In addition to the above mandatory characteristics and requirements, scientific knowledge is guided by a number of methodological principles.

The main ones are:

1. The principle of objectivity. This is the requirement to consider the object as it is, regardless of the opinion and desire of the subject.

2. The principle of universal communication. This is a requirement to consider an object and take into account in working with it, as far as possible, the maximum number of its internal and external links.

3. The principle of development. This is a requirement to carry out cognition and take into account in activity that the object itself, the science that studies it, as well as the thinking of the cognizing subject develops.

When asserting something about an object, one should consider:

a) what his state or stage of development is in question in a particular case;

b) using a scientific statement, take into account that it belongs to the development of knowledge at any of its stages, in a certain historical period, and could already change.

4. The principle of integrity. This is a requirement to consider the object in terms of the dominance of the whole over the part.

5. The principle of consistency. This requirement is to consider the object systematically, taking into account its own system characteristics, where both the properties of the elements themselves and the connections between them are important and essential for the characteristics of the system. It is also important that the general, systemic characteristics as a whole can decisively influence the elements and relationships.

6. The principle of determinism. This requirement is to consider and include in the activity the object as a product of a complex of causes. It also takes into account the fact that all scientific provisions are formulated according to such a logical scheme: if this happens, then this will happen.

Of great importance for understanding scientific knowledge is the analysis of the means of obtaining and storing knowledge. The means of obtaining knowledge are the methods of scientific knowledge. What is a method?

There are equal definitions of the method in the literature. We will use the one that, in our opinion, is suitable for the analysis of natural science. Method - it is a mode of action of the subject, aimed at the theoretical and practical mastery of the object.

Under subject in the broad sense of the word, all of humanity in its development is understood. In the narrow sense of the word, the subject is a separate person, armed with the knowledge and means of cognition of his era. The subject can also be a certain scientific team, an informal group of scientists. Under object everything that is included in the sphere of cognitive activity of the subject is understood. In the empirical, i.e. In experimental natural science, an object is some kind of fragment of reality. In theoretical natural science, an object is a logical construction of fragments of reality. We already know that these will be ideal models of fragments of reality or idealizations of certain real objects.

Any method is determined by the rules of the subject's action, which are based on certain known objective laws. Methods without subject action rules do not exist. Consider, for example, the method of spectral analysis. It is based on such an objective regularity: any chemical element with a certain temperature gives a radiative emission or absorption spectrum, which has a number of characteristic lines.

Suppose we have a mixture whose chemical composition is unknown. Taking the spectrum of this mixture and comparing it with known standards, we can easily determine the composition of the mixture. Even this elementary example shows that people strive to turn any knowledge into a method of obtaining new knowledge.

A method is a set of rules based on a certain pattern.

There may be an incorrect application of the method. This happens when the method is used where the pattern on which it is based does not work.

The methods used in natural science can be divided into:

general scientific - these are methods that are used in all natural sciences (for example, hypothesis, experiment, etc.); private methods are methods used only in narrow areas of specific natural sciences. For example, the method of integration by parts, the method of conditional reflexes, etc.
empirical theoretical
Observation, experiment, measurement - comparison of objects, according to some similar properties or sides. Description - fixation by means of natural and artificial language of information about the object. Comparison - simultaneous correlative study and evaluation of properties or features common to two or more objects. Formalization is the construction of abstract mathematical models that reveal the essence of the studied processes of reality. Axiomatization is the construction of theories based on axioms. Hypothetical-deductive - the creation of a system of deductively interconnected hypotheses, from which statements about empirical facts are derived.

The specification of the application of any method is methodology in the narrow sense of the word. For example, one of the integration methods, as we have already said, is integration by parts. Suppose we need to calculate the integral. It is taken in parts. Recall the formula for integration by parts . In our example and = x, A dv = sinx dx. This is an example of a methodology in the narrow sense of the word as a specification of a certain method.

The choice and application of methods and techniques in research work depends on the nature of the phenomenon under study and on the tasks that the researcher sets himself. In scientific research, not only a good method is important, but also the skill of its application.

There is no rigid connection between the method and the object under study. If it were, then progress in methods for solving the same problems would be impossible.

Under methodology in the broad sense of the word, they understand the doctrine of the method, i.e. the theory of the method itself.

In the theory of the method, at least the following problems must be solved:

What is the pattern on which the method is based?

What are the rules of the subject's action (their meaning and sequence) that make up the essence of the method?

What is the class of problems that can be solved using this method?

What are the limits of applicability of the method?

How is this method related to other methods? For science in general, including natural science, it is important to know not only the theory of individual methods, but also the theory of the entire system of methods used in natural science or in its separate branch. Therefore, the most complete definition of methodology is as follows: methodology is a system of principles and methods for organizing and constructing theoretical and practical activities, as well as the doctrine of this system.

In general, many different definitions of the methodology of science have been proposed. In our opinion, we can proceed from the following definition of methodology: science methodology- this is a scientific discipline that provides a fairly complete and usable knowledge about the properties, structures, patterns of emergence, functioning and development of scientific knowledge systems, as well as their relationships and applications.

There are various methodology levels. Philosophical level methodology is a general system of principles and regulations of human activity. They are set by the theory of knowledge, which is developed within the framework of philosophy.

Distinguish content and formal methodology natural science knowledge.

The structure of scientific knowledge and scientific theory;

Laws of generation, functioning and change of scientific theories;

The conceptual framework of science and its individual disciplines;

Characteristics of explanation schemes adopted in science;

Theories of methods of science;

Conditions and criteria of scientific character;

The formal aspects of the methodology are related to the analysis:

The language of science formalized methods of cognition;

Structures of scientific explanation and description.

Methodological analysis can be carried out at the specific scientific and philosophical levels, the latter being the highest and defining level of methodologies. Why?

At the philosophical level, the analysis is carried out in the context of solving the fundamental worldview problems of a person's relationship to reality, the place and significance of a person in the world.

Problems to be solved here:

The relationship of knowledge to reality;

The relationship of the subject to the object in cognition;

Places and roles of these forms of knowledge or methods of research in the system of man's cognitive attitude to the world.

The problems of the scientific method were widely discussed already in the period of the formation of experimental natural science. So, in the Renaissance, it was realized that the scientific method includes experimental (experimental) and theoretical principles, the latter being embodied primarily in mathematics.

The development of the theoretical basis of the scientific method was accompanied by the development of powerful research tools. “A theory,” writes L. de Broglie, “must also have its own tools in order to be able to formulate its concepts in a rigorous form and strictly derive proposals from them that could be accurately compared with the results of an experiment; but these tools are mainly tools of an intellectual order, mathematical tools, so to speak, which the theory gradually received thanks to the development of arithmetic, geometry and analysis and which do not cease to multiply and improve ”(De Broglie L. On the paths of science. - M., 1962, p. 163).

