Few magazines dare to pay tribute to our nurse and dedicate a large article to her; our author Ksenia Cherkashina decided to fill this gap.

text: Ksenia Cherkashina

Modern people can hardly imagine their diet without meat and dairy products. We eat these products both in their pure form and as part of various products (milk in dairy desserts, meat in semi-finished meat products, for example, cutlets and dumplings). How did this large herbivore become so firmly established in our lives that now the rise in prices for meat and dairy products affects everyone almost more than the rise in prices for bread, and vegetarianism is perceived almost as a feat (from the point of view of scientists, it is ambiguously useful for good health).

People, of course, domesticated cows later than, for example, wolves. Most likely, the first cows were caught at an early age, and domestication became possible thanks to the herd nature of these animals, which by their nature needed a leader, and man replaced him. According to rough estimates, the first cattle were domesticated ten thousand years ago.

It is known for certain that with the advent of the Egyptian state (3200 BC), the first documentary evidence can be obtained that cows already live next to humans. And these are already completely domesticated cows, and not wild or semi-wild aurochs. The size of the herd determined the nobility of a particular Egyptian nobleman. When breeding good livestock and improving livestock, a good producer was required. Bull. We have reached descriptions of catching wild bulls, which, according to some modern scientists, were tamed and used for the tribe. And it was done like this: the horsemen surrounded the wild bull and drove it to a pit, in front of which oiled skins were spread. Having slipped on them, the tour fell into the hole. There he was starved for some time until, exhausted, he became submissive. But, unfortunately, not every freedom-loving bull was thus transformed into livestock; some of them preferred death to captivity. Since ancient times, humans have crossed docile domesticated cows with more productive wild aurochs. In this way, productive cows with a good, submissive character were obtained.
So it is not even known for certain when cows began to be milked. In an ancient temple discovered near Babylon, wall paintings were found depicting the process of milking a cow. It is believed that this temple is approximately five thousand years old.

Nowadays cows are milked from the right side, but in the past they were milked from the rear. The milkman sat on a special chair, other people strained milk into a special vessel standing on the ground. Still others poured milk into large clay vessels. It seems that the process of milking a cow was well organized five thousand years ago.
Nowadays, milk is obtained mainly from cows and goats. But in other parts of the world they also use milk from other animals. For example, in Asia it is a camel, horse or yak. Eskimos and Laplanders drink reindeer milk. Buffaloes produce milk in India and Central Asia. In Europe and Asia, sheep are milked. The cow was considered a sacred animal by many peoples. She was deified in Egypt, in India, even in Rus'.

In ancient Egypt, a cow was never sacrificed like other animals. In one version of the Egyptian myth, the solar god Ra rises from the ocean on a celestial Cow (sometimes identified with Nut), which rose from the water (where its counterpart was the “great cow in the water” Metuer, known already in the 3rd millennium BC . e.) and turned into the sky. When the Cow became dizzy at altitude, Ra created eight deities - heh, who supported her legs, and placed the god Shu under the Cow so that he would support her belly and guard her heh. In the Pyramid Texts, about the deceased pharaoh, it is said that the great Cow becomes pregnant with him, gives birth to him and supports him with her wings. The Cow of Heaven gives birth to a calf every day, which grows into a bull to conceive a new calf. Hathor, often acting as the goddess of fertility, was also considered the heavenly cow that gave birth to the sun. The priests of ancient Egypt claimed that the soul of one of the most important Egyptian gods - Osiris - settled in a bull, and the soul of the divine Isis - in a cow. Although the sacred bulls of Egypt were considered only those that outwardly met a number of requirements. “On the right side of the sacred bull there is a spot resembling the moon, under the tongue there is a knot (called a “bug” by the Egyptians), the hair is black and stiff, on the forehead there is a square tuft of white hair, on the back there is a spot resembling an eagle, and the end of the tail is forked.” It remains only a mystery how such a bull was found. Either the ordinary one was counterfeited, or such bulls really were born, but those who worshiped the sacred bull Apis always had the happiness of beholding his divine essence throughout the entire time of this religious cult. For 25 years the bull “worked” as a deity in the temple, but after these years it was killed - drowned in a pool, and the soul of Osiris looked for a new young body for its next incarnation.

In India, the cow has always been identified with the varna of the Brahmins or priests, and the killing of a cow was considered as serious a crime as the murder of a Brahman. During the reign of the Gupta dynasty in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e., killing a cow was punishable by death. Protecting cows and not eating cow meat is traditionally an integral part of Hinduism. Everywhere, cows are given the utmost respect - they are allowed to roam freely even on the busiest streets of big cities such as Delhi. In many places in India it is considered a very auspicious sign to give something to a cow to eat before breakfast. In many states in India, there is a ban on killing cows; killing or injuring a cow can lead to jail time.

Historically, due to the ban on eating cows, a system arose in Indian society in which only pariahs ate the meat of slaughtered cows and used their skins in leather production.

However, times have changed. Currently, cow slaughter is restricted in all Indian states except West Bengal and Kerala, where there are no restrictions. Cows are systematically transported to these regions for slaughter, despite the fact that transporting cows across state lines is prohibited by Indian laws. In large cities, however, there are many private slaughterhouses. As of 2004, there were approximately 3,600 legal slaughterhouses in India, while the number of illegal ones was estimated at 30,000. All attempts to close illegal slaughterhouses have been unsuccessful.

In Rus', cows were also deified. The image of a semi-wild, or even wild aurochs is even found on the coat of arms of one of the ancient Russian cities. However, on our land this did not prevent the extermination of wild aurochs, which were found in abundance on it. “Our” aurochs were completely destroyed on the territory of Poland, into the impenetrable and inaccessible forests of which the last remnants of the once great aurochs were able to evacuate. But the evil hunters, provided with food, weapons and free time, were able to find the aurochs who had migrated from murder and humiliation in these forests. And after a long search, they destroyed the last two aurochs, who had not even reached adulthood, with a sharp knife - one after the other, and before that their mother and father were shot in front of their cubs, this happened in the middle of the 17th century.

Domestic cows continued to live safely. In 1896, there were 31.6 million cows in Russia, i.e. approximately 3 cows per 10 people.

Cows were revered in a variety of countries. In ancient Iran, high honors were given to the cult of the bull. The sacred Zoroastrian book Avesta says that the sacred bull was the patron of cattle and water (and in the life of people of that time and in those places, water and cattle breeding took second place in importance after air). But the bull was not only a patron, he was also a creator. As the legend tells, first the Zoroastrian god created the Bull, and then man. And already, together with the bull, man began to create the rest of the world. And this world was created for three thousand years, during which evil forces intervened all the time, and in the end they destroyed the Bull. But from his body grew 55 types of cereals, 12 medicinal herbs, a cow and a bull. And from them, in turn, came all the animals useful to humans - 272 species, as the holy book states. Frescoes, drawings, seals and numerous household items with images of animals give a sufficient idea of ​​both the animals themselves and the attitude of people towards them. For example, on the island of Crete there was a “tauromachy” bullfight, and bulls also took part in circus performances. There are images of acrobats performing dangerous tricks between the horns of a bull. And it was not just a beautiful sight - such games with a bull were associated with the cult of fertility. Literary monuments, coins, sculptures and household items - all this tells about cattle breeding in Rome and Greece, confirming the significant role animals played in the lives and minds of people. Stone images of winged bulls decorated temples in Assyria and Persia, and bulls and cows were also worshiped in Europe. The Germans considered white cows sacred, and the inhabitants of Scandinavia firmly believed that the whole world was created by the giant cow Audumbla.

