It has already been discussed more than once that if you manage to overlay an animal with a large number of properties, then it becomes practically invulnerable and nothing can be done about it, only home rules to limit properties and cards.
Plus, there are really awesome cards, for example, throwing away the tail (and 5-7 properties on top), metamorphosis with a lack of food.
You can also not play cards during the game, but play them only on the last turn and get over100500 points.
There are a lot of mistakes in Evolution, which is a pity

And in what way does the commentator above not stick to the topic?) The topic is stated as “the game is good, but it’s a shame there are a lot of shortcomings.”
They tell you - there is the same game, without the mentioned shortcomings.

But then, maybe “the mice cried and injected themselves, but continued to chew the cactus”)

So this is about the original game: or within each card it is impossible to compare, and even mention other games, and even subsidiary ones? With the same success, as for me, one could say to you: this is a game card, and there are reviews to discuss the jambs.
But oh well, that’s not what I’m talking about, I’m just surprised why they recommend that I behave differently when asked a simple and reasonable question. It seems that everything is simple: you say that you feel sorry for the abundance of problems - I note that these problems are more than fixable if desired. Moreover, note that I was not talking about the successor game, but only about the fact that there are quite good solutions to the problems of the parent one (if desired, the advantages of both games are more than compatible in one). You yourself note this below, that even homerules can make you sick. So why “it’s a pity”? My message was just that - for some there is a straightened version of it, for others - a file, which means there is no point in sighing at the original. That's all

Don't play cards during the game and then get 100500 points. No, really, have you tried this? And they won? I highly doubt that you will answer “yes” to any of these questions. If you don't play cards, you get a smaller increase in cards from the deck over the course of the game. So, if on the last turn, having accumulated as many as (oh my God!) 30 cards in your hand, you play them all, you will not really impress the person who by this moment already has 30 cards laid out on the field, and even a considerable number of them in hand.
And metamorphosis is played 1 time per turn. Why getting one food out of thin air in exchange for a property is better than getting one food out of thin air through specialization for free, I don’t know. And you?

At first it is quite random due to the players’ mistakes, but by the 3-4th game it “settles down”. Then everything begins to depend on the cube and the arrival of cards: for example, if you get two “tail drops” during the game, you can safely assume that you will win. On the other hand, the balance is perfectly strengthened by diplomacy: everyone else usually unites against the player with the “fattest” animals, so be prepared for serious intrigue.

Who is this game for?

  • For those who love calm games in the spirit of Potions, Arne or MTG;
  • For parents and teachers who want to convey knowledge about evolution to their children (by the way, the game was created by a biology teacher);
  • For those looking for a small gift for a colleague or friend;
  • For lovers of good board games.
  • What is in the box?

    A deck of animal or property cards (to play for a large company you will need two decks, that is, two boxes of the game), fat chips, main and additional food supplies, dice and rules in Russian.


    “I bought it for a young man as a gift. He really likes this game! :) »


    I played Evolution back in the dorm. Coolest mechanics! You can do many small ones or one big one, but the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to reach a dead end. Here you always have to watch others. And here it’s close to life: a saber-toothed tiger has appeared, and you urgently need to become a waterfowl, otherwise you’ll be ruined! You can make a lot of little worms every move and multiply, thereby winning. There is no master strategy; it is not obvious.

    Maxim Polovtsev, developer

    This is my third favorite game. Very cool, but unbalanced for two players. For 3-4 players it’s just crazy, it works great. I'm talking about the basic version, it's a small masterpiece. It’s surprising that it appeared in Russia, because we didn’t have such game design. The publisher has simplified it to a basic version - it's brilliant. The only downside is the conditional art and inscriptions in English, but this does not interfere with the game.

    Sergey Abdulmanov, head of marketing

    I played the regular game and the gift game and gave it as a gift. A friend at the Faculty of Bioengineering gave it to him, he is delighted. It's cool that you create your own creature. It can be anything, unusual and have exactly the abilities that you decide. And it is very thoughtful, it is clear that the person understood what he was doing, and everything is very balanced. Good and interesting.