What is the value of mathematics for natural science?

In the process of the development of knowledge, there is a change in those mathematical disciplines that interact most strongly with natural science. At the same time, it is very important that mathematics can prepare new forms "for the future". The example of the mathematization of physics says not only that certain physical theories have their own mathematics. Most notably, the relevant branches of mathematics in their main outlines often arose independently and before the advent of these theories themselves. Moreover, the use of these branches of mathematics was a necessary condition for the development of new areas of research. Mathematics anticipated the development of physics. In the history of physics, surprising coincidences between the results of mathematics and experimental reality have occurred more than once. It is in this anticipation that the whole force of the instrumental character of mathematics is manifested.

The gradual mastery of the principles of the scientific method in the Renaissance led natural science to develop the first scientific theories as relatively integral conceptual systems. These were, first of all, Newton's classical mechanics, and then classical thermodynamics, classical electrodynamics, and, finally, the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Scientific theories are the main form of expression of knowledge. In physical and mathematical natural science, the development of theories is the result of the persistent application of mathematics and the painstaking development of experiment. The development of theory had a significant rebound effect on the very method of science.

scientific method became inseparable from scientific theory, its application and development. The true scientific method is theory in action. Quantum mechanics is not only a reflection of the properties and patterns of physical processes on an atomic scale, but also the most important method for further knowledge of microprocesses. A geneticist is not only a reflection of the properties and patterns of the phenomena of heredity and variability in the development of living systems, but also the most important method of understanding the deep foundations of life.

To fulfill the function of a method, a theory must satisfy the following requirements:

1) be fundamentally verifiable;

2) have maximum generality;

3) have predictive power;

4) be fundamentally simple;

5) be systematic.

In concluding this question, we note that especially in our time it is important not just to pose, for example, environmental problems, but to develop ways, methods and means of their real solution. And it is extremely important that it is physics that is the testing ground on which new means of cognition are born and tested, the foundations of the scientific method are improved.

In educational practice, various goals are set and achieved, many tasks are solved based on various methods, techniques or technologies. This fact is explained by the well-known circumstance that in order to achieve the same goal, you can use different technologies, methods or techniques, means or procedures, the use of which, however, can give a different effect, require more or less time, human or material resources and costs. .

In order to optimize the process of achieving a specific goal in the conditions of the educational process at the level of the teacher’s activity, to increase the effect of their application, scientists and specialists in the field of education turned to the phenomenon of “technology” and an explanation of the differences between this term and the traditionally used ones - “method” and “methodology” .

The "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" gives the following meanings of the term " method»:

The path of research or knowledge.

A set of techniques or operations of practical or theoretical mastery of reality, subject to the solution of a specific problem.

It is important for us that the method always has a certain structure, adequately to which actions are performed, therefore it is the instrumental genesis of the emergence of technology used in educational practice.

To understand the specifics of a particular method, it is important to understand its structure, which sets the logic for selecting and embedding the order of all actions of the subjects of the educational process. The method (problem method, dialogue method, cooperation method, etc.) determines the specific form of organization of the activities of the subjects of the educational process within the framework of the technology being created and applied for certain purposes (training, communication, development)

Methodology acts as an organizing principle in the construction of the professional and pedagogical activity of the teacher. It is described, as a rule, without taking into account the mechanisms and patterns underlying the achievement of the goal with its help. Unlike pedagogical methodology based on predictive knowledge about the mechanisms for obtaining the desired result, the source of the emergence of a new methodology is most often the generalization of the positive innovative practical experience of specific carriers of one or another method of pedagogical activity. Often, a methodological description is taken on faith on the basis of the professional authority of the creators (carriers) without scientific justification or explanation of its creation, specifics and effectiveness, for example, the methodology of the famous innovatory teachers of the late 20th century. (V.F. Shatalov and others).

If the technology appears as a fact of the pedagogical culture of the community of professional teachers, then the methodology reflects the experience of a particular subject, being the property of the local culture of individual teachers and the fact of pedagogical skill and creativity in solving a certain type of pedagogical problems. Only at the level of gradual generalization (it would be more accurate to say - socialization) of this experience does the methodology become widely used and known. However, the effectiveness of a particular technique depends on the degree of its manufacturability, on the ability to cause the desired, desired, pre-planned pedagogical result.

In understanding technologies there is still no single point of view, and various aspects are reflected in the following definitions:

■ procedural embodiment of the components of the organized pedagogical process in the form of a system of actions;

■ cycle or algorithm of actions of the subjects of the educational process;

■possibility of building a pedagogical system based on a certain set of techniques;

■reduction of educational goals to the goals of a particular teacher's activity in implementing the state educational standard at the level of a specific academic discipline or fragment of the educational process organized to implement the educational program and successfully master it or to solve other equally important educational tasks;

■a way to implement a specific process in educational practice by dividing it into a system of sequential, interrelated procedures and operations that are unambiguously performed by the subjects of this process;

■ designing and evaluating educational processes, taking into account human, time and other resources in achieving the effectiveness of education and its goals.

When expedient and productive systems of action, verified and meaningful in the experience of several generations, gradually acquire an impersonal, instrumental character and can be reproduced in the activities of any professional, subject to his appropriate training and observance of the recommended rules and restrictions, such a system acquires signs of technology.

In view of what has been said in the broadest sense, we propose to understand technology as “the phased implementation of a particular method or principle using certain forms of work. With the same principle, there may be different technologies for its implementation. The unit in determining the specifics of technology can be considered the method of achieving the set goal and its structure, and the principle that is guided by this leads to a theoretical level of understanding of this phenomenon in the course of designing a system of actions, the structure of which is adequate to the chosen method.

The level of generalization in disclosing the specifics of technologies used in the field of education has increased with the following highlighting: requirements.

Conceptuality- reliance on a scientific concept, including philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification of ways to achieve an educational goal.

Consistency- the logic of the process of achieving the goal, the interconnection of its parts, ensuring the integrity and cyclicity of actions.

Controllability- the ability to design and correct.

Reproduction of a system of actions - the possibility of application by other subjects in other similar conditions of educational institutions or educational environment.

Efficiency in achieving the educational goal is effectiveness.

Identification of features of technologies used in educational practice allows for the possibility of constructing a methodology and a set of evaluation procedures to determine the effectiveness of their application in educational practice, and expands the possibilities for the search and development of new technologies.

All groups of features are interconnected in their manifestations in a certain way and together they are able to provide a holistic and complete description of the technologies used in educational practice. They are accepted as significant characteristics for highlighting educational technologies and evaluating the effectiveness of their application.

