Event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad

Target : to promote a sense of love and pride for the native land, the Motherland, the great people;

expand students’ ideas about the Great Victory at Stalingrad;

cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation;

show the courage of Russian soldiers and the cruelty of war, develop a sense of patriotism, cultivate respect for the history of the country, the traditions of the school, and the fulfillment of civic duties.

Equipment : multimedia computer;photographs of military Stalingrad; songs about war; presentation.

Progress of the event :

Good afternoon Our event is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Levitan's words about the end of the Battle of Stalingrad

Presenter 2. The Battle of Stalingrad is the decisive battle of the entire Second World War, in which Soviet troops won their largest victory. This battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War as a whole. The victorious offensive of the Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began.

The city of Stalingrad (until 1925 - Tsaritsyn) was founded in the 16th century. Now the city has been renamed Volgograd.

On the eve of the war, Stalingrad was the largest industrial and cultural center of the country with a population of half a million. The strategic importance of Stalingrad was determined by two important factors: its defense potential and geographical location. The city had a famous tractor factory in the 1930s, which supplied the country with 50% of its tractors. In 1940, production of T-34 tanks began at its base. The products of the Red October and Barrikady factories were of great defense importance. Having captured Stalingrad, the Germans gained access to the Caucasus, the Near and Middle East, and therefore to unlimited oil reserves. For the USSR, the loss of Stalingrad meant inevitable collapse, since it would have deprived the army and industry of the main sources of oil. Hitler planned to capture the city in 2 weeks,but the Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943)

Our people remember those 200 days and nights that seemed endless.

It was very clear to everyone that Stalingrad was the last frontier. And this milestone cannot be passed.

Watch the video clip “Battle of Stalingrad. Chronicle of battles" (up to 7:10 min.)

Open to the steppe wind,
The houses are broken.
Sixty-two kilometers
Stalingrad stretches out in length.

It's like he's on the blue Volga
He turned around in line and accepted the fight.
Standing front across Russia
And he covered it all with himself.

In the heat, factories, houses, train stations,
Dust on the steep bank.
The voice of the Fatherland told him:
- Don’t hand over the city to the enemy!

And that order “Don’t take a step back!”
Severe military order,
Instilled courage in the hearts of people,
That the hour of Victory is not far away.

Presenter 2. The victory of the Soviet troops at Stalingrad had a huge stimulating effect on the national liberation movements of the peoples of those countries that were occupied by the troops of Germany and its allies.In the February days of 1943, a great victory was won on the banks of the Volga, marking the beginning of a radical turning point in the war. Since then, the word “Stalingrad” has entered all the languages ​​of the world and has become a generally recognized symbol of heroism, extraordinary fortitude and selfless love for one’s Fatherland.


We fell asleep thinking about you.
At dawn we turned on the loudspeaker,
To hear about your fate.
Our morning began with you.
In the worries of the day dozens of times in a row,
Gritting my teeth, holding my breath,
We said:
- Take heart, Stalingrad! -
Your suffering went through our hearts.
Hot flowed through our blood
The flow of your unimaginable fires.
We so wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder
And take at least some of the blows!

Song-Video "Stalingrad"

Presenter 1. The most difficult day for the Stalingrad residents was August 23, 1942. At three o'clock in the afternoon, hundreds of enemy heavy bombers appeared over the central part of the city. In just two hours in the afternoon, enemy aircraft carried out about two thousand sorties. The Germans dropped either incendiary or heavy high-explosive bombs. Pitch hell. The smoke from the fires obscured the midday sun. Explosions of terrible force shook the air. Residential buildings and neighborhoods were burning, schools, hospitals, hospitals were collapsing like cards. Groans and screams of the wounded could be heard from everywhere. The city was reduced to ruins. Died from above40 thousand civilians. Not only buildings were burning, the ground and the Volga were burning. It was so hot in the streets due to the fires that the clothes of people running for shelter caught fire. August 23, 1942 is the most mournful date in the history of Stalingrad. Fascist generals received orders to wipe out the city on the Volga from the face of the earth. The history of the war has never known such a fierce battle.

Leading The soldiers of Stalingrad withstood such an enemy onslaught that no other army in the world had ever experienced. Together with the soldiers, the city was defended by all its inhabitants. At the tractor factory, women assembled tanks, which were sent straight from the assembly line to the battlefield.

The fighting here was fierce, they fought for every street, for every house. The wounded were transported to the other side of the Volga on boats, cutters, and longboats. When they once asked the wounded who had been brought in what was going on in the city, they answered: “Everything is on fire: houses, factories, land. The metal melts.” “And the people?” - "People? They stand to death!

The whole country lived these long months with events, battles in Stalingrad. Our soldiers did not surrender a single street or a single house to the enemy without a fight.

From birth I have not seen the earth

No siege, no such battle,

The earth shook and the fields turned red,

Everything was burning over the Volga River.

In the heat, factories, houses, train stations,

Dust on the steep bank.

“Don’t hand over the city to the enemy!”

Russian soldier faithful to the oath,

He defended Stalingrad.

The time will come - the smoke will clear,

The thunder of war will fall silent,

Taking off my hat when meeting him,

The people will say about him:

This is an iron Russian soldier,

He defended Stalingrad.

Leading: An example of courage is the still standing house of Pavlov, whose soldiers never left it until the city was completely liberated.

The house in the area of ​​the 9 January Square (now Lenin Square) occupied a dominant position over the surrounding area. From here it was possible to observe and fire at the enemy-occupied part of the city to the west up to 1 km, and to the north and south - even further. A small group of soldiers led by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov captured the house and turned it into a stronghold. The Nazis subjected the house to crushing artillery and mortar fire, bombed it from the air, and continuously attacked, but its defenders steadfastly repelled countless enemy attacks for 58 days and nights, inflicted losses on him and did not allow the Nazis to break through to the Volga in this area. “This small group,” notes Marshal Chuikov, “defending one house, destroyed more enemy soldiers than the Nazis lost during the capture of Paris.”

Why is everything wrong?

Everything seems to be the same as always:

The same sky - blue again,

The same forest

The same air

and the same water

Only he did not return from the battle.

Song "The Never Returning Soldier"

Students read an excerpt from letters from German soldiers:

Leading: The Germans themselves spoke about the courage of our defenders. Extract from the diary of a Nazi killed at Stalingrad: “...We only need to walk one kilometer to the Volga, but we just can’t get there. We have been fighting for this kilometer longer than for the whole of France, but the Russians stand like blocks of stone.

Reader 1. And here is an extract from Wilhelm Hoffmann's diary:

“September 1: are the Russians really going to fight on the very banks of the Volga? This is crazy!

October 27: Russians are not people, but some kind of iron creatures. They never get tired and are not afraid of fire...

Reader 2. From a letter from soldier Reffert to his wife. December 29, 1942
"...A wooden cross stands today over many who last year did not even think about death. During this year, many people lost their lives. In 1943 it will be even worse. If the situation does not change and the encirclement is not broken through , then we will all die of hunger. There is no light...

Reader 3. From a letter from non-commissioned officer Georg Krieger to his fiancee. November 30, 1942
"...We are in a rather difficult situation. The Russian, it turns out, also knows how to wage war, this was proven by the great chess move that he made in recent days, and he did it with the forces of not a regiment or a division, but much larger ones.. "

The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the heroic pages in the history of our people. In a fierce battle, people showed personal and collective heroism. Mass heroism confused the enemy. The Germans did not understand its reasons, its roots, its origins. The exploits of ordinary Russian soldiers frightened the enemy and instilled in him a sense of fear. Reading the pages of history, getting acquainted with the exploits of people, you are amazed at their dedication, strength, will, and courage. What guided their actions? Love for the Motherland, desire for a bright future, sense of duty, example of comrades who fought shoulder to shoulder?..

