Knowledge of the basic principles of psychology can play an important role in the life of any person. In order for us to most productively fulfill the goals we have set for ourselves and effectively interact with the people around us, we need to have at least an idea of ​​what personality psychology is, how personality development occurs and what are the features of this process. It is important to know what the constituent elements and personality types are. By understanding these issues, we get the opportunity to make our lives more productive, comfortable and harmonious.

The following lesson on personality psychology is designed specifically to help you grasp these important fundamentals and learn as effectively as possible. Here you will get acquainted with how a person and the problem of personality are viewed in psychology: you will learn its foundations and structure. And also gain insight into personality research and many other interesting topics.

What is personality?

In the modern world there is no unambiguous definition of the concept of “personality” and this is due to the complexity of the personality phenomenon itself. Any currently available definition is worthy of being taken into account when compiling the most objective and complete one.

If we talk about the most common definition, we can say that:

Personality- this is a person who has a certain set of psychological properties on which his actions that are significant for society are based; the internal difference between one person and the rest.

There are several other definitions:

  • Personality it is a social subject and the totality of his personal and social roles, his preferences and habits, his knowledge and experience.
  • Personality- this is a person who independently builds and controls his life and bears full responsibility for it.

Together with the concept of “personality” in psychology, such concepts as “individual” and “individuality” are used.

Individual- this is an individual person, considered as a unique set of his innate and acquired qualities.

Individuality- a set of unique traits and characteristics that distinguish one individual from all others; the uniqueness of the human personality and psyche.

In order for anyone who shows interest in the human personality as a psychological phenomenon to have the most objective idea about it, it is necessary to highlight the key elements that make up the personality, in other words, to talk about its structure.

Personality structure

The structure of a personality is the connection and interaction of its various components: abilities, volitional qualities, character, emotions, etc. These components are its properties and differences and are called “traits.” There are quite a lot of these features, and to structure them there is a division into levels:

  • Lowest level of personality These are sexual properties of the psyche, age-related, innate.
  • Second level of personality These are individual manifestations of thinking, memory, abilities, sensations, perceptions, which depend on both congenital factors and their development.
  • Third level of personality This is an individual experience that contains acquired knowledge, habits, abilities, and skills. This level is formed in the process of life and is social in nature.
  • Highest level of personality- this is its orientation, which includes interests, desires, inclinations, inclinations, beliefs, views, ideals, worldviews, self-esteem, character traits. This level is the most socially determined and formed under the influence of upbringing, and also more fully reflects the ideology of the society in which a person is located.

Why is it important and necessary to distinguish these levels from each other? At least in order to be able to objectively characterize any person (including yourself) as a person, to understand what level you are considering.

The differences between people are very multifaceted, because at each level there are differences in interests and beliefs, knowledge and experience, abilities and skills, character and temperament. It is for these reasons that it can be quite difficult to understand another person, to avoid contradictions and even conflicts. In order to understand yourself and others, you need to have a certain amount of psychological knowledge, and combine it with awareness and observation. And in this very specific issue, knowledge of key personality traits and their differences plays an important role.

Key personality traits

In psychology, personality traits are usually understood as stable mental phenomena that have a significant impact on a person’s activity and characterize him from the socio-psychological side. In other words, this is how a person manifests himself in his activities and in his relationships with others. The structure of these phenomena includes abilities, temperament, character, will, emotions, motivation. Below we will look at each of them separately.


When understanding why different people under the same living conditions produce different results, we are often guided by the concept of “ability,” assuming that it is they that influence what a person achieves. We use the same term to find out why some people learn something faster than others, etc.

The concept " capabilities" can be interpreted in different ways. Firstly, it is a set of mental processes and states, often called the properties of the soul. Secondly, this is a high level of development of general and special skills, abilities and knowledge that ensure the effective performance of various functions by a person. And thirdly, abilities are everything that cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills and abilities, but with the help of which their acquisition, use and consolidation can be explained.

A person has a huge number of different abilities that can be divided into several categories.

Elementary and complex abilities

  • Elementary (simple) abilities- these are abilities associated with the functions of the senses and simple movements (the ability to distinguish smells, sounds, colors). They are present in a person from birth and can be improved throughout life.
  • Complex abilities- these are abilities in various activities related to human culture. For example, musical (composing music), artistic (the ability to draw), mathematical (the ability to easily solve complex mathematical problems). Such abilities are called socially conditioned, because they are not innate.

General and special abilities

  • General Abilities- these are abilities that all people have, but are developed in everyone to varying degrees (general motor, mental). They determine success and achievements in many activities (sports, learning, teaching).
  • Special Abilities- these are abilities that are not found in everyone and for which, in most cases, the presence of certain inclinations is required (artistic, visual, literary, acting, musical). Thanks to them, people achieve success in specific activities.

It should be noted that the presence of special abilities in a person can be harmoniously combined with the development of general ones, and vice versa.

Theoretical and practical

  • Theoretical abilities- these are abilities that determine an individual’s propensity for abstract logical thinking, as well as the ability to clearly set and successfully carry out theoretical tasks.
  • Practical abilities- these are abilities that are manifested in the ability to set and perform practical tasks associated with specific actions in certain life situations.

Educational and creative

  • Study Abilities- these are the abilities that determine the success of learning, assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Creative skills- these are abilities that determine a person’s ability to create objects of spiritual and material culture, as well as influencing the production of new ideas, making discoveries, etc.

Communicative and subject-activity

  • Communication skills- these are abilities that include knowledge, skills and abilities related to communication and interaction with others, interpersonal assessment and perception, establishing contacts, networking, finding a common language, liking oneself and influencing people.
  • Subject-related abilities- these are abilities that determine the interaction of people with inanimate objects.

All types of abilities are complementary, and it is their combination that gives a person the opportunity to develop most fully and harmoniously. Abilities influence both each other and a person’s success in life, activity and communication.

In addition to the fact that psychology uses the concept of “ability” to characterize a person, terms such as “genius”, “talent”, “giftedness” are also used, indicating more subtle nuances of a person’s individuality.

  • Giftedness- this is the presence in a person from birth of the inclinations for better development of abilities.
  • Talent- these are abilities that are revealed to the fullest extent through the acquisition of skills and experience.
  • Genius- this is an unusually high level of development of any abilities.

As we mentioned above, a person’s life outcome is very often related to his abilities and their application. And the results of the vast majority of people, unfortunately, leave much to be desired. Many people begin to search for solutions to their problems somewhere outside, when the right solution is always found within a person. You should just look inside yourself. If a person in his daily activities does not do what he has inclinations and predispositions for, then the effect from this will be, to put it mildly, unsatisfactory. One of the options to change things is to accurately determine your abilities.