Efficiency is the main feature of any technology. The effectiveness of the technology used as an action procedure has specific socio-anthropological, strategic, logical, instrumental prerequisites and is based on a property that can be described as the ability of the subject of the educational process to effectively (with the best results and minimal time and resources) to make planned changes in accordance with the set purpose. In this regard, the phenomenon of manufacturability in the activity of the subject is the effect of “getting” into the field of action of the laws of achieving the goal, and it manifests itself in the implemented logic (sequence) of the implementation of actions. This means that, on the one hand, technology makes it possible to comprehensively predict the behavior and situation, based on knowledge of the nature of the development of a particular phenomenon (process). On the other hand, any technology ensures the actualization and regulation of internal processes occurring with the object (or subject) of pedagogical influence. For example, the effectiveness of stimulating schoolchildren to independence on the part of the teacher in the educational process is due to an understanding of the patterns of emergence of motivations for independent educational activities, and the adaptability of educational work (pupil or student) is due to reliance on the patterns of formation of educational actions. It should also be taken into account that each technology has temporal and spatial boundaries of effective application.

The use of a program, algorithm or cycle of actions to describe the structure of technologically built actions makes it more flexible and mobile. That is, it is possible to single out technologies based on the logical principle of building a system of actions (a teacher with students or a university teacher with students), they are called "hard" technologies (systems). Orientation to the humanitarian principle allows us to consider and describe the structures of technologies used in educational practice as "soft" - systems of actions that can adapt to environmental conditions and take into account the individual psychological characteristics of subjects, while retaining their characteristic features, features and properties. Of course, for the effective use of both "hard" and "soft" educational technologies, the teacher's intuition, the human factor and human resource play an important role.

Note that if pedagogical art is associated to a greater extent with methodology, individual experience and a peculiar style in the work of a professional, then pedagogical skill is achieved through mastery of effective methods and technologies and their skillful application.

In the literature, one can find various options for correlating the concepts of "method", "technique", "technology", which was to some extent mentioned above.

The question of the relationship between the method, technique and technology of teaching is being actively discussed, but the opinions of experts can actually be reduced to two main positions.

The first position is based on the priority of the method in a broad sense and recognizes the function of the technical or procedural embodiment of the method in the practice of the teacher's work.

The second position recognizes technology as a systemic phenomenon in which the method and technique act as elements of an integral system. Proponents of the second position orient the teacher towards a systematic unification of ideas, they are guided by it when choosing and structuring ways to organize their activities and the activities of other subjects of the educational process, as well as resources to achieve the educational goal. At the same time, supporters of both the first and second positions associate the understanding of technology to a greater extent with the methods and means of the work of a school or university teacher.

Recently, the problem of distinguishing between technology and methodology has become more acute.

The first position - the concepts of "technology" and "methodology" are considered as identical or at least interchangeable elevations (N.E. Shchurkova).

The second position - the concept of "technology" is considered as a broader concept than "method", which can be an element of a particular technology. In these cases, their different level ratios are considered.

The third position - a private and specific technique is considered within the framework of a more general technology. So, according to V.P. Bespalko, diagnostic technique is the starting point for the development of any pedagogical technology.

The fourth position - technology - a specific component of the methodology. In this sense, technology is the logical core of the methodology, its original basis.

Fifth position - technology as a form of implementation of the methodology.

Sixth position - technology is understood as a rational (rather stable) combination of several sequentially applied operations to obtain a product. In this sense, it becomes close to the concept of "specific methodology". For example, the level of a specific methodology (methods of teaching English) is its most technologically advanced level.

Seventh position - on the basis of the same technology, various methods can be built, differing in tasks and content of activities, as well as tactical variations in the use of individual technological procedures. That is, the same technological chain can have different methodological instrumentation. For example, the technology of modular education, project technology can be specified in the methodology of modular development of the course of history, in the methodology of organizing a telecommunications project. Another example: the technology of collective activity, the technology of business and role-playing games, the technology of psychological and pedagogical trainings can be used as the basis for the methodology of training a specialist.

Eighth position - the technology itself can exist independently, regardless of the methodology, spontaneously, if it does not "fit" into an integral system of organizing activities, obeying a consciously chosen strategy and tactics of activity, for example, the technology of problem-based or programmed learning.

Summing up the analysis of the problem of the correlation of method, methodology and technology, we note that they all have the property of consistency:

■ the method underlying this or that technology reveals the structural aspect of all actions performed;

■ the methodology is implemented in educational practice with the help of a certain system of methods and techniques;

■ technology has a certain system of prescriptions that are guaranteed to lead to the goal, i.e. instrumentation of all actions to achieve it.

The term “technique” should be distinguished from the concept of “technology”, which denotes the specifics and level of performance by the subject of the educational process of certain types of activities (communication technique, computer technique, etc.).

If we analyze different interpretations of the term "technology" in education, we can find trends in changing their content, which is essentially represented by different aspects that reflect the direction of development and semantic enrichment of the category under consideration.

The first aspect is technical and instrumental. It is characterized by the fact that the concept of "technology" in content is reduced to the technical means that are used in the educational process - sound recording, educational cinema, television, etc. The search for ways to use technical means in education determined the possibility of highlighting a special area, which was called " technology in education. In this sense, the developers of new technologies started from the possibilities of developing technical means as the starting point for building the educational process. Supporters of the aspect under consideration are guided by the choice of means that ensure the effectiveness of the educational process, the possibility of achieving educational results by a system of different, including technical, means.

The second aspect - functional and procedural - is, in fact, the actual technological approach to building a university educational process, in which methods, means and conditions can perform different functions in achieving the same educational goal. It is no coincidence that supporters of this aspect believe that a teacher can use different technologies to achieve the same goal. Within the framework of the functional and procedural aspect, technology is characterized as the process of choosing and using a certain system of means necessary to achieve the goal set by the teacher in a certain logic set by the teacher, the effectiveness of which will be achieved only under certain specified conditions. One of the results of this understanding of technology was the orientation of educators towards determining the ways of pre-planned step-by-step and procedural achievement of goals, as opposed to the vagueness of goals at the level of only ideas and declarations. Within the framework of the considered aspect, it can be said that the technologies used in educational practice reveal reproducible moments of the organization of the educational process and the process of teaching specific academic disciplines, managing the process of mastering the educational program, their communication or development.

The scale of the reproducible moments of the educational process organized by the teacher is determined by the initial settings, which can be a social order, an educational standard, a model of a future specialist, an image of a modern young person, the goals and content of school or vocational education, etc. ~

Proponents of a systematic approach understand technologies as the consistency of a clearly defined goal, means and conditions for achieving it, as well as ways to determine the results obtained during the application of such technology in educational practice.

