
Remember: to start speaking English, you must learn about thirty basic phrases. But only. These include greetings and farewells, expressions of gratitude, apologies, questions such as: “Where is it?”, “Could you help me?”, “How much does it cost?”, “How is this in English?”, “Is this for me?” I don’t like it”, “It’s expensive”, standard answers: “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t understand”, words indicating the time of day, as well as the closest time periods in relation to this (see the “Time” section). And, of course, remember the saving grace: “Please call an ambulance (policeman)!”

“What happiness! I'm finally going on vacation! For the first time in my life - not to the sunny Crimea, but imagine, to Antalya, Greece, the Canary Islands! " - you say to your friends and then involuntarily stop short under the stern gaze of some skeptic. “What are you going to do there, dear, without a tongue? What if you get lost? And look for the fistulas of the wind in Iola...” You bitterly complain about the villainous fate, and mainly about your own laziness, which did not allow you to master not only Turkish and Greek, but also at least English - a language that is rightly called a language international communication and which is understandable everywhere, even there. where Turkish and Greek are mainly spoken.

To the reader
Application forms
Acquaintance, farewell
Request, question
Consent, permission
Refusal, prohibition
Sympathy, consolation
Useful words and expressions
First Name Last Name
A person's appearance
Useful words and expressions
Proverbs and sayings
Time. Dates
Days, months, years
Seasons, weather
Useful words and expressions
Train tickets
At the train station
Signs at the station
Signs on trains
Airplane tickets
In an Aeroport
Signs at the airport
Lettering on the plane
Flight Attendant Announcements
Ship tickets
Inscriptions on the ship
At the border (customs)
In the city
Signs on city streets
Advertisements on city streets. Prohibiting signs
How to ask for directions
Travel by bus (tram, trolleybus)
By your car
Useful words and expressions
Store names
In the shop
Useful words and expressions
Grocery store
Buying clothes
Useful words and expressions
Women's clothing
Men's clothing
Cosmetics and perfumes
Electrical goods
Buying groceries
Useful words and expressions
At the table
Useful words and expressions
Proverbs and sayings
At the restaurant
At the hotel
Names and signs
Stay at the hotel
Rent the room
At the post office
Rack windows
Letters, telegrams, translations
Useful words and expressions
Talking on the phone
In the bank
Useful words and expressions
Useful words and expressions
Domestic services
Useful words and expressions
Photo studio
Useful words and expressions
Dry cleaning, self-service laundry
Useful words and expressions
Shoe repair
Health care
At the doctor's
At the pharmacy
Useful words and expressions
Useful words and expressions
Useful words and expressions
Sports and sports
Useful words and expressions
Useful words and expressions
Proverbs and sayings
Names, abbreviations
Writing a resume
Useful words and expressions
To a business person
Useful words and expressions
Business correspondence
Starting phrases
Connecting elements of the letter
Expressions used at the end of a letter.
Commercial dictionary
Extreme situation

Useful words and expressions
English alphabet
Colors, properties, qualities
Properties, qualities

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  • English tutorial and phrasebook for those who are in favor, Komnina A.A., 2016 - This manual was created specifically for those who believe that it is too late to start learning a foreign language. The book contains two blocks... Books on English
  • English phrasebook based on films, Part 2, How to greet and say goodbye, Verchinsky A., 2018 - What should an ideal phrasebook be like? In the form of productions where actors act out this or that everyday situation. Are these scenes necessary... Books on English
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Previous articles:

  • English language - Intensive course of study - Chernenko D.V. - English language - Intensive course of study. Chernenko D.V. 2007. This book is a unique textbook for anyone who needs to quickly master... Books on English
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  • Everyday dialogues - English-Russian phrasebook - Kossman L. - Everyday dialogues - English-Russian phrasebook. Kossman L. 1987. This book is intended for learning English by Russian speakers. The book contains dialogues... Books on English
  • A new cool self-instruction manual for English for beginners and beginners - Dragunkin A. - A new cool self-instruction manual for English for beginners and beginners. Dragunkin A. 2005. The publisher reports that Alexander Dragunkin’s system is similar to the modern one... Books on English

Everyone knows that when going on a trip abroad, it is advisable to learn or at least write down several phrases in a foreign language that may be needed in different situations abroad. It is quite difficult to learn phrases in different languages ​​every time before traveling, depending on the country where you are going. But as practice shows, if you learn the necessary phrases in English, you will be understood in almost any country in the world. In any case, the staff at airports, hotels and most shops speak English to some extent in order to understand you and help you in difficult situations.