If, for example, you have an innate ability to lead and manage people, and you work as a goods receiver in a warehouse, then, of course, this occupation will not bring any moral, emotional, or financial satisfaction, because you are doing something completely different from yours. business. In this situation, some kind of management position would be more suitable for you. You can start by at least working as a middle manager. Innate leadership abilities, when systematically used and developed, will take you to a completely different level. Set aside time in your schedule to determine your inclinations and abilities, study yourself, try to understand what you really want to do and what will bring you pleasure. Based on the results obtained, it will be possible to draw a conclusion on the direction in which to move further.

To determine abilities and inclinations, there are now a huge number of tests and techniques. You can read more about abilities.

An aptitude test will appear here soon.

Along with abilities, as one of the main personality traits, temperament can be distinguished.


Temperament call a set of properties that characterize the dynamic features of mental processes and human states (their occurrence, change, strength, speed, cessation), as well as his behavior.

The idea of ​​temperament goes back to the works of Hippocrates, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the 5th century. BC. It was he who defined the different types of temperaments that people use to this day: melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine.

Melancholic temperament- this type is characteristic of people of a gloomy mood, with a tense and complex inner life. Such people are distinguished by vulnerability, anxiety, restraint, and also by the fact that they attach great importance to everything that concerns them personally. With minor difficulties, melancholic people give up. They have little energy potential and get tired quickly.

Choleric temperament- most typical for hot-tempered people. People with this type of temperament are unrestrained, impatient, hot-tempered and impulsive. But they quickly cool down and calm down if someone meets them halfway. Cholerics are characterized by persistence and stability of interests and aspirations.

Phlegmatic temperament- These are cold-blooded people who are more prone to being in a state of inactivity than in a state of active work. They are slow to excite, but take a long time to cool down. Phlegmatic people are not resourceful; it is difficult for them to adapt to a new environment, adapt to a new way, and get rid of old habits. But at the same time, they are efficient and energetic, patient, have self-control and endurance.

Sanguine temperament Such people are cheerful, optimistic, humorists and jokers. Full of hope, sociable, easy to meet new people. Sanguine people are distinguished by their quick reaction to external stimuli: they can be easily cheered up or angered. They actively take on new endeavors and can work for a long time. They are disciplined, can control their reactions if necessary and quickly adapt to new conditions.

These are far from complete descriptions of temperament types, but contain the most characteristic features of them. Each of them is neither good nor bad in itself unless linked to requirements and expectations. Any type of temperament can have both its disadvantages and its advantages. You can find out more about human temperament.

Having a good understanding of the influence of the type of temperament on the speed of occurrence of mental processes (perception, thinking, attention) and their intensity, on the pace and rhythm of activity, as well as on its direction, you can easily and effectively use this knowledge in everyday life.

To determine the type of temperament, it is best to use specialized tests compiled by experts in the field of personality studies.

A test for determining temperament will appear here soon.

Another fundamental property of a person’s personality is his character.


Character are the methods of human interaction with the outside world and other people acquired in certain social conditions that constitute the type of his life activity.

In the process of communication between people, character is manifested in behavior, ways of reacting to the actions and actions of others. Manners can be delicate and tactful or rude and unceremonious. This is due to the difference in people's characters. People with the strongest or, conversely, weak character always stand out from the rest. People with strong character, as a rule, are distinguished by perseverance, perseverance, and purposefulness. And weak-willed people are characterized by weakness of will, unpredictability, and randomness of actions. Character includes many traits that modern experts divide into three groups: communicative, business, and strong-willed.

Communicative traits are manifested in a person’s communication with others (withdrawal, sociability, responsiveness, anger, goodwill).

Business traits are manifested in everyday work activities (neatness, conscientiousness, hard work, responsibility, laziness).

Volitional traits are directly related to a person’s will (commitment, perseverance, perseverance, lack of will, compliance).

There are also motivational and instrumental character traits.

Motivational traits are those that encourage a person to act, guide and support his activity.

Instrumental traits - give behavior a certain style.

If you can get a clear idea of ​​the traits and characteristics of your character, this will allow you to understand the motivating force that guides your development and self-realization in life. This knowledge will allow you to determine which of your features are most developed and which need to be improved, as well as understand through which features of yours you interact more with the world and others. A deep understanding of yourself provides a unique opportunity to see how and why you react to life situations and events in this way, and what you need to cultivate in yourself so that your lifestyle becomes as productive and useful as possible and you can be fully realized. If you know the characteristics of your character, its pros and cons, and begin to improve yourself, you will be able to react best in a given situation, you will know how to respond to harmful or beneficial influences, what to say to another person in response to his actions and words .

A test to determine character traits will appear here soon.

One of the most important personality traits that has the most serious impact on the process of human life and its results is will.


Will- this is the property of a person to consciously control his psyche and actions.

Thanks to will, a person is able to consciously control his own behavior and his mental states and processes. With the help of will, a person exerts a conscious influence on the world around him, introducing into it the necessary (in his opinion) changes.

The main sign of will is associated with the fact that, in most cases, it is associated with a person making reasonable decisions, overcoming obstacles and making efforts to realize his plans. A volitional decision is made by an individual in conditions of contrasting, multidirectional needs, drives and motives that have approximately the same driving force, due to which a person always needs to choose one of two/several.

Will always implies self-restraint: acting in one way or another to achieve certain goals and results, realizing certain needs, a person acting according to his own will must always deprive himself of something else, which perhaps seems more attractive and desirable to him. Another sign of the participation of will in human behavior is the presence of a specific plan of action.

An important feature of volitional effort is the absence of emotional satisfaction, but the presence of moral satisfaction that arises as a result of the implementation of the plan (but not in the process of implementation). Very often, volitional efforts are directed not at overcoming circumstances, but at “defeating” oneself, despite one’s natural desires.

Mainly, will is what helps a person overcome life's difficulties and obstacles along the way; something that helps you achieve new results and develop. As one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, Carlos Castaneda, said: “Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated.” We can say that the stronger a person’s willpower, the stronger the person himself (this means, of course, not physical, but internal strength). The main practice for developing willpower is its training and hardening. You can start developing your willpower with very simple things.

For example, make it a rule to notice those tasks, the postponement of which devastates you, “sucks energy” and the implementation of which, on the contrary, invigorates, energizes and has a positive impact. These are the things that you are too lazy to do. For example, tidying up when you don’t feel like it at all, doing exercises in the morning by getting up half an hour earlier. An inner voice will tell you that this can be postponed or that it is not necessary to do this at all. Don't listen to him. This is the voice of your laziness. Do it as you intended - after that you will notice that you feel more energetic and alert, stronger. Or another example: identify your weaknesses (this could be aimless spending time on the Internet, watching TV, lying on the couch, sweets, etc.). Take the weakest one and give it up for a week, two, a month. Promise yourself that after a designated period you will return to your habit again (if you want, of course). And then - the most important thing: take the symbol of this weakness and keep it with you at all times. But do not give in to the provocations of the “old you” and remember the promise. This is training your willpower. Over time, you will see that you have become stronger and can move on to giving up stronger weaknesses.