What is the difference between methodology and technology? (according to V.I. Zagvyazinsky)

Teaching methodology- a set of methods and techniques used to achieve a certain class of goals. The methodology can be variable, dynamic, depending on the nature of the material, the composition of the students, the learning situation, and the individual capabilities of the teacher. Well-established standard methods are transformed into technologies.

Technology- this is a fairly rigidly fixed sequence of actions and operations that guarantee the achievement of a given result. The technology contains a certain algorithm for solving problems. The use of technology is based on the idea of ​​complete controllability of learning and reproducibility of standard educational cycles.


1. What are the distinguishing features of the concept of "technology".

2. What position will you adhere to in understanding the relationship between technology and methodology. Justify your choice.

3. Give your examples of methods, techniques and technologies known to you and reveal the nature of their connections.

4. What are the specifics of teaching methods, reveal the methodological aspects of teaching your academic discipline.

Topic 3. Distinctive features of educational technology

It is important to understand why you are referring to the term "educational technology" and in what sense to use it in order to do what is planned:

■ understand and evaluate the potential of already known technology, comparing it with the capabilities of other technologies to achieve the goal;

■ introduce some specific technology into educational practice and evaluate the effectiveness of its application;

■ develop a new technology in the form of a project and put it into practice.

The appearance of the term "technology" in science and educational practice is associated with the peculiarities of the application of the technological approach:

■ to solve the problems of training, education and development of the subjects of the pedagogical process (as a result, the term "pedagogical technology" appeared, which was concretized in other varieties, taking into account the specifics of pedagogical tasks - training technology, education technology, educational technology);

■ the work of the subjects of the educational process with information (transmission, storage, search, systematization, etc.), as a result of which information technologies began to be actively used in educational practice;

■ organization of the educational process (accordingly, the term “learning technology” appeared);

Organization of the educational process (which led to the emergence of the term "educational technology").

The concepts of "technology in education", "technology of education", "pedagogical technology", "educational technology", "technology of specialist training", "technology of professional and personal development" have entered the pedagogical vocabulary of school and university teachers. However, at present, the term "technology" is actively expanding its geography in educational practice, therefore, it is necessary to clarify its various meanings and meanings, as well as the most general concepts associated with this term, such as "pedagogical technology", "learning technology", "educational technology”, which form the foundation of the conceptual apparatus of the technological approach in education. I.V. Blauberg, V.I., Zagvyazinsky, G.B. Kornetov, Yu.S. Manuilov, V.L. Nazarov, XA, Pankova, O.K. Strelova, E.G. Yudin and others believe that the development of the theory of any approach begins with the understanding, justification and content of the conceptual apparatus. Its units are already existing terms and new ones specially introduced during the development of the approach. “The objects of modern scientific knowledge require not just an expansion of the existing conceptual apparatus, but precisely a new categorical system, a new system of concepts”

Such a categorical apparatus is being improved by increasing the number of new concepts and enriching their content. The conceptual apparatus means a new approach, substantiation of the "ideal" model of educational technology.

In science, there is no unambiguous interpretation of the term "educational technology", which is largely due to the complexity of the problem and the multidirectional ways of implementing the technological approach in educational practice. The concept of "educational technology" is ambiguous in its essence. This means that it objectively has several meanings and senses, and in different contexts can be understood depending on the meaning and sense in which it is used.

Pedagogical technology. Since in many sources technology is defined as a set of operations carried out in a certain way in a certain sequence, which makes up the planned pedagogical process, the most general interpretation of the concept of "pedagogical technology" is known as the category of a step-by-step and reproducible process of achieving the set pedagogical goal. From this definition, it is clear that pedagogical technology is not just a system of means that ensure the achievement of the set pedagogical task, but such means must be applied in a certain logic, step by step and used by different teachers in solving the same pedagogical tasks.

V.P. Bespalko writes: "Pedagogical technology is a systematic and consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed educational process." From his point of view, pedagogical technology is a project of a certain pedagogical system, implemented in practice. This means that pedagogical technology can appear as a result of scientific design, and the project itself is a system of actions that can be repeatedly reproduced and guarantee success in achieving a specific pedagogical goal, which is why it is understood as a meaningful technique for realizing a pedagogical goal.

V.A. Slastenin defines pedagogical technology in the same way - as a consistent interconnected system of teacher actions aimed at solving pedagogical problems, or as a systematic and consistent implementation in practice of a pre-designed pedagogical process.

Similar in essence definitions (with slight variations) of pedagogical technologies can be found in other works. We single out the most famous positions in the understanding of pedagogical technology, these are:

■ scheme of subject-transformative pedagogical activity;

■ targeted use of objects, techniques, means, events, relationships to improve the efficiency of the pedagogical process;

■ systematic use of people, teaching methods and equipment to solve pedagogical problems;

■ the system set and the order of functioning of all personal, instrumental and methodological means used to achieve the pedagogical goal;

■ the project of a specific pedagogical system, implemented in practice.

Summing up, we note that the term "pedagogical technology" describes the system of actions of the teacher, which has the features of technology (guaranteed achievement of the goal, the ability to repeat these actions in the same sequence and by the same methods, the presence of special diagnostics to confirm the effectiveness of this system).

When describing pedagogical technology, as a rule, they outline the project of pedagogical activity. In this sense, pedagogical technology is understood as a project of the pedagogical process (at the level of the entire educational institution, the professional activity of an individual teacher or a specific pedagogical task), developed on a scientific basis, the procedures of which are effective for obtaining a predictable result in different cases:

Whether it is a project of the learning process as a whole or the process of conducting only, for example, a school lesson or a seminar;

The process of moral education or, for example, the professional and personal development of students by means of a specific academic discipline, the development of critical thinking;

The process of developing an educational program or module-textbook;

The process of pedagogical communication with teenagers or students in a multicultural educational environment.

Thus, the concept of pedagogical technology is associated with the professional actions of a teacher (teacher or lecturer), consciously including the known and mastered mechanism for deploying the logic of a particular pedagogical process as a process of achieving a goal or a process of implementing a set task.

Learning technology. As you know, the term "technology" was originally used for planning and more successfully achieving educational goals. According to the definition of UNESCO in 1986, Learning technology is a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technological and human resources, which aims to optimize the forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

M.V. Clarin equates the concept of "training technology" with "fully reproducible training set". He concretizes the above definition of learning technology, offering to capture reproducible ways of organizing the learning process.

This includes a complete set of learning objectives, the selection of criteria for their measurement and evaluation, an accurate description of the learning conditions. The author notes that the technological approach to learning is implemented through the design of the educational process based on the given initial settings: social order, educational guidelines, goals and content of education.

Considering innovative approaches to learning, M.V. Clarin divides them into two main types:

1) innovations, which are based on a technological approach to learning, which consists in optimizing reproductive activities;

2) innovations that transform the traditional educational process and are aimed at ensuring its research nature, organizing search educational and cognitive activities.