So, what phrases might you need while traveling? Let's create a short English phrasebook for tourists.

Firstly, these are the phrases most commonly used in everyday life, including greeting and farewell:



Good morning. (up to 12 days)

Good afternoon. (up to 5-6 days)

Good evening. (until 10-11 pm)

Good morning. (until 12 p.m.)

Good afternoon. (until 5-6 p.m.)

Good evening. (until 10-11 p.m.)

How do you do

Good "mo:nin

Good "a:ftenun

Gud "i:vnin

Hello, how are you?

OK, thank you.


Everything is fine.

Hello, how are you?

I am very well, thank you.

He" low how and yu?

Ay em very wel, sank u.

Not that bad.

I have to go

Ay mast bi goin

Ay have to go

My business card

My address

My number

My phone number

May ed"res

May fawn namba

Hope we see each other again

I hope we meet again

Ay hope ui mit e "gen


Good night!

Good night!

Please (reply to thank you)

Yu a ‘welkam

Sorry (guilty)

Wear from it?

How much does it cost?

How much is that?

How much from zet?

I don't understand

I don't understand

Ay dont ande'stand

Repeat please

Ri"pi:t pli:z

You may need to call out to someone to ask a question:

They may answer you like this:

Yes, what is it?

Yes, what is it?

Yes, wot from it?

How can I help you?

What can I do for

Wat ken ai do fo yu?

Travel is not only new places and attractions, but also new acquaintance. To do this you will need the following phrases:

Every journey begins with station and airport. You need to buy a ticket, check in for the flight (if you are traveling by plane), find out about the time and place of departure.

One round trip ticket for tomorrow, please.

One single and one return ticket for tomorrow, please

One single and one ri’tyo:n ticket fo tu’morou pli:z.

Where can I buy a train (plane, ship) ticket?

Where can I buy a ticket for the train (plane, ship)?

Uea ken ai bai e ‘ticket fo the train (plain, thorn)

I would like a ticket to...

I"d like a ticket to the…

Aid like e ‘ticket tu ze...

How to get to the platform?

How does one get to the platform?

How daz one get tu ze "platfom?

What flights are there to…?

What flights are there to…?

Wat flyts a zea tu...?




Wear from ze



When does registration start?

When does the check-in begin?

Uen daz ze check"in bi"gin?

What is the price…?

What is the price of…?

What's from the price list...?

Having arrived in another country, when settling in hotel You will also find a few common phrases useful.

I want to order a room

Single room

Room for two

Not expensive

For a week

I want to order a room

Ay wont tu "o:da e rum

Single room

Double room

Not x"pensive

For e week

How much does a room cost?

How much is the room?

How much from the room?

I'll pay cash.

I will pay in cash.

I will pay in cash

Can I pay by card?

Can I pay by card?

Ken ai pei bai ka:d?

Wake me up at 8 o'clock, please.

Wake me up at 8 o’clock, please.

Wake mi ap et eit o klok, pl:z.

Order a taxi for 10 o'clock, please.

Order a taxi for 10 o’clock, please

"O: yes e 'taxi fo ten o slok, pli: z.

Can I see the number please?

Can I see the room, please?

Ken ay si the room, pl:z?

We are leaving. I would like to pay, please.

We"re leaving. I"d like to pay, please.

Uia "li:win. Aid like that pay, pl:z.

After checking into the hotel, travelers go explore the city And to visit sights. A phrasebook (Russian-English) for tourists will help you in an unfamiliar city.

Sorry, could you help me please?

Excuse me, can you help me, please?

Ex "kyuz mi, ken yu help mi, pl:z?

What are the main attractions you recommend us to see?

What main places of interest do you advise us to see?

Wat Main Places of "interest do u ed" weis as to si: ?

Sorry, could you tell me how to get to

Metro stations

Bus stop

Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the ...

Ex "kyuz mi, kud u tel mi high tu get tu ze

- Metro Station

Bass stop

Which bus should I take?

What bus must I take?

What's the bass mast ay take?

Please tell me how can I get to the hotel...?

Tell me, please, how can I get to the hotel...?

Tel mi pli:z, hau ken ai get tu ze hou"tel...?