But nothing can compare in the power of influence on the human psyche as another property of his personality - emotions.


Emotions can be characterized as special individual experiences that have a pleasant or unpleasant mental coloring and are associated with the satisfaction of vital needs.

Among the main types of emotions are:

Mood - it reflects the general state of a person at a certain moment

The simplest emotions are experiences that are associated with the satisfaction of organic needs

Affects are violent, short-lived emotions that are especially manifested externally (gestures, facial expressions)

Feelings are a spectrum of experiences associated with certain objects

Passion is pronounced feelings that cannot (in most cases) be controlled

Stress is a combination of emotions and the physical state of the body

Emotions, especially feelings, affects and passions, are an invariable part of human personality. All people (personalities) are very different emotionally. For example, by emotional excitability, duration of emotional experiences, predominance of negative or positive emotions. But the main sign of difference is the intensity of the emotions experienced and their direction.

Emotions have the characteristic feature of having a serious impact on a person’s life. Under the influence of certain emotions at certain moments, a person can make decisions, say something, and perform actions. As a rule, emotions are a short-lived phenomenon. But what a person sometimes does under the influence of emotions does not always give good results. And because our lesson is devoted to how to improve your life, then we should talk specifically about ways to influence it favorably.

It is important to learn to control your emotions and not give in to them. First of all, you need to remember that an emotion, whatever it is (positive or negative) is just an emotion, and it will soon pass. Therefore, if in any negative situation you feel that negative emotions are beginning to prevail in you, remember this and restrain them - this will allow you not to do or say something that you may later regret. If, thanks to some outstanding positive events in life, you experience a surge of joyful emotions, then also remember this; this practice will allow you to avoid unnecessary energy costs.

Surely, you are familiar with the situation when, some time after a moment of intense joy or delight, you feel some kind of inner devastation. Emotions are always a waste of personal energy. It’s not for nothing that the ancient Jewish king Solomon had a ring on his finger with the inscription: “This too shall pass.” Always in moments of joy or sadness, he turned his ring and read this inscription to himself in order to remember the short duration of emotional experiences.

Knowledge of what emotions are and the ability to manage them are very important aspects in the development of personality and life in general. Learn to manage your emotions and you will know yourself to the fullest. Such things as introspection and self-control, as well as various spiritual practices (meditation, yoga, etc.) allow you to master this skill. You can find information about them on the Internet. You can learn more about what emotions are in our acting training.

But, despite the importance of all the personality properties discussed above, perhaps the dominant role is occupied by another of its properties - motivation, since it influences the desire to learn more about oneself and immerse oneself in the psychology of personality, interest in something new, hitherto unknown, even if you are reading this lesson.


In general, in human behavior there are two sides that complement each other - incentive and regulation. The incentive side ensures the activation of behavior and its direction, and the regulatory side is responsible for how behavior develops under specific conditions.

Motivation is closely related to such phenomena as motivations, intentions, motives, needs, etc. In the narrowest sense, motivation can be defined as a set of reasons that explain human behavior. This concept is based on the term “motive”.

Motive- this is any internal physiological or psychological urge responsible for the activity and purposefulness of behavior. Motives can be conscious and unconscious, imaginary and really active, meaning-forming and motivating.

The following phenomena influence human motivation:

Need is a state of human need for anything necessary for normal existence, as well as mental and physical development.

A stimulus is any internal or external factor, coupled with a motive, that controls behavior and directs it to achieve a specific goal.

Intention is a thought-out and consciously made decision that is consistent with the desire to do something.

Motivation is a person’s not fully conscious and vague (possibly) desire for something.

It is motivation that is the “fuel” of a person. Just as a car needs gasoline so that it can go further, a person needs motivation in order to strive for something, develop, and reach new heights. For example, you wanted to learn more about human psychology and personality traits, and this was the motivation for turning to this lesson. But what is a great motivation for one may be an absolute zero for another.

Knowledge about motivation, first of all, can be successfully used for yourself: think about what you want to achieve in life, make a list of your life goals. Not just what you would like to have, but exactly what makes your heart beat faster and makes you emotional. Imagine what you want as if you already have it. If you feel that it turns you on, then this is your motivation to act. We all experience periods of ups and downs in activity. And it is precisely in moments of decline that you need to remember what you should move forward for. Set a global goal, divide its achievement into intermediate stages and start taking action. Only the person who knows where he is going and takes steps towards it will reach his goal.

Also, knowledge about motivation can be used in communicating with people.

An excellent example would be a situation where you ask a person to fulfill some request (for friendship, for work, etc.). Naturally, in exchange for a service, a person wants to receive something for himself (as sad as it may be, most people are characterized by selfish interest, even if it manifests itself in some to a greater extent and in others to a lesser extent). Determine what a person needs; this will be a kind of hook that can hook him, his motivation. Show the person the benefits. If he sees that by meeting you halfway, he will be able to satisfy some essential need for him, then this will be an almost 100% guarantee that your interaction will be successful and effective.

In addition to the above material, it is worth mentioning the process of personality development. After all, everything that we considered before is closely interconnected with this process, depends on it and at the same time influences it. The topic of personality development is very unique and voluminous for describing it as a small part of one lesson, but it cannot be ignored. And therefore we will touch on it only in general terms.

Personal development

Personal development is part of overall human development. It is one of the main themes of practical psychology, but it is understood far from ambiguously. When scientists use the phrase “personal development,” they refer to at least four different topics.

  1. What are the mechanisms and dynamics of personality development (the process itself is studied)
  2. What does a person achieve in the process of his development (results are studied)
  3. In what ways and means can parents and society form a child’s personality (the actions of “educators” are examined)
  4. How can a person develop himself as a person (the actions of the person himself are studied)

The topic of personality development has always attracted many researchers and was considered from different angles. For some researchers, the greatest interest in personality development is the influence of socio-cultural characteristics, the methods of this influence and models of education. For others, the subject of close study is a person’s independent development of himself as an individual.

Personal development can be either a natural process that does not require outside participation, or a conscious, purposeful one. And the results will differ significantly from each other.

In addition to the fact that a person is able to develop himself, he can also develop others. Practical psychology is most characterized by assistance in personal development, the development of new methods and innovations in this matter, various trainings, seminars and educational programs.

Basic theories of personality research

The main directions in personality research can be identified starting around the middle of the 20th century. Next we will look at some of them, and for the most popular (Freud, Jung) we will give examples.