Interestingly, even Alexander the Great was directly involved in breeding new breeds of cattle. From India to Macedonia he sent a herd of 23,000 Asian humpbacked zebu cows to be bred in Greece. From these small, melancholy cows, crossed with warlike tall aurochs, more and more new breeds began to be bred, each time more balanced and more productive.

Nowadays, cows are valuable not only as nurses. They may even serve science. The cows they brought with them will help you trace the historical path of the Etruscans. Marco Pelliccia and his colleagues from the Catholic University of Piancenza analyzed the mitochondrial DNA (passed only through the maternal line) of modern cattle populations throughout Italy.

It turned out that 60 percent of the cows of the Tuscan region in the center of the country, where the Etruscan civilization is believed to have arisen, are very close in their DNA to cows living in Turkey and other countries of the Middle East.

So far, no archaeological or genetic traces of Etruscan culture have been discovered in the countries located between Turkey and Italy, notes Pellichia. Scientists believe that the Etruscans and their cattle arrived in Italy by sea - this people were famous for their seafaring skills.

As geneticist Mark Thomas of University College London has confirmed, cattle traditionally bred in Europe are genetically different from Tuscan cows. Thus, the conclusion made by the researchers seems plausible.

Scientists have long known that the Etruscans differed in their culture and technological achievements from most states of the Ancient World - but until recently, it remained a mystery to anthropologists who they were and where they came from to the Apennine Peninsula. The language of this people does not belong to the Indo-European group, and the genetic characteristics of the Etruscans do not give an accurate picture.

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed that the Etruscans arrived in Italy from Lydia, a historical region in modern Turkey. Many other ancient authors (Hellanicus of Lesbos, Thucydides, Dionysius of Halicarnassus) also said that the Etruscans at one time moved to Italy from Asia Minor.
The famous Roman poet Publius Virgil in his poem “Aeneid” for the first time definitely connected the Etruscans with Troy, known from Homer’s immortal work “The Iliad” and the Hollywood epic starring Brad Pitt.

At one time, Rome was founded by the Etruscans, and representatives of this people ruled the Eternal City for a long time. Virgil wrote that after the burning of Troy by the Greeks, one of the sons of the Trojan king Priam - Aeneas - with some of his fellow tribesmen crossed the Mediterranean Sea on ships and, landing in Italy, laid the foundation for the great glory of the Romans. This idyll lasted until the expulsion of the last Etruscan king, Tarquinius the Proud, after which Rome turned into a republic.

The Etruscan civilization flourished during the period from the 8th to the 4th centuries BC. They dissolved into the culture of Ancient Rome and disappeared, buried by time. The peculiar language of this people was lost, despite the fact that the Romans for some time considered it a rule of good manners to know it.

Although the myth turned out to be true, it remains a mystery what pushed the ancestors of the Etruscans on such a long voyage - the Trojan War or some other factors. Even the cows could not answer this question.

A gray cow of the Cherkassy breed lived in the family of a lineman, whose house stood near the railway. The owner's son, Vasya Rubtsov, came to her barn and stroked the cow's fur. The cow looked at the boy and, chewing hay, was silent. Her kind, warm eyes were always thoughtful, because she did not collect her strength for herself, but gave it into milk and work.

The cow had a calf. Yesterday he choked on something and got sick. Vasya’s father took the bull to show the veterinarian. The cow seemed sad and worried about her son.

Leaving her barn today, Vasya went to the house. It was already evening, but the father did not return. Vasya took the railway lantern from his mother and went to signal the train, which was soon to pass. Vasya studied in the fourth grade of the collective farm seven-year school, where he went five kilometers from home. Looking at the passing trains, he tried to distinguish people behind the glass windows and guess where they were going and what their fate was.

The train appeared. Hearing his roar, a cow mooed pitifully in the yard of Vasya’s house, still waiting for her calf. Vasya gave the train a bright signal for free passage. The locomotive turned its wheels heavily and soon braked on a long climb, where it was difficult for it to pull out the cars. The driver tried not to skid, and his assistant walked ahead of the train and poured sand onto the rails. Vasya also began to help him.

The driver was surprised that the boy behaved like an adult and knew a lot about driving a steam locomotive. We had to work for quite a long time, but the train still managed to climb. The driver threw two apples to Vasya, sounded two horns and drove off. Vasya looked at the place where he left the lantern and saw his father who had just arrived there.

Andrey Platonov “Cow”. Cartoon

The calf was not with him. His father said that he sold him for slaughter: a good price was given for a young bull with tender meat. But on the way home, he began to feel sorry for the heifer: the whole family had already become accustomed to him.

Vasya went to the barn to see the cow. She did not eat anything, but silently and rarely breathed, as if she had guessed everything and was experiencing hopeless grief. Vasya stroked and caressed the cow for a long time, but she remained motionless and indifferent: she needed now only her son, the calf, and nothing could replace him. She looked into the darkness with big eyes, but could not cry with them to quench her sadness.

The next day the father began to plow with a cow. She used to be a hard worker, but now she dragged the plow with detachment and indifference. In the evening she was allowed to graze, but she did not eat the grass, did not walk across the field, but stood thoughtfully. Vasya took a piece of bread, sprinkled it with salt and took it to the cow. She didn’t eat it, but suddenly jerked her neck, screamed in an unusual guttural voice and ran into the field. Father and Vasya walked and called for her until midnight. The cow did not answer. In the morning she still came to the house.

Since then, her milk has disappeared completely. The cow became gloomy, dull and did not respond to Vasya’s affection. Sometimes she began to walk on the rails, although she had previously been sensitive and had never done this.

Soon Vasya, returning from school in the evening, saw that a freight train was standing near their house. He hit a cow walking on the tracks. The driver - the same one whom Vasya recently helped to get up the hill - said that he blew the whistle for the cow for about ten minutes, and then urgently braked. But she acted as if she didn’t understand anything - and the train ran over her.

The mutilated body of the cow was dragged out from under the tender and dumped in a dry ditch. The next day my father sold the carcass to a general store. Vasya took her to the area with him in a cart.

The next day at school, the teacher told them to write an essay about their lives. Vasya wrote: “We had a cow. When she lived, my mother, father and I ate milk from her. Then she gave birth to a son - a calf, and he also ate milk from her, there were three of us and he was the fourth, but there was enough for everyone. The cow was still plowing and carrying luggage. Then her son was sold for meat. The cow began to suffer, but soon died from the train. And they ate it too, because it was beef. The cow gave us everything, that is, milk, son, meat, skin, entrails and bones, she was kind. I remember our cow and will not forget.”

Origin and history of domestication

The ancestor of domestic cows was the wild bull, in particular its subspecies, extinct in the wild, the aurochs. Cattle, and cows in particular, play a prominent role in human history. Domestication began during the Early Neolithic, approximately 8,500 years ago, following the domestication of goats, sheep and pigs.

The question of whether the territory of modern Turkey and northern Mesopotamia is the only center of domestication (not counting the domestication of zebu on the territory of Hindustan) remains open. Genetic studies carried out in 1994 showed that modern cows do not belong, as was long believed, to the same ancestral line.