My hotel
-tourist office

A touristic office

A chemists shop

Aim "si:kin

May hou"tel

E tu’ristik ‘office

E 'chemists shop

E syupa"ma:ket

How much does the ticket cost?

How much does the ticket cost?

How mach daz ze "ticket cost?

Where can I buy a ticket to (to)


Where can I buy the ticket to

Uea ken ai bai ze ‘ticket tu

Ze mu'ziam

Ze ex"keshn

The Palace

And of course, when traveling you should definitely visit cafe or restaurant to fully experience the spirit of another country, watch people, enjoy the atmosphere of an unfamiliar city, and try local cuisine.

Menu, please!

‘Menu, pl:z

I would like to order now.

I would like to order now.

Ay wood like tu "o: yes naw"

I'll be ready to order in a few minutes.

I will be ready to order in a few minutes

Ay wil bi ‘radi tu “o:da in e few ‘minets

What are your signature dishes?

What are your specialties?

Wot a e ‘specialtiz?

Do you have any local dishes?

Do you have any local dishes?

Du yu have eni lokl ‘dishiz?

What are the ingredients for this dish?

What are the ingredients of this dish?

Wat f ze in'gri:dients of zis dish?

What side dishes are there?

What are the side dishes?

What's the side 'dishiz?

Is it spicy?

From it 'spicy?

When will it be ready?

When will it be ready?

Uen wil it bi "radi?

I would like a set lunch.

I would like the set lunch.

I Wood Like the Set Lunch

I'd like the bill, please.

I'd like the check, please.

Ayd like the check, please: z

We are paying separately.

We are paying separately.

Ui a payin ‘seperatli

The bill is for me.

The check is on me.

Ze check from he mi.

Here we have provided a far from complete list of useful phrases for tourists. For the convenience of travelers who do not know English at all, we have provided Russian transcriptions of the sentences. More complete English with pronunciation can be found on our website. All phrases in the phrasebook are voiced by a professional speaker. In addition, by completing the exercises that come with the phrasebook, you will be able to learn all the necessary words and remember phrases that you will probably need on your trip.

When packing for a trip abroad, there are always a lot of plans: what to take with you, how to spend your time, what souvenirs to buy, and so on. In order to feel comfortable while traveling and complete all planned actions, you need to know the basic phrases for everyday communication with foreign interlocutors. It is not necessary to learn the local dialect; it is much easier to turn to an international language, that is, English, which will help out in any situation and in any country.

In today's material we will present the most necessary English sayings with translation and pronunciation, which will allow you to build dialogues for making acquaintances, buying tickets, booking a room and walking around the city. By printing out the necessary material, you will receive a complete phrasebook on the topic of English for tourists.

Remembering the classics of our quotes and aphorisms, we can say that politeness is the main weapon of a traveler. How you address an unfamiliar interlocutor will determine his willingness to help you on any issue. To politely draw attention to yourself, the following words will help you:

  • Sir [Syo]* – sir; formal address to a stranger;
  • Madam [Madam] - mistress; formal address to an unfamiliar woman;
  • Young man [Yang men] – young man;
  • Young lady /Miss [Yyan lady/Mis] – a young girl; unmarried girl.

*In order to make English immediately understandable for beginners, we have accompanied the expressions with approximate Russian transcription.

After these words, it is necessary to express your request or message extremely correctly. To do this, you should use standard politeness expressions in English:

  • I beg your pardon [Ay beg yo padon] - Let me address you;
  • Excuse me [Excuse mi] - Sorry (for disturbing you);
  • Could you [Kud yu] - Could you please;
  • Please [Pliz] - Please;
  • May I ask you [Mei Ai ask yu] – Can I ask you;

At the end of the conversation, do not forget to express your gratitude using appropriate English phrases:

  • Thank you you very much [Sank yu very much] – Thank you very much;
  • Thanks a lot for [Sank e lot fo] - Thank you very much for...;
  • I would like to thank you [Ay ud like tu senk yu] - I want to thank you;
  • Thank you and have a nice day [Sank U and Hav and Nice Day] - Thank you and have a nice day!

This basic set of statements will always help you establish successful communication with a stranger and get the necessary answers to questions. Next, we will analyze specific situations and provide useful expressions for tourists in English.