Reader 4: A heroic feat, similar to the feat of the fairy-tale hero Danko, who burned his heart in the name of people’s happiness, was performed here by the military sailor Mikhail Panikakha. On September 28, while repelling an enemy attack near the village of Krasny Oktyabr, he used up all the grenades and, grabbing a bottle with a flammable mixture, swung it to throw it at a fascist tank. And at that moment the bottle was broken by a fascist bullet. The sailor flashed like a living torch and, in front of his amazed comrades, rushed towards the enemy vehicle. He managed to grab the second bottle and threw it onto the engine grille. A huge flash of fire and smoke consumed him. Mikhail burned out. With his body, he covered the enemy machine gun and saved the lives of his comrades, who then took possession of the pillbox and destroyed 20 Nazis in a fierce battle.

Reader 2: One of many examples of the iron steadfastness and mass heroism of the defenders of Stalingrad was the immortal feat of 33 soldiers of the 1379th Infantry Regiment of the 87th Infantry Division. They were armed with machine guns and rifles, they had grenades and petrol bombs, they had only one anti-tank rifle and 20 rounds of ammunition for it. And about a battalion of infantry and 70 tanks advanced against them.

For several hours, this handful of people, led by political instructor A. Eftifeev and junior political instructor D. Kovalev, fought off the enemy’s fierce attacks. Having lost 150 killed, leaving 27 destroyed tanks on the battlefield, the enemy retreated! ...

Presenter 1. On November 23, the troops of the Stalingrad and Southwestern fronts united near the village of Sovetsky, 18 km from Kalach. A fascist group with a total number of 330 thousand people was surrounded.

Operation "Ring" - Hitler's command tried to save the troops surrounded at Stalingrad from defeat by an external blow. Army Group Don is hastily formed under the command of General Manstein. The operation to destroy the encircled group, which received the code name “Ring,” was entrusted entirely to the Don Front. On January 27, the Don Front began to eliminate the enemy. Field Marshal Paulus was captured along with his staff. The southern group of the enemy stopped resisting, and the northern group continued to resist until February 2. The Battle of Stalingrad ended with a brilliant victory for the Soviet troops. It marked the beginning of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War.

Presenter 2. Stalingrad has forever entered the consciousness of mankind as a symbol of the unbending will, courage and bravery of Soviet soldiers. We, now living, and our descendants will bow our heads with gratitude to the memory of those who defended Stalingrad at the cost of their own lives, proved their love and devotion to the Motherland.

The eternal flame on the Square of Fallen Fighters was lit on February 1, 1963 on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1967, a monument was unveiled on Mamayev Kurgan. The grandiose 52-meter sculpture “Motherland”, as conceived by the author-sculptor Vuchetich, raises the sword of liberation in Stalingrad. There is also a mass grave in which soldiers of 13 divisions who died in the battles for Stalingrad are buried.


In due time - not too late and not too early -
Winter will come, the earth will freeze.
And you to Mamayev Kurgan
You will come on the second of February.
And there, at that frosty one,
At that sacred height,
You're on the wing of a white blizzard
Put red flowers.
And as if for the first time you notice,
What was it like, their military path!
February - February, soldier's month -
Blizzard in the face, snow up to the chest.
A hundred years will pass. And a hundred snowstorms.
And we are still indebted to them.
February - February. Soldier's month -
Carnations are burning in the snow.

Presenter 1. Battle for Mamayev Kurgan lasted 135 days out of a total of 200 daysBattle of Stalingrad . The slopes of the mound were pitted with bombs and mines - even on snowy days it remained black. The snow here instantly melted, mixing with the ground from artillery fire. The density of fire here was colossal: there were from 500 to 1250 bullets and fragments per square meter of land. Upon completion Battle of Stalingrad on Mamayev Kurgan They buried the dead from all over the city. About 34.5 thousand people are buried here. At that time, this place became a real mound, i.e. burial place. It is not surprising that in the first post-war spring, Mamaev Kurgan did not even turn green - grass did not grow on the burnt earth.

Song “Silence on Mamayev Kurgan”


And widows do not cry for them,

Someone brings bouquets of flowers to them,

And the Eternal Flame is lit.

Here the earth used to rear up,

And now - granite slabs.

There is not a single personal destiny here -

All destinies are merged into one.

And in the Eternal Flame you can see a tank bursting into flames,

Burning Russian huts

Burning Smolensk and the burning Reichstag,

The burning heart of a soldier.

There are no tear-stained widows at mass graves -

Stronger people come here.

There are no crosses on mass graves,

But does that make it any easier?..

Leading Defenders of Stalingrad... “The iron wind hit them in the face, and they all walked forward, and again a feeling of fear gripped the enemy: people were going on the attack, were they mortal?..”

Yes, they were mere mortals, and few of them survived, but they all fulfilled their duty to the sacredMOTHER - HOMELAND.

It’s impossible to name all the heroes, but they are remembered. Houses, streets, and squares are named in their honor. In memory of them the Eternal Flame is lit.

A minute of silence.

Reader. I've never seen war
And I can’t imagine its horror,
But the fact that our world wants silence,
Today I understand very clearly.
Thank you that we didn't have to
Imagine and recognize such torment.
It was all your share:
Anxiety, cold, hunger and separation.
Thank you for the bright light of the sun,
For the joy of life in every moment of ours,
For the trills of the nightingale and for the dawn,
And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.

Song "Let's bow to those great years"

Teacher. This concludes the event dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. Thank you all for your attention!

Dyachenko Lyudmila Vasilievna teacher MBOU Novomelovatskaya secondary school Kalacheevsky district of the Voronezh region Extracurricular event. The oral journal “Not a Step Back” is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad. The purpose and objectives of the event:  to give an idea of ​​the Battle of Stalingrad as one of the greatest battles in the Second World War, which marked the beginning of a radical turning point during the Second World War and was a turning point in the Second World War as a whole.  to acquaint students with the contribution of our people to the victory over fascism in the Second World War, to clearly show examples of mass heroism.  talk about patriotism, heroism and the best qualities of patriotic warriors from soldier to marshal.  to instill in students feelings of patriotism, devotion and love for their Motherland, respect for war and home front veterans.  develop students’ cognitive interest in Russian history. Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, exhibition of posters “Battle of Stalingrad”, videos: “ZemfiraLegend (OST Stalingrad).mp4”; "Volgograd is a hero city." No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten... Here Stalingrad was everyone’s homeland! The fighters fearlessly stood up to defend the Volga region, not knowing any barriers. An iron wind beat in their faces from the darkness, But the soldiers knew: not a step back! And Stalingrad is alive! He repelled all attacks, a famous city of soldiers in legends! Heroes are immortal, and in honor of their courage the people compose songs of victory! And it grew, as in a fairy tale, on the wide Volga. From the ashes and ruins, our beloved city rose for centuries!.. The shores bloomed like a green carpet by the blue-eyed waves. No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. Years fly by, but we remember those who fearlessly stood up in battle to defend their cities, villages, open spaces and rivers! Video. ZemfiraLegend (OST Stalingrad).mp4 200 steps to the top of Mamayev Kurgan are 200 fiery days and nights of heroism, despair, hope and courage. From July 17, 1942 to February 2