    Sergey Pyzhikov, head of the online store
    Ivan Maslikhin, Moscow coordinator

    About the board game Evolution

    Strategy game for 2-4 participants. The essence of the game is to develop a population of animals using the properties of the species in such a way that the species survives and takes a leading position in the ecosystem.


    First published in 2010.


    Additions and editions:

      Evolution gift - basic set of the game + add-ons “Time to Fly” and “Continents”

      Evolution. Continents are an addition, habitat is added. Suitable for basic version only

      Evolution. Time to Fly is an addition, adding flying animals. Suitable for basic version only

      Evolution. Plants - addition, plant cards are added. For example, predators will be able not to attack other animals, but to feed themselves - with berries

      Evolution. Natural Selection - Colored Base Game with Revised Rules

      Evolution. Flight is an expansion to the base game Natural Selection that adds flying animals

      Evolution. Climate - an addition to the base game "Natural Selection", where climatic conditions are added


    Russia - Correct Games, Stolitsa Design Group, RBG

    Psychologist's report

    Date of the study: October 2014 - March 2015

    Research methods:

    • Test for diagnosing independent thinking
    • Amthauer Structure of Intelligence Test
    • Toulouse-Pieron test for diagnosing attention and speed of information processing
    • Guilford Imagination Tasks
    • Guilford tasks to assess divergent thinking
    • Test for the study of intellectual lability

    The following people took part in the study: students in grades 7-11 (124 people), aged 13 to 19 years
    Purpose of the study: Studying the influence of board games on the mental-cognitive processes of adolescents


    As part of the experimental research site, an after-school club was organized for middle and high school students. At the circle, students were invited to play various board games and after 6 months of the circle, the influence of board games on various mental and cognitive abilities was studied.

    Before the start of the gameplay, in the first lessons, diagnostics were carried out to study visual intelligence, independent thinking, divergent thinking, creative imagination, intellectual lability, speed of information processing and attentiveness.

    • Jackal
    • Nefarious
    • Resistance
    • Abracadabra
    • Comparity Cinema
    • You bet.

    Analyzing the dynamics of various indicators of intellectual abilities, we note the following features.

    Visual Structural Intelligence

    Before the experiment, the majority of students (31.2%) had an average level of expression. This level is characterized by the fact that the student can understand the meaning of a schematic drawing explaining the condition of the task or the presentation of text material, but finds it difficult to translate verbal information into visual-graphic information. After the experiment, this indicator changed. The majority of students, 28.3%, have a good level of expression. This level is characterized by the fact that the child can independently use graphic material without difficulty and resort to the use of drawings for a more complete assimilation and understanding of information. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity cinema.

    Structural-dynamic visual thinking

    Before the experiment, the majority of students had either a good or weak level of expression (48.8% and 43.8%, respectively). A weak level is characterized by the fact that the child does not know how to “read” tables and does not understand the meaning of the information presented in tabular form. If the table is contained in the text, then the child is limited to reading the phrases explaining it. Thinking as a whole can remain static, descriptive. After the experiment, the distribution for this indicator changed significantly: less than 30% of students have a weak level of expression, and the majority of students have a good level - 55.6%. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity cinema.

    Combinatorial visual thinking

    Before the experiment, 15.1% of students had a weak level of expression, and after the experiment this figure decreased by almost 2 times, and amounted to 8.1% of students. It is also worth noting that the indicator of a good level of expression according to this criterion increased from 47.5% to 52.4% of students.

    Abstract thinking

    Based on the results of the initial diagnosis, the majority of students - 54.1% - have a weak level of expression of abstract thinking; after the study, the result improved significantly. A weak level of severity is noted in 35% of students, and the majority of students - 58.9% - have an average level of severity. A weak level of expression indicates that the child operates only with specific (qualitative ideas) images, objects or their properties and is not yet able to isolate and operate with their relationships. The games contributed to an increase in the overall level of expression among students from a weak to an average level of expression Comparity cinema And Bet.