English for tourists - useful phrases for communication in various situations

Traveling is an exciting but unpredictable adventure. In a foreign country we feel less protected, primarily due to the language barrier. In order to behave more relaxed and confidently solve any difficulties that arise, we recommend having a stock of the necessary minimum vocabulary for travelers, which will become a reliable support on trips abroad. Let's take a closer look at situations typical for tourists and find out what words and colloquial phrases in English you need to know to successfully communicate or solve any problems.

Meetings, introductions and farewells

Spoken English is just as polite as its more formal version. The table below lists expressions that will help you make new acquaintances, talk about yourself, ask something, thank you and politely end the conversation. For those who have to learn English from scratch, we will make the task a little easier and, along with the English spelling, we will provide a notation for the Russian transcription of words and expressions, which will allow tourists to learn phrases immediately with pronunciation. Knowing how to pronounce expressions correctly is necessary not only for personal use, but also in order to more easily perceive English by ear.

Phrase Pronunciation Translation
Good morning! Good morning! Good morning!
Good afternoon! Gud afterenun! Good afternoon
Good evening! Good evening! Good evening!
Hello! Hi! Hello! Hai! Hello! Hello!
Let me introduce you to Let mi introductions yu tu Let me introduce you
May I introduce myself? May Eye introduces myself? May I introduce myself?
My name is… May name from... My name is…
What is your name? What is it from e name? What is your name?
Nice to meet you! Nice tu mit yu! Nice to meet you!
I am 30 Ay em shoyochi I am 30 years old.
How old are you? How old ar yu? How old are you?
I am from Russia I'm from Russia I'm from Russia
Where are you from? War ar yu from? Where are you from?
I speak Russian I spoke Russian I speak Russian.
Do you speak English? Do you speak English? Do you speak English?
I speak English a little bit. Ay speak English e little beat I speak English a little
How are you? Hau ar yu? How are you?
I am very well, thank you Ay em very well, sank u I'm fine, thank you
So-so Sow sow So-so
It's all right Its all right Everything is fine
It's time for me to go It's time for mi to go I have to go
See you later C You Leiter See you later
All the best! All the best! Best wishes!

At the hotel

Now let's look at situational English for tourists. First of all, we arrive at the hotel, which will become a second home for us in the coming days. We need to go to the reception, choose a suitable convenient room and complete all the documents. So, let’s find out what vocabulary on the topic “Hotel” is necessary for travelers.

Can I get a room please? Ken Ay get e room please? Can I get a number?
I need a room. Ay nid e rum I'd like to check in
What kind of room do you want? What kind of room do you wont? What number exactly do you need?
I’m looking for a clean and cheap hotel room Aim lukin fo e clean and chip hotel room I'm looking for a clean and inexpensive room
I want a single/double room Ay wont e single/double room I want a single/double room
For two nights Fo tu knights For two days
Will that suit you? Will this suite you? Is this one right for you?
How much is it? How much from it? How much does it cost?
How does it cost a night per a man How daz it cost e night pyo e men? How much will it cost per day per person?
Not expensive Not expansive Inexpensive
Ok, I'll take it Okay, Ay wil take it Okay, I'll take it
I pay in cash Ipay in cash I'll pay cash
Will you, please, fill in this form? Wil u, pliz, fil in sis foom? Could you fill out the form?
Sign your name Sign Yo Name Subscribe
Your room is number 408 Yo rum from nambe four o* eit Your number is 408
Here is your key Hie from yorkei Here's your key
Will you show me up to my room, please? Wil yu shaw mi ap tu may rum, please? Could you please show me my number?
Something wrong with the…(shower, phone, TV) Samtfing urong wiz ze (shower, background, TV) Something is wrong with...(shower, telephone, TV)
I'd like to change my room. Aid like that change my room I would like to change my number

*This pronunciation of the number zero is typical only for indicating numbers and dates

Walk around the city

The most important moment is going out into the city. Inspection of popular attractions, trips to souvenir shops and shopping centers, visits to museums and galleries, and other tourist walks. If you decide to walk around the city on your own, then useful phrases in English on the topic “City” will come in handy more than ever. We will try to learn how to freely navigate a conversation, ask questions about the location, and clearly explain to the interlocutor what institution we need to find, as well as what transport to get to it. The topic is quite voluminous, so we will divide these phrases in English about trips and travel into several thematic tables.