1943combat actions of Soviet troops to defend the city of Stalingrad and defeat a large strategic German group between the Don and Volga rivers during the Great Patriotic War. In its scale and ferocity, the Battle of Stalingrad surpassed all previous battles: more than two million people fought on an area of ​​almost one hundred thousand square kilometers. The goal of the fascist invaders was to capture the industrial city, whose enterprises produced military products; reach the Volga, along which in the shortest possible time it was possible to get to the Caspian Sea, to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted. On August 23, 1942, at 16:18, the German 4th Air Fleet began a massive bombing of Stalingrad. On July 12, the Stalingrad Front was created, the commander was Marshal Timoshenko, and from July 23, Lieutenant General Gordov. It included the 62nd Army, promoted from the reserve under the command of Major General Kolpakchi, the 63rd, 64th Armies, as well as the 21st, 28th, 38th, 57th Combined Arms and 8th Air Armies of the former Southwestern Front, and from July 30 - the 51st Army of the North Caucasus Front . The Stalingrad Front received the task, defending in a zone 530 km wide, to stop the enemy’s further advance and prevent him from reaching the Volga. By July 17, the Stalingrad Front had 12 divisions (a total of 160 thousand people), 2,200 guns and mortars, about 400 tanks and over 450 aircraft. In addition, 150-200 long-range bombers and up to 60 fighters of the 102nd Air Defense Aviation Division (Colonel I. I. Krasnoyurchenko) operated in its zone. Thus, by the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad, the enemy had a superiority over the Soviet troops in men by 1.7 times, in tanks and artillery by 1.3 times, and in aircraft by more than 2 times. By August 23, 1942, out of 400 thousand residents of Stalingrad, about 100 thousand were evacuated. By August 23, 1942, out of 400 thousand residents of Stalingrad, about 100 thousand were evacuated. On August 24, the Stalingrad City Defense Committee received about 100 thousand. On August 24, the Stalingrad City Defense Committee adopted a belated resolution on the evacuation of women, children and the wounded to the left bank of the Volga. All citizens, including women and children, worked on the banks of the Volga. All citizens, including women and children, worked to build trenches and other fortifications. construction of trenches and other fortifications. The massive German bombing on August 23 destroyed the city, killed the Massive German bombing on August 23 destroyed the city, killed more than 40 thousand people, destroyed more than half of the housing stock of more than 40 thousand people, destroyed more than half of the housing stock of pre-war Stalingrad, thereby turning the city into a huge pre-war Stalingrad, thereby turning the city into a huge territory covered with burning ruins. an area covered in burning ruins. A piece of earth, it is completely soaked in blood. The dense frozen snow turned black from the smoke. Even those accustomed to verbosity, here a person gets used to silence. Crumpled parapet. A torn bed. Dugout angle. The shells swept away everyone. Death danced here, but what is dearest to us is a bloody piece of our native land. Step by step for exactly three weeks We crawled upward, knowing no barriers. Even the dead didn't want to leave

This lightning-scorched hell. Let it be at any cost, but just to get there, Even if you dig up the snow, but just to crawl, So that you can fight fearfully and cruelly in silence, Everything as it is, sweeping away on the way. The company lingered under the mounted fire, but a comrade rushed forward, fell with his chest on the embrasure of the pillbox - The machine gun immediately choked with blood. We forgot everything... We fought mercilessly We carried our anger on the blades of bayonets, Not sparing our lives to take back the torn piece of our native land. (Vladislav Zanadvorov) Stalingrad was defended by two armies: the 64th under the command of Mikhail Stepanovich Shumilov, Colonel General, Hero of the Soviet Union, the 62nd under the command of Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice a hero of the Soviet Union. The Battle of Stalingrad is divided into two periods: the Defensive stage from July 17 to November 18, 1942 and the offensive stage from November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943. The counteroffensive took place under the code name Operation Uran, Operation Urn Operation Urn aa aa - February 2, 1943) - code - code (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943) (November 19, 1942 aa aa the name of the Stalingrad strategic offensive operation the name of the Stalingrad strategic offensive operation of Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War; Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War; counteroffensive of troops of three fronts: Southwestern (commander - counteroffensive of troops of three fronts: Southwestern (commander General N.F.F Vatutin) Donskoy (commander General N. Rokossovsky) and Stalingradsky (commander - General K.K. K.K. Rokossovsky) and Stalingradsky (commander - General A.A. I.I. Eremenko) with the aim of encircling and destroying the enemy Eremenko ) with the aim of encircling and destroying an enemy group of troops in the area of ​​​​the city of Stalingrad. group of troops in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe city of Stalingrad. Vatutin) Donskoy (commander - General - General Southwestern Front: created on October 25, 1942 as part of 21, 63 (1st Southwestern Front: created October 25, 1942, consisting of the 21st, 63rd (1st Guards, then 3rd Guards), 5th Tank and 17th Air Guards, then 3rd Guards), 5th Tank and 17th Air Armies. Subsequently, it included the 5th shock, 6th, 12th, 46th, 57th, 62nd armies. Subsequently, it included the 5th Shock, 6, 12, 46, 57, 62 (8th Guards), 3rd Tank and 2nd Air Armies (8th Guards), 3rd Tank and 2nd Air Armies

Don Front: began its existence on October 1, 1942. At the time of the Don Front: it began to exist on October 1, 1942. At the time of the formation of the Don Front, his troops were firmly entrenched at the line in the formation of the Don Front, his troops were firmly entrenched at the line between the Volga and Don rivers and were conducting an active defense. between the Volga and Don rivers and conducted an active defense. Stalingrad Front: formed on July 12, 1942 on the basis of the field command of the troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko. The Battle of Stalingrad provided examples of mass heroism, in which the best qualities of patriotic warriors from soldier to marshal were clearly demonstrated. And above the Volga in the blue sky, The clouds stretch like hills, Half of Russia is behind us, And we are at the very edge. A sharp wind blew in my face, Like salvation was waiting for him, I didn’t think on a national scale, I’m just yesterday’s schoolboy. Here’s my broken overcoat: It’s hot in the middle of the fire... The Urals and Siberia are breathing down my back - And they rely on me. (Mikhail Naidich) Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev destroyed more than 300 Nazis in street battles. He trained many fighters in the art of sniper. Many times he had to engage in single combat with Nazi snipers, and each time he emerged victorious. For his accurate fire in Stalingrad, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. When communication stopped on Mamayev Kurgan at the most intense moment of the battle, an ordinary signalman of the 308th Infantry Division, Matvey Putilov, went to repair the wire break. While restoring the damaged communication line, both his hands were crushed by mine fragments. Losing consciousness, he tightly clamped the ends of the wire with his teeth. Communication was restored. For this feat, Matvey was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, II degree. Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov Commander of the 1st, 64th, and then 62nd armies, took part in defensive battles on the distant approaches to the city.

