Didactic game "Tops and Roots"

Didactic task. To consolidate the knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have both tops and roots edible; Exercise children in assembling a whole plant from its parts.

Game rules. You can look for your top (fruit) or root (roots) only upon a signal from the teacher. You can’t pair up with the same player all the time; you have to look for another pair.

Game actions. Search for a pair; composition of a whole plant.

Progress of the game. Option 1. After harvesting in his garden, an adult gathers the children, showing them what a good harvest they have grown, praising them for their useful work. Then he clarifies the children’s knowledge that some plants have edible roots - roots, others have fruits - tops, and some plants have both tops and roots edible. An adult explains the rules of the game:

Today we will play a game called “Tops and Roots”. On our table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other - roots. (Children are divided into two groups.)

There are vegetables on the table here; The children of the first group take the top in their hands, and the children of the second group take the spine. Have you taken everything? And now, at the signal (clap your hands), you will all scatter around the area and run in all directions. When you hear the signal “One, two, three - find your pair!”, quickly find yourself a pair: the spine is at your top.

The game is repeated, but you have to look for another top (or spine). You can't be paired with the same player all the time.

Option 2. The tops (or roots) stand still. Only one subgroup of guys is running around the site. The adult gives the signal: “Roots, find your tops!” Children should stand so that the tops and roots form one whole.

The correctness of the task can only be checked by the “magic gate” (an adult and one of the children), through which all couples pass. To ensure that interest in the game does not fade, you can offer to exchange tops and roots.

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Game "Tops and Roots".

Target: consolidate general concepts in children’s speech. With some vegetables we eat what is on the surface of the earth (tops), and with others we eat what grows in the ground (roots).

Participants: children .

Educational areas:



Game rules. You can look for your top or spine only when given a signal. You can’t pair up with the same player all the time; you have to look for another pair.

Game actions. Search for a pair; composition of a whole plant.

Progress of the game.

Option 1. After harvesting the crops in his garden, the adult gathers the children, showing them what a good harvest they have grown, and praising them for their useful work. Then he clarifies the children’s knowledge that some plants have edible roots - roots, others have fruits - tops, and some plants have both tops and roots edible. An adult explains the rules of the game:

Today we will play a game called “Tops and Roots”. On our table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other - roots. (Children are divided into two groups.)

There are vegetables on the table here; The children of the first group take the top in their hands, and the children of the second group take the spine. Have you taken everything? And now, at the signal (clap your hands), you will all scatter around the area and run in all directions. When you hear the signal “One, two, three - find your pair!”, quickly find yourself a pair: the spine to your top.

The game is repeated, but you have to look for another top (or spine). You can't be paired with the same player all the time.

Option 2.The tops (or roots) stand still. Only one subgroup of guys is running around the site. The adult gives the signal: “Roots, find your tops!” Children should stand so that the tops and roots form one whole.

The correctness of the task can only be checked by the “magic gate” (an adult and one of the children), through which all couples pass. To ensure that interest in the game does not fade, you can offer to exchange tops and roots.

Game "Mysterious Animals".

Goal: To develop visual perception, attention, imagination, memory.

Participants:children of the older group.

Educational areas:



Material:pictures of non-existent animals, pictures of various domestic and wild animals

Place of use:group work in the morning and evening.

Progress of the game

Give the children equally large cards with non-existent animals. Invite the children to choose cards with animals that look like him. The first one to find all the cards and do it correctly wins.


Anna Senich

Target. To consolidate the knowledge that vegetables have edible roots - roots and fruits - tops, some vegetables have both tops and roots edible; practice assembling a whole plant from its parts.

Progress of the game. (Option 1) Today we will play a game called “Tops and Roots”. On our table are the tops and roots of plants - vegetables. We will now divide into two groups: one group will be called tops, and the other - roots. (The adult separates the children and puts them against each other) - There are vegetables on the table here; The children of the first group take the top in their hands, and the children of the second group take the spine. Have you taken everything?