In the city
What street am I? What street um I? What street am I on?
Would you mind giving me some directions? Ud yu mind givin mi sam direkshinz? Could you give me some direction?
Excuse me, where am I? Excuse mi, wer em ay? Excuse me, where am I?
I'm lost Ay em lost I'm lost
Where is the… (hotel, museum, metro), please? Ware from thee...(hotel, musiam, matrow), pliz Tell me, please, where is the hotel, museum, metro?
Left, Right Left, right Right left
How can I get to…? Hau ken ai get tu...? How can I get to...?
Where can I buy…? War ken ai bai...? Where can I buy…?
Where is the nearest…(metro station, bus stop)? Ware from Zenierest... (Matrow Station, bass stop) Where is the nearest metro station, bus stop?
Where can I change money? Ware ken Ai change money? Where can I change money?
I’m seeking...(supermarket, post-office, street phone, police office) Aim sikin... (surface layout, post office, street background, policy office) I'm looking for a supermarket, post office, pay phone, police station
Is it far/near from here? From it fa/nier from hie? Is it far/near from here?
It's about … minutes walk Its about…minits walk It's about...minutes away

If you prefer to get around the city in a rented car, then it will be useful for you to learn a few common and necessary expressions from the following table.

Another option to get to your destination comfortably is to use a taxi. Let's look at what phrases English contains for traveling by taxi.

Call a taxi
Where can I get a taxi? War I ken get e taxi? Where can I get a taxi
How can I call a taxi? How ken I kal e taxi? How can I call a taxi?
Could you call a taxi for me, please? Where yu kal e taxi fo mi, please? Would you please call a cab for me?
Are you free? Are you free? You are free?
I'd like a taxi, please Let's like e taxi, please I would like to order a taxi please
I am at the…(museum, library, hotel) Ay em et ze... (musium, library, hotel) I'm near a museum, library, hotel
How long will I have to wait? How long wil Ay have tu wait? How long will I have to wait?
I'm in a hurry Aim in e harry I'm in a hurry
The car is on the way Ze kar from on ze vey The car is on the way
Where would you like to go? War ud yu like tu go? Where do you want to go?
I need to go to… Ay nid tu go tu... I need to...
Take me to this address, please Take me tu zis edres, please Take me to this address
How much will it cost? How much uil it cost? How much is it?
Could you wait for me here? Where do you wait for mi hie? Could you wait here for me?

Train station and airport

No matter how long we travel, it is always pleasant to return home. Let's go to airports and train stations and consider which expressions will be useful when leaving or arriving.

Where is the ticket office (luggage check, passport control, information office)? Ware from the ticket office (lagij check, passport cantroul, infomation office)? Where are the box office? (baggage check, passport control, information desk)?
Give me a single/return ticket to… Give mi e single/raetyon ticketat tu… You can get a one-way/round-trip ticket to...
When is the next flight, please? Wen from the Next Flight, please? Can you please tell me when is the next flight?
When is the check-in? Wen from ze chek-in? When is registration?
Where can I check my luggage? Uer ken Ai chek mai lagij? Where can I leave my luggage?
Is the train number...? From the train nambe...? Is this train number...?
Is there a direct train/flight to...? From zer e direct train/flight tu…? Is there a direct train/flight to…?
From witch platform? From wich platef? From what platform?
I want to cancel this ticket Ay wont to kensl sis ticket I want to cancel this ticket
Where can I return my ticket? Uer ken Ai retyong mai ticketat? Where can I return my ticket?
Arrivals Erivals Arrivals hall
Departures Deepaches Departure hall
Exit to the city Exit to the city Exit to the city
Waiting room Waiting room Waiting hall

Now you know the necessary phrases in English for tourists. If you are interested in expanded information, we suggest you consider studying such useful topics as numbers, time and date symbols, detailed topics on dating, staying at the airport, as well as visiting cafes and restaurants. Good luck in communication and pleasant travels!

Views: 640

1) Russian-English phrasebook - djvu
  • File format: djvu
  • Number of pages: 314
  • Year of publication: 1987
  • File size: 3.4 MB

The phrasebook will include all the necessary words and expressions and will be useful to tourists, as well as a wide range of people for communicating with foreigners. The phrasebook contains sections: Acquaintance, Hotel, Restaurant, and others. The book also contains transcriptions of English words and a mini dictionary. Below you can download this phrasebook for free.