    Figurative synthesis

    Based on the results of the initial diagnosis, the majority of students - 52.4% - have a weak level of expression of figurative synthesis, and after the study the result improved significantly. A weak level of severity is noted in 40.4% of students, and the majority of students - 55.6% - have an average level of severity. Imaginative synthesis is the ability to form holistic ideas based on sequentially arriving, unsystematized, scattered or fragmentary information. Integrity arises on the basis of figurative synthesis, rather than logical structuring. It is precisely the general idea that is formed that figuratively unites all the necessary information and therefore requires further logical analysis of its comprehension. Imaginative synthesis is one of the main operations of systems thinking, which is necessary in empirical research (to comprehend diverse and scattered information), when working in new directions and at the intersection of sciences. It is also one of the main components of practical intelligence, allowing you to quickly understand the situation as a whole and choose the optimal direction for further action. The games contributed to an increase in the overall level of expression among students from a weak to an average level of expression Bet And Resistance. Also, in addition to the above games, the game can contribute to the development of this ability.

    Spatial thinking

    Based on the results of the incoming diagnostics, the majority of students - 52.3% - have an average level of expressiveness of spatial thinking, 27.7% - a good level, and 4.9% - a high level of expressiveness. After the experiment, the distribution was as follows: average level - 46.8%, good level - 40.3%, high level - 9.7%. Spatial thinking is the ability to isolate the spatial structure of objects and operate not with images of objects and their “external” properties, but with internal structural elements. The game contributed to an increase in the general indicators of the level of expression of spatial thinking Jackal. Also, the development of this indicator can be facilitated by such games as Unicube, Bricks, Cubes for everyone, proposed by B.N. Nikitin, as well as more complex construction games and computer games like Tetris.

    Independence of thinking

    The indicators for this criterion did not change significantly during the experiment; the distribution of the level of expression before the experiment: the majority of students 47.6% had a weak level, 29.9% had an average level, 23.5% had a good level of expression. Distribution by level of expression according to the results of the final diagnosis: the majority of students - 48.4% have a weak level of expression, 31.2% have an average level of expression, 20.4% have a good level of expression.

    A weak level of independent thinking is characterized by the fact that a child can act only when, immediately before work, he receives detailed instructions on exactly how to act. If a student is told what needs to be done, but not explained how to do it, then he will not be able to complete the work. The student may not experience any difficulties. If the task literally repeats the algorithm of some activity that he completed recently. If any changes are made to the way of working, the child may no longer cope. If a child encounters any difficulties, he usually does not try to figure it out on his own, but seeks help from peers or a teacher.

    Divergent thinking

    According to the results of the experiment, there are no strong dynamics of changes in the percentage distribution of responses by severity levels. According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, the distribution of answers by severity level is as follows: weak level - 50%, average level - 37.9%, good level - 7.3%, high level - 4.8% of students. According to the results of the final diagnosis, the distribution by severity level is as follows: weak level - 57.2%, average level - 24.2%, good level - 9.7%, high level - 8.9% of students. Divergent (creative) thinking is characterized by the breadth of mental search, the ability to use distant analogies and associations, to find non-standard, original solutions, overcoming habitual patterns and established opinions. Often these properties are defined as flexibility of thinking, the ability to apply a variety of approaches and strategies when solving problems, the willingness and ability to consider available information from different points of view.

    A weak level of expression indicates that thinking is convergent, linear (the opposite of divergent). The child cannot break out of habitual thinking patterns and look at the situation in a new way. “He is convinced” that every problem has only one correct solution. Always focused on finding the right result, does not know how to try and vary different solutions or activity algorithms. Play can help develop divergent thinking Abracadabra, Nefarious, Imaginarium.