Pavlov Yakov FedotovichHero of the Soviet Union - hero of the Battle of Stalingrad, commander of a group of fighters who in the fall of 1942 defended a 4-story residential building in Volgograd, in the basement of which there were civilians. The Germans organized attacks several times a day. This house and its defenders became a symbol of the heroic defense of the city on the Volga. On February 2, 1943 at 16:00 the historical Battle of Stalingrad ended. On November 10, 1961, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR decided to rename the city of Stalingrad to the city of Volgograd. On May 8, 1965, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree approving the Regulations on the honorary title, and on the same day, with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal, it was awarded to the city of Volgograd. The main symbol of the Battle of Stalingrad was “Height 102” Mamayev Kurgan, which during the battle passed from the Soviet troops to the Germans and back more than once. One of the monumental monuments to the heroes of Stalingrad is the memorial ensemble of the Battle of Stalingrad Museum. The monument ensemble includes several levels: an introductory part, the composition “Stand to the Death”, Walls of Ruins, Heroes’ Square, the Hall of Military Glory, the Square of Sorrow, the sculpture “The Motherland Calls”. to November 18, 1942 Under the motto “Not a step back,” the Battle of Stalingrad, one of the greatest battles in the Second World War, marked the beginning of a radical turning point during the Second World War and was a turning point in the Second World War as a whole. With the victory in this battle, the victorious offensive of the Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of the Soviet Union began. Interest in Stalingrad does not wane, and the debate among researchers continues. Stalingrad is a city that has become a symbol of suffering and pain, a symbol of the greatest courage. Stalingrad will remain a symbol for centuries in the memory of mankind. Video. Volgograd is a hero city. The song “There is silence on Mamayev Kurgan” lyrics by Viktor Bokov, written in 1963 In due time - not too late and not too early - winter will come, the earth will freeze. And you to Mamayev Kurgan

you will come on the second of February. And there, at that frosty, at that sacred height, you will place red flowers on the wing of the white snowstorm. And as if for the first time you notice what it was like, their military path! February, February, soldier's month - blizzard in the face, snow up to the chest. A hundred winters will pass. And a hundred snowstorms. And we are still indebted to them. February, February. Soldier's month. Carnations are burning in the snow. (Margarita Agashina) Sources used. 1. Great Patriotic War: 19411945. Encyclopedia for schoolchildren / comp. I.A. Damascene, P.A. Koshel. M. 2001 2. Reader on the history of the USSR 19171945. M.; 1991 3. Danilov A.A., Kosulina L.G. History of Russia 9th grade textbook 4. We swear victory. Poems about the Great Patriotic War. Abramov A. Akatkin A.M.: Det. lit., 1982 5. Internet resources: zanimatika.narod.ru› Battle of Stalingrad dosugvolgograd.ru http||www.infovolga.ru|school|pioneer|geroi.htm Video. ZemfiraLegend (OST Stalingrad).mp4

Video. Volgograd is a hero city.

Oksana Bochkova

overview of GCD " Dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad"

Educational activities: (Cognition.)

Integration of educational regions: (Cognition, Music, Communication. Socialization.)

Type: educational and research.

View: integrated.

Children's age: 6 years.

Forms organized activities: (cognitive, communicative)

Forms of organization: (group).


educational: to form children’s knowledge about the main events of the war - Battle of Stalingrad;

developing: development of citizenship and patriotism in children as the most important qualities;

educational: cultivate respect for the heroic past of your people.

Preliminary work: learning poems, songs, dances with children; looking at illustrations on the topic « Battle of Stalingrad» .

Equipment and materials: multimedia projector, screen, slide show, recording songs: "Victory Day"

Progress of educational activities.

1. Organizational moment.

There's a song playing "Victory Day"

Every year on May 9th we celebrate one of the greatest holidays. What holiday is it? (Victory Day) 72 years have already passed since the Great Patriotic War ended.

Do you know who our country was at war with? (with the Germans; with the Nazis). The enemy tried to capture the largest and most important cities: Leningrad, Moscow. Among these cities was Stalingrad.

Stalingrad- a large city on the right bank of the Volga. Do you know what it's called now? Stalingrad? (Now this city is called Volgograd, but during the Second World War it was called Stalingrad.)

2. Main part.

Conversation about Battle of Stalingrad.

1st child reads a poem:

I see the city Stalingrad in '42

The earth is burning, the water is burning.

Metal boils in hell.

The blue sky is closed and the sun is not visible.

The city is shrouded in black smoke, and it’s hard to breathe.

At the end of August 1942 in Stalingrad Dozens of fascist tanks burst in, followed by cars and enemy infantry.

German bombers circled over the city like birds of prey bringing death. They dropped thousands of bombs on city blocks. Flames engulfed the city. Thus began the attack on Stalingrad of the German horde. But the Nazis failed to take the city on the move. The Germans were met with staunch resistance from the military garrison.

Residents become evacuate to the left bank of the Volga. In total, more than 300 thousand people were transported.

In September the enemies began their assault Stalingrad. The city gradually turned into a heap of ruins.

Russian soldiers showed amazing courage and dedication while defending the city on the Volga. Here not just two hostile armies collided, but two opposing worlds. Stalingrad became a symbol of the decisive battle of our Fatherland with the fascist invaders.

How persistently Hitler sought to seize Stalingrad, the desire of the Soviet soldiers to defend it was just as persistent. Brave fighters fought for every street, for every house. They fought until the last bullet, until the last grenade, until the last breath, until the last drop of blood! Motto The Battle of Stalingrad became the famous elephant: "No step back!"

Battle of Stalingrad

The city is engulfed in flames,

Bombs and mines are exploding.

The city lies in ruins.

But the soldier will not surrender -

fights for Stalingrad!

Fights for every step

Fights for every home

Moans! blood all around

Damn you, enemy!

IN There is a house in Stalingrad, called Pavlov's house. Many hundreds of Red Army soldiers died in battle defending it. The house did not surrender to the enemies, it stood, even though remained there are only charred walls from it. And Pavlov's house become call by the last name of Sergeant Pavlov, who defended the house to the end. This house still stands on one of the streets of Volgograd. It's not began to restore. Just like during the war, it has gaping windows with black openings, its walls are riddled with scratches and destroyed by shells.

This house keeps the memory of a terrible war!

In September 1942, especially fierce fighting took place in the Mamayev Kurgan area.

We, our descendants, are shocked by the courage of the fighters who fought in the monstrous chaos of fire, columns of black poisonous smoke, and hot metal!

After the victorious end of the Great Patriotic War, the exploits of our heroic soldiers who fought on Mamayev Kurgan and gave their lives for their Motherland were immortalized in stone and bronze. Heroes Square is decorated with sculptural compositions telling about the exploits of warriors, as well as the most striking episodes Battle of Stalingrad.

2nd child reads a poem:

A mountain rises on Mamayev Kurgan,

And under it lie the guys who didn’t come then.

Hundreds of children did not return home to their mothers!

They all lay down on the field near their home side.

3rd child reads a poem:

visiting Mamayev Kurgan,

Let's read the names of those fighters

That they protected us from harm

And let us remember the fallen fathers.

Song "Over the grave in a quiet park"

There is also a Soldier's Field on Volgograd land. This memorial is located 20 km from Volgograd. On the field there is a bronze figure of a girl with cornflowers in her hand - the personification of a saved childhood. At her feet is a soldier's triangle letter. Embossed on it is the text of a letter that the regimental commissar, Major Dmitry Petrakov, sent to his daughter many years ago.

“My black-eyed Mila! I am sending you a cornflower. Imagine, there is a battle going on, enemy shells are exploding all around, there are craters all around, and here a flower is growing. And suddenly another explosion. The cornflower has been picked. I picked it up and put it in my tunic pocket.