This is a psychodynamic approach to the study of personality. Personality development was considered by Freud from a psychosexual perspective, and he proposed a three-component personality structure:

  • Id - “it”, it contains everything inherited and embedded in the human constitution. Each individual has basic instincts: life, death and sexual, the most important of which is the third.
  • Ego - “I” is a part of the mental apparatus that is in contact with the surrounding reality. The main task at this level is self-preservation and protection.
  • Super ego - “super ego” is the so-called judge of the activities and thoughts of the ego. Three functions are performed here: conscience, introspection and the formation of ideals.

Freud's theory is perhaps the most popular of all theories in psychology. It is widely known because it reveals the deep characteristics and incentives of human behavior, in particular the strong influence of sexual desire on a person. The basic tenet of psychoanalysis is that human behavior, experience and cognition are largely determined by internal and irrational drives, and these drives are predominantly unconscious.

One of the methods of Freud's psychological theory, when studied in detail, says that you need to learn to use your excess energy and sublimate it, i.e. redirect to achieve certain goals. For example, if you notice that your child is overly active, then this activity can be directed in the right direction - by sending the child to the sports section. As another example of sublimation, the following situation can be cited: you were standing in line at the tax office and encountered an arrogant, rude and negative person. In the process, he yelled at you, insulted you, thereby causing a storm of negative emotions - an excess of energy that needs to be thrown out somewhere. To do this, you can go to the gym or pool. You yourself will not notice how all the anger will go away, and you will again be in a cheerful mood. This, of course, is a completely trivial example of sublimation, but the essence of the method can be grasped in it.

To learn more about the sublimation method, visit this page.

Knowledge of Freud's theory can also be used in another aspect - the interpretation of dreams. According to Freud, a dream is a reflection of something that is in a person’s soul, which he himself may not even be aware of. Think about what reasons could lead to you having this or that dream. Whatever comes to your mind first as an answer will make the most sense. And based on this, you should interpret your dream as a reaction of your unconscious to external circumstances. You can read Sigmund Freud's work “The Interpretation of Dreams”.

Apply Freud's knowledge in your personal life: in exploring your relationship with your loved one, you can put into practice the concepts of “transfer” and “counter-transference”. Transfer is the transfer of feelings and affections of two people to each other. Countertransfer is the reverse process. If you look into this topic in more detail, you can find out why certain problems arise in relationships, which makes it possible to resolve them as quickly as possible. It has been written about this in great detail.

Read more about Sigmund Freud's theory on Wikipedia.

Jung introduced the concept of “I” as the individual’s desire for unity and integrity. And in the classification of personality types, he put a person’s focus on himself and the object - he divided people into extroverts and introverts. In Jung's analytical psychology, personality is described as the result of the interaction of aspiration for the future and individual innate predisposition. Also, special importance is attached to the movement of the individual along the path of self-realization through balancing and integrating various elements of personality.

Jung believed that every person is born with a set of certain personal characteristics and that the external environment does not give a person the opportunity to become a person, but reveals the characteristics already inherent in it. He also identified several levels of the unconscious: individual, family, group, national, racial and collective.

According to Jung, there is a certain mental system that a person inherits at birth. It has developed over hundreds of millennia and forces people to experience and realize all life experiences in a very specific way. And this specificity is expressed in what Jung called archetypes that influence the thoughts, feelings and actions of people.

Jung's typology can be applied in practice to determine your own type of attitude or the types of attitudes of others. If, for example, you notice in yourself/others indecision, isolation, sharpness of reactions, a prevailing state of defense from the external, distrust, this indicates that your attitude/the attitude of others is of the introverted type. If you/others are open, easy to make contact, trusting, involved in unfamiliar situations, disregard caution, etc., then the attitude belongs to the extroverted type. Knowing your type of attitude (according to Jung) makes it possible to better understand yourself and others, the motives for actions and reactions, and this, in turn, will allow you to increase your effectiveness in life and build relationships with people in the most productive way.

Jung's analytical method can also be used to analyze your behavior and the behavior of others. Based on the classification of the conscious and unconscious, you can learn to identify the motives that guide your behavior and those of the people around you.

Another example: if you notice that your child, upon reaching a certain age, begins to behave hostilely towards you and tries to abstract himself from people and the world around him, then you can say with a high degree of confidence that the process of individuation has begun - the formation of individuality. This usually occurs in adolescence. According to Jung, there is a second part of the formation of individuality - when a person “returns” to the world and becomes an integral part of it, without trying to separate himself from the world. The observation method is ideal for identifying such processes.


William James' theory of personality

It divides personality analysis into 3 parts:

  • Components of personality (which are grouped into three levels)
  • Feelings and emotions evoked by constituent elements (self-esteem)
  • Actions caused by constituent elements (self-preservation and self-care).

Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler

Adler introduced the concept of “lifestyle”; it manifests itself in the attitudes and behavior of a particular individual and is formed under the influence of society. According to Adler, the personality structure is uniform, and the main thing in its development is the desire for superiority. Adler distinguished 4 types of attitudes that accompany lifestyle:

  • Control type
  • Receiving type
  • Avoidant type
  • Socially useful type

He also proposed a theory whose purpose is to help people understand themselves and those around them. Adler's ideas were the forerunners of phenomenological and humanistic psychology.

Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Psychosynthesis by Roberto Assagioli

Assagioli identified 8 zones (substructures) in the basic structure of the psyche:

  1. Lower unconscious
  2. Middle unconscious
  3. Higher unconscious
  4. Field of consciousness
  5. Personal "I"
  6. Higher Self
  7. Collective unconscious
  8. Subpersonality (subpersonality)

The meaning of mental development, according to Assagioli, was to increase the unity of the psyche, i.e. in the synthesis of everything in a person: body, psyche, conscious and unconscious.

Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Physiological (biological) approach (type theory)

This approach focused on the structure and structure of the body. There are two main works in this direction:

Typology of Ernst Kretschmer

According to it, people with a certain body type have certain mental characteristics. Kretschmer identified 4 constitutional types: leptosomatic, picnic, athletic, dysplastic. Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Work by William Herbert Sheldon

Sheldon suggested that body shape influences personality and reflects its characteristics. He distinguished 3 body types: endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph. Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Eduard Spranger's concept of personality

Spranger described 6 psychological types of man, depending on the forms of knowledge of the world: Theoretical man, Economic man, Aesthetic man, Social man, Political man, Religious man. In accordance with the spiritual values ​​of a person, the individuality of his personality is determined. Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Gordon Allport's Dispositional Direction

Allport put forward 2 general ideas: trait theory and the uniqueness of each person. According to Allport, every personality is unique and its uniqueness can be understood by identifying specific personality traits. This scientist introduced the concept of “proprium” - something that is recognized as one’s own in the inner world and is a distinctive feature. Proprium guides a person's life in a positive, creative, growth-seeking and evolving direction in accordance with human nature. Identity here plays the role of internal constancy. Allport also emphasized the indivisibility and integrity of the entire personality structure. Read more.