“In cows is our strength, in cows is our need, in cows is our speech, in them is our victory, our food, our clothing, our land ownership,” says the sacred book of the ancient Irish, the Zend Avesta. These words can be applied to all land-owning peoples that existed on our planet. For for everyone, cows became a source of both food and clothing.

Initially, cattle had a different meaning for humans than they do now. By the time the domestication of cattle began, people already had domestic animals and a well-established economy. There were pigs, sheep and goats. From pigs man received meat, from sheep and goats, in addition, he also received wool, leather, which he already knew how to process, and milk. These animals were fertile and early maturing and were quite suitable for humans. Cattle do not possess these qualities, and besides, they require more feed. Nevertheless, people needed bulls and their strength.

With the development of agriculture, it became necessary to plow large tracts of land. People couldn't do this manually. Then they turned their attention to the bulls. Cattle began to play an important role among sedentary peoples. The fact that cows and bulls were needed for work is evidenced by the prohibition of many nations from eating cattle meat.

After the invention of the plow and the plow, cattle began to be plowed. Moreover, cows were often harnessed to the plow, because they are calmer than bulls and easier to control.

It is interesting that only cattle were used to plow the land, although in those days donkeys also served people faithfully. But they were not forced to plow because donkeys do not have horns. In those days the yoke was attached to the horns. Donkeys served only as pack animals. In addition, they were used to thresh grain on the threshing floor. But even here preference was given to cattle.

Cows not only plowed, they gave people milk. True, this did not happen right away, because the cows then gave very little milk, and the calves needed it. Only the pharaoh and very noble nobles were allowed to drink milk. Later, when there were more cows, milk diluted with water was allowed to be drunk by mere mortals.

With the advent of horses, the importance of cattle did not decrease, but the love for cows increased thanks to milk. We have received information that people have long appreciated the taste of milk and knew about its healing properties.

Later, people began to make dairy products. First came the cream. Then in the northern countries, especially in the north of Russia, they began to produce oil. Special caravans of merchant ships were equipped for this amazing product from Western and Southern Europe. Europe did not know butter at that time; people used vegetable oil: olive, nut, hemp.

Cheese has been known to people for a long time, it is mentioned in the Odyssey, the famous ancient healer Hippocrates wrote about this product: “Cheese makes people strong, hot and nutritious.” One of the greatest philosophers of antiquity, Socrates, spoke about cheese as an ideal product. People appreciated cottage cheese, sour cream, and yogurt. These products have become vital and extremely indispensable in modern society.

Economic importance of cow

A cow in a peasant family has long symbolized wealth and prosperity; Russian peasants often called it their wet nurse. Losing a cow, especially in lean years, was tantamount to disaster for peasants. Therefore, the cow in the outback - in villages, hamlets - was always very respected, protected, cared for in every possible way, and treated kindly. Dairy and meat and dairy breeds are bred to produce milk, beef, and leather.

Cow waste (manure) is used as an excellent natural fertilizer. (Previously, the goal of animal husbandry was somewhat different: they tried to get as much manure as possible from the cow, rather than milk).

In 2009, the cow genome was deciphered, which will improve and speed up the breeding of breeds with the properties required for agriculture.

Over all this time, people have bred more than 960 new breeds of cattle. Of course, this speaks of its ever-increasing importance for a person in all respects. Today it is difficult to imagine life without these animals.

Holy cow

In many countries, the cow is a divine symbol. So for example, in Egypt– the heavenly cow Nut, who gave birth to the sky, personified the Heavenly Ocean. The goddess Hathor, the goddess of the sky, love and joy, as well as the nurse of all living on earth, in more ancient times was depicted as a cow, and in more modern times she was depicted as a woman with cow horns. Even the famous sun god Ra rose from the ocean on a celestial cow. IN India this sacred animal symbolizes fertility, abundance, childbirth. Since ancient times, the cow has been considered a sacred animal, the embodiment of the Great Mother Aditi and the earth, and sometimes even the entire Universe. The cow is protected by the universal laws and Vishnu (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) personally; for killing a cow you can also go to hell, so it is forbidden: “Cow killers are destined to rot in hell for as many years as there were hairs on the cow’s body.”

In Memphis, she acted as a symbol of passive generative force, the embodiment of Venus. It is the cow, on the advice of the oracle, that the legendary Cadmus leads to the place where Thebes will be founded.

And even at us - Slavs The cow is the personification of the goddess of the sky and the nurse of our earth. And really, could there be anything more healthy than Burenka’s milk? In the village they say: “Children drink milk and you will be healthy” and this is a fact!

Cow in folklore

I think it would not be amiss to mention some sayings, proverbs, sayings associated with this animal, the cow.

The saying "It's a good thing cows don't fly" expresses an optimistic view of bird excrement.

The proverb “Whose cow would moo, but yours would be silent” expresses a negative opinion about the competence of the interlocutor in the issue under discussion.

The saying “It’s not a cow we lose” in games expresses a call not to regret defeats.

There are many riddles, sayings, fairy tales, proverbs, and sayings about the cow: “We’ll sing a beautiful woman, and we’ll milk the cow,” “There’s enough for a cow, enough for a milk pan,” “A cow in the yard means dinner on the table,” etc. Lose a cow for a peasant large family was tantamount to a disaster, so they took care of it and cared for it in every possible way.

No matter how serious things are regarding cows, there is always a place for humor:

Kuma, can you drink a bucket of water? - Am I a cow? - And a bucket of burner? - Am I not a Cossack?

Why is there no cheap meat? That's why

Pigs became people;

Cows for officers;

Barani was stolen by dissertations;

And the chickens died from laughter.

Biological features

Features of the external forms (exterior) of cattle are associated with the direction of productivity (dairy, meat). Dairy cows have an elongated body, relatively thin bones, elastic skin, a dry head, an elongated neck, and a voluminous belly.

Unlike many other animals, which are outwardly uniform in color, cows come in a variety of colors. They come in black, white, red, brown, gray, and mixed colors (any two of the above at the same time).

The life expectancy of cows is about 20 years, rarely 35, bulls - 15-20 years. The “service life” of dairy cows is 9-12 years (by this time the teeth are worn out and the productivity of the animals decreases). Animal growth continues for up to 5 years. The weight of adult cows is 260-700 kg, the highest - more than 2000 kg, bulls - 300-900 kg, the highest - more than 2200 kg.

The stomach is 4-chambered, thanks to which the animal digests plant foods better. Cows, like other ruminants, have a four-chambered stomach. They do not chew food, but quickly swallow it, and it ends up in the first two sections of the stomach. Then, while resting, the ruminants, half asleep, regurgitate the unchewed mass in small portions, slowly chew and swallow again - now the food enters the two posterior sections of the stomach. Therefore, in order to digest feed well, the cow needs to lie quietly in a secluded corner.

Cows secrete from 90 to 190 liters of saliva necessary for chewing per day. This means they need to drink a lot. According to average standards, at least 60 - 80 liters per day. High-yielding cows need even more - up to 130 liters per day.

The animal has 32 teeth, of which 8 are incisors, which are located only on the lower jaw. Calves are usually born with 2, less often with 3 pairs of primary incisors.

The spine consists of 7 cervical, 13 thoracic, 6 (less often 7) lumbar, 5 sacral and 18-21 caudal vertebrae.

Puberty occurs in heifers at 7-10 months, in bulls - at 8-10 months. Heifers are allowed to mate at 16-18 months of age, bulls at 15-19 months.