In particular, teaching technologies began to be understood as the field of applied didactics (V.P. Bespalko, P.I. Pidkasisty, N.F. Talyzina, etc.). In this sense, the subject of learning technology is the design of the learning process at the level of content, forms of interaction between the participants in the educational process with the content and among themselves, monitoring and evaluating the results of educational activities. Such technologies explain the ways of implementing the ideal learning process in the specific conditions of educational practice, reflecting the real activities of the subjects in the conditions of the educational process.

There are other interpretations of learning technology:

■ a set of teaching methods that ensure the implementation of a certain didactic system (E.S. Polat);

■ determination of the most rational, evidence-based ways to achieve the set educational goals (N.F. Talyzina);

■ a systematic method of creating, applying and defining the entire process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resources and their interaction, which set as their task the optimization of forms of education (UNESCO);

■ method of systematic organization of joint activities of the teacher and students on the basis of material resources and conditions (N.N. Surtaeva);

■ method of programming, implementation and evaluation of the educational process (B. Skinner);

■ a model of joint pedagogical activity thought out in all details to design, organize and conduct the educational process with the unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.M. Monakhov);

■ the art of interaction in the learning process (N.E. Shchurkova);

In this paper, we will adhere to the understanding of teaching technology as a process of designing and implementing an integral didactic system in practice. In the project for the implementation of the didactic system, the learning objectives must be technologically set, the content is structurally presented, the logic of the application of teaching methods

Within the framework of a specific organizational form and method of interaction between the subjects of the educational process, the sequence of assessing the results of mastering educational information with a set of methodological tools within a specific form of control is determined.

The terms "pedagogical technology" and "teaching technology" are close in meaning to the term "educational technology", but are not synonymous.

educational technology- a variant of the description of the model of the educational process, in which the emphasis can be placed on the disciplinary image of a certain branch of knowledge, the organizational structure of the educational process, the characteristics of the activities of the subjects of the educational process or the nature of their interaction. That is, educational technologies are considered in connection with the design of the educational process and the implementation of this project in educational practice.

The phrase "educational technology" is used as a collective term that is not correlated with any specific type of productive and effective activity, allowing for the possibility of technology in the activities of teachers and other subjects (pupils, students, graduate students, administration). That is, if the specifics of the productive organization of a particular type of activity in educational practice is fixed terminologically, then the term “technology” is used: technology of education, technology of education, technology of management, technology of organizing independent activity, technology of communication, technology of designing and lecturing, etc.

However, an essential feature of any educational technology is the emphasis on the nature of the activities and interaction of the subjects of the educational process, and only then on the content, subject or conditions. Only one or both subjects can act as subjects of the educational process, including a group - a class team, a student group or an audience, a group of teachers or lecturers, or a teaching team.

In the analysis of the category "educational technology" we draw attention to one more feature: it can be perceived in two aspects - structural and functional. Structural aspect - compliance of educational technology with a certain model and essential features; functional means meeting the real needs in their application in the educational environment.

There are different ways to understand the origins and causes of the diversity of educational technologies. One of the options is to highlight the main directions of technological support of the educational process.

First direction technological support of the educational process is the technological improvement and optimization of the organization of joint activities of teachers and students or teachers and students during school hours, associated with the transfer of the constantly changing content of education - new knowledge, information about the world, about objects and methods of human activity, etc. In this sense the trend of enriching the organizational and methodological instrumentation of educational millet in achieving the same educational goals by means of educational technologies is highlighted when solving one class of tasks - learning tasks. Known and new technologies help in this, such as technologies of problem-based and developmental learning, intensive and modular, game and programmed, student-centered and distance learning.

Second direction The technological support of modern education is based on new information technologies and the possibilities of global informatization. This is due to the technical equipment of the educational process and the transfer of part of the teacher's functions to technical means, computers, the Internet.

Thus, to some extent, the level of design and maintenance and automation of the work of teachers, lecturers and laboratory assistants is increased, and information of various content and complexity is made more accessible to students in the course of its search and selection.

third direction technological support of the educational process is associated with the introduction of social technologies in the process of interaction between participants in the educational process, both through mastering the technologies of communication, cooperation, co-creation, stimulation, diagnostics by teachers, and through mastering the technique of communicating with people of different status and culture, self-knowledge and self-esteem, self-education and self-improvement by students.

Fourth direction technological support of the educational process is associated with the search for the optimal system of means and conditions that ensure the development of students or students as subjects of learning and communication, cognition and self-development. In connection with this direction, we can talk about entering the management of the process of personal and professional development and self-development of the subjects of the educational environment. The development of technologies for the development of certain individual and personal characteristics of a person by means of academic disciplines and the possibilities of the educational environment is in the field of attention and interests of modern scientists and practitioners.

When focusing on performance, an important link in the technological support of the educational process will be the presence of a taxonomy of goals and technologies for monitoring and determining the quality of educational results. This the fifth direction of the implementation of the technological approach in relation to the control and evaluation component of education. In this case, technologies are used as a procedure for tracking the obtained educational results and determining the degree of influence on these results of organizational, human, social and other factors (new textbooks, new pedagogical technologies * new academic discipline, teaching style, teacher personality, learning environment, etc.). ) when students themselves are included in this process.

Thus, the manufacturability of the educational process is a description of its standardization in the form of a prescriptive constructive scheme of the activity of subjects (teacher and student, teacher and (or) student) with information, communication or interaction in certain, given conditions, with oneself in the role of an educational or educational subject. professional activity.

Understanding educational technology as a system of actions of subjects related to the achievement of the set educational goal by one of them or someone else, expands the possibilities of their application - not necessarily in a learning environment, but possibly in a library, laboratory.

The term "methodology" is widely used in pedagogical, philosophical and sociological, psychological, engineering and other fields of knowledge. It is given multiple meanings.

Methodology is usually understood as the doctrine of methods for solving a specific problem, as well as a set of methods that provide a solution to a specific problem. Both in pedagogical literature and practice, the concepts of method and methodology are so intertwined that it is very difficult to separate them.

As the most characteristic features that distinguish the content of the methodology, it is necessary to highlight:

a) technical methods for implementing a certain method, a specific implementation of the method. In this understanding, sometimes the technique is considered as a synonym for the technique of implementing the method. This approach to the allocation of methodology is reflected in didactics, and in the theory and practice of education; b) a developed method of activity, on the basis of which the achievement of a specific pedagogical goal is realized - a methodology for the implementation of a certain pedagogical technology. In this case, methodology is understood as a methodological development that reveals the sequence and features of the implementation of a set of methods, means aimed at achieving a specific goal. For example, the method of forming a habit, the method of teaching writing, the method of developing speech, the method of organizing student practice, etc.;

c) features of pedagogical activity in the process of teaching an academic discipline, including recommendations for the study of individual sections, topics, conducting various types of training sessions - a private teaching methodology (43).