Intrapsychological approach. Kurt Lewin's theory

Lewin suggested that the driving forces of personality development are within oneself. The subject of his research was the needs and motives of human behavior. He tried to approach the study of personality as a whole and was a supporter of Gestalt psychology. Lewin proposed his own approach to understanding personality: in it, the source of the driving forces of human behavior is in the interaction of a person and a situation and is determined by his attitude towards it. This theory is called dynamic or typological. Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Phenomenological and humanistic theories

The main causal means of personality here is faith in the positive principle in every person, his subjective experiences and the desire to realize his potential. The main proponents of these theories were:

Abraham Harold Maslow: His key idea was the human need for self-actualization.

The existentialist movement of Viktor Frankl

Frankl was convinced that the key points in personal development are freedom, responsibility and the meaning of life. Read more about this theory on Wikipedia.

Each of the existing theories has its own uniqueness, significance and value. And each of the researchers identified and clarified the most important aspects of human personality and each of them is right in their own field.

For a more complete introduction to the issues and theories of personality psychology, you can use the following books and textbooks.

  • Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. Personality development in the process of life // Psychology of personality formation and development. M.: Nauka, 1981.
  • Abulkhanova K.A., Berezina T.N. Personal time and life time. St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2001.
  • Ananyev B.G. Man as an object of knowledge // Selected psychological works. In 2 volumes. M., 1980.
  • Wittels F. Z. Freud. His personality, teaching and school. L., 1991.
  • Gippenreiter Yu.B. Introduction to general psychology. M., 1996.
  • Enikeev M.I. Fundamentals of general and legal psychology. - M., 1997.
  • Crane W. Secrets of personality formation. St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2002.
  • Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. M., 1975.
  • Leontyev A.N. Problems of mental development. M., 1980.
  • Maslow A. Self-actualization // Personality Psychology. Texts. M.: MSU, 1982.
  • Nemov R.S. General psychology. ed. Peter, 2007.
  • Pervin L., John O. Psychology of personality. Theory and research. M., 2000.
  • Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology. - M., 2000.
  • Rusalov V.M. Biological bases of individual psychological differences. M., 1979.
  • Rusalov V.M. Natural prerequisites and individual psychophysiological characteristics of personality // Personality psychology in the works of domestic psychologists. St. Petersburg, Peter, 2000.
  • Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. 2nd ed. M., 1946.
  • Rubinshtein S.L. Being and consciousness. M., 1957.
  • Rubinshtein S.L. Man and the world. M.: Nauka, 1997.
  • Rubinshtein S.L. Principles and ways of development of psychology. M., Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1959.
  • Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of general psychology. M., 1946.
  • Sokolova E.E. Thirteen dialogues about psychology. M.: Smysl, 1995.
  • Stolyarenko L.D. Psychology. - Rostov-on-Don, 2004.
  • Tome H. Kahele H. Modern psychoanalysis. In 2 volumes. M.: Progress, 1996.
  • Tyson F., Tyson R. Psychoanalytic theories of development. Ekaterinburg: Business book, 1998.
  • Freud Z. Introduction to psychoanalysis: Lectures. M.: Nauka, 1989.
  • Kjell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality. St. Petersburg, Peter, 1997.
  • Hall K., Lindsay G. Theories of personality. M., 1997.
  • Kjell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality. St. Petersburg: Peter, 1997.
  • Experimental psychology. / Ed. P. Fresse, J. Piaget. Vol. 5. M.: Progress, 1975.
  • Jung K. Soul and Myth. Six archetypes. M.; Kyiv: JSC Perfection "Port-Royal", 1997.
  • Jung K. Psychology of the unconscious. M.: Kanon, 1994.
  • Jung K. Tavistock lectures. M., 1998.
  • Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology in the twentieth century. M., 1974.

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The state of the human psyche is multifaceted, and is an integrated reflection of the impact on the personality of internal and external stimuli, in the absence of a clear awareness of the subject content, for example, vigor, depression, boredom, etc. The human psyche is mobile and dynamic; a person’s behavioral characteristics depend on what kind of mental process is occurring at a given time. It is quite obvious that there is a difference between a waking person and a sleeping person, just as there is a difference between an unhappy person and a happy person, a drunk person and a sober person. The mental state determines the peculiarity of the individual’s psyche in a specific time period.

At the same time, it has been proven that the mental state in which a person resides influences mental properties and mental processes, since these parameters are closely related to each other. If a number of signs are repeated frequently, then stability is acquired, and the condition may eventually become a personality trait. In addition, in modern psychology, mental state is considered as an independent aspect that characterizes personality psychology. To understand what a mental state is, you need to understand some concepts. In this case, the definition of “mental state” is used in psychology in order to highlight a stable component in the individual’s psyche, which emphasizes the dynamic aspect of the psyche.

Basically, when we talk about mental state, we mean a certain energy characteristic that has a direct impact on human activity in the process of the activity being performed. Experts separately distinguish the state of consciousness; it can be in the stage of wakefulness, sleep, drowsiness, or hypnotic influence. The condition of people under stress and extreme situations is subject to closer attention. Each psychological state includes behavioral aspects as well as psychological and physiological aspects.

Structure of mental states

The structure of psychological states itself includes components that are of different quality. If we consider the manifestations present at the physical level, then this is pressure, pulse rate, and so on. The motor sphere has changes in the form of voice volume, facial expressions, the breathing rhythm also changes, and the tempo of speech becomes different. Manifestations of the emotional sphere are represented by experiences of negative or positive meaning. The cognitive sphere is manifested by a certain level of thinking, forecasting events, and the ability to regulate the state of the body. At the behavioral level, the correctness of actions and compliance of actions with requirements depends on the mental state of a person.

The state of a person’s psyche has a great influence on the communicative level, this includes the ability, style of communication with others, the ability to correctly understand people, and influence them in adequate ways. According to research, various psychological states are determined by current needs, which are a system-forming factor. For example, when the conditions of the external environment correspond to the easy satisfaction of the individual’s needs, a positive state, delight, inspiration, etc. arises. When the possibility of satisfying a certain desire is low, a negative psychological state is observed.

The resulting condition has a huge impact on a person’s character and can change his basic parameters. Feelings, expectations, attitudes change completely. In such cases, psychologists use the definition “filter of perception of the world.” How is this expressed? For example, to a person in love, the object of his passion is presented as ideal, devoid of any shortcomings, although in reality the person may not be such. Or, there are opposites, when an angry person perceives everything exclusively in black tones, while even logical arguments do not have a serious influence on him.

Classification of mental states

A person’s entire life consists of psychological states that periodically replace each other. The mental state demonstrates the degree of balance and stability of a person’s psyche in relation to the requirements of the environment in which he resides. The states of sadness, anger, joy, disappointment and delight change based on the fact that a person is involved in various events and relates to them differently. Any mental state is a temporary uniqueness of the activity of the individual’s psyche, which is limited by content, as well as personal relationships to a certain activity. Processes of mental states can be emotional and volitional; they are always a determinant of the functional level of the individual.

