People who are little read in astronomy often express amazement at the fact that scientists, without visiting the Moon and planets, confidently speak about the force of gravity on their surface. Meanwhile, it is not at all difficult to calculate how many kilograms a weight transferred to other worlds should weigh. To do this, you just need to know the radius and mass of the celestial body.

Let us determine, for example, the gravity stress on the Moon. The mass of the Moon, as we know, is 81 times less than the mass of the Earth. If the Earth had such a small mass, then the gravity on its surface would be 81 times weaker than it is now. But according to Newton's law, the ball attracts as if all its mass is concentrated in the center. The center of the Earth is located at a distance of the Earth's radius from its surface, the center of the Moon is at a distance of the lunar radius. But the lunar radius is 27/100 of the earth’s, and by decreasing the distance by 100/27 times, the force of attraction increases by (100/27) 2 times. This means that the final gravity stress on the surface of the Moon is

So, a 1 kg weight transferred to the surface

The moon would weigh only 1/6 kg there, but, of course, the decrease in weight could only be detected with the help of spring scales (Fig. 90), and not lever ones.

Rice. 90. How much would a person weigh on different planets? The weight of a person on Pluto is not 18 kg, but only 3.6 kg (according to modern data)

It is curious that if water existed on the Moon, a swimmer would feel the same way in a lunar pond as on Earth. Its weight would decrease six times, but the weight of the water it displaced would decrease by the same amount; the ratio between them would be the same as on Earth, and the swimmer would plunge into the water of the Moon exactly the same amount as he dives here.

However, efforts to rise above the water would give a more noticeable result on the Moon: since the weight of the swimmer’s body has decreased, it can be lifted with less muscle tension.

Below is a table of the magnitude of gravity on different planets compared to Earth's.

As can be seen from the tablet, our Earth ranks fifth in gravity in the solar system after Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Uranus.

Are you interested in astronomy? What about physics? Maybe you dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a child?
Do you want to know how much you (or any object) would weigh on Saturn, or on Mercury, Jupiter? Use the online weight calculator on different planets!

Do you know that even on Earth your weight is not the same everywhere?

The earth is not a sphere, after all, but is flattened at the poles and elongated along the equator. It turns out that the equatorial radius of the Earth is longer than the polar one and the force of gravity at the equator seems to act from afar. Therefore, the weight in different parts of the Earth is different - at the equator it is lighter, and at the poles it is heavier.

Don’t be alarmed if you suddenly gain 0.5 kg while traveling from the equator to the pole. In fact, nothing has changed about you!

What does our weight depend on? Well, yes, of course, from the gravity of the planet! In space, where there is no gravity, all people, and objects too, are in weightlessness. They weigh nothing, absolutely nothing, and calmly float in space!

And since the force of gravity on different planets is different, the weight of our body will be different. On the Moon you will move in huge leaps, because... your weight will be small, and on some neutron star your weight will be such that you can’t even take a step.

So, everything in our world is very relative... and weight too.

We associate an ordinary classical museum with half-empty echoing halls, dusty exhibits in display cases and the soothing voice of a guide.

However, in the West, a new type of museum has been successfully existing for several decades – the interactive one. The main idea of ​​an interactive museum is not a monologue by the guide and a passive inspection of the exhibition, but the involvement of visitors in interaction with the exhibits. An interactive museum is a great opportunity to spend a few hours of free time pleasantly and usefully. It will be interesting for an individual visitor, a family, or a group of students. We will be glad to see people of all ages in our museum: primary schoolchildren and their parents, as well as grandparents.

In terms of equipment, Lunarium is not inferior to European scientific centers and museums. It is located on two floors and consists of sections “Astronomy and Physics” and “Comprehension of Space”. The exhibition features more than eighty exhibits that clearly demonstrate various physical laws and natural phenomena in a playful way. Here, manifestations of the laws of nature are sometimes visual, sometimes funny, sometimes look like a miracle. The exposition of the “Astronomy and Physics” section introduces us to the wonderful world of science, where each exhibit is a real scientific laboratory, where every visitor can feel like an experimental scientist. Here you can create artificial clouds and tornadoes, generate electrical energy, compose electronic music, ride a space bike and find out your weight on other planets. And such exhibits as “Black Hole”, “Magic Hyperboloid Wand”, “Ferrofluid Hedgehog”, “Plasma Ball” and “Optical Illusions” will certainly arouse extreme interest among visitors, a lot of questions and heated discussions. The grandiose Foucault pendulum will convince all visitors that the Earth rotates on its axis, and the Tellurium will illustrate the cycle of day and night and the seasons.