The variety of meanings of the concept of "methodology", found in the scientific literature, can be reduced to two main ones: the normative ordering of actions in any particular activity and reflection in the form of a description, prescription, presentation. The methodology “appears as a result of a logically organized process of thinking” (O. S. Anisimov), forming in the mind a certain holistic image of productive activity 1 .

This image includes ideas about how to act in order to achieve certain results, and thus performs a normalizing function. Thanks to him, professional activity is regulated, turning into a logically built process.

The methodology is also understood as a research tool, a set of methods, techniques, means of activity, a procedure for applying any method, an instruction for carrying out activities, a description of the process of carrying out activities, an idea of ​​a normative course of action, an independent section of science, an academic subject. However, the meaning of this term can be reduced to two main ones.

The methodology is:

1) normative ordering of actions in any specific activity, as well as its reflection in the form of a description, prescription, presentation (activity or practical aspect of the methodology);

2) a special type (special area) of knowledge about the implementation of activities in a particular area (gnostic aspect of the methodology).

Not being a material object, the methodology “appears as a result of a logically organized process of thinking” (O. S. Anisimov) and exists in the minds of people as a kind of holistic image of productive activity. An image is a holistic idea of ​​how, in what sequence, in what forms, in what ways one needs to act. It includes ideas about how to act in order to achieve certain results of activity, and thus performs a normalizing function. Thanks to the image, professional activity is regulated, turning into a logically built process.

If the teacher comprehends, generalizes and describes the experience, revealing the secrets of his success and showing how he manages to achieve certain results, colleagues have the opportunity to get acquainted with his methodology. For example, you can study the methodology of I.P. Volkov, I.P. Ivanov, V.A. Karakovsky, A. S. Makarenko, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, V. F. Shatalov, M. P. Shchetinin and others. approaches to the design and organization of the educational process as a whole. Such descriptions constitute a special area of ​​professional and pedagogical knowledge (54).

Representing an algorithm for designing and organizing activities, the methodology can be considered as:

Algorithmic process for the implementation of effective activities in the present;

Algorithmic prescription for the implementation of effective activities in the future;

Algorithmic description of the process of activities already carried out and methods for obtaining results.

In all these definitions, there is the concept of effective activity or results. The methodology should have the property of effectiveness, i.e., lead the activity to certain results. This is one of its leading praxeological characteristics.

If the teacher understands the methodology (for example, the methodology of education) as a set of methods, then he will focus his attention on the search and choice of methods, from which a holistic educational process cannot always be formed. If he understands the methodology as an algorithm for constructing and organizing productive educational activities, then his attention will be focused on building an expedient sequence of actions (both his own and pupils), on organizing activities that lead to certain, pre-conscious results.

The term "method" is generalized. This is a generic concept that reflects the essence of all the phenomena it covers. For example, the concept of "education methodology" reflects the essence of: the general methodology for organizing the educational process, the methodology for organizing collective creative activity, the methodology for pedagogical management of the organizational activities of pupils (individual, group, collective), the methodology for individual work with pupils, the methodology for organizing self-government, etc.

There are various scales, or levels of action, of the methodology. Among them are general, particular and specific methods.

General methodology is a program of the general organization of the pedagogical process as the interaction of teachers and students in certain conditions and allows you to "view" the entire pedagogical process as a whole. It includes:

Substantiation of the general goals and objectives of pedagogical activity;

The main directions and the total scope of the content of this activity;

Stages of implementation;

Approximate set of funds;

Forms of organization of the pedagogical process;

Methods of evaluation (diagnostics) and analysis of the results of pedagogical activity.

The general methodology as the level at which the design and organization of the pedagogical process is carried out should be terminologically separated from the “general” (by the prevalence of application) variants of a specific methodology.

In fact, the general methodology describes the desired state of a particular pedagogical system, ensuring the integrity of the process of its functioning. This level of methodology includes: a methodology for studying a section of a subject, a methodology for educational work with a classroom team, a methodology for educating

work in a country camp, methods of organizing the activities of children's public associations, methods of counseling, etc.

Private technique- this is the level of organization of individual components of the process and areas of pedagogical activity. It is embodied in a system of rules and norms for the organization of the pedagogical process, which regulate the solution of particular pedagogical and / or organizational and practical tasks. For example, the method of organizing self-service for children at school, the method of forming the independence of younger adolescents, the method of developing biological concepts, etc.

Specific methodology acts in specific situations and various forms of organization of the pedagogical process. It provides for a sequence of actions and methods of interaction between teachers and students (pupils) in given forms of organization of pedagogical activity. This level of methodology includes: the methodology for conducting a lesson, the methodology for a school holiday, the methodology for collective planning, the methodology for organizing creative competitions, subject Olympiads, etc.

The considered levels of the methodology are closely interconnected, and each subsequent one is, as it were, based on the previous one. All of them are specifically implemented in practice, manifested in the pedagogical process. For example, when a teacher thinks about how, in general - organizationally and meaningfully - work with a team of pupils will be built, he actually develops a general methodology for his educational work: outlines common tasks, prospects, leading directions for the content of joint activities with pupils, predicts expected results ( educational and practical). If a specialist thinks over a system of work in a particular area of ​​supporting foster families, he develops a private methodology, and if he is preparing to organize a collective event, he turns to a specific methodology.

The logic of the organization of activities, the logical sequence of actions and procedures is one of the essential features of the methodology. In addition to logic, the methodology is characterized by the presence of strategy, tactics, manufacturability.

In strategy and tactics, in fact, the value characteristics of the methodology of accompanying activities are expressed. The strategic aspect of pedagogical activity characterizes its purposeful orientation. In order to be strategic, two main points must be taken into account. Firstly, the activity carried out as a pedagogical system, in terms of its goals, principles, values, must be correlated with the wider system of which it is a part. Secondly, it must be in the nature of a "completed cycle" 1 .

We can talk about methodology as a way of carrying out accompanying activities if the teacher does not just “do something” with children or communicate with them, but directs his efforts to bring to life a certain system of social, professional, individual and personal values. To achieve a conscious and accepted strategic educational goal that is adequate to this system of values, guided by the principles of the “macrosystem” within which he builds his specific pedagogical system (44).

Tactics as a feature of the methodology characterizes the activity from the point of view of the adequacy of the actions and position of the teacher of the intended strategy. For example, the tactics of pedagogical interaction is manifested in the ability and ability to concretize strategic guidelines and tasks in relation to the prevailing circumstances, conditions, characteristics of personal manifestations, as well as in the ability to choose means and methods of interaction that are adequate to the tasks and situation, to determine one's own position and role as a participant in joint activities. Tactics, in essence, is a sign of methodology that characterizes the thoughtfulness and validity of pedagogical organizational decisions.