    Speed ​​of information processing

    It is worth noting the significant positive changes in this quality that were identified during the experiment. According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, 41.1% of students had a weak level of severity. After the experiment, a weak level of expression remained in 35.5% of students, and the majority of students - 42.7% - had a good level of expression. Games contributed to the development of information processing speed skills Bet And Resistance.


    Based on the results of the incoming diagnostics, the majority of students - 37.1% had an average level of attentiveness, 25% - a good level, 4.1% - a high level, and also a third of students had an extremely weak level of attentiveness (25.7 % - weak level and 8.1% - pathological level). After the experiment, the level of attentiveness increased significantly, a weak level was noted only in 9.7% of students (the level of pathology was not detected), an average level - 33.1%, a good level - 33.8%, a high level in 23.4% of students. Games contributed to the development of mindfulness Bet, Resistance, Jackal.


    During the 6 months of operation of the Game house experimental research site, over 120 teenage students aged 13-19 years took part in it. It is worth noting the overall positive impact of the experimental site on the socio-psychological well-being of students: communication with peers in an informal setting, students’ employment during extracurricular hours, finding new acquaintances among peers, relieving psychological stress, emotional relief, release of negative tension in a socially acceptable form, as well as the positive impact of board games on various mental and cognitive processes, as evidenced by the results described above.

    Today, about 8.7 million species of living things live on Earth, from single-celled organisms to mammals. Much more species - about half a billion! - inhabited our planet in the past, but did not survive to this day. All these creatures were born - and left - thanks to a single process of evolution, the essence of which can be described in three words: survival of the fittest.

    "Evolution" is a tabletop simulator of the development of life on Earth, based on Darwin's principle of natural selection. Each player develops his own population of living creatures, giving them various properties - adaptations to environmental conditions. Properties help animals in the struggle for food resources, the supplies of which are limited and change unpredictably over time. Creatures that do not get food die, and those that survive allow you to introduce even more animals and properties into the game. The winner is the one of the opponents whose population will be the most developed and numerous by the end of the game.

    Living creatures and their properties are represented in the game by cards. Their shirt features a lizard, an animal symbol. Each card that lies face down on the table in front of a player is considered one of his creatures. On the front side of the card the property is indicated: “Predator”, “Waterfowl”, “Symbiosis”, “Mimicry” - a total of 19 different ones. The ability can only be played on an animal: in this case, the card is placed face up under the creature - so that all players can see what ability this animal now has. Some cards indicate two properties at once: in this case, the player must choose which one he wants to give his creature and turn the card with the desired side up. When an animal dies (from hunger or for any other reason), it, along with all its properties, is sent to the owner's dump.

    Each participant starts the game with six cards in their hand. The game lasts several turns - usually from 10 to 15 - until the cards in the deck run out. The course consists of four phases: development, determination of the food supply, nutrition and extinction. In each phase, the opponents act in turns, starting with the first player. At the end of the turn, the right to act first is passed clockwise.

    During the phase of determining the food supply, it becomes known how much food is available to the animals on this turn. This number depends on the number of players. For example, in a game for two, the first player rolls one die and adds 2 to its value, and in a game for three, the first player rolls two dice and adds up the numbers that fall on them. Then the required number of red food chips are placed in the center of the table. In addition to them, the game also has blue and yellow chips, but they are used in a special way. Blue chips are food from additional sources (for example, when a predator eats another creature, it receives blue chips), and yellow chips are fat accumulated thanks to the “Fat Reserve”.

    When the chips in the food supply are over (or all the players’ animals are full), the extinction phase begins. Any creature that falls short of at least one food token to satiety dies and is sent to the discard pile with all its properties. To survive hunger, an animal can hibernate (but this property only applies once every two turns) or use its fat reserves - if it has accumulated it during previous turns. Finally, each player counts how many creatures he has left and draws a card from the deck for each, plus one more card on top.