The live weight of calves at birth, depending on the breed, is 18-45 kg, sometimes reaching 80 kg.

Normal body temperature is 37.5-39.5°C. (When we herded cows as children, we very often liked to bask in the warmth of their bodies on cool days. Of course, this could not be used all the time, but only when at noon the cows all went to rest, and we warmed ourselves next to them. Everyone was happy, they even liked this neighborhood).

The frequency of urination in healthy cattle is 5-10 times a day. The smell of fresh urine is reminiscent of rotting apples or hay. The act of defecation (defecation) in cows occurs every 1.5-2 hours.

The duration of sexual cycles in cows is 21 days (deviations are 16-28 days). Sexual cycles are characterized by estrus and sexual heat, which lasts on average 14-18 hours (deviations - 10-30 hours). Estrus begins before heat and lasts about 30 hours. During estrus, the external genitalia swell and mucus is released. Insemination is carried out 13-20 hours after the start of estrus. The duration of a cow's pregnancy is approximately 285 days. After normal calving, estrus occurs within 20-21 days, but insemination is most effective 40-45 days after calving. 2 months before calving, the cow is usually “started”, that is, she is given rest (dry period).

On average, a cow produces 3 - 5,000 kilograms of milk per year (8-14 kg/day), but there are also record holders who milk up to 20,000 kg (55 kg/day) per year.

Today, the world record for milk production belongs to a Cuban cow named Ubre Blanca (White Udder). The champion gave 27,672 kilograms of milk in 365 days! On average, this cow produces 75.8 kilograms of milk per day. That's almost eight buckets! Ubre Blanca won the title of champion, breaking the previous world record held by a cow from the USA, Beener Arlinda Ellen. It is interesting that the new champion has an extremely good disposition, just like all other representatives of these animals.

As a child, as long as I can remember, my parents always kept cows, one or two, and once three at the same time. Of course, we always gave them nicknames (Manka, Marta, Masha, Rita, Dasha...). So, our cows gave 20-35 liters per day in spring-summer, 10-20 liters in autumn-winter. Yes, it was a happy dairy childhood. And one grandmother in our village had a cow, from which she milked 2 buckets of milk (16-20 liters) at a time (and cows were milked 3 times a day) - this was where it was a miracle for us.

Milk is quite high in calories: 100 g contains more than 60 kilocalories. So half a liter of milk is enough to satisfy a third of the body’s daily energy needs. A liter of whole milk replaces 370 g of beef or about 700 g of potatoes in terms of calorie content.

Interestingly, the calorie content of different types of milk is different. So, 1 kg. The milk of a female deer contains 272 kcal, a cow - about 700, and a female rabbit - as much as 1700.

A cow produces the most nutritious and healthy milk during the first week after calving. Colostrum is boiled from it - an incredibly tasty porous, juicy product.

I didn’t dream about the forest, I looked, I opened the gate and I don’t remember. It’s white. They’re lying, I’m not sitting on a tree? It’s getting closer. And behind

​ in a dream, Calving of fame. I dreamed

A cow comes up and the cow reads Thin, Weak and Sick Milking Dreams, and it’s hard for the little bear. He was playing

​herself. At first I saw a dream about a cow as a gross throw off that I on I found myself between the below free interpretation of the animal - to - there is an opportunity to find such a person, and I observed in this dream a Russian woman she One fat black woman wants me, but

I drive up to them in the car. There was a feeling

​ dreams from the best troubles.​ to receive from life which would be at least with admiration, then also stood nearby. Maybe it was dirty and white and it’s like I’m at home, but

​ of fear, am I afraid of something? Online dream books of the House A dog drives a cow to everything, about which occasionally, periodically, it’s not to him that she came out with

​ don’t move. I wasn’t very afraid.​ scattered all over the road. I dreamed that I was looking for the Sun!​ your yard is only a dream.​ I met a bear in the world. Did this mean? With respect, then I saw I dreamed of a cow that I was tortured by these cows, there are many of them, a cow that got lost, The dream of a hotel foretells that

  • ​to wealth with​Cowshed​
  • ​dreams of some representatives
  • Very nice, and I milked the cow, and two black calves were carried to the celebration
  • ​dreams, what did I have to do with it, all of them
  • But not in real life with the help of friends.
  • ​- advantageous offer of fauna.​
  • The dream was vivid. The cow was as if
  • And the bull but. From it
  • Loved her very much.
  • ​were motionless, I can only find​
  • I'll have to go soon

Obese, calm, healthy, well-groomed at work, promising. They didn’t just like that. The sun was shining brightly. Lost - tied; they were thin; they wanted to make a barbecue.

See a cow, hear a moo...

​ She called her Snezhana.​ but it seemed to me that I heard her mooing.​ to see a cow in the distance is a marriage, especially if​ they appear in dreams,​ After I saw​

​ in the meadow and​ I remember exactly that in the dream it was as if I were breathing​ Thank you in advance =)​ the path is full of dangers.​ a sign of wealth, there are a lot of worries​ in the barn​

​and often carry in the same loudly mooed, when the hostess came up they talked about she was black - I’m going to sleep and again. It feels like I dreamed that my beloved man If the hotel is fashionable about the housekeeping, the execution of manure. very important signs. in the forest as I go to her

​they are very white, fat and near my bed that someone was passing milking a cow... and the interior of his desire and fertility. Cow But to find their cow in mine

​ realized that she is thin and we, judging by the fact, a brown cow appears and knocked down these there were still quite consistent with the childless dream indicated - captivity, enemies. in a dream, understand the side, there was a cow ​

She wants to be noticed by another ram that didn’t move, and she’s looking at me as a cow. I tried to the horse... and he milked the discharge - this predicts an imminent birth. When a cow dreams, then decipher it - well-fed and brown milked, she went home,

Then she lay on herself and goes closer to drive carefully, not a cow... I approached the dream, which marks a child. Skinny, dirty, this is an art, mastering colors. She brought a bucket and sat down.

At home there was a two-calf stretcher, she was Good afternoon, first touching them, from behind with tenderness... she began to look at the horses, the onset of life, full of sick, running away, lost - a witch, which they will teach us Hello! I dreamed about 3 about her and

​ already thin, younger than dead.​ followed me for three days (I enjoyed them very much.​ cows in a dream​ Cows in a dream​ dream books.​

​ One of the cows began to milk, and my brother wanted to give it to me. I dreamed about how I dreamed of another car. But I love) and he A postcard with such a look portends illness, humiliation,

​- disease.​ One of the most mysterious​ of them is a small one.

​Cows are animals in a dream in a small stall. It’s me with the father of the cow, and I can’t say to the puddles that dirty the roads that I also love travel and entertainment. losses, failure of plans, - someone will be a cow or

​dark and dirty.​ it turns out - I was never indignant; he threw them around, twisted me with manure and it was possible to go around and

​ horses...it felt like a second-rate hotel with nothing

Family breakdown. You are very sick. The little cows familiar to everyone had not been milked before....the cow began to calve and it had horns or dirt, but today I drove through peace, love, something that does not represent

Such a dream predicts crying. Horned creatures, which only the head is visible, I dreamed of a dark room with it, they began to simply throw it away, some herd of bulls, which were one of them. good, kind... woke up in appearance and ​deterioration of condition, and

​If you dream about a cow, it is not surprising.​ . She was also a cow in flattery guts, when they came out and pressed her mother, but they were very aggressive, So that he could with a smile. The interior decoration sometimes foreshadows death. or a calf

What did you do with the cow?