>>> Download Russian-English phrasebook (djvu) for free

2) Russian-English phrasebook - pdf

  • File format: pdf
  • Number of pages: 191
  • File size: 322 KB

This phrasebook will help you not to get confused abroad in a language environment that is alien to you. With this book you won't feel lost, even if you don't know English at all. The book is intended primarily for tourists, but without a doubt it will be useful to a wide range of people to overcome the language barrier.

>>> Download Russian-English phrasebook (pdf) for free

3) "English for travelers" - Russian-English phrasebook for tourists

  • File format: pdf
  • Number of pages: 347
  • Year of publication: 2010
  • File size: 73.1 MB

The phrasebook is intended for Russian-speaking tourists and travelers, as well as for workers in the tourism, hotel and restaurant businesses. In addition, it will be useful for businessmen and people on a business trip.

>>> Download Russian-English phrasebook for tourists for free

4) “You are going to America” - Russian-English phrasebook for those traveling to the USA

  • File format: djvu
  • Number of pages: 289
  • Year of publication: 1993
  • File size: 2.3 MB

The phrasebook is intended for people planning a tourist or business trip to the USA. The book is structured on a thematic basis, contains a lot of regional information, and also provides detailed transcriptions for hard-to-pronounce words.

>>> Download phrasebook - “You are going to America” for free

5) Russian-English phrasebook for iPad and iPhone

  • File format: ipa
  • Year of publication: 2012
  • File size: 2.3 MB

The phrasebook is designed for Apple devices - iPad and iPhone. The application includes more than 1,300 words and expressions and will be useful to a wide range of people with little knowledge of the English language.

>>> Download Russian-English phrasebook for iPad and iPhone for free

6) Brief Russian-English phrasebook (fb2)

  • File format: fb2
  • Number of pages: 44
  • File size: 24 KB

The phrasebook is intended for devices that support the fb2 format. The phrasebook is built on a thematic principle and will be useful to a wide range of people.



Hello, dear friend!

So, are you interested in spoken English for tourists - phrases and expressions, and maybe even whole sentences? Then I’m almost sure that everything is fine with you now and your mood “ suitcase" Why? Yes, because only tourists look for useful expressions for tourists)).

A few years ago, my friend went on vacation to Europe, she thought that she would see all the beauty there, visit the most famous museums... It didn’t work out - after all, before the trip she didn’t even bother to stock up elementary phrases in English, not to mention picking up a textbook or phrasebook. I thought that they would understand her on the fingers and relied on our Russian maybe.

As a result, she stayed in the hotel for 2 weeks, only going out a couple of times to the neighboring street for shopping, although according to her, it didn’t really work out. She admitted that she had never felt so stupid and insecure. Yes, it’s not a very pleasant feeling, I’ll tell you!

To avoid it, it won’t hurt you (it really won’t hurt you!) to read this article. It will be divided into 2 parts. In the first part , that is, on this page, you get acquainted with basic English expressions and questions , which will definitely come in handy on any foreign trip. All of them will have translation and pronunciation (audio for each phrase) - you can practice them online and without leaving the cash register.

- I will give you examples, how you can and should react to phrases spoken to you, I'll give you advice how not to get confused and don't fall face first into the dirt)), when you heard the fluent, unintelligible speech of a foreigner who also looks at you angrily! In general, let's practice to the fullest!

So let's start with

Basic rules

  • Use words of gratitude. It's better that you say them twice than not say them at all. (These are the words Thank you and a little more casual thanks )
  • Politeness and once again politeness, to express which use the phrases:
    Please (when asking for something) – Tell me, please, where I can find a hairdresser’s
    You are welcome (when responding to gratitude)
    Excuse me (when you want to ask or ask for something) – Excuse me, could you help me with the bus?
    (I'm) Sorry (when expressing regret)
  • If you wish ask permission or ask about the possibility (probability) of something, use the construction Can I.../May I... ?
    Can I open the window? (ask for permission)
    Can I change my ticket? (asking about the possibility)
  • If you ask someone for something, use the construction Could you… ?
    Could you give me a new towel?

I would also like to remind you what tourism vocabulary you need to know Firstly before traveling to an English-speaking country. Here is a list of words:

You can find all these words with the correct pronunciation by following the appropriate links.