Sweet! Papa Dima will fight the fascists until the last drop of blood, until the last breath, so that the fascists do not treat you like they did this flower.”

For several months there were battles for Stalingrad, but the city remained unconquered.

Battle of Stalingrad ended with a tremendous success for the Red Army. 32 German divisions were defeated. The enemy's total losses amounted to 800 thousand people, 2 thousand tanks, 10 thousand mortars and 3 thousand aircraft.

The calendar contains dates that are forever inscribed in the heroic chronicle of our country. One of them - Battle of Stalingrad lasted 200 days and nights (from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943).

4th child reads a poem:

Thanks to everyone who gave their lives

For dear Rus', for freedom,

Who forgot fear and fought,

Serving my beloved people.

5th child reads a poem:

Everyone needs peace and friendship.

Peace is more important than anything in the world.

On a land where there is no war,

The children sleep peacefully at night.

Where the guns don't thunder,

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all the guys,

We need peace on the entire planet!

Song "May there always be sunshine"

4. Summing up

Guys, I hope you learned a lot today about Battle of Stalingrad, about how our soldiers fought for their Motherland.

What was the name of the city of Volgograd during the Second World War? (Stalingrad)

What was it called battle, for the liberation of the city? (Battle of Stalingrad)

How many days did it last Battle of Stalingrad? (200 days)

Who won the battle for Stalingrad? (Soviet troops)

What monument was erected on Mamayev Kurgan? ( "Motherland")

Battle of Stalingrad: how it happened

Materials for conversations, reports, messages
for teenagers and youth

(to the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad)

Dear Colleagues!

The material offered to you contains the most interesting facts and events from our events dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad. It can be divided into parts, use only the moments you like, supplement it with music, quizzes and competitions, etc. It tells a very popular and interesting story about the battle in chronology..

I did not specifically plan to post this material on the blog, but our recent event with students dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad really upset me. Of the entire group of students, no one knew exactly when this battle took place, how long it lasted, and other well-known facts from history. Only one person from the entire group named the dates of the Great Patriotic War! Depressing fact. Of course, after the event, the students answered the quiz questions correctly in unison, but how long they would retain this knowledge in their heads is unknown. I hope that This material will be useful to colleagues in the patriotic education of teenagers and young people.

Every year on February 2, residents of the Volgograd region celebrate a very significant and memorable date - the anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. A battle that shocked the whole world, which became the beginning of the end of Hitler's Germany. Nowhere else in the world was there such mass heroism, such a concentration of the spiritual and moral strength of the people. How this battle began, its stages and the people who saved not only Stalingrad, but also the country, the whole world - today we will tell you about it, dear guys. I am not a native Volgograd resident, but having repeatedly been to Mamayev Kurgan, in the “Battle of Stalingrad” panorama, meeting at events in the library with participants and witnesses of this battle, listening to their simple-minded, but very scary in their truthfulness stories and memories, constantly reading everything new, that appears in the press about the Battle of Stalingrad, I feel a sense of enormous gratitude and sincere admiration for these people, I bow to their courage and fortitude, their optimism and desire to live. Long life to the few remaining participants in the Battle of Stalingrad and blessed memory to all those who died and died from wounds.

World War II lasted 6 years in human history, during which there were many large and important battles, but only one of them, in the full sense of the word, shook the consciousness of the people of the entire planet. In the February days of 1943, the Great Victory was won on the banks of the Volga, which marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the war. Since then, the word “Stalingrad” has entered all languages ​​of the world and has become a generally recognized symbol of heroism, fortitude and love for one’s Fatherland.

In due time - not too late and not too early -

Winter will come, the earth will freeze.

And you to Mamayev Kurgan

You will come on the second of February.

And there, at that frosty one,

At that sacred height,

You're on the wing of a white blizzard

Put red flowers.

And as if for the first time you notice,

What was it like, their military path!

February-February, soldier's month -

Blizzard in the face, snow up to the chest.

A hundred years will pass. And a hundred snowstorms.

And we are still indebted to them.

February-February. Soldier's month -

Carnations burn in the snow.

(Margarita Agashina)

Today our great-grandfathers remember how it was, and we talk about their immortal feat. We speak to remember those who defended that line, who defended Russia.

April 5, 1942 Hitler signed Directive No. 41, which defined the goal of the German troops - to capture the industrial center - Stalingrad, whose enterprises produced military products (factories "Red October", "Barricades", Tractor Plant); go to the Volga, sail into the Caspian Sea and in the shortest possible time get to the Caucasus, where the oil necessary for the front was extracted. This the German summer campaign plan in 1942 bore the modest name "Blau" (blue). At a meeting in Poltava on June 1, 1942 at the headquarters of Army Group South Hitler said: “My main idea is to occupy the Caucasus region, perhaps thoroughly defeating the Russian forces. If I don’t get oil from Maykop and Grozny, I will have to stop the war." .

Capture of Stalingrad As a large industrial center and an important communications hub, it was of decisive importance for the Nazis. For them it was not just a military-political and economic center. By winning here, they could gain the advantage they needed to successfully continue the war. “We will storm Stalingrad and take it!” - Hitler repeated boastfully. He understood perfectly well that this symbol city, bearing the name of Stalin, plays a key role in the consciousness of the Soviet people.

On June 19, 1942, a stray German Storch staff plane landed at the location of Russian troops.", in which was Major Reichel, an officer of the German General Staff. In violation of all instructions, his briefcase was filled with maps and documents, from which the Germans’ intentions were clear - to conduct a summer campaign in the south of Russia. Fulfill this plan Hitler planned the forces of Paulus's 6th Field Army in just one week - by July 25, 1942.

German 6th Field Army 1940 to September 1942 g. is the dream come true of the German Wehrmacht, Then the most advanced army in the world, with which, according to Hitler, “it was possible to storm the sky”. She conquered a number of European capitals - Brussels (Belgium), Paris (France)). On the Eastern Front she achieved a significant victory near Kharkov, having carried out “cauldron” for Russian troops in the summer of 1942 (240 thousand prisoners). Only 22 thousand Russian soldiers emerged from the “cauldron”. The commander of the German 6th Army, Lieutenant General of the Panzer Forces Friedrich Wilhelm Paulus, after a brilliant victory near Kharkov, became a national hero of Germany, he was also the actual author of the entire plan for the war with Russia “Barbarossa”. He was one of the best military minds in Germany at that time.

By the middle of the summer of 1942, the greatest battle in the history of the war unfolded between the Volga and Don rivers. It is called the battle of the century, the turning point in World War II. In terms of its scale, the ferocity of the battles, and the number of people and military equipment involved, it had no equal and surpassed all battles in world history at that time. The battle took place over a vast area of ​​100 thousand square meters. kilometers. Military historians claim that at certain stages of this battle over 2 million people participated simultaneously on both sides! How can Waterloo compare to this! Only in the battles for the “House of Pavlov” (58 days) did Hitler’s troops suffer significantly more losses than during the capture of some European capitals! The Battle of the Volga has no equal in human history! This battle, unprecedented in history, lasted 200 days and 200 nights (6.5 months)!

Sergei Orlov, front-line poet wrote:

Open to the steppe wind,

The houses are broken.

Sixty-two kilometers

Stalingrad stretches out in length.

It's like he's on the blue Volga

He turned around in a chain and took the fight,

He stood front across Russia -

And he covered it all with himself!