    If after the cards are dealt the deck is exhausted, the opponents play out the last turn and then count the victory points. Each surviving creature brings its owner 2 points, and each property - 1 point. In addition, additional points are given for cards that increase the need for food. The one who ultimately scores more points becomes the winner.

    “Evolution” is one of the most popular domestic board games, well known both here and abroad. It is eagerly played by both those who like simple short board games and those who like to build complex multi-move strategies. Evolution is both a fun intellectual challenge for all ages and a fun biology lesson. No wonder “Evolution” was highly appreciated not only by players, but also by scientists and teachers.

    If you have any questions about the rules of our game, we will be happy to answer on a special forum about it on the international portal BoardGameGeek in Russian.

    Recognition of evolution

    Immediately after its birth, “Evolution” collected a whole bunch of board game awards and titles. It was recognized as the best game at the Krasnoyarsk exhibition "Meeple-2010" and received the "Tesera-2011" award as the best card game. In addition, it became the game of the year according to the sites, “Boardgaming” and “Board Games Without Cuts”. In 2013, “Evolution” became one of three nominees for the international Toy Award, which is awarded at the largest toy exhibition in Nuremberg, and also received an award from the Start Up children’s festival.

    In 2011, “Evolution” came to education. Presentations of the game took place as part of the Tenth Moscow Pedagogical Marathon of Academic Subjects and the All-Russian Congress of Biology Teachers. Articles about “Evolution” have been published in Russian and Ukrainian pedagogical publications, and in 2013 the American University of Minot included the game in a general introduction to biology course.

    Background of the publication “Evolution. Natural Selection" is very unusual. The game was originally invented by Dmitry Knorre, an employee of the Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Laboratory. The publishing house "Correct Games" published it. Foreign publishers really liked the idea of ​​the game and in 2014 they are re-releasing it, having previously corrected the mechanics and completely redesigned the art design. And now we are faced with the localization of a game released in the West, created on the basis of a Russian one - isn’t it, that’s already interesting!

    Russian localization box - Evolution. Natural selection

    In the box

    Watering Hole Field, 24 Animal Sheets, 180 Double-Sided Food Tokens, 48 ​​Wooden Markers, 129 Attribute Cards, 6 Food Bags, 1 First Player Figure.

    Quality of "localization"

    The Russian version was published at a good level. The print is bright, beautiful, but not poisonous. Player boards and tokens are made of very thick cardboard.

    The only negative is the insufficient thickness of the cards, but there are games with much poorer quality (hello “Master of Orion”). .

    High-quality cardboard and rich art

    What is the game about?

    The name of the game is not taken out of thin air, it is not determined solely by the presence of animals and their properties, the mechanism of natural selection is truly perfectly shown here. At the beginning of the game, when receiving tablets, players do not know what creatures they will create and what properties they will be given. But here are the cards in your hands - you need to build on them.

    Herbivores immediately begin to grow “Long Necks” and develop “Gluttony” or “Fecundity”. But as soon as a predator appears in its habitat, herbivores immediately invent means of protection against it - some grow shells, some crawl into trees, some begin to graze in herds. It is this moment that I like most about the game - for every external factor, a countermeasure appears after a short time, ensuring the survival of the species.

    Rules (how to play)

    All players are given an animal board, on which the body size of the given species and its population (number of individuals) are noted. Next, three cards are dealt, plus one card for each type of animal (on the first turn there are 4 for everyone, and then it depends on who will develop). One card at a time is played at a watering hole. Then, starting with the first player, you can play cards from your hand (or not) in several ways:

    1. For a discarded card, take a new type of tablet
    2. Give an animal type a property on the property card by placing this card in front of it (but no more than 3 properties)
    3. Discard a card and raise the animal population by 1 level.
    4. Discard a card and raise the animal's body size by 1 level.