Taking this opportunity, I hasten to recommend you an excellent online course developed by the well-known English language learning service Lingualeo. « English for tourists» - this is what you need if you are going on a trip and want to remember and revive your English). Go to the site, try it for free first and if you like it, purchase it and enjoy new discoveries and your successes every day!

Attention! Suitable for those who already speak basic English but want to brush up on their speaking skills!

If you want to improve your knowledge 100%, I recommend taking Online intensive . It has a number of advantages over the regular course - it motivates and gives you an incentive every day for a month, and also offers 3 cool bonuses - read about this on the offer page.

Let's finally get to the phrases themselves! And let's start with the important thing - emergency or unforeseen situations. Of course, they most likely will not happen to you, but knowing the necessary expressions in such cases will at least make you a little more confident.

If an emergency takes you by surprise

I've lost all my documents I lost all my documents
Help me, please Help me please
Give me some water, please Give me some water please
I'm not well I do not feel good
I'm sick I'm sick
I'm late for the train (plane) I missed the train/plane
I've lost my room key I lost my room keys
I've lost my way I'm lost
I'm hungry I'm hungry
I'm thirsty I want to drink very much
Call a doctor, please Call a doctor please
I'm dizzy I feel dizzy
Take me to the hospital Take me to a hospital
I have a temperature I have a temperature
I've got a toothache I have a toothache
Is it dangerous? Is it dangerous?
Don't do it! Do not do that!
I'll call the police! I'll call the police

Well, now let's go in order of your journey...

Airport. Passport control

Where is luggage check? Where is the baggage control?
Where is passport control? Where is passport control?
Where is the information-office? Where is the help desk?
Where can I check (pick up) my luggage? Where can I check in (receive) luggage?
Where is the waiting room? Where is the waiting room?
Where is the duty-free shop? Where is the duty free shop?
Where is the cloak-room? Where is the storage room?
Where is the exit to the city? Where is the exit to the city?
How much shall I pay for the over-weight? How much should I pay for being overweight?
Where (when) is the check-in? Where (when) is registration?
May I take this bag into the cabin? Can I take this bag with me? (on board)
When is the next flight, please? When is the next flight to...?
Where do I get a luggage cart? Where can I get a luggage trolley?

Railway (bus) station

Is there a direct train to...? Is there a direct train to...?
Give me a return ticket to London, please. Please give me a ticket to London, there and back.
Give me a single ticket to London, please. Please give me a ticket to London.
When does the train to Warsaw leave? When does the train to Vorsou leave?
From which platform? From what platform?
How can I get to platform number…? How can I get to platform number...?
Is this train number...? Is this train number...?
Is this carriage number…? Is this carriage number...?
Show me my place, please. Please show me my place.
Where is the toilet? Where is the toilet?

From what stand does my bus go? Where does my bus depart from?
What time does the last bus depart? What time does the last bus leave?
What is the fare to Glasgow? How much does it cost to travel to Glasgow?
I would like a round-trip ticket, please. Round trip ticket please.
Sorry, does this bus go to..? Does this bus go to...?
I want to cancel this ticket I want to cancel this ticket


Good morning! Good morning
Good evening! Good evening
Good night! Good night
Hi! Hello
Hello! Hello
Do you speak Russian? Do you speak Russian?
I don't speak German, French, I don't speak German, French...
I don't understand you I do not understand
Pardon? What did you say?
I didn't quite hear what you said I didn't quite hear what you said
I didn't quite understand (get) I didn't quite understand
Could you repeat, please? Would you please repeat that?
Could you speak more slowly? Would you speak slower, please?
What is your name? What is your name?
May I introduce you Let me introduce you...
Pleased to meet you Nice to meet
I am here for the first time I'm here for the first time
I'm from Moscow I am from Moscow
It's time for me to go I have to go
Thank you for everything thanks for all
Goodbye! Goodbye
All the best! Best wishes
Good luck! Good luck


Are you free? You are free?
I need to go to I need to (on)…
Please take me to this address Please take me to this address
Please, take me to the (hotel, bus station, railway station, airport) Please take me to... (hotel, bus station, railway station, airport)...
Could you wait for me here two minutes? Could you wait here for me for a couple of minutes?
I'm in a hurry I'm in a hurry
How much? What is the price?
Keep the change Keep the change
I need a check I need a check
Do you mind if I close (open) the window? Do you mind if I close (open) the window?