The exhibition “Comprehension of Space” is designed in the form of a space station with thematic compartments. Moving from one compartment to another allows you to make an Interplanetary Voyage, visit the Lunar Laboratory, get acquainted with the history of the Big Bang and take a Journey to Infinity! Along the way, you can make observations through telescopes of different optical systems, save the planet from asteroids, send a message to aliens, launch air and hydrogen rockets, learn the properties of weightlessness and vacuum.

Each exhibit is equipped with a colorful plaque that will help you get all the necessary information to explore the exhibits on your own. If necessary, consultants in the hall - senior students and graduates of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University - will come to help. They will explain the purpose and operating principles of the relevant exhibits and answer all questions.

Thematic and educational excursions accompanied by qualified guides are provided for school groups. An interactive museum is liberation. Here, every adult can again feel like a child pioneer, and together with the children get bright and unforgettable impressions. And children can try themselves in the role of scientific researchers. The main thing here is that it becomes clear that knowledge is born from experiments and observations.

The interactive museum is a fabulous kaleidoscope of interesting, unforgettable experiments and discoveries; it is a real feast for a living imagination. We are waiting for you at our place and hope that you will be our frequent and welcome guests. See you at Lunarium!

Let's imagine that we are going on a trip to the solar system. What is the gravity on other planets? On which ones will we be lighter than on Earth, and on which ones will we be heavier?

While we have not yet left the Earth, let’s do the following experiment: mentally descend to one of the Earth’s poles, and then imagine that we have been transported to the equator. I wonder if our weight has changed?

It is known that the weight of any body is determined by the force of attraction (gravity). It is directly proportional to the mass of the planet and inversely proportional to the square of its radius (we first learned about this from a school physics textbook). Consequently, if our Earth were strictly spherical, then the weight of each object moving along its surface would remain unchanged.

But the Earth is not a ball. It is flattened at the poles and elongated along the equator. The equatorial radius of the Earth is 21 km longer than the polar radius. It turns out that the force of gravity acts on the equator as if from afar. It’s no wonder that the weight of the same body in different places on the Earth is not the same. Objects should be heaviest at the earth's poles and lightest at the equator. Here they become 1/190 lighter than their weight at the poles. Of course, this change in weight can only be detected using a spring scale. A slight decrease in the weight of objects at the equator also occurs due to the centrifugal force arising from the rotation of the Earth. Thus, the weight of an adult arriving from high polar latitudes to the equator will decrease in total by about 0.5 kg.

Now it is appropriate to ask: how will a person’s weight change as he travels through the expanses of the solar system?

Our first space station is Mars. How much will a person weigh on Mars? It is not difficult to make such a calculation. To do this, you need to know the mass and radius of Mars.

As is known, the mass of the “red planet” is 9.31 times less than the mass of the Earth, and its radius is 1.88 times less than the radius of the globe. Consequently, due to the action of the first factor, the force of gravity on the surface of Mars should be 9.31 times less, and due to the second, 3.53 times greater than ours (1.88 . 1.88 = 3.53 ). Ultimately, it constitutes a little more than 1/3 of the Earth's gravity there (3.53: 9.31 = 0.38). In the same way, you can determine the gravity stress on any celestial body.

The Earth, under the stress of gravity, occupies an intermediate position between the giant planets. On two of them - Saturn and Uranus - the force of gravity is somewhat less than on Earth, and on the other two - Jupiter and Neptune - it is greater. True, for Jupiter and Saturn the weight was given taking into account the action of centrifugal force (they rotate quickly). The latter reduces body weight by several percent.

It should be noted that for the giant planets the weight values ​​are given at the level of the upper cloud layer, and not at the level of the solid surface, as for the Earth-like planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) and Pluto.

On the surface of Venus, a person will be almost 10% lighter than on Earth. But on Mercury and Mars the weight reduction will occur by 2.6 times. As for Pluto, a person on it will be 2.5 times lighter than on the Moon, or 15.5 times lighter than in earthly conditions.