July 12, 1942 by decision of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command was The Stalingrad Front was created. Their commander was appointed Marshal of the USSR Timoshenko, and from August 1942 - Colonel General Eremenko.

On July 14, 1942, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Stalingrad region was declared in a state of siege.
The day July 17, 1942 became the DAY OF THE BEGINNING OF HUNDRED BATTLE OF LINGRAD. This battle is usually divided by domestic historians into defensive and offensive stages. Defensive stage - from July 17 to November 19, 1942. From November 19, 1942 to February 2, 1943 - the 2nd, offensive stage of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Fights on the city streets

The central event of the first, defensive stage, and indeed the entire battle, was the fierce struggle for the possession of Stalingrad (until 1925 - Tsaritsyn). A participant in this bloody battle and the possession of the city became its population, which by that time numbered more than 900 thousand inhabitants, moreover, approximately half of the townspeople were refugees from various places in Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltic states, including 50 thousand people who arrived here from besieged Leningrad.

The Battle of Stalingrad began in the great bend of the Don, on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. The advanced units of the German troops reached the Chir River and entered into battle with units of our 62nd Army. The Germans put forward: 14 divisions - 270 thousand soldiers and officers, 3 thousand guns, 500 tanks, 1200 aircraft. On the part of the Soviet troops: 12 divisions - 160 thousand people, 2200 guns, 400 tanks, and a total of 454 aircraft.

Attack of the Marines during the defense of Stalingrad

The Kletsky, Surovinsky, Serafimovichsky, Chernyshkovsky districts of our region were the first to meet the enemy. The battle on the western bank of the Don lasted about 3 weeks. on the line Kletskaya - Surovikino - Suvorovskaya. The lightning operation failed, and the fighting became protracted. Only the creation of double numerical superiority helped the enemy achieve successour troops retreated beyond the Don. If the Nazis broke through to the Volga - this would have been a terrible, irreparable blow for our entire country. That's why On July 28, 1942, Order No. 227 of the People's Commissar of Defense was issued with the demand: “Not a step back!” This was perhaps the most severe order of the entire war. It spoke of the complete mobilization of forces to repel the enemy.

By August 20, 1942, the Germans managed to cross the Don, and on August 23, the Germans reached the Volga near the northern outskirts of Stalingrad, in the Latoshinka area, by 16.00. August 23, 1942 became the most terrible day for our soldiers and the population of Stalingrad. It is called the “Day of the Stalingrad Disaster.”Information about this day was only recently declassified. If before this day the city lived its normal life - shops, factories, theaters, cinemas were open, trams were running, children were running through the streets, playing football and war, then in a few hours Stalingrad was wiped off the face of the earth.

At 16:18, at Carrying out Hitler's orders, the Nazis subjected Stalingrad to a massive bombardment: hundreds of planes launched a bomb attack of enormous power, and 2,000 enemy sorties were carried out during the day. The bombing lasted without interruption for several days.

From the memories of an eyewitness: “It was scary to look at what was happening. They dropped not only small fragmentation bombs, but also bombs weighing half or a ton, so that the earth rose up and shook, as if during an earthquake. In addition to bombs to intimidate, the Germans dropped rails, iron tractor wheels, harrows, sheets of boiler iron, barrels with holes, and all this flew from the sky into the city with a wild howl, grinding and clanging. German planes, entering a dive, turned on powerful sirens, and from these hellish sounds the soul was ready to jump out of the body.”

The whole city was on fire: buildings and oil storage facilities were burning, asphalt was melting. Burning oil spilled onto the water. It seemed that everything was on fire and was burning - even the Volga itself. Commander A. M. Eremenko told: “I had to go through and see a lot on military roads, but what I saw on August 23 in Stalingrad amazed me.”

The Nazis broke through to the Volga River north of Stalingrad, tried to rush towards the city, but the Stalingraders courageously repelled their attacks.

From the memoirs of Hero of the Soviet Union, Army General Lyashchenko: “The episode at the anti-aircraft battery will never be forgotten. I was driving an armored car to the defensive line. I went to a high-rise building, I heard gunfire and an unforgettable picture opened up in front of me. A group of fascist tanks (about 10) broke through and rushed towards the anti-aircraft battery. The battery opened fire on them. One, second and third enemy tank caught fire. The Nazis stopped and turned back. I drove up to this battery and was amazed: the entire battery was girls 18-20 years old and only one man, the battery foreman.”

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General Alexander Rodimtsev described those August days as follows: « The city looked like absolute hell. The flames of the fires rose several hundred meters. Clouds of smoke and dust hurt my eyes. Buildings collapsed, walls fell, iron warped.” Eyewitnesses testified: “Stalingrad flared up, the Volga caught fire from burning spilled oil. The wounded in hospitals jumped out of windows to escape. Mothers and babies writhed and burned in maternity hospitals. The stones melted like wax, and the clothes on the people running through the streets flared up from the unbearable heat." . Fierce fighting in the city itself continued for more than two months. Such stubborn urban battles were not known in military history before Stalingrad.. For every house. For each floor or basement. For every wall.

Fire and snow, dust and lead hail

The formidable Stalingrad will not be forgotten!

For the first time, the enemy used the tactics of carpet bombing the city. From August 28 to September 14, 1942, 50 thousand bombs weighing from 50 to 1000 kilograms were dropped on Stalingrad.For every square kilometer of Stalingrad land there were up to 5 thousand bombs and large-caliber fragments. No city in the world could withstand such a firestorm.

On August 25, 1942, a state of siege was introduced in Stalingrad. Under the siege of the city the production of weapons for the front was accelerated (more than 100 tanks were produced only on the night of August 23-24). The construction of barricades and anti-tank barriers began on the city streets. Trams ran in the city until August 23, the Stalingrad State District Power Plant operated until September 5, 1942, until German aircraft destroyed the station, and at the Barricades, the assembly of guns and mortars continued until September 14, 1942, until the entire supply of parts was used up.

The Germans bombed and bombed the city and crossings. As a result of the bombing, oil flowed into the Volga and burned on its surface. In such conditions, rivermen, sailors and rear workers managed to transport up to 300 thousand people and a large amount of factory equipment across the Volga in just 20 days - from August 24 to September 14, 1942 (food and weapons were transported from the other side).

Panorama Museum "Battle of Stalingrad"

The barbaric bombings and tank attacks did not break the resistance of the defenders of Stalingrad. In September 1942, the front ran in a winding line through the streets, squares and neighborhoods of the destroyed city. In some areas this line ran only 30 - 50 meters from the Volga. There were battles for every street, every house, every basement.

Such stubborn urban battles are almost unknown in military history. It was decided to hold the city at any cost. Stalin's order of October 5, 1942 read: “Stalingrad must not be surrendered to the enemy.”

In an appeal from the Stalingrad City Defense Committee to the residents of the city it was said: “Dear comrades! Dear Stalingraders! We will not give up our hometown, our home, our family. We will cover all the streets of the city with impenetrable barricades. Let’s make every house, every block, every street an impregnable fortress.”

The Stalingraders could not remain indifferent. Up to 50 thousand workers joined the people's militia. Most had only three-line guns in their hands, but the determination to destroy the enemy was unshakable.