    After the cards are played, food cards are revealed - whatever number is indicated on the played card is how much food will appear at the watering hole. Next, starting with the first player, owners feed their animals by placing food tokens on their species boards. There should be enough food for the size of the population of a given species. If the animals do not have enough food, the population size is reduced to the size of the fed population or the species dies. All food chips are put into the players’ personal bags - they become the main base of victory points. The right to make the first move is transferred to the next player, and the game continues until the stack of cards runs out. The game chips from the bags are counted, the sizes of animal populations and the properties of these animals are added to them - the winner is determined based on the result obtained.

    Who is the game for?

    It is worth noting that the game “Evolution” cannot be recommended to absolutely all game cells. Due to the presence of several characteristic features.

    1. Conflict - although I would not classify this game as very conflicting, it is worth recognizing that not everyone will like it when their animal is eaten by a predator. Therefore, if your priority is cooperative adventures and indirect influence on other players, this game is not suitable.
    2. The insufficient number of animal properties is, on the one hand, a minus: you want more and more diverse properties, so that you can create many, many viable species. On the other hand, a large number of properties will not allow you to create exactly the animal that you have in mind, since the necessary cards will come across less often and this will be due to a large share of randomness.

    Player bags

    Important! Those who want to figure out effective combinations on their own can skip this point.

    Upgrading the predator

    In my opinion, there are two main options for the development of a predator:

    1. Endow the predator with “intelligence” and “gregariousness” in order to cancel the properties of herbivores that prevent the saturation of our little animals, and add population size to the body size. However, this option is not final - it may well turn out that the herbivore will go into deep defense and, in addition to “herding”, will also grow “shells” and climb trees - here all the properties cannot be canceled.
    2. Endowing a predator with the properties of “scavenger” and “gluttony” is also a very effective combination, but such a predator will receive its food supply by feeding another predator. If there is no second predator, and other players have all herbivores reliably protected, you can raise a prey herbivore yourself.

    Upgrading the herbivore

    There are more options for growing a herbivore that will bring victory:

    1. If no one develops predators, then the number of herbivores will be large and, most likely, not everyone will have enough food at the watering hole, so combinations of “intelligence” and “gluttony” will be effective - then the player, when discarding cards, will be able to feed his animal not from the watering hole, but from the general food supply. You can also add “long neck” or “cooperation” here to enhance feeding of the first or give food to the second, third, etc. mind.
    2. If there are predators, then it becomes important to collect both properties that allow feeding and defense:
    • collect “Herdness”, “Gluttony”, “Long Neck” and grow a larger body so that a predator, canceling herdness and attacking, can be satisfied immediately and not attack again.
    • collect "Intelligence", "Gluttony" and "Normality". By combining: “Intelligence” + “Gluttony” you get enough, and using “Normality” do not allow the predator to attack if you are full.
    • collect “Shell”, “Herdness”, “Climbing”. Such a herbivore will be too tough for a predator, but the problem with its own nutrition will be more difficult to solve.
    • collect “Horns”, “Fecundity”, anything for food - the population will grow, and the horns will scare away the predator.
    • raise several interdependent animals using the properties – “Cooperation”, “Symbiosis”, “Cooperation”.
    • specially raise an animal without properties to feed predators, so that it would be costly to attack other species.

    Not all interesting combinations of animal properties are listed, and you will probably find many more interesting ones on your own!

    1. At the beginning of the game, the “Fecundity” property is very beneficial - it will allow you to increase the population and save a lot of cards.
    2. It is very dangerous to leave an animal with a minimal population - if attacked by a predator, you can lose the species forever.
    3. When playing as a herbivore, it is advantageous to raise the body - the faster the predator gets enough, the fewer animals it will eat.
    4. The points you receive directly depend on the population - it is very profitable to increase the population of your animals as quickly as possible.