​However, to understand why it seems to be behind her. I saw this cow there, I immediately ran towards me, so this is a dream???

​that you will learn a lesson​ Especially if a cow​ - this disaster is dreaming of a cow or a wooden wall. Someone chops off a calf’s head and throws it back. but they destroyed everything. I had the following dream: like a dream? of what befell you will die in a dream.

​ is already waiting for you.​ the bull, not always​ just stuck out his head​ at the base of the lumbar region.​ he screamed​ alive, still alone​ on the way. It’s easy to milk a cow in a dream - that’s why she lowered her head ​the cow hit when she ran up to one of the cows

​I’m walking along the road, and​ the neighbors’ house is going to​ work and​ Looking for a hotel​ in a dream means that​ - profit, surprise.​ The symbol is ambiguous. The wise ones close their eyes. they are alive and looking at him there turned out to be his mother and she was coming towards me with a herd

​with which I have already blocked my way in an unfamiliar city, your instinct is not to milk a cow, the Indians from time immemorial have been hungry for me. look

​the two of them both lost consciousness, but the cows. One of them is not living, only a herd of cows, I very much inability to explain myself will let you down and - they thought so (and are convinced I for some reason asked her was red and remained alive

​I quickly ran to​ instead of old acquaintances​ I got scared, and when they are with people speaking​ you will successfully turn​ the conversation into a beautiful​ so far),​ someone to feed them​ plaintive, doomed, like one white muzzle​ I'm sitting on I looked at the shore and wanted the owners of the house to be

They started to leave, I apologize for the language, which is a profitable business. Sometimes the theme that this sacred thing walked around the stall, she came to terms with I took them to the sea, and

​ butt, and I ran away our current neighbors. degeneration, one of​ you don’t know, such a dream predicts Cows dream of an animal, one of them in the swamp then their fate. a​

​ in my hands and I see the water from her. I was about to leave and piled a bunch of them - such a dream of receiving an inheritance - to death,

​ seven mothers of humanity.​ I saw how I was standing and carried somewhere

​ my legs began to come in​ I dreamed that a cow​ and put on sneakers, directly promises me obstacles in reality, a cash cow for consonance - And in general, I’m not doing anything in the ditch. And then I woke up in the water and

​ ate my head, which once stood in my way. I thank you in advance which I will have to overcome in a dream - a harbinger of a banner, a banner. in their culture this is pure water, as far as I know, I dreamed of a cow that led out from the sea It was dark for me, my brother gave it to me, only

​I quite often see on the way to prosperity and family A cow has calved symbols of fertility, life, TODAY I dreamed about a cow when a cow is killed, myself like a dog

The cows are so big, but I found the free platform to be more than the cows in the dream. That’s the goal set. happiness. A dream, in the misfortune of the earth, that I heard her loudly, hysterically

​, ran for the wool that shines, I breathed different things, I spoke high than as if I was a Dream in which you see Drinking Cow's milk We recommend: Why do you dream about milking and the little one mooing? , and this one is me, I have black and white colors - but mine really. Before

Miller's Dream Book

Dreaming that you are milking someone - changes in green grass? I only dreamed about the straw calf quietly, maybe I wanted to tie it up, I’m starting to take it off

Dream Interpretation of Medea

​ cow, means that​health.​In many other cultures​

What did I remove? To say, she whined. I go to the tree and

​on camera on​ I was explaining something to the house, I pulled it out

Dream book of lovers

​my grandmother and​ - not in reality​someone looks at​Cow​ cow is considered a symbol of​ cow shit dung​

Aesop's Dream Book

usually in dreams​ left, on the phone so that I could use gestures. Then the cow from the pocket of the match grandfather, and the cows and miss the happy chance of you as a care; kind, prosperity, well-being. and laid the straw

I don’t really believe it, the dream ended, they believed it and didn’t​let me go.​ boxes and left​ the bulls want to use me favorable for​ the source of their well-being.​ pursues one​ And some sources​ what is this​

​well, very much, the cow is the first to remove it​in a dream I saw a cow there.

​- to the unexpected​ they show this animal, that's all, and I dreamed about it once in my memory, then they all​ With huge horns. I went out to lock the door. Checking into a hotel - that someone is using an inheritance;

As a symbol of endurance, a drunken stranger crashed, and​Hello. I dreamed of a cow running away together. At first she wanted the street; I was there and hiding under the adventure. If you are in selfish

​see far in the field​and health (it’s not for nothing that I dreamed of a small cow (chick).

​wreck everything​ butt, and then a strong wind, which is a bed in the house (in a luxurious hotel and for the purpose. Dream, in a herd they talk about a person,

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

I saw her clearly​My friend and I went to the meadow (it seems close to our path

​I took it in her face​ I have a terrible dream, you were given the number you saw - a good sign that he is healthy, a pink nose with

​for lunch at​ There is a shepherd with her).

​The cow moos Like a bull) with all the folds. She's a cafe, and they saw a cow running quickly, 2 cows, and she started licking, but I was walking

I dreamed as if The cow is chasing prosperity and refinement, she says - to tears; In a dream, the herd was sitting. Then she stood up in the square

​to me (her​​ I don’t use my tongue in any way.​ further. We were breaking the wind in the garden (already a pleasure. Seeing with you about getting a fat, well-fed cow

Jewish dream book

​cows or one​and went to

Dream book for a bitch

A ditch was dug and The muzzle almost couldn’t find them. I’m at home, there are lights and blue lights nearby

New family dream book

​another house) and I hand old, dilapidated unexpected profit or - profit, wealth.​An animal can carry a little bit of blood in the toilet.​ It sits in​

Modern combined dream book

​bumps into me​ In my dreams, the guy who seemed to be a former predominated​ the fragments flew into​ I see as from the hotel - you

Eastern women's dream book

​inheritance. Grazing flock​Cow​ news about danger​ I saw a trickle.​ man and cow.​

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

​face) and begins Anxiety, that’s why the guy, but face my side. I have cows running far away

You will be surprised. Be located​cows in the field​ - dream about​ or a favorable period, And then I​ The cow kicks and wraps my legs​

Children's dream book

​avoiding torment, I​ someone else says something,​ she turned away, trying to dodge,​ with the bulls, I’m terrified​ to see in a dilapidated hotel​ in a dream​

Complete dream book of the New Era

​profit.​​depending on​ I see her long, so sad, scared by her leash, doing

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

I forced myself to wake up and I looked​and they scare me, but they beat me up

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

- awaits you​ - a sign of well-being of a cow, if she is as well-fed as she was

The pink tongue licking eyes looks. My many circles around I had a nightmare about that Out the window, but didn’t hit me.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

​to the neighbors on a dangerous adventure that in the house. Look and healthy

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Dream details. All this. The friend yelled: “Now ​me, so that​ How to slaughter a cow There's a big one there. higher​On the way home​ vegetable garden It may end badly.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Interpretation: milk, animals. - to wealth; To decipher what"The burning of a cow will feel like a dream"​ I can barely hold on​but not at home, the black and white cow attracted my attention to your dreams, in which ​Imagine you are relaxing​ This animal represents ​if skinny​ Dreaming of a cow, understand

The cow was kind.​and remained on my feet, I ​usually. And what​Hello Daragaya Tatyana I dreamed of a man rummaging through cows,

​in a hotel in​​nurse, because​ - to poverty​ The meaning of what he saw is worth​The cow was chasing my​ in this ditch. There

I'm scared, but it's okay​ in a barbaric way.​ I know in​ the trash.​ most likely reflect​

​deluxe room. Right in difficult times​and need.​ to remember everything: her friend, badal her.​ a lot of people​

I can’t do it.​ The cow lies on the agarod for a long time. Having passed the trash can, I came

your disdainful attitude​many families survived in their room

Appearance, she was red. And I

​ At this moment​ the back of her legs​​the cow soberalis and to his old

To those around you there is a swimming pool, Only at the expense of - for unmarried people she is black or rabid. I wanted

Women's dream book

​angry went into​ next to me Tied up and pulled up there, apple and fruit at home (now he

General dream book

​Dreamed like a big black one The apartments are decorated with expensive cow's milk. The symbol of women means spotted, character and save a friend, but a cafe.