Choice, check-in

I'd like to book a room I would like to book a room at your hotel
I've got a reservation in your hotel I have booked a room at your hotel
How much is a single room? How much does a single room cost?
How much is a double room? How much does a double room cost?
What floor is it on? What floor is the room on?
How much is it per night? How much is the room per night?
Does the price include...? Is the room price included...?
What does the price include? What is included in the room rate?
We need one double room with an extra bed We need one double room with an extra bed
Can I have a look at the room? Can I have a look at the room?
Is there a bathroom (conditioner, refrigerator, TV, telephone, balcony, WI-FI internet) in the room?
Does the room have a bathroom (air conditioning, refrigerator, TV, telephone, balcony, internet)?
Sorry, it doesn't suit me Sorry, this number is not suitable for me
It suits me This number suits me
Do you have cheaper rooms? Do you have cheaper rooms?
When is the checkout time? When is the checkout time?
When is breakfast served? When is breakfast?
Do I pay in advance? Paying in advance?

Communication with staff

Could you send the luggage to my room? Please send luggage to my room
Please make up my room Please clean my room
Could you send these clothes to the laundry? Please send these clothes for washing
Can I have breakfast in my room? Can I have breakfast in my room?
Number 56, please Keys to room 56 please
Please, have these things ironed (cleaned) Please iron (clean) these things
I need to leave one day earlier I need to leave a day early
I’d like to extend my stay for a few days I would like to extend my stay at the hotel for a few days


I'd like to change my room I would like to change my number
There is no soap (toilet paper, towel, water,) in my room There is no soap in my room (toilet paper, towels, water)
The TV (conditioner, ventilator, dryer) is out of order TV does not work (air conditioner, fan, hair dryer)


I'm checking out I'd like to check out
Can I have my luggage back? Can I pick up my luggage?
May I pay by credit card? Can I pay with a credit card?
I pay in cash I have cash
I forgot my key in the room I forgot my key in the room

In the city


Where is the railway station? Where is the train station?
Where is the department store? Where is the department store?
Where can I buy…? Where can I buy…?
What is the name of this street? What street is this?
Which way is to..? Which way to go to...?
How can I get to…? How can I get to...?

Urban transport

Does this bus go to…? Does this bus go to...?
Where can I buy a metro ticket? Where can I buy a metro ticket?
What is the fare? How much does it cost to travel?
Where do I get off? Where should I get off?
What is the next stop? What's the next stop?


First, I would like to have a look I want to look first
I want a pair of shoes, size.. I need a pair of shoes, size...
May I try it on? You can try it on
Where can I try it on? Where can I try this on?
Which size is that? What size is it?
Have you got a larger (smaller) size? Do you have a larger (smaller) size?
Will you show me...? Will you show me...?
Give me Let me…
That's just what I wanted This is exactly what I was looking for
It doesn't fit me Doesn't fit true to size
Have you got any discounts? Do you have any discounts?
Have you got such a sweater (skirt…) of a different color? Do you have the same sweater (skirt...) in a different color?
How much is it? What is the price?


I would like coffee, tea.. I would like coffee, tea...
We'd like to sit by the window We'd like to sit by the window
The menu, please Menu, please
We haven't chosen yet We haven't chosen yet
I'd like to have a drink I would like to have something to drink
What can you recommend? What do you recommend?
That was very good It was delicious
I like your cuisine I like your kitchen
I didn't order that I didn't order this
The bill, please The check, please

For those who want to stay up to date...

What's up? How are you?
What's the trouble? What's happened?
What's the matter? What's the matter?
H ow do you say… in English? How to say... in English
How do you spell that? How do you spell it?
Is it far? It is far?
Is it expensive? It is expensive?

That, in fact, is all I wanted to dwell on. Of course, the list of useful things I have proposed from the field of tourist English - base, does not include many details, but it will help you navigate standard situations. If you want to learn other phrases, suggest them in the comments - we will be happy to supplement this article with your help!

If you want to know English more thoroughly, understand the essence of the language, appreciate its beauty, learn to express your thoughts in it, understand the thoughts of other people, and also plunge into the culture of the countries in which it is official, then I will be glad to see you among the readers , guests or subscribers.

Here you can always find a lot of free materials, lessons, practical and theoretical posts, which I am happy to create for you!

And now I want to invite you and wish you success!

By the way, quite recently for my readers and all people striving for new heights, I wrote 2 very useful articles:

I think you will be curious

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