    "Evolution. Natural Selection is a simple, beautiful game that perfectly shows the mechanism of natural selection. Along with the beautiful design and interesting mechanics, there are also some features - conflict and insufficient variety of animal properties. Nevertheless, the children and I liked “Evolution”, but my wife remained indifferent to it, perhaps this topic is simply not for her. Try it if possible - the game deserves attention and can interest both beginners and experienced players of all ages.

    Grade: 6/10

    • (Evolution)
    Moderate. It is expressed in the eating of herbivores by predators.
    Good (the art is beautiful, the tablets and tokens are even).
    Quite well represented due to the properties of animals, feeding, predator attacks, etc.
    Moderate. Due to the small number of abilities, after just a few games you want more variety. They promise to fix it with additions.
    ImpressionA good game with an interesting theme and mechanics.
    Game time, minAround 60 minutes.
    Company, persons2-6
    How much spaceMedium size table.

    In this game you will create new types of animals, stuff them into water and holes, launch them into the air, make them predatory and poisonous. True, not all of your pets will survive in a hungry year, and your neighbors are not asleep, setting their monsters on you. Today on the Pink Sofa we will deal with Evolution.

    The game Evolution and its addition Time to Fly are published by the company Correct Games. This is a card game in which players act as creators - geneticists and grow something huge, predatory and poisonous from a small and fluffy one. And it’s not enough to raise it – you also need to feed it, otherwise your pet will give up the ghost under the approving comments of your opponents and the angry hissing of their living creatures. But everything is in order...


    So are we poisonous or not?
    I accidentally bit my tongue.

    The box is made in the form of a pencil case with a retractable cardboard insert.
    Inside there is a deck of cards made on thick paper with high-quality printing, rules, a memo on properties, two cubes and food markers.

    The essence of the game is this: having laid out one or more cards face down, we will place other cards underneath - properties and develop our animal, giving it various skills that will contribute to its survival.

    Let's see what we can do with our initially harmless pet.


    Losing weight is not held in high esteem in this game, so build up your fat reserve, and the larger it is, the greater the chance of surviving hunger in a lean year. Just like with cards with the Predator trait, here we see alternative uses. You can push your ward into a hole, feed him and calmly survive the attacks of predators, and by growing “eyepieces on sticks” for ourselves, we will be able to see “camouflaged” living creatures hiding in rough terrain.

    And our acquaintance with the deck ends with single cards, which can only be used for their intended purpose. But these properties are very useful - by discarding the “tail” (by discarding any property of your animal), you can leave the Predator with nothing, and Mimicry will allow you to feed a “party comrade” you dislike instead of your attacked pet. Well, and water - having the “Waterfowl” property, your Big Burrow Scavenger, having gone under the water, will not remain there, but will float up when enemy Predators without such a skill run in a flock along the shore.

    A game.

    A detailed memo with pictures will tell you how Mitya’s evil hamsters mercilessly devoured Vanya’s unfortunate gophers. It’s very accessible and instructive, and most importantly, it shows the entire gameplay and possible errors using an example. There is also a publisher support forum where you can find answers to all your questions.

    The gameplay is quite simple:

    Phase 1. The creator at work.

    In addition to the basic properties, you can also make connections between your animals, which will allow them to protect each other and get more food. For example, a burrowing Pirate will not turn into decay until his large and predatory waterfowl brother, who, in turn, feeds together with the fast Carrion, dies.

    The result is entire communities of living creatures, symbioses and mutually beneficial absorption of their own kind.

    Phase 2. To eat or not to eat – that is the question?

    Depending on the number of players, we roll the dice, add “2” if necessary and get food chips, which we will divide among all players. In our case, two thinkers will share 7 chips (5 came up on the die and we add 2 according to the rules). Now the fun begins, since those who do not eat die out.

    Phase 3. Evolving with you, you will learn to eat all sorts of nasty things.

