfa Ivanovna so fervently that she finally gave her consent. And on May 2, 1613, Mikhail Fedorovich entered Moscow, and on July 11 he was married to the kingdom.

The young king at first did not rule independently. Everything was decided for him by the Boyar Duma, behind his back were relatives who received prominent places at court; the role of the mother, the “Great old woman” Martha, a strong-willed and stern woman, was also great. She became abbess of the Kremlin Ascension Monastery. Everyone was waiting for the return of the tsar's father, Patriarch Filaret, who was languishing in Polish captivity. But this did not happen soon.

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