It is quite clear that a person can travel to other planets only in a special sealed spacesuit equipped with life support devices. The weight of the spacesuit of the American astronauts, in which they went to the surface of the Lupa, is approximately equal to the weight of an adult. Therefore, the given pump values ​​for the weight of a space traveler on other planets must be at least doubled. Only then will we obtain weight values ​​close to the actual ones.

The average mass of the Moon is about 7.3477 x 10 22 kg.

The Moon is the only satellite of the Earth and the closest celestial body to it. The source of the Moon's glow is the Sun, so we always observe only the lunar part facing the great luminary. The other half of the Moon at this time is immersed in cosmic darkness, waiting for its turn to emerge “into the light.” The distance between the Moon and Earth is approximately 384,467 km. So, today we will find out how much the Moon weighs compared to other “inhabitants” of the Solar System, and we will also study interesting facts about this mysterious earthly satellite.

Why is the Moon called that?

The ancient Romans called the Moon the goddess of night light, after whom the night luminary itself was eventually named. According to other sources, the word “moon” has Indo-European roots and means “bright” - and for good reason, because the earth’s satellite is in second place after the Sun in terms of brightness. In ancient Greek, a star shining with a cold yellowish light in the night sky was called the name of the goddess Selene.

What is the weight of the Moon?

The moon weighs about 7.3477 x 1022 kg.

Indeed, in physical terms there is no such thing as “the weight of the planet.” After all, weight is the force exerted by a body on a horizontal surface. Alternatively, if a body is suspended on a vertical thread, then its weight is the tensile force of this thread by the body. It is clear that the Moon is not located on the surface and is not in a “suspended” state. So, from a physical point of view, the Moon has no weight. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to talk about the mass of this celestial body.

The weight of the Moon and its movement - what is the relationship?

For a long time people have tried to unravel the “mystery” of the movement of the Earth’s satellite. The theory of the motion of the Moon, first created by the American astronomer E. Brown in 1895, became the basis of modern calculations. However, to determine the exact motion of the Moon, it was necessary to know its mass, as well as various coefficients of trigonometric functions.

However, thanks to the achievements of modern science, it has become possible to carry out more accurate calculations. Using the laser ranging method, you can determine the size of a celestial body with an error of just a couple of centimeters. Thus, scientists have identified and proven that the mass of the Moon is 81 times less than the mass of our planet, and the radius of the Earth is 37 times more than the same lunar parameter.

Of course, such discoveries became possible only with the advent of the era of space satellites. But scientists from the era of the great “discoverer” of Newton’s law of universal gravitation determined the mass of the Moon by studying the tides caused by periodic changes in the position of the celestial body relative to the Earth.

Moon - characteristics and numbers

  • surface - 38 million km 2, which is approximately 7.4% of the Earth's surface
  • volume – 22 billion m 3 (2% of the value of the same terrestrial indicator)
  • average density - 3.34 g/cm 3 (near the Earth - 5.52 g/cm 3)
  • gravity is equal to 1/6 of the earth's

The Moon is a rather “heavy” celestial satellite, not typical for terrestrial planets. If we compare the mass of all planetary satellites, the Moon will be in fifth place. Even Pluto, which was considered a full-fledged planet until 2006, is more than five times less massive than the Moon. As you know, Pluto consists of rocks and ice, so its density is low - approximately 1.7 g/cm 3 . But Ganymede, Titan, Callisto and Io, which are satellites of the giant planets of the Solar System, exceed the Moon in mass.

It is known that the force of gravity or gravitation of any body in the Universe lies in the presence of the force of attraction between different bodies. In turn, the magnitude of the force of attraction depends on the mass of the bodies and the distance between them. Thus, the Earth attracts a person to its surface - and not vice versa, since the planet is much larger in size. In this case, the force of gravity is equal to the weight of a person. Let's try to double the distance between the center of the Earth and a person (for example, let's climb a mountain 6500 km above the earth's surface). Now a person weighs four times less!

But the Moon is significantly inferior in mass to the Earth, therefore, the lunar gravitational force is also less than the force of Earth’s gravity. So the astronauts who first landed on the lunar surface could make unimaginable jumps - even with a heavy spacesuit and other “space” equipment. After all, on the Moon, a person’s weight decreases by as much as six times! The most suitable place to set “interplanetary” Olympic records in high jump.

So, now we know how much the Moon weighs, its main characteristics, as well as other interesting facts about the mass of this mysterious earthly satellite.