Now quickly find a pair for yourself: a spine to your top.

(Can be played with music as an outdoor game). After the first time, children exchange tops and roots.

The game is repeated, but you have to look for another top (or spine).

(Option 2) You can only answer in two words: tops and roots. Whoever makes a mistake pays forfeit. The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call tops and what roots: “The edible root of a vegetable is called tops, and the edible fruit on the stem is called tops.” The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it: the tops or roots. The teacher warns the children to be attentive, since some vegetables contain both edibles. The teacher calls: “Carrot!” Children answer: “Roots”, “Tomato!” - “Tops.” "Onion!" - “Tops and roots.” The one who makes a mistake pays a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game. The teacher may offer another option; he says “Tops,” and the children remember vegetables whose tops are edible. This game is good to play after a conversation about vegetables and gardening.

Source: .

Expected Result: Children should be able to classify vegetables based on whether the root or stem is edible.

Goals: develop speed of reaction to the teacher’s question, attention, memory; develop interest in games in which children can show their knowledge.

The teacher clarifies that children will call the edible root of a vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops. Explains; that you can only answer in two words tops And roots. Whoever makes a mistake will pay a forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game. The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it - the tops or roots. The teacher warns that children must be attentive, since some vegetables contain both edibles. Children with ODD and mental retardation need object pictures for support.

Option. Children say “tops” and raise their hands up, “roots” - lower them down, stand up or sit down. The teacher says “tops,” and the children remember vegetables whose tops are edible.


Didactic game "Autumn Fair"

Expected Result: children should know that vegetables and fruits can be prepared for the winter (salted, fermented, pickled, dried, frozen, canned, squeezed juice, made jam, marmalade, jam, compote); name the product prepared for the winter, tell how it was prepared; perform the roles of seller and buyers, fair organizer, build role-playing dialogue.

Goals: develop speech, role interaction; cultivate a culture of communication.

The fair organizer should talk about what vegetables and fruits are prepared for the winter and how. The seller must offer his goods and release them, the buyer must name the goods he wants to buy and the method of procuring them.

Didactic exercise “Who can name the most dishes”

Expected Result: Children should know that various dishes can be prepared from vegetables and fruits and name them; quickly respond to the teacher’s question; be attentive; catch a thrown ball, as if throwing it to the teacher.

Goals: develop speed of reaction to questions, attention; cultivate endurance and patience.

The teacher names a vegetable or fruit and asks them to remember the dish that can be prepared from it. The one to whom the ball is thrown must name the dish without repeating itself. A child who makes a mistake or does not say anything misses the game. The teacher can set a dish, and the children must remember its components and agree on what component each of them will be. The host shouts out what he wants to put in the pan, and the one who recognizes himself jumps into the circle. The next one jumps up and takes the hand of the previous one. Until all the components are in the circle, the game continues. You can use mask caps, medallions with images of vegetables and fruits.

Theatrical game "Vegetable Garden"

Expected Result: children must be able to convey an image expressively and interact with partners in the mise-en-scène; read poems about vegetables, perform movements rhythmically, and emotionally color the role.

Goals: develop imagination, artistry, and courage when performing in front of an audience; to form the creative beginning of the child’s personality.

Materials: hats with images of vegetables.

The scene “Let's get to know each other!” is played out. (author V. Gubernatorova).

Come, honest people,

Let's have a fun garden!

There's a whole cartload of vegetables here!

Who is more useful? Here's the question.

1st child

Both girls and boys

They love stumps very much!

I, cabbage, do not boast:

I have excellent taste.

2nd child

The beets are boiled, the beets are steamed,

They don't cook dinner without me.

The vinaigrette is not prepared

Neither for dinner nor for lunch.

3rd child

I am tasty, I am juicy,

And it looks very beautiful.

Everyone has known for a long time

Under the name of tomato.

4th child

Fresh and green in summer,

And in winter, salty is good.

Why am I not great?

A strong, tasty cucumber?