In particular, mental states are divided into personal and situational. In situational states, there is a peculiarity in the course of mental activity, taking into account situational circumstances. In this case, there is a division into general functional states that determine the behavioral activity of the individual, and into states characterized by mental stress in more complex conditions. These include various crisis situations, psychopathy, mental retardation, neuroses, and so on. Any state of the human psyche is related to the neurodynamic characteristics of nervous activity and is associated with the hemispheres of the brain.

    By and large, any personality is multifaceted, it seems to me; that is, he uses different facets of the world in his own life. Each of us has a family, activities, hobbies, characteristics, abilities, inclinations, advantages and disadvantages

    As a rule, most people develop in a certain direction, for example, humanists or people with a technical mindset limit the scope of their activities in accordance with this predisposition. Or, let’s say, if a person is actively engaged only in his career, then he develops in one direction. A multifaceted person has diverse interests and tries to develop harmoniously in all directions.

    Here, perhaps, it is important to know when to stop: of course, you should do what you do best, but at the same time you should not limit yourself to one thing, but it is important to keep your finger on the pulse of life, to constantly expand the horizons of your consciousness.

    It’s simple, a multifaceted personality is a comprehensively developed personality, possessing universal talents, diverse interests and knowledge.

    For example, one person can be an astronaut, an artist, and a writer. Or, like Sherlock Holmes, be a detective, a musician and have a bunch of other diverse skills and professional knowledge.

    Multifaceted personalities are individuals who are not only comprehensively developed and educated, such people, as a rule, are also highly erudite.

    This is a person who is developed in many directions. As a rule, such people are interesting conversationalists. They are good specialists and smart leaders. They have multifaceted personalities and many hobbies. For example, an individual works as a teacher at a university, but at the same time he is a professional photographer, speaks 3 foreign languages, knows how to do acupressure, and loves skiing and tourism.

    Multifaceted - literally many facets. I would compare such a person to a diamond, which also has many facets and the light falling on it transforms it into a brightly shining treasure that attracts the eyes of millions. A multifaceted person is someone who strives to expand his horizons of knowledge, succeed or establish himself in several areas of life, and is interested in even the smallest things. Versatility allows a person to be in trend, keep up with the fast pace of events, and be aware of everything that is happening. Nowadays, versatility in a person is one of the most important and vital rare qualities.

    They also say he is a well-rounded person. A human ability that includes many concepts. This is diversified development, as far as a person can think (its wide-rangingness), its, so to speak, universality (how he can apply his knowledge in different situations). Plus, a person as an individual is taken into account (what he can develop and what he can struggle with), his ability in progressive development (not just absorb knowledge like a sponge, but use it rationally). This person always strives to be in the center of events. Relevance always attracts him. A person who can be viewed from different angles and get extraordinary results.

    It may well be that he was called to help on Earth in some important matter. We all live to help. We all came for a reason, or were sent. (:

    Is a multifaceted personality not so common today? And this is also a reminder that being so multifaceted is both possible and natural. IMHO

    Multifaceted. There are many facets to the phrase. From this perspective, a person can be described as a diversified person who can and knows a lot, who manifests himself in different directions and areas of existence. One can also say that a multifaceted personality is duplicitous. Either this person is wonderful, kind, sympathetic, or strict, irresponsible, rude. That is, he can manifest himself in communication in different ways and adhere to different moral principles and foundations.

    A multifaceted personality is a creatively developed person who has achievements in many areas of knowledge. This depends on the level of education of a person, his encyclopedic knowledge in many areas of science, and the ability to creatively comprehend all this. There are not many such people, but they are the pride of the nation. Such a person was Mikhail Lomonosov, who was at the same time a great poet, physicist, chemist, mathematician, inventor - his versatility was so great that even now we are surprised how this country guy managed to achieve recognition in many fields of science, culture, literature. You can name the names of Leonardo da Vinci, Goethe, I. Stalin, Churchill, Vysotsky, who achieved success in poetry, was a great singer, a good actor, a film artist, and a performer.

    This is a person who is comprehensively developed. Covering different aspects of something, having different qualities and abilities. Gifted in many ways.

    In my understanding, this is a sociable, cheerful, active person, with a creative adaptation to any situation! something like this!

Hello, dear readers! The topic of today's article: what is a multifaceted person? How to understand in which direction to develop, how to find your talent, how not to miss something important and be successful in several areas? Is it easy to be such a person and what needs to be done for this? Let's try to find out what is special about such people and what we should definitely learn from them.

Know everything or understand nothing

When I asked my friend who this multifaceted person is, she answered with a slight smile on her face: he is a charlatan who actually doesn’t know how to do anything, but pretends to know everything and about everything.

Of course, there is an opinion that diversified people try to grasp so many different areas and aspects in life that they really cannot learn one thing well. Does this mean that being a multifaceted person is bad?

Simply grasping at everything in a row will truly not bring great success in any area. Here it is extremely important how a person builds his development. Over the course of his long life, a person can truly master a large number of skills. My friend knows how to knit, and cook, and does floristry, and plays the guitar.

Diversity lies in the fact that a person develops in several directions at once. It is important to learn how to competently, boldly refuse activities that do not bring you pleasure, see the future and understand where you are moving.

Diversity lies in the fact that a person chooses several priority areas for himself and develops in them.

A well-rounded person can be talented in one specific area, but also constantly learn new things, be interested in other areas of life, be curious, and learn other skills. Life itself is very multifaceted. And it depends only on you what you want to take from her.

Find your way

This also includes psychology, marketing, NLP, people management, conflict management, and so on. Everything related to human interaction is perfect for this direction.

In addition to communicating with people, it is important to develop the physical side of life - sports. It doesn’t matter what kind of sport you do: yoga, Pilates, cycling, jogging, bodybuilding or karate. Can sport be considered an important aspect of development? Of course. It is not for nothing that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. Where else can we get the strength to develop in other directions?

Let's return to the issue of general erudition. In addition to books, you can raise your level of erudition in other ways, a description of which you can find in my article - “”. You can never dwell on this issue.

We are all endowed with different things. Some people easily find a common language with any person, but for others, communication is real torture. One person quickly learns new information and easily gets into a new business, while another has to work hard for this.

Some people prefer to concentrate all their efforts on one specific task, bring it to perfection, and become a true professional in their field. The other will constantly look for something, develop in different aspects, grab as much as possible, change, and so on.

If you are the kind of person who prefers to give your all to just one thing, great! Surely you will soon become a professional and can begin to develop another skill. The main thing is to never stop there.