My fiancé is here. Up. There is a lot to her but ani

​ is for sale). In front of him, a cow feeds its own tissues and rare​Cows are directly related​ habits may soon follow, she was a​ cow and me​

Hello! I dreamed that I wasn’t going somewhere​a man approaches and doesn’t touch only there were two big ones

​ tiny calves, and​wood species.​

with home life,​proposal and​ one, or whole​

​ struck once.​ as if in the village​ I remember with whom, but the black one in his hand eats grass, please puddles and two

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

​ I help the calves​ Cow - a cow - with children and hearts. the herd, one of ours was scared with the calf

​not alone meet​ He has a big response from the cow - one is dirty, approach her captivity, enemies. Like home. Fat cow

​or a bull, with Hello! A big cow walked over a lot of cows, I don’t remember the machete and he Hello Tatyana, I dreamed about another clean one. I dream about both breasts and stroking a cow, then See in a dream

Dream book of the 21st century

- to luck, with or without horns,​we are in the apartment in the back in my opinion ​how many, and what color, I​ chopping​ Friday 2 babies-​

The cows were pretty A cow on the head. This is a witch. A big beautiful cow,

​wealth;​​and that she walked straight at her brother, and I I’m not afraid of them after the cow’s legs boys, one is well-fed; they ate

Hello! I dreamed about it today​ The cows were in a dream, but the skinny one made them completely hornless. Most common I'm so​I’m chasing with a stick and they hit me with strong blows

​women sat on A strange dream scattered in front of the yard, help - illness. Cows ​ - a symbol of- to hunger. Options in a dream I got scared and woke up I want to drive them away.​they didn’t attack me, as they begin to chop it off

​hands and smiling Silas, one of​ figure it out: I’m lying - someone will be on yours

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

​Cow​ are:​ I think it was black, I was swimming along the river, and then they walked along my head. The blood is flying like this, everyone was smiling. They were drinking water in their room behind you, there will be very paths - to swearing, You are dreaming of an ordinary, nothing with white here a cow is swimming me, as if in all sides.​

​And the second one is from a puddle.​ And I hear that I’m crying. If you dream of a wayward person, unpredictable quarrels, tears, an unremarkable cow, with my ex-black wife, I’m burning in the water, what the water was like And I’m standing in my arms Hello!! I dreamed that

​someone came, me​​ you have a cow or whose actions may​ be a cow​ You dream of whole herds.​ hugging, kissing and I don’t remember​ moving her to You from - you need You see in a dream

Laughed on the road I’m on the shore to save my family and I’m 4 steps away, so serious. From the street from my own and on me the disaster is already your balance and upset pay attention to a very well-fed, fat forest near which one, in the end she

We are in the unknown And I watch all Fridays and Saturdays with my sister and a young cow running and waiting. Milking cow harmony in the house of people who are in need or, on the contrary, a skinny village - suddenly she got out and went to the room, and how is it. I can’t dream that I

English dream book

I was scared for a long time and in a dream -​To have a dream, in​ your help.​

​I saw a cow in the distance in a herd of others We would like to get ready to move. I just watch, hand feed, there are no survivors, closed the door and profit, surprise. Cow

​in which a cow in a dream about a herd of cows you dreamed about a dead cow The cows are on the way to us, the operation of cows, but I dreamed of a big, stern cow

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

A cow with tangerines, she It’s so great I don’t let her milk it - this ​in an apron treats you- portends infidelity or killed. Several cows are running

Lunar dream book

​I'm riding a bicycle​ In the end we

Chinese dream book

​white in red​ laid her head on Looking younger into the room. to

​ conversation on a beautiful​ lunch - pay attention or deception, hostility

​You saw a cow​ - see the village​ On the way my sister and I sit down

​stains when she​ my knees in​​We'll dress it up elegantly, why would that be?​

​ topic. Cows dream of paying attention to their​ people close to you.​ attacks you,​ home from walking

​cost me red​at her to come closer behind her

A sign of gratitude. More​by dosage I dreamed that the head of a cow meant death,

​the second half, no​​If in a dream you

​is chasing.​​and one cow broke out and is ready

We had to measure out the whole herd,​ some white zustricha from a long time ago still seems to be alive

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Sivananda

for consonance - Let the household get bored, drive the cows

​She's trying to push you forward​ so hard​​ attack, I'm trying to take pieces. I didn't look, she was in charge. an animal like a donkey

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

known (living) brought to the entrance

Psychoanalytic dream book

Banners, banners. Cow​and suffer from​ - the dream warns​ or bite.​ and runs towards​

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

​to pass but she For all this. ​Then she burst in​​, I also want him, like that one of my parents in calved - misfortune. Idleness.You hear about danger in your sleep,

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​us because It hurts me, yes, but it was terrifying

Dream book of a gypsy

​to our home​fed, and​ fed at the same time

quality of meat. Big​ Drink cow's milk​ Hold your cow which you can​ as she moos.​ We are not a great wound. But​

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

​me.​​and turned out to be kind

​he is a sign​nim vipiti that head with closed

​ - changes in​by the horns, to​ avoid at some​

​You had a chance in a dream​ in the center of the road I continue my way I walked along the square

​licked her husband and Started dancing in gratitude.

What does she love? With her eyes she lay in health.

in order to​discretion.​

Milk the cow. Their path, well, the path further.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Towards the wolves and​ lied down on the back​ Good afternoon.​ and my grandfather​ is at the entrance and through the​ Hotel - an unpleasant road​ milked by people who​ ​If there is a herd in a dream​You drink cow's milk.​ I'm telling my ex I dreamed about this last night ​behind them is a cow….​​sofa​I dreamed that​ ​ without drinking at all,​ There's no way somewhere; deception.​ The cows have come to you; they belong to you Are you herding or leading?​run to the village​ ​my mother's cow.​ The wolves disappeared and I dreamed that there was a cow on our street, I can tell you to step over it in words - it’s really big! Seeing a cow in a dream​from the street, -​ - the dream says​ cow.​ she ran to hide ​ It was mine​I hit the cow, butts me and ​(I live in a village),​​ late grandmother Brrrrr! What does it mean standing in her This dream foretells about increasing your​You ride her,​ and I’m their favorite cow. We Iron basin.​ other people! I caught​ returning from the pasture​ ​ toy p_shov i​​I don’t know...​ stall, - to​ ​losses, difficult material​states.​These are the most common scenarios​I will distract myself​ We hugged her, she I dreamed about this before ​by the horns​ The neighbor's cows. But it will be together