5th child

I am both bitter and I am sweet,

I reach for the sun from the garden bed,

Helpful friend for kids

And I’m simply called Onion.

Children (in chorus)

Have you met us?

And now we know for ourselves,

How are we useful to you?

Both big and small!

The poem “Vegetables” by Y. Tuwim is dramatized. The teacher plays the role of the housewife, and the children act as vegetables. Children read a poem or sing it together with the teacher.

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas

Parsley and beets. Oh!

Here the vegetables started an argument on the table,

Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth?

Parsley and beets. Oh!

Meanwhile, the hostess took the knife

And with this knife she began to chop:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh!

Covered with a lid, on the stove in a pot

Boiled, boiled in boiling water:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh!

And the vegetable soup turned out pretty good!

Day Content Options

D educational games

We believe

Expected Result: children should be able to count to five or ten, correctly combining a noun with a numeral; correctly name the vegetable that is taken out of the basket.

Goals: develop focused attention, quantitative calculation; develop the ability to use numeracy skills in everyday life.

The children, together with the teacher, pronounce the rhymed text, then the first child takes a vegetable out of the basket and says: “One cucumber,” passes the vegetable to the second, who says: “Two cucumbers,” and then up to five or ten.

One two three four five -

Brought from the store

We are a huge basket.

It contains a lot of different vegetables,

(There are many different fruits in it.)

What is eaten raw and what is cooked?

Expected Result: children should be able to determine what vegetables can be eaten raw and what cooked; answer the question with an extended sentence or respond with clapping.

Goals: develop phrasal speech, voluntary attention; develop the ability to listen to your comrades, patiently wait for your turn.

Materials: pictures depicting vegetables or dummies (cucumber, carrots, beets, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, onions, turnips, squash, tomatoes, radishes, cabbage, parsley).

The teacher shows the children vegetables one by one and asks what can be eaten raw and what cannot. Gives a sample answer: “Cucumber can be eaten raw,” “Potatoes must be boiled.” Then the teacher suggests clapping your hands if the vegetable can be eaten raw, and sitting quietly if you can’t.

What grows in the garden?

Expected Result: children should be able to classify plants according to where they grow; think logically; name generalizing concepts and specify them.

Goals: develop the ability to act quickly on a signal; foster honesty when following the rules of the game.

Materials: cards with different landscapes for adults, small cards for children with images of vegetables and fruits.

At a signal from an adult, children select small cards in accordance with the picture on the large card from the adult. The winner is the one who quickly closed all the empty cells and named the plants correctly. Small cards are reviewed by children in advance.

Find by description

Source: .

Expected Result: children should be able to find vegetables and fruits based on the listed signs; describe vegetables and fruits, highlighting their characteristic features.

Goals: develop memory, attention; to develop the ability when guessing not to interrupt your comrades, not to shout, and to listen carefully to the teacher.

Materials: subject pictures depicting vegetables and fruits,

The teacher describes in detail one of the presented vegetables or fruits (shape, color, size, coloring, taste, what it feels like, what it looks like outside and inside) and invites the children to name it and show it. Then the adult asks riddles, the children guess and find a card with a picture. A descriptive story can be written by a child and guessed by an adult.

Return the fruit to the tree

Expected Result: Children should know that fruits grow on fruit trees; name them, use a plural noun, combine a numeral with a noun...

Goals: develop memory, attention, vocabulary of adjectives and numerals; cultivate the ability to react calmly when passing the stake to other children.

Materials: flat images of fruits and trees.

The teacher asks the children a question, for example: “What is the name of the tree on which apples grow?” Children answer, look for apples among the many fruits and “hang” them on the branches of the tree. The teacher asks to count the apples and answer how many are hanging on the apple tree. If the children make a mistake in the name of the fruit tree, then the right to guess is transferred to others.

Tops and roots

Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Tops and Roots” (game for children 4–7 years old)

Children stand in a circle or in a line.

In the center of the circle or in front of the line is a teacher with a large ball in his hands. One of the guys can also play this game.