If you are one of those who wants to grasp everything at once, then you need to learn how to properly distribute time and energy so that you don’t end up trying to take in too much and end up with nothing.

How do you understand the phrase “multifaceted person”? Do you have such friends? What are their weaknesses and strengths?

Good luck to you in all your endeavors!

Interview for the international edition of PS.


(Amira Yusupova)

1). Fight club, literature, research. How do you have time for all this?

- “These are not all areas of my activity and my interests. For example, I would especially note, among other things, my passion for works of art and artistic painting. On the basis of this, the ALERI Workshop was created, in which I personally deal with these components If we talk about time, it is fleeting and in matters of its distribution, first of all, everything depends on a clear distribution of life priorities, high self-organization and correctly set goals. It is important to determine exactly what you are interested in doing, what intrigues and develops you, gradually elevating oneself above oneself, as well as true devotion and deep genuine respect for what you do. Based on this, I will note the following: a person will always find a certain amount of free time to implement what he really needs, what he believes important for oneself. Of course, there is a large number of work trips, a gradual accumulation of incredible fatigue, both physical and one that thins out mental reserves, sometimes there is a long-term lack of proper sleep, and the like. But the fundamental principle of my life is the idea of ​​further advancement and development, and at the same time that love for my work, which allows me, no matter what, to continue further movement in the chosen direction."

2). That is, are you the kind of person who has made a passion for your work?

- “Yes, that’s exactly what it is. I am deeply convinced that this aspect is of paramount importance in the lives of many. It is the postulate of personal development that the vast majority of living people strive for. Not to mention the conductors of creative ideas, to which I myself I belong. For me, it is a vital necessity to have true love for everything that I am surrounded by on this Earth. This is manifested both in love for a woman, close people, forest, water, and for those areas of activity that subsequently began to take shape in my life as elements of a professional orientation. To be more precise, I do exactly, and only, what brings me pleasure and inner joy, those components that fill my life with meaning and bring my consciousness into a state of subtle harmony. I believe that this is exactly what what is worth living for, waking up in the morning, breathing into each day new notes of positivity - something that pushes you to a further series of achievements and the implementation of your goals."

3). Fight club. Hearing this phrase, one involuntarily recalls the novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk. But what exactly is "W.S.P"?

- “Unlike the above-mentioned novel, Fight Club “W.S.P” (an abbreviation for English: “The Way of Soul Power”) is quite real and, which is paramount, it can and should be mentioned. For almost seventeen years, he has been my brainchild in the field of accumulated fighting and professional qualities and skills. To be more precise, this is a certain arsenal of martial arts, united in the format of one autonomous organization. The training system includes: a system of fighting without rules, strength training, methods of overcoming the threshold of pain sensitivity, comprehensive development of the technical qualities of a fighter and methods of mental hardening, as well as meditative practices and auto-training. This is only a small part of the general context of training within the walls of our training areas. Thus, we make it possible to systematically develop fighting skills among adherents of various ages. This is how we make our individual contribution to the development of a healthy nation, military culture and moral and ethical qualities, as well as personal spiritual improvement."

4). Are the trainings based on a new practice or are they based on elements of martial arts? They are also aimed not only at the physical development of a fighter, but also at the spiritual, which, alas, many forget about, focusing only on the muscles.

- “My personal fighting path, at one time, began with the practices of the East. As a rule, the “Celestial Empire” (modern China). They included methods of various physical training, hardening the body and striking surfaces, developing mobility, reaction speed and speed. In addition to this, I studied the philosophy of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Under the guidance of experienced masters, I practiced various kinds of meditative practices and auto-training methods. Over time, I replenished the chest of my knowledge and skills. My experience increased. What I lacked, I borrowed from other fighting movements. At the same time, I developed the lion's share of technical elements and exercises for the development of strength qualities myself. Thus, the volume of accumulated skills expanded significantly and led to the fact that I created my own individual system of hand-to-hand combat without rules. Then I organized my Fighting School club. There are a number of styles and age groups in it. Teaching in the club takes place according to the canons of the W.S.P. system of combat without rules and the classic South Chinese kung fu: “five beast style - Hongjiaquan”, best known in the West under the name “Hungar” ". The training process includes the entire spectrum of comprehensive training of a person, the development of his personal qualities, where physical and spiritual orientations are connected by inextricable chains and harmoniously complement each other throughout the entire path of improvement of a fighter."

5). Historical and mystical project “Extra-X”. Can you tell me more about this project of yours?

- “This project was created, first of all, for a comprehensive study of the precedents of various mystical manifestations in the everyday processes that often surround us. A working team was organized, which, over time, began to prepare trips to various kinds of “unclean”, “damned” , "witchcraft" places, territories of the "unrested" - where there had ever been clear mention of such things. Spontaneous collection of thematic material began to occur (working with archival data, interviewing eyewitnesses, studying maps, routes and possibilities of moving along of one or another area, and the like). Based on the results of its processing, at the moment, a fairly extensive number of articles, notes, reviews and project files have already been written. An impressive arsenal of visual content has been filmed. In a word, we ourselves, with our personal presence, confirm , or we refute certain urban legends, rumors and superstitions with which people have shrouded themselves since ancient times.Over the centuries-old history, such have accumulated in sufficient quantities. Frankly, there are a number of places where the blood ran cold under the cover of the dark moonlit night. However, interest through this inner experience only intensified over time - it became a kind of necessity. Without such work, we began to feel wrapped in a web of everyday dullness and predictability. We have always tried to avoid these manifestations in every possible way. That is why, despite the inexorable passage of time, each of us has not lost that enthusiasm, that smoldering spark that can turn an ordinary night of a work trip into something hypnotic and bewitching. An incredible range of emotions experienced, complemented by rather unique, but at the same time, exciting sensations."

6). You describe everything so colorfully! Is it possible to familiarize yourself with the above-mentioned materials on the project expeditions? Is there data on the Internet or are you planning to publish a series of books dedicated to the subject of the project?

- “Currently, the project is presented in the group of the social network “Vkontakte” under the name “Historical and mystical project “Extra-X”. Articles devoted to research are also distributed through some specialized printed and Internet resources. Also, a considerable number of articles are located on my personal writer’s page of the portal, under the name Alexander Edward River. The coverage of broadcasting and popularization of the project is increasing every day. It is becoming increasingly recognizable and in demand among a wide readership. In the future, we are planning to release a full-fledged book, which will contain all the most interesting and intriguing things. We will try to immerse the reader in that strange and sometimes very frightening atmosphere that
accompanied our team during night expeditions. We are systematic and consistent. Therefore, at the moment, we have collected a huge amount of working material that requires subsequent skillful processing and, no less skillful, editing. And when our working archives undergo all this, we will introduce you to many truly exciting mystical and documentary stories.”

7). What is your novel “Waltz of the Moon Moths” about?