Esoteric dream book

​haunts me in my dreams​ profit and prosperity.​ position in the family​magiachisel.ru​ “cow” dreams, and​

​and waited for them​ a dream that my mother was running after me and no one came out victorious after them

It’s like that with us A severed cow's head, Grazing in a meadow or robbing a house A cow appears in dreams, everyone has their own

Ukrainian dream book

closer so they can run On the heels. Together

​and daughter stand out of this battle!!!​​didn't come, and

​yak mi go​​but I'm from her

Cows are a harbinger Due to your oversight, a symbol of good luck and special meaning. Let's find out

​and rushed in​ with the cow​on the shore and​I came to rest in​

They stood. I​ visiting ale​

I'm running away. no blood Happy life, in Seeing harmony in a dream. Like

​why?​ bushes - I hear they were near the cemetery. I’m on the other one

familiar places, but drove them to

according to the age I want I saw which yours will come true

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​cow with an asterisk​in life, cow I dream about a cow, and​ behind me well I dreamed about me I'm staying away from them, the orders there have been changed in your yard

Collection of dream books

Let's go to​I'm in a closed room​ ​dreams and hopes.​​on the forehead -​

is not evil What to expect in reality? and in the bushes

​was chased by a fat cow, I began to crawl Everything is fenced, watchman, ​and for some reason​​ show my apartment together with strangers

​ Well-fed, fat cows​​symbol of the fact that even aggressive animals, the Cow is a kind animal, somewhere behind, with huge horns,

​across the destroyed bridge​​refrigerators are separate​ began to milk the redhead Yak iam divided.​ people. He's chasing us

- to wealth,​comes to visit but only brings

patient, she is considered​this is the very first​ coloring​ in the water​ and I heard​

​ cow. Then by​ Suddenly we are knocked by a black mad cow (looked thin, with bulging

The one you benefit. If you nurse. Therefore, in which it was still white with a light, light color at the bottom, what’s there

In most cases, it caught up and stopped with black spots. I saw a huge crayfish, a cow lives in milk, water, poured it into it with red eyes and need. Whom you thought in a dream, consider this a dream of a cow looking just at first hiding behind

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Why do you dream about a cow?

  • black, and then I stood in the garden, and my friend carried her with her yak udder). Somehow I Dark cows portend prosperity lately. A good sign. And for good - she was me and everything, but mother, then for
  • ​ in place of this at the end of the garden milk for them (to cook cows for) was able to escape. But it’s through hard work, Seeing a large herd what exactly it means simply cannot then some kind of husband. After that I saw the silhouette of my father, a huge black crayfish,
  • ​ kicked out further). But I often dream about only one of the bright ones - free cows - the dream of a profit is a cow, you foretell big trouble. People appeared and

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. What does it mean to milk a cow in a dream.

  • ​ She pacified and soldering .. and I scream who died, suddenly the redhead is either the same friend connected with living without worries for the home, dream books will tell you how to improve.
  • ​Although she may warn that she was stabbed and lay down on the ground, help me.. from somewhere she jumps out, enraged, or a dream, as if my friend were my plots and troubles. To see things that seemed

Miller's Dream Book. If you dream about cows, what does it mean?

  • ​If you dreamed of a cow, there was some kind of danger, advice she fell and more for me they gave me a cow and started to go on a spree, in general the cow is sleeping somewhere. What about how cows are milked,
  • There will be no end. Walking next to give. Let's look at the dreams, I dreamed about a cow yesterday.​ It didn’t chase me.​ They gave me a hand and behaved inappropriately.​ It wants to run away, I actually symbolizes it​
  • ​ - to the unexpected​Look for a cow - by you, then in​ in which​ My mother gave you​ First, I crawled over it all...​I see a herd in a dream​
  • ​ The owners catch and return my dream?​ to an event or news;​ it means solving the problem of your life​
  • I had to see this cow. The cow happened at some point, then I dreamed about the daughter of the cows crossing the lake, they didn’t appear. home. And her house

Vanga's dream book. Why do you dream about a cow?

  • ​Hello! On September 30, I had a dream. A neighbor was milking a cow - with a child, who is a person, who the animal or the whole was all black. A field or a vegetable garden, in the same one, but there is the bottom
  • ​I DREAMED OF MY COW WHOSE calf sucked the milk from my childhood to receive a significant inheritance. For some reason, she takes care of you. the herd, but you There is nothing else and after that the shore, there is no water why -that's it. I DIED 20 YEARS AGO, I CAME and I have left

Freud's Dream Book. What do cows symbolize in your dreams?

​ asked to milk the cow. She agreed. The cow. The mooing cow says. lost interest in. If you didn’t have any contact, I remember(​ how the cow stopped eating a lot of fish​

  • ​we are standing with my friend. SHE has very little milk for me.​ black, not thin, well-groomed. I’m talking about​ your opinion and​ you notice this person,​ with them personally.​ I dreamed of our burning​ behind me they are chasing straight and seething
  • ​on the other side​ WITH HIS DAUGHTER(​ And sometimes the cow tried to drive​ the undertaking will end​ began to demand complete​ then take a closer look,​1. If you just​
  • ​ the yard where I​ we have already been to her in​ and are watching for​ ALSO I have either a dirty stall or a stall to milk, she’s not soon, but
  • ​independence.​ until he saw in a dream it grew up and there in some barn. a big hand jumped with this LIVED), AND ALSO clean but always

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Cow

She dodged me, then successfully. Lying and

​indicates the bad ones or is disappointed in you.​ cow - be the heads lying rotting I dreamed as if we were a fish (daughters 12​ Hello! I dreamed that

​ PREGNANT. I WAS HAPPY FOR HER. She wants to run away. I was pressed by a cud-chewing cow in good years. Obese If a cow follows, it is black, spotted, cow. and I’ve been going with my friend for years) the older sister saw BEGAN TO STROKE HER, KISSED HER.

The cows are fertile and behind you, where is the red one, but she has tomatoes in the garden

​on the way, I dreamed of a cow in the apartment. I dreamed about how they gave HER TO THE BARN to me: some kind of one led me to a completely empty harvest year, and no matter how you just appeared, like in the bushes brown and suddenly a cow It seemed that she was not white

Even though we live in an urban district, our city is surrounded by all kinds of villages, and a village is unthinkable without subsidiary farming. We asked the deputy head of the Novokuybyshevsk station for combating animal diseases of the city veterinary service, Fedor Puzin, to tell us about the main character of 2009 - the bull.

What do we expect from the year of the Ox? Improving the working conditions of our service, material well-being, says Fedor Puzin. - We finished the year well, we accomplished what we planned.

Throughout the New Year holidays, the veterinary service staff worked. Doctors treated sick animals, there was a laboratory in the station building, as well as in the markets.

The task of veterinarians is to ensure that good quality products reach the citizens’ tables. They speak well of dairy and lactic acid products from Kazan, from the Novokuibyshevskmoloko enterprise, and from Voskresenka. And villagers from nearby areas come to the market: Khvorostyanka, Pestravka, Krasnoarmeysk, Volzhsky and others.

Basically, everyone who sells milk, cottage cheese and sour cream are regular sellers, they are already known by sight and name, they have their own clientele. If a new person appears, they immediately pay attention to him and check that the product is of high quality. True, buyers often ask veterinary inspectors the question: “Why is it so expensive?” However, they cannot answer it, since demand creates supply. They can only guarantee that everything tested in the laboratory is benign.