The driver throws the ball, naming the tops or roots. The child catches the ball and throws it back, saying the right word. For example:

Educator. Eggplant.

Child. Tops.

Educator. Radish.

Child. Roots.

Educator. Cabbage.

Child. Tops.

Educator. Potato.

Child. Roots.

Educator. Strawberry.

Child. Tops.

Educator. Garlic.

Child. Roots.

Educator. Cucumbers.

Child. Tops.

At the end of the game, children who have never made a mistake are celebrated.

From the book Sedentary games and play exercises for children 3-7 years old. Collection of games and exercises author Borisova Marina Mikhailovna

“Two Girlfriends” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Two girlfriends on the lawn: (Clap their knees.) “Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva.” (Clap their hands.) Two green frogs: (Clap

From the author's book

“House” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. There is a house at the edge of the forest, (They fold their palms into a “house” over their heads.) There is a lock hanging on the door, (They close their palms “into the lock.”) There is a lock behind the doors.

From the author's book

“Herringbone” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Our Christmas tree is beautiful, (They walk in a circle, holding hands.) It has risen to the heavens, (They stop, stretch their arms up.) Slender

From the author's book

“Along the Path” (game for children 4–6 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. One, two, three, four, five, Let's stretch our legs. We walk along the road, Raising our feet higher. (Walking in place.) And along the same

From the author's book

“Traffic light” (game for children 4–6 years old) For the game you need paper circles (diameter 10 cm) - red, green and yellow - attached to sticks. Children stand in a line and perform exercises according to the leader’s signals: at the red signal they squat, on yellow - stand up, on green -

From the author's book

“Three Bears” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Three bears were walking home. (They march in place.) Dad was big, big, (Raise their arms up.) Mom is a little smaller, (Stretch their arms forward at the level

From the author's book

“Knock-knock” (game for children 4–6 years old) The teacher shows the movements and reads the text, the children repeat the movements after the teacher: “Knock-knock-knock!” (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Yes, yes, yes. (Three claps of hands.) - Can I come to you? (Three blows with fists against each other.) - Always happy! (Three

From the author's book

“It’s me” (game for children 4–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. These are the eyes. Here. Here. (Show first the left eye, then the right eye.) These are the ears. Here. Here. (Take first the left ear, then the

From the author's book

“Gawkers” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle and walk in a circle one after another. At the driver’s signal: “Stop!” stop, clap their hands four times, turn 180° and begin moving in the opposite direction. The one who made the mistake leaves

From the author's book

"Who left?" (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher invites one of the players to remember those who are nearby (5–6 people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes. One child hides. Teacher says: “Guess

From the author's book

“Who has arrived?” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Who has arrived? (Put the palms and fingers of both hands together, clap the tips of the thumbs 4 times.) We, we, we! (Tips

From the author's book

“Lavata” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children form a circle. Without holding hands, children move with side steps, first in one direction, and when repeating the words - in the other direction, saying: Together we dance - Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, Our favorite dance is lavata. The presenter says: “My

From the author's book

“Palms” (game for children 5–7 years old) Two players stand opposite each other. The players simultaneously clap their hands, and then join their palms in front of them (right with left, left with right). Then the palms are connected crosswise - right to right, left to left. Then cotton - and

From the author's book

“Frog” (game for children 5–7 years old) Place your hands on the floor (table). Clench one palm into a fist, place the other on the plane of the table. At the same time change the position of your hands. The complication of the exercise is

From the author's book

“Ball” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand in a circle or scattered. The teacher shows the movements and pronounces the text, the children repeat the movements. Ten, nine, (Clap their hands.) Eight, seven, (Slap their knees.) Six, five, (Clap.) Four, three, (Slap.) Two, one.

From the author's book

“Tick-tock-tock” (game for children 5–7 years old) Children stand scattered. The teacher gives the signal: “Tick!” – children bend left and right; at the signal: “Yes!” - they stop, and at the signal: “Knock!” - they jump on the spot. The one who makes a mistake leaves the game. Signals repeat 5–8