    Every mutation on the table needs to be fed. And pets eat a lot. If this is a simple burrow Pirate, then one piece of meat is enough for him, when a large predator needs as many as three. You can’t take more than you can eat if you don’t have fat reserves. Here, a fast Scavenger, overweight, can set aside some food for himself during the hungry year. Predators can eat both their own and other people's animals, receiving chips not from a limited supply of food, but from a reserve. Unfed individuals die and go to the player's personal discard pile. After that, we count the survivors and get cards.

    When the community deck runs out, the game ends. Scoring is simple - for each surviving animal on the table, the player receives 2 points, 1 point for each property and additional points if they are indicated on the property cards. If there is a tie, we count the personal discard decks.

    If you look closely at the possible habitats of our mutations, the first thing that comes to mind is “legs, tail, and where are the wings.” And this injustice was resolved in the addition

    Evolution - time to fly.

    Born to crawl, let him soar.
    From the Creator's drafts.

    The same familiar pencil case, only small in size, contains a familiar set: cards, rules, cubes and markers.

    Let's start with the beneficial properties that will allow the weak and frail to be saved. Now you can hide in a sink or spit an ink cloud, confusing your predatory opponent.

    We have already encountered predatory properties, but the Angler is something completely new. It is so terrible that the master in the printing shop turned the stamp over, so this card is printed “in a mirror” from all the others. The terrifying pumpon fish has very unique properties and allows you to lure enemy Predators into a trap.

    Viviparous can increase the number of your pets, and the new animal will be considered immediately fed.

    All cards and markers fit seamlessly into the base game box, saving you shelf space.

    There is another addition to the game, “Continents,” a review of which can be read by clicking on.

    Impressions from the game.

    After the first game, I looked sadly at those who were dead and eaten and mentally cursed my opponents. After some time, an understanding of the mechanics came and a desire to play again. Subsequent games were much more logical and thought out. The addition eliminates many controversial issues that I noticed when playing with the main set of cards (the complete lack of chance of survival for new individuals if the opponent had Predators, the invulnerability of developed predators - their extinction depended only on the amount of food, etc.). Therefore, there is no point in dwelling on them, especially since the new revision of the rules also removes the biggest drawback - now, if all the animals die, the player takes 6 cards from the deck again, and does not sit, accumulating the deck and losing moves. And everything would be fine, and the game would deserve an “excellent” rating, if not for a significant, in my opinion, drawback, which I will indicate below.


    Food markers do not stand up to criticism - thin, uncomfortable, incomprehensible color (especially fat reserves) flat plastic squares. Wooden colored cubes would look much better.

    Card design is not for everybody. You either really like it or you absolutely don’t like it. There is no middle ground. Sometimes it feels like flipping through some kind of scientific reference book. My daughter and I like the design, but my wife doesn’t.

    The game has no limit on the number of cards in your hand and no need to place them on the playing field (and this is very strange). You can just sit and accumulate properties, and at the end of the game, lay out an entire army of predatory Lemmings and win. Although, if there is a hungry year and opponents have developed predators, then the chances drop, nevertheless, if all players adhere to this strategy, then the game will look something like this: all participants, in turn, will draw the entire deck into their hand. Then the opponents will place all their animals in one turn, providing them with a lot of properties. After feeding and eating each other, the winner will be revealed. That is, the game is for one effective move, the rest of the time it’s just collecting cards. If a player was obliged to lay out one card on the table at least once every two moves, and the maximum number of cards in his hand was ten.....

    If the first two comments are not critical and are caused by personal preferences, then the last one, in my opinion, negates all the interesting mechanics of the game and requires improvement.

    In this regard, I contacted the director of the “Correct Games” project, Ivan Tulovsky, and received clarifications, the essence of which boiled down to the following: This strategy of accumulating cards gives positive results only in 15% of cases, if other players do not adhere to this technique.

    The developers know about this strategy, but, based on the percentage and results of the tournaments held, they do not consider it necessary to change anything in the rules.

    Let's take your word for it and wish you good luck in further developments. Although my personal opinion is that the rules need to be refined.