The essential characteristics of the methodology are manifested in such properties as determinism, mass character, selectivity, effectiveness, procedurality, variability and heuristics.

The property of determinism means that the methodology consists of "elementary" operations (procedures) of pedagogical activity, for which the conditions for their implementation are known, as well as the unambiguous sequence of these procedures or acts of activity. This property manifests itself at all levels (in general, particular and specific methods), with the only difference that the degree of "elementary" nature of these procedures will vary.

So, at the level of the general methodology, the structure of the dynamic structure of the organization of the pedagogical process includes such procedures as:

Goal-setting (including primary diagnostics and promotion of long-term goals and objectives of pedagogical activity);

Procedures for organizing joint activities of pupils (students), pedagogical leadership;

Analysis and evaluation of the results of pedagogical activity. The level of a specific methodology includes such stages (stages) of organizing joint activities (competition, role-playing game, creative work, etc.) as:

Preliminary preparation;

Planning (collective, group, individual);

Preparation - "current organizational activity";

Carrying out business (events, games);

Analysis (collective and pedagogical);

Aftereffect (80).

An analysis of mass pedagogical practice, in particular the educational work of class teachers of general education schools, shows that in reality the process of organizing educational activities is often presented in a “truncated” form, i.e. there is a tendency to "skip" individual stages or their formal passage. First of all, this concerns such stages as goal-setting and analysis with evaluation of results. In most cases, the process of organizing educational activities is actually reduced to only two procedures: the choice of “forms of work” and their “conduct”.

Another property of the technique can be considered its mass character. Each separate type of methodology of pedagogical activity, being by its nature an algorithm, is a solution to a typical problem that constantly exists in mass pedagogical practice and is characterized by certain parameters and their combinations. These options include the following:

Conditions and circumstances in which the pedagogical process is carried out (type or type of educational institution - school, gymnasium, country camp, out-of-school center of educational work, institution of additional education, social formation, etc.);

Temporal characteristics of pedagogical influence (long-discrete, short-term, temporary-intensive, etc.);

Features of pupils (age, gender, psychophysiological characteristics, etc.);

Features of teachers (personal and professional opportunities);

Socio-pedagogical priorities.

Various combinations of parameters as initial data that determine the specifics of the pedagogical process form pedagogical tasks, in the solution of which the use of appropriate methods helps. The property of mass character has a methodological and praxeological consequence associated with the concept of selectivity.

Let us illustrate this selectivity by the example of the method of education, which is designed to solve one of the problems of educational practice, which has certain initial data, often turns out to be inapplicable in other conditions and circumstances.

We can also talk about the manifestation of selectivity in relation to the methodology on the part of teachers. As you know, there are teachers who can work successfully with children only of a certain age or gender, only in school or, conversely, only outside it. It is not difficult for some teachers to master, for example, the methodology of collective organization of activities, while for others it is difficult to use the methodology of role-playing games, etc.

The main property of the methodology is effectiveness. The question of the effectiveness of the methodology is to what extent the application of the algorithm for constructing accompanying activities makes it possible to achieve such a quality of its organization, which provides optimal conditions for the formation of a personality. The methodology in this case acts as a factor in the effectiveness of activities that directly determines the nature and logic of its organization. The direct and immediate result of using the methodology should be the quality of the organization of the activities of the pupils, and the indirect and mediated result should be the degree of influence of this activity on the transformation of the personality.

The considered properties of the methodology of pedagogical activity characterize it in the practical (activity) aspect. But, as already noted, the technique also exists in the form of an algorithmic description. The methodological description is procedural, since it contains a reasonable prescription for the actions of teachers and pupils and the ways of their interaction at all successive stages (stages) or cycles (periods) of joint activity.

The procedural nature of the methodology is ensured by personalization or indication of specific possible performers of certain actions. This condition will be met if the methodology contains not only a description of what “happens” or “should happen” at the successive stages of organizing activities, but also who does what and how.

Not every description of the sequence of actions is capable of performing a regulatory function. The effectiveness of the implementation of the methodology can be significantly reduced if the description presents what needs to be done at each stage of the activity, but does not indicate by whom and how. Methodological knowledge expressed in such a form loses its effectiveness, since it can no longer be guided without the risk of arbitrariness and damage to performance. Such a “detail” as a specific performer of actions is especially important for the methodology of education.

Possessing the property of determinism (as an algorithm), the methodological description implies variability. Accompanying activities are characterized by a constant desire to search for new, unconventional solutions that correspond to the uniqueness of the moments of pedagogical reality. No state of the pedagogical process, no pedagogical situation can be repeated in the same version. Therefore, the methodology of pedagogical activity always implies the possibility of a certain measure of improvisation.

When developing a methodology, it is not a simple enumeration of all possible options for carrying out actions in a particular type of activity that matters, but the proposed grounds for choosing the most appropriate of them in relation to the possible circumstances in which the activity is organized. Such grounds may be:

The set pedagogical tasks;

The conditions in which activities are carried out (at school, outside of school, in a country camp, in nature, in a classroom, in an assembly hall, on the street, etc.);

Number of participants (small group - up to 20 people, a team of 30-40 people, several different teams, etc.);

Age and gender of participants (including the proportion of participants by age and gender);

Experience of their participation in this type of activity;

Experience of independent organizing and performing activities of pupils;

The teacher's own experience, etc.

Variability in combination with expediency manifests itself in the form of expressing methodological knowledge, which takes approximately the following form: “If this and that takes place, then it is advisable to act in such and such a way, since ...” (an explanation follows expediency). In other words, the technique appears as an algorithmic prescription (description) of a branched type. The methodology enables the practitioner to understand and realize the principle of selecting the most appropriate methods of action. The information embedded in methodological knowledge, being transformed in the consciousness of the person who perceives it, begins to produce generalized knowledge, which subsequently makes it possible to independently design the process of organizing activities in varying circumstances. This property can be referred to as heuristic.

Finally, the methodology is designed to be effective. Efficiency is understood as the ability to be directly guided in practice by the proposed model of activity with the expected minimum losses from the influence of external circumstances and subjective factors.

The methodology of accompanying activity is by its nature subjective and subjective. Speaking of methodology, we certainly mean someone who directly constructs, implements, organizes some kind of activity.

The subjectivity of the methodology is manifested in the fact that each performer brings something of his own to its comprehension and implementation. One of the biggest difficulties in studying and mastering any technique lies precisely in the fact that behind the same name it can hide a different understanding and content.