- “The storyline is born in the shroud of a foggy past, or rather mysterious, inexplicable events that occurred in one of the ancient Romanian villages, near the massive Carpathian Mountains. The prototype of the described objects is quite real and is part of my personal past memories. Mystical-dramatic aspects will guide the main the hero through a series of oddities, slowly bringing him to the realization of the inexorability of the intended outcome. Which will be suspense, a complete surprise for the reader. It is these kinds of stories that are closest to me. After all, under the dome of the writing craft, I often position myself as the author of such thematic works. This I described the novel in very vague general terms, sincerely hoping for your understanding that before concluding an agreement with the publishing house and publishing the printed book, I cannot fully reveal the entire concept of the manuscript."

8). Exciting plot! If it's not a secret, what stage of work are you at now? I think many would enjoy reading your book.

“I am pleased that the plot of my upcoming novel has the ability to attract interest in its content, and even more so that in this period of time, it has already proven exciting for many readers. Currently, six conventional chapters of the work have been published. This is that part , which appeared directly in the public domain. And, I must admit, that this amount of material has already become the subject of lively discussion in literary circles, and not only. It’s always nice when your thoughts, well-developed plot, atmosphere and characters you created are appreciated. As for that stage at which the manuscript is now, I can express myself quite modestly: the work is progressing very fruitfully and at the required pace.At present, I cannot yet voice the exact data on the process of creating the manuscript, due to contractual obligations with my literary agent and the publishing house, under whose auspices ", the book will, in due time, find a printed form. For my part, I will make every possible effort to ensure that my readers, in the near future, have the opportunity to come into contact with the world of my darkly mystical fantasies and images."

9). You want to write a mystical fairy tale for adults with an intertwined genre focus. At the same time, your works, with which the editors and readers were familiar, can be said to fall into this category. Or do you understand this idea as different from your current work?

- “Let’s just say that this is one of the possible ideas that I would most likely like to implement in the future. This could also include a psychological thriller and an action-packed detective story. I have listed a rather small part of what I would like to try myself in as an author. There are certain ideas and creative sketches; what this will lead to will only be shown by the measured passage of time. As for mystical fairy tales for adults, then, of course, so far nothing like this has been born from my pen. I write about the real world that surrounds us, into which sometimes the shadows of some mystical manifestations and visions invade. It is they who set the necessary rhythm of the work, filling its storyline. A fairy tale, in essence, is an invented magical world, with its own special structural component. I think in the near future I will make a final decision and I will seriously take up writing one of these works."

10). That is, we are talking about creating a full-fledged world, and not inserting, let’s say, mysticism into our world?

- “Yes, as a rule, this is precisely a separately existing world, in which all processes are subject to their own special magical criteria. Both the surrounding space and relationships. A little irony and incomprehensibility of reality - something that cannot exist within the framework of the real world and its everyday worries. A distinctive feature of works of a mystical orientation, coming from my own author’s pen, is that the described world is quite real and gray. It is subject to the manifestation of a foggy routine everyday life, in which there are certain spaces that allow, at a certain point in time, to dispel the boundaries this reality and unite with each other the constituent elements of these two oppositely directed worlds - the fragile world of the living and the eternal world of spirits."

eleven). Looking at you and your interests, one gets the impression that you are a fighter and seeker in life. A fighter in spirit, persistent. Seeker of knowledge, secret and hidden. Is this so, or is it just a mask, an image?

- “Yes, this is exactly so. Without any masks or hypocrisy. This is my inner essence, generated from many years of wandering and searching, reflection and torment. The interweaving of the processes of the spontaneity of the fall and the acquisition of a new Renaissance. Nurturing the spiritual component in myself, that core , the foundation that gradually nurtured me into the person I am
here and now, in this very specific period of time, in this very particular moment. My Scandinavian roots, the pagan roots of a Viking - a fighter and a warrior - were a great help and foundation for this development. This is my blood and that reserve of will and patience, which contributes to the further development of personal consciousness and my spiritual world throughout my entire life’s journey. And I’ll probably leave the play of images for my literary characters. Which, at times, play their own mysterious game with me, complement the depth of my inner world, thereby inspiring new achievements and previously unknown creative discoveries.”

12). Scandinavian roots! Not surprising. Looking at you, one gets the impression that this is a Viking. Therefore, a personal question: in terms of religion, are you closer to the Gods of your Scandinavian ancestors or not? Or are you an atheist?

“The process of my personal spiritual development was built (and is still being built to this day) on basic elements: paganism, Christianity, as well as on the fundamental principles of Buddhism, Taoism and the beliefs of Indian tribes. In all these movements, there are many aspects that should be given special attention when forming a system of my life values. I respect Islam, but, nevertheless, it is too far from me. As a rule, this is explained by the difference in cultures and customs. In general, I am a supporter of naturalness and in each of these postulates I find something , which is right for me, contributes to my individual spiritual self-realization. I am close to the immaculate elements of nature: the free wind caressing strands of flowing hair, crystal clear water and virgin forests, the ghostly incomprehensibility of bright sun rays playing in the splendor of field dew and the calmness of the languid night twinkling of the moon My inner world constantly strives for this true primordial state. My blood is calling me. Therefore, a special place in this multifaceted system of formation is occupied by paganism - the faith of my Viking ancestors. It is in it that the harmony of natural principles and the inner spiritual world is most combined - that internal energy that gave birth to all living things. The beliefs of the Indians are closest to paganism. Similar principles, similar fate. I would even say that paganism is quite similar to them. And this manifests itself in many key ways. In respect for your neighbor and everything that surrounds you. I have never been an atheist. Denial of everything in my mind has always been associated with the soullessness of emptiness. Is empty space really worth connecting your life with it - both physical and spiritual? I am convinced that this pursuit of a non-existent ghostly flicker is not worth the wasted candles. The warm, gentle wax dripping from the cinder is worth more in itself.”

13). From the large list of things that inspire you, I would like to highlight sacrifice and dedication. Not many people have these traits. Are you inclined towards altruism?

- “I am not inclined by nature, being an extremely self-sufficient person, which in itself already implies a certain degree of designation of a personal circle of interests. Otherwise, in life it is incomprehensibly difficult to achieve any significant professional heights. But, with accumulated life experience , it manifests itself more and more often in my attitude towards close people. As a rule, this concerns blood family and tribal ties. To which I treat with special reverence, considering them the basis of moral and ethical standards both for me personally and for any person, who honors his culture, customs and way of life of his ancestors. As for sacrifice in particular, it in itself is for me the indisputable apogee of the true manifestation of feelings and purity of spiritual thoughts. It removes from a person all the burdens of the shackles of sinfulness and makes him absolutely free and pure, like the transformation of pristine natural moisture into the crystal coolness of transparent morning dew.This is how the formation of the military spirit occurs. By purifying it.