“The factories have entered the front line, they are under fire, - writes Evgeny Krieger in the story “The Fire of Stalingrad.”No one leaves, no one puts out the stoves where they may still be standing. They worked for 24 hours under bombing, and many were wounded; the plant suffered losses like a front and fought like a front. A day later, the people standing at the machines threw 200 assembled, serviceable guns onto the line of defense. The workers themselves dragged them into battle. There were not enough gun crews, and former gunsmiths took to firing positions and fired their own cannons. The battle takes place in basements, on stairwells, in ravines, on high mounds, on the roofs of houses, in courtyards - close to the war in Stalingrad. The Germans are chasing division after division; divisions come and die out. And the city stands - in ruins, in ashes - but alive! It stands like a wall on the other bank, and behind it is the Volga.... No forts, no concrete shelters. The line of defense runs through vacant lots and courtyards where housewives hung their laundry; through the now deserted square with asphalt uprooted by shells; through the factory territory; through the garden, where this summer lovers whispered on the benches. The city of peace has become a city of battle. The line of defense runs through the hearts here.”

On September 13, 1942, the Nazis rushed to storm Stalingrad with all their might. They dealt the main blow in the area of ​​Mamayev Kurgan and the Central Market. The whole of Stalingrad was under threat of capture.

On September 14, 1942, Berlin radio even announced to the whole world the conquest of Stalingrad, one of the two cities that were symbols of the nation at that time, and the dismemberment of Russia into two halves. The Germans hastened to pass off wishful thinking as reality. In the very last moments before the complete surrender of the city, battalions of the 13th Guards Rifle Division of Major General Alexander Ilyich Rodimtsev appeared in its Volga ruins. They urgently crossed from the left bank of the Volga to the right. Of the 10 thousand fighters, about 6 thousand remained, the rest drowned or were killed. On the move, entering the battle, they knocked out the enemy from the city center and Mamayev Kurgan. The battles were fierce, the streets and squares of the city became places of continuous battles that did not subside until the end of the battle. The city's central station 13 times in one week was either ours or the enemy's.

Mamayev Kurgan (height 102.0 on military maps) became the site of the bloodiest and fiercest battles in Stalingrad: for every square meter of land there were from 500 to 1250 fragments. According to poet R. Rozhdestvensky, there is more metal in Kurgan than in the famous Magnetic Mountain! Mamayev Kurgan was of great strategic importance: from its top the adjacent territory and the crossing of the Volga were clearly visible and could be shot through. In mid-September 1942, Mamayev Kurgan changed hands several times. The Nazis stormed it 10-12 times a day, but, losing people and equipment, they were unable to capture the entire territory of the mound.

Burnt, pitted with deep craters, bunkers, covered with fragments from bombs and shells, the mound even in winter turned black as if charred. This is a place of enormous human losses... and the unparalleled courage and heroism of Soviet soldiers. It was he who became a key position in the struggle for the Volga banks.

The heroism of the defenders of Stalingrad was massive. As historians note, Stalingrad survived because it embodied the whole meaning of the Motherland. That is why nowhere else in the world has there been such mass heroism. All the spiritual and moral strength of our people was concentrated here.

So, on June 23, 1942, on a high-rise near the Kalmykov farm near Stalingrad, repelling a Nazi attack, Pyotr Boloto knocked out 8 German tanks. For this feat he was awarded title of Hero of the Soviet Union - one of the first heroes in the Battle of Stalingrad.

In mid-September 1942, from there was a threat of an enemy breakthrough to the Volga in the area of ​​the 9 January Square. It was decided to turn 2 four-story buildings located parallel on the square into strong points, sending two groups of fighters there. One group was commanded by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, the other by Lieutenant Nikolai Zabolotny. Both groups drove the Germans out of their houses and entrenched themselves there. These defense points entered the history of the Battle of Stalingrad precisely as “Pavlov’s house” and “Zabolotny’s house.”

When on Mamayev Kurgan at the most intense moment of the battle the connection stopped, Private signalman of the 308th Infantry Division Matvey Putilov went to repair the wire break. While restoring the damaged communication line, both his hands were crushed by mine fragments. Losing consciousness, he tightly clamped the ends of the wire with his teeth. Communication was restored. For this feat, Matvey Putilov was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. His communication reel was passed on to the best signalmen of the 308th division.

During the days of the Battle of Stalingrad former Pacific Fleet sailor Vasily Zaitsev showed extraordinary sniper abilities. Only in street fights did he bring his personal score to 240, for which he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Nazi German command brought the head of the Berlin sniper school, Major Koenings, to Stalingrad to destroy Zaitsev. But he was soon shot dead by a famous Soviet sniper.

Mikhail Panikakha is a soldier of the 1st company of the 193rd Infantry Division. A bottle of flammable liquid he lifted onto an enemy tank ignited when hit by a bullet. Then he, engulfed in flames, rushed to the German vehicle and destroyed the enemy tank with its crew.

It is known that more than 20 pilot crews - participants in the Battle of Stalingrad - repeated the feat of Nikolai Gastello.

The history of the Battle of Stalingrad contains many names of female nurses and signalmen - with heroic and tragic fates.

In cold water while our troops were crossing to the right bank of the Volga in the fall of 1942. provided assistance to the wounded and, under continuous bombing, saved drowning people Lyudmila Rodionova. In one of the battles, she was seriously wounded in the head, survived and returned to duty.

Maria Kukharskaya carried 420 wounded from the battlefield. During attacks, she walked behind the fighters so that she could see them. They firmly believed in her. They knew that not a single one would be overlooked, not a single one would be abandoned.

Nurse Masha Melikhova not only did dressings. She also gave her blood to the seriously wounded. This mercy, participation, compassion increased the strength of the soldiers tenfold and was a real feat. Every day was filled with groans and crying, pain and horror, blood and despair. And every minute there was a struggle between these “sisters” for the most precious thing - for human life.

Medical instructor from the 214th Infantry Division Marionella Koroleva (and among her relatives - Gulya) fought at the front from the first days of the war. Near the Panshino farm, she led the soldiers into the attack by personal example, was the first to break into the enemy trenches and destroy 15 fascist soldiers. Mortally wounded, until her last breath she did not let go of the weapon - and continued to shoot at the enemy.

The war has become a common test for both the adult population of our country and children. They matured early. Like their fathers, they defended their homeland.

The youngest defender of the city was Seryozha Aleshkov. This a six-year-old orphan boy helped as best he could the soldiers of the 142nd Regiment of the 47th Guards Rifle Division. And he even saved the life of his commander by calling for help in time.
In the village of Verbovka, captured by the Nazis, there was a “barefoot garrison”. This detachment consisted of teenagers 10-14 years old. There were 20 of them, and they fearlessly acted against the enemy, causing panic among the invaders. The boys were captured and brutally tortured, and then shot in front of the farmers.

By November 1942, the Nazis razed Stalingrad to the ground. But they failed to break the resistance of the Stalingrad residents. In three months Having seized part of the Stalingrad land and established a “new order” on it, the Nazis managed to hang 108, shoot 1,744, subject 1,593 Soviet patriots to violence and torture, and drive tens of thousands of people to Germany for forced labor. The occupiers did not spare anyone. Neither the old man. Not a woman. Not a child. They killed everyone.

Of the 7 districts of Stalingrad, the Germans captured six (except the Kirov district). They carried out repressions against Jews, communists, and partisans. Of the 900 thousand inhabitants at the beginning of the battle, 7 thousand remained by the end of it (based on the materials of the documentary film “The Undefeated”).

“Stand and win!”- this laconic commandment firmly, like an unbreakable oath, entered the consciousness of the defenders of the Volga stronghold.