The methodology exists both in the form of personal (or subjective) knowledge, and at the transpersonal level. It can function independently of its creator or any other subject of activity. This or that technique, turning into objectified knowledge, acquires a different praxeological value and significance for practice. Since the methodology determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process, then for its organizers and performers it should not be indifferent which one to choose.

The process of spreading a certain type of methodology in pedagogical practice, as a rule, has the properties of a "chain reaction" and a tendency to transform the original (basic) methodology in various aspects and directions. The spontaneous nature of the spread of the initially productive methodology, as experience shows, leads to a greater extent to its falsification, rather than to development and improvement. There are several ways to master the technique:

The technique is assimilated in finished form;

The methodology is modified, transformed (for various reasons and with various consequences);

The methodology is synthesized from various forms of objectified knowledge or forming an "alloy" of objectified and personal knowledge.

An essential feature of the methodology is the awareness of the procedure (order) for the implementation of activities and the conscious adherence to this procedure. As long as the educator has not thought about exactly how and why he acts in this way (or how and why he should act in this way), there is no method of educational activity.

In various fields of activity, we often encounter such concepts as methodology and technology. These categories denote ways to achieve the goals set for the educational, industrial, political process. Many experts consider technique to be synonymous with technology, and vice versa. How to distinguish concepts from each other and is there really a significant difference between them?


Methodology- a set of specific techniques used to implement the tasks in the field of education, science, psychology. The methodology should be understandable, realistic, reproducible, efficient and justified. Detailed and developed, tested in practice, it acquires the level of technology.

Technology- a toolkit for a specific area of ​​human activity, a set of processes, methods and principles necessary to create the final product, whether it be a product, program or other social good. The scope of the concept includes organizational techniques and operations that are used by the performer in the labor process.


The main difference between these categories is the degree of their development. So, the technique can be called the direction of movement, the road map along which the performer will move. And technology is a detailed route that allows you to predict speed, distance and other important nuances. Thus, the methodology is the core of technology: the applied tools can change, accelerating production processes, but the essence remains the same.

Thus, the fundamental difference lies in the planned outcome of the operations performed by the performer. The outcome of the implementation of the methodology is difficult to predict, it depends on many factors. Proper use of technology always leads to the desired goal, if all steps are performed correctly.

Findings site

  1. Degree of detail. Methodology is a general direction of activity, technology is applied.
  2. Content. Technology is a sequence of rules, and methodology is their inner content, ideology.
  3. Result. The outcome of the successful use of technology can be predicted, but planning the implementation of the methodology is always more difficult.



II. Descriptive language learning method

III. comparative method

IV. Comparative-historical method in linguistics

V. Constructive Methods

VI. distribution method

VII. Component analysis method

VIII. Psychological method in linguistics

IX. Neurolinguistic Methods

X. Quantitative Methods in Language Learning

XI. Sociolinguistic Methods



modeling, which are of a different nature depending on the specifics of science.

Observation includes the selection of facts, the establishment of their signs, the description of the observed phenomenon in verbal or symbolic form, in the form of graphs, tables, geometric structures, etc. Linguistic observation concerns the selection of linguistic phenomena, the selection of a particular fact from oral or written speech, its correlation with the studied paradigm of the phenomenon.

Experiment as a general scientific method of research, it is a staged experiment under precisely taken into account conditions. In linguistics experiments are carried out both with the use of instruments and apparatus (experimental phonetics, neurolinguistics), and without them (psycholinguistic tests, questionnaires, etc.).

Modeling is a way of knowing the phenomena of reality, in which objects or processes are studied through construction and research of their models. Model in a broad sense, it is any image (mental or conditional: image, description, diagram,
drawing, graphics, etc.) or a device used as a "substitute", "representative" of an object, process or phenomenon. Any model is built on the basis of a hypothesis about the possible structure of the original and is its functional analogue, allowing the transfer of knowledge from the model to the original. The concept of a model was widely included in linguistics in the 60-70s of the XX century in connection with the penetration of ideas and methods of cybernetics into linguistics.

An important general scientific element of the process of cognition is interpretation(from Latin interpretatio - explanation, interpretation), the essence of which is to reveal the meaning of the results of the study and include them in the system of existing knowledge. Without the inclusion of new data in the system of existing knowledge, their meaning
and value remain uncertain. In the 60-70s of the XX century, a whole scientific direction arose and developed - interpretive linguistics, which considered the meaning and meaning of language units dependent on the interpretive activity of a person.

3. Private methodology includes methods of specific sciences, for example, mathematical,


linguistic, etc., which correlate with philosophical and general scientific methodology, and can also be borrowed by other sciences.

Linguistic research methods are characterized primarily by the rare use of instrumental experiment and weak formalization of evidence. The linguist usually conducts the analysis by superimposing the available knowledge about the object of study on the specific material (text) from which one or another sample is made, and the theory is built on the basis of sample models. Free interpretation of a variety of factual material according to the rules of formal logic and scientific intuition are characteristic features of linguistic methods.

Term"Method" as a way of investigating phenomena has never been unambiguously understood.

More often the method is understood generalized sets of theoretical attitudes, research methods associated with a particular theory.

The most general method is always a "method-theory" unity, isolating that side of the object of study, which is recognized as the most important in this theory. For example, the historical aspect of language in comparative historical linguistics, the psychological aspect in psycholinguistics, the structural aspect in structural linguistics, etc. Any major stage in the development of linguistics, characterized by a change in views on the language, was accompanied by a change in the method of research, the desire to create a new general method.
Thus, each method has its own scope, explores its aspects, properties and qualities of the object. For example, the use of the comparative-historical method in linguistics is associated with the relationship of languages ​​and their historical development, the statistical method is associated with discreteness.
language units, their different frequency, etc.

Research methodology is a procedure for applying a particular method, which depends on the aspect of the study, the technique and methods of description, the personality of the researcher and other factors.

For example, in the quantitative study of language units, depending on the objectives of the study, different methods can be used:

estimates are made

accurate calculations using mathematical apparatus,

continuous or partial sampling of language units and the like. The methodology covers all stages of the study:

Observation and collection of material,

The choice of units of analysis and the establishment of their properties,

description method,

receiving analysis,

The nature of the interpretation of the phenomenon under study.

The best method and method of research may not give the desired results without the right research methodology. When characterizing each of the linguistic trends and schools, methodological problems occupy either a greater or lesser place in this. The difference in schools within the same linguistic trend, direction most often lies not in research methods, but in various methods of analyzing and describing the material, the degree of their severity, formalization and significance in the theory and practice of research. Thus, for example, different schools of structuralism are characterized: Prague structuralism, Danish glossematics, American descriptivism.

Thus, methodology, method and methodology are closely related and complementary concepts. The choice in each case of one or another methodological principle, the scope of the method and methodology depends on the researcher, goals
and research objectives.



I. Methodology, method, technique: similarities and differences