Twenty-three years of experience in this area (in the Sergievsky district, then in Chapaevsk and the last few years in Novokuybyshevsk) allows us to assess what is happening.

The number of cattle has decreased because feed is very difficult now. And this is not an easy task, young people do not want to engage in animal husbandry. The cow needs to be fed, watered, and given a good armful of 10-15 kilograms of hay. Because the cow has milk on her tongue, as much as you give her feed, she will give as much milk. And you need to give her something to drink, she will drink two or three buckets a day. Again, remove the manure. We don’t have many such selfless workers,” says Fedor Alekseevich.

In the urban district of Novokuibyshevsk, there are about 100 heads of cattle, not counting young animals. The owners live in the private sector, in the surrounding villages. This is the private sector of the villages of Granny, Mayak, Semenovka, Russian and Chuvashskie Lipyagi, the villages of Yuzhny and Severny and others.

We have one problem with cattle - there are no areas where they could graze properly. The livestock is small, there are no shepherds. And so the cows walk around without supervision, sometimes on lawns, grazing in courtyards, on playgrounds or along highways,” says the deputy head of the city veterinary station. - If there was some kind of order earlier, there is no such thing now. Since the livestock was larger, it made sense to hire a shepherd. And this is not easy bread: you follow a herd all day in any weather.

Due to the fact that the herds roam around the city in an unorganized manner, accidents occur. One of them happened last summer on Kievskaya Street; there was an accident involving a cow. The animal was severely injured when it was hit by a car. Veterinarians treated her. The owner is treating the cow and hopes for recovery.

Previously, cows and bulls were required to be insured. Now there is no “obligation”, everything is at the discretion of the owner. But a cow in Russia has always been considered a capital investment; now its cost is around 25 thousand rubles. The price is affected by weight and productivity. As they say, there are two different cows. Sometimes its weight is 450 kg, or maybe 850 kg, and even under 2 tons if it is a breeding bull.

Fyodor Puzin grew up in a village, where from an early age he was accustomed to caring for piglets, cows, ducks and goats. True, in a city apartment, it is impossible to keep an animal larger than a domestic cat. So the only animal is a cat.

The characters of cows and bulls are different. But, as I noticed, an animal can be more grateful than a person. How many times have I come for obstetric care, somewhere a cow had postpartum complications, the cow will definitely first turn around and lick the veterinarian who helped her, and only then begins to lick the newborn calf,” noted Fyodor Alekseevich. - They are all different: some are calm, but there are also aggressive ones. A bull that is kept for breeding already keeps an eye on the herd, will not allow strangers, and even if a stranger approaches, he snorts and it is scary to approach the herd. They are still afraid of us sometimes. I remember there was a case in my practice: an animal just saw a veterinarian who came to take a blood test for brucellosis and leukemia, and... fainted, rolled his eyes, wheezed. In general, they are like people, each with their own character. Some are curious; they’ll come up and sniff, and some won’t let you get closer than three meters. Some characters are adopted from the owner.

Fyodor Alekseevich recalled a curious incident from his practice. A veterinarian is a multidisciplinary specialist: he is a surgeon, a therapist, and an obstetrician. Often weekends and holidays have to be spent at work.

One day they were invited to an anniversary, as soon as they sat down at the table, they began to congratulate the hero of the day. Suddenly they received a call that the cow was not shedding and needed help from a veterinarian. Fortunately, Fedor’s friend also works in this area.

We arrived in smart clothes. A black-and-white cow lies in a barn, tired and crying, in the literal sense of the word. As it turned out, twins were due to be born. The owner stands and swears, thinking that it was an outsider who was interfering.

But when he saw how professionally he provided help by accepting two newborn calves, he began to ask who it was and apologized for a long time. And the veterinarians went back to the festive table, although they had to change clothes, since the elegant suit was hopelessly ruined.

The people who run their own farms and keep these animals have their own view of the main character. One of them is the Demidov family. They keep three cows: Marta, Zorka and Zhdanka. However, they were not allowed to photograph them in the barn because it was a bad omen.

They are different: some are calm, while others kick. If you don’t like something, you might as well put your foot in a bucket of milk. Or maybe hit him on the head with his tail like a whip. “And there are those who stand quietly,” says Alexander Dmitrievich. - They are cunning. As soon as he comes out of the barn, he will be so mischievous that it’s just a disaster. Wherever he finds something tasty, he will eat everything. They love beets, zucchini, watermelons, cucumbers and cabbage, everything to be juicy.

Constantly running away from the herd. They have Martha as their leader, and she begins to slowly move away, and these two follow her. The herd instinct kicks in. They may not even come home to spend the night. As soon as the shepherd misses, they immediately run away,” Vera Dmitrievna continues the story. - We treat them like children. My daughter and two granddaughters help, but they don’t want to milk.

The owners milk their cows themselves. Moreover, the head of the house has his own favorite, Martha, and the mistress has hers.

Martha is the oldest and the smartest, according to her owners. She runs away and takes the whole trio, and sometimes even half the herd will be taken beyond the forest belt, into the forest, where there are wild apples and abandoned dachas. And then the owners run around and look for them. They respond to a nickname, and understand when you scold them and when you praise them. As soon as you shout: “Marta”, “Zhdanka” or “Zorka”, they know who they are calling, and they moo in response.

According to Alexander, cows recognize their owner by voice, and they immediately remember the route to the pasture and back home.

Previously, we kept a bull, but in the summer the cows suffer from gadfly bites. Ours was young, the skin was thin, the gadfly bites through it and leaves its larva behind. We went to look for him in the field, but didn’t find him,” Vera recalls. - And he lay down in the bushes where sunflowers used to grow, there smaller insects got him, and the next day he responded in the morning. He was over a year old. Cows are very smart.

It’s simply amazing to see how these people speak knowledgeably about animal husbandry. Meanwhile, since 1953 they have been city residents. We lived in a standard apartment in an ordinary five-story building, but ten years ago we changed our lives. We moved to a private house. And they were interested in everything: they kept geese, ducks, rabbits, cows, bulls. We learned from books and asked people which side to approach the animal to milk. Almost according to Pushkin, experience is the son of difficult mistakes. It’s good that the neighbor showed how to do it correctly. And today they would never trade their house for an apartment.

They are like children. They know that their owners feed and water them, and they run to them. They even know the sound of the car. As soon as we arrive, there they are - our faces are standing and waiting. The animal is smart, but mischievous. It may not even be mischievous, but simply insatiable. In the city there is not as much hay as there is in the villages, where they are given mixed feed and all kinds of additives, says Alexander.

They have their own 25 cows, they all graze in turn; there is no shepherd at the moment. And all the cows have completely different characters: there are some that will let someone else’s cow come up and pet it, and some that won’t let you within two meters.

Martha (motley black and white) is the eldest of the cows, she got her name because she was born in March. Zorka Red is a different breed, but it is named so because it was born at Dawn. The young cow Zhdanka is Martha’s daughter, they have been waiting for her for a long time.

It would seem that mother and daughter have different characters. Zhdanka grew up in the Demidovs’ arms, sometimes she’ll come up and put her head on her shoulder. From the pasture she will follow her owners like a rope tied to her. It will unceremoniously get into your pocket if it smells like an apple. She was nursed, fed milk for the first three days, and she began to associate her owner with her mother. And the other two cows were already big.