Everything that you defended in the trenches

Or they returned, rushing into the breakthrough,

We were bequeathed to protect and protect,

Having laid down my only lives.

What names are not on the gravestones,

All of their tribes were made up of sons.

There are millions of them - unforgotten,

From unknown to famous,

Which the years are not free to defeat,

There are millions of them - unforgotten,

Those killed who did not return from the war.

It was during difficult retreats and defenses that the Soviet leadership came up with an unexpected idea - to strike from the flanks at the German “wedge” advancing on Stalingrad. There were troops of the German allies there - Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, who were weaker armed, and their morale was not as high as that of the Germans.

On November 13, 1942, the plan for the counter-offensive operation of the Red Army, codenamed “Uranus,” which was developed under the leadership of Marshal G.K., was reviewed and approved. Zhukova. For two months, huge masses of Soviet troops and equipment were transferred to Stalingrad in the deepest secrecy.

On November 19, 1942, the counteroffensive of the Southwestern, Don and Stalingrad fronts began. On the fifth day of the offensive, as a result of intense fighting, already on November 23, Soviet troops completed the encirclement of the Stalingrad enemy group. It was a stunning success! The headquarters of the German 6th Field Army, 5 German corps consisting of 20 divisions, 2 Romanian divisions, numerous rear units and institutions were surrounded. numbering about 300 thousand people. There were fierce battles. The Germans wanted to free their own from the encirclement. But our troops, despite the severe frost and blizzard, persistently and swiftly destroyed the enemy from the ground and from the air. From Hitler's radiogram to the headquarters of the 6th Army: “The troops of the 6th Army, surrounded in Stalingrad, will henceforth be called the troops of the Stalingrad fortress.” Hitler again and again confirmed the order to hold Stalingrad - at any cost. In his opinion, the fate of the entire Eastern Front depended on this .

From Paulus's report to Manstein: “There are no reserves and there is nothing to create them from. Heavy losses and poor supplies, as well as frosts, significantly reduced the combat effectiveness of the troops. If the enemy attacks continue with the same force for several more days, it will be impossible to hold the fortified line.”

From letters of German soldiers:

"Dear Parents! It's New Year's Eve and I think about home and my heart breaks. Everything here is bad and hopeless... Hunger, hunger, hunger, and also lice and dirt. Day and night we are bombed by Soviet pilots, and the artillery fire almost never stops. If a miracle doesn't happen soon, I'll die here.

Sometimes I pray, sometimes I curse fate. At the same time, everything seems senseless and absurd to me. When and how will deliverance come? How can a person bear this? Or is all this suffering a punishment from God?

“...Now I’m sitting here unwashed and unshaven, like a pig...Your Nis.” “What a crappy situation we are in here, in the fortress of Stalingrad. If they saw me, they would be very surprised at my appearance; I lost so much weight that I began to look like a half-starved dog. The powers I once had are gone. If you run 3-4 meters, you trip over every little stone, you would hardly recognize me. Inside I still have old Roderich. Only outwardly has changed. And this, in the end, is understandable: 20 grams of bread, 37 grams of meat and 50 grams of butter - this is our daily diet.”

January 10 After powerful artillery and air preparation, the troops of the Don Front went on the offensive. Operation Ring began. Our troops had to cut the encircled enemy group into pieces and then destroy them.

From the memoirs of soldier Valery Lyalin:“At the end of January 1943, being in a hopeless situation from hunger, frost and lack of ammunition, subjected to constant shelling and bombing, the Germans began to surrender in the thousands. And on January 31, the entire headquarters of the German Sixth Army, led by Field Marshal Paulus, was captured.

I stood on the Mamayev Kurgan, looked at the destroyed and burned city and thought: “Field, field, who littered you with dead bones?” And below, to the Volga, where they were so eager, the guards were leading hundreds of thousands of German prisoners. It was terrible to look at them: in the bitter cold they were poorly dressed, ragged, exhausted and frostbitten.” . The enemy had not experienced such a defeat since the beginning of World War II. The Nazis lost a quarter of all their forces operating at that time on the Soviet-German front at Stalingrad.

“The Soviet strategy turned out to be superior to ours... The best proof of this is the outcome of the battle on the Volga, as a result of which I was captured.” (Friedrich Paulus, German field marshal ).

The Nazis never recovered from the defeat at Stalingrad. Their total losses in killed, wounded and prisoners amounted to about 1.5 million people, and therefore national mourning was declared in Germany for the first time during the war.

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls to people: The myth of Germany's invincibility has come to an end. But Stalingrad’s victory came at a high price. He imagined a terrible picture after the battle. The ruins stretched for 40 kilometers. The tornado of war destroyed 90% of the housing stock. Not a single one of the 126 enterprises has survived. The human losses are irreparable.

Our soldiers, having liberated Stalingrad, defeated 2 German, 2 Romanian, 1 Italian armies; captured 113 thousand soldiers and officers, 24 fascist generals.

The country highly appreciated the feat of its heroes. Tens of thousands of soldiers and officers were awarded state awards. 112 of the most distinguished were awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. More than 750 thousand participants in the battle were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad.”

▫ This option is good if you have accumulated money. Which is not enough - I went and bought it. What’s difficult is that I didn’t do it, but just went and bought it. If he did, then it will be as a voluntary addition. Under such conditions, of course, you can live in the village. A hectare of land can be empty and overgrown with weeds, and the place can be used simply for “picking dandelions.” Patching the roof of a house is not a problem. He paid the repairman and will patch it up. Prepare some firewood - I asked the local residents and they will prepare it. Etc. They will agree for money. And at this time the owner himself can simply watch TV and buy ready-made items in the store. Money is not a problem to live in the village. With the exception of remote villages, where the neighboring peasant has no use for money and the shops are empty. But if you take a hectare without savings or with insufficient savings, then there is a good chance that the owner of this hectare will get tired of it and run back to the city. Because you have to do everything yourself and cultivate a whole hectare. And also pay taxes. And if you hire assistants, then the money will quickly disappear. And if part of the land is left empty, then you will have to make ends meet without watching TV, but working hard by hand. In addition, the grown crop does not guarantee that it will be bought. Therefore, you will have to use it yourself: make various preparations in large quantities. And this is a troublesome task: it takes more than three jars of cucumbers to roll up. And the situation will turn out that the owner of the hectare is all in work, without money, without normal things and feeds only on the harvest he himself has grown. And he doesn’t have to dream about rivers of milk under such conditions. Yes, he will most likely abandon this hectare or sell it to rich entrepreneurs who will use this plot as an area for their own enrichment at the expense of cheap labor. And at the same time, there is no guarantee that there will be no hostile competition and displacement of normal neighboring owners from their hectare due to the fact that cunning entrepreneurs liked the site. Therefore, this version of the family nest looks like a utopia. Another thing is a dacha of 6 acres for city residents. Although there is almost no income, it is easier to process. It's like your own mini-square for nature lovers.
▫ I’ll tell you now. I couldn't... it freezes.
▫ Practice. Since the beginning of perestroika, I had to survive with my family. I bought two village houses in the villages and restored them. They were cheap back then. within two months we acquired: a goat, two piglets, two sheep, ducks, chickens. Two stray dogs came to live with us. In winter I fished on the pond. And now my wife and I have been living in the village for twenty years. Three children have already grown up and each has a house in the village. I used to make 200 liters of sloe wine, which eliminates alcoholism. During this time, no doctors were contacted.