The symbol indicates an exciting and exciting shake that will destroy everything old and unnecessary. This is a turning point for favorable change.

Your success is closer than ever before, but someone is hindering you and making efforts to prevent it from being achieved.

Don't get upset or upset about it. What you so sought to achieve and considered necessary for yourself, in fact, will turn out to be useless and not as necessary as you initially thought. Boldly and with a calm soul give it to your opponent, for you the situation will not get worse from this.

Also, an unpleasant event that will suddenly happen to you soon will not cause you tangible harm.

Now is a good time for reflection and relaxation. Take a breather and calmly think about the situation. Do not be nervous because of the circumstances around you, which are developing this way and not otherwise.

Better times will come soon, a little later fate will smile at you.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation to the interpretation of hexagram 51. Awakening

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation for the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question is Zhen - Awakening (excitement, lightning, thunder).

The hieroglyph depicts a combination of a sign of excitement and rain.

Shake, wake up; excite, inspire. Shock, awe, fear. Lightning, thunder, earthquake. start, set in motion; majestic, intimidating. influence, influence; act, work; germinate from a bud, hatch from a cocoon.

Semantic connections of hexagram 51. Zhen

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing a surge of violent energy and a shake-up that brings new love and life. Things are awakening to action. Shaking destroys everything unnecessary and old. The shock may seem scary at first, but it will pass and laughter and fun will follow. This is a decisive and turning point of change for the better. Resist the influence of momentary emotions and focus on gratitude to the Spirits. Your offerings to the Spirits and all other actions should be a reflection of your highest aspirations.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation of the canonical text, perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the fifty-first hexagram.

[(Excitement.) Accomplishment.

Lightning comes and (exclaim) - wow! (and it will pass - and) you will laugh: ha-ha!

Lightning frightens hundreds of miles away, but it won't knock over even a spoonful of sacrificial wine!]

I. Nine at the beginning.

Lightning comes... wow! And you will pass and laugh: ha ha!

- Happiness!

II. Six second.

When lightning comes, it is terrible.

[You can] lose your wealth a hundred thousand times, but you will rise to the ninth height.

- Don't run! In seven days [and so] you will receive!

III. Six third.

Get lost in lightning! But, like lightning, act - and you will not cause trouble!

IV. Nine fourth.

Lightning hits the silt.

V. Six fifth.

Lightning comes and goes. Terrible!

Even if you [came] for the hundred thousandth time, you will not lose the ability to act.

VI. Top six.

(If) From the lightning you lose your self-control and [you will] look around fearfully.

- A hike - unfortunately.

If it does not yet concern you yourself, but only your neighbors, then there will be no blasphemy.

“Even marriage will be talked about.

Excitation. Success. Thunder comes and (exclaim) - wow! And it will pass - and you will laugh: ha ha! Thunder frightens for hundreds of miles, but it will not overturn even a spoonful of sacrificial wine.


1. Initial nine.

From a thunderclap you become numb with fear, then - jokes and peals of laughter, happiness.

2. Six second.

Evil as thunder! Supposedly you will lose wealth, but you should not covet: you will climb nine hills and in seven days you will gain.

3. Six third.

You will be numb with fear when you hear a thunderclap, but there will be no misfortune.

4. Nine fourth.

Lightning went into silt.

5. Six fifth.

Thunder goes, but evil comes! Presumably there will be no losses, but there will be some cases.

6. Top six.

I was frightened by the thunder, began to look around - the thunder was not at my place, but at my neighbor's! Military campaign - unfortunately. You won't make mistakes, but you will say harsh words about marriage.


1. Initial nine.

What scares you now will not really affect your affairs and environment, you will still laugh at your fear.

2. Six second.

Now there is no time for jokes, the difficulties are real and threaten with great losses. Everything is unexpected and emotional. If you respond with an immediate negative reaction, then the problems will intensify. Raise all possible acquaintances and connections, and within a week the situation should stabilize.

3. Six third.

No matter how scary the circumstances are, go ahead, work and fulfill your duties.

4. Nine fourth.

If you live by inertia and your life is like a stagnant swamp, then stressful situations are meant for change and purification.

5. Six fifth.

There was a lot of noise, fear, exaggeration and excitement. And now real difficulties come, they may have a different look and content than you previously expected. However, there is no time to be afraid, it is necessary to correct mistakes. The faster the better.

6. Top six.

Dangers threaten your neighbors or competitors. But conflicts and tension will not bypass you. Don't take your anger out on your family. The family should be your support and reliable rear. External troubles should strengthen the family, and not vice versa.


Everything you are going through right now can be called a shock. Like a bolt from the blue, the current events happened, and you need to know what they mean, what continuation of your business, relationships with loved ones and yourself. The hexagram states that all changes, in whatever harsh and unexpected form they come into your life, bring awakening, revival and change, like spring thunder.

The surprise factor and fear now do not give you the opportunity to realize the usefulness of what is happening. This is how a person works: he is ready to change his life and environment only when he encounters an obstacle that cannot be bypassed. "Until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself." The less time to normalize the situation, the faster extraordinary and talented solutions will be found. Wake up, your inspiration will wake up those around you, and together you will change the world.

A huge impact from the outside (two trigrams of Thunder) is aimed at revealing your originality, talents. You can't live your whole life in dullness, boredom and routine. The world is not like that. The losses and worries that accompany you now must be compensated. And the amount of pain from loss is equal to the amount of attachment to the object of adoration. See how much you were afraid of loss, you are so not free and dependent on things, people, activities. Instead of progress, they dragged deeper and deeper into the quagmire of monotony and dullness. So why are you pulling this cart any further?

Start a new life, build new relationships, look for new areas of application of talents, engage in the reconstruction of reliable old cases.

A shake-up in your personal life will awaken passion, sensitivity, love in you. Take a fresh look at your partner and both you and he are tired of the monotony. If it came to a breakup, you will definitely be given compensation, just don’t live according to the old scenario, don’t repeat the same thing. Life needs change!

Select number of hexagram 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4 2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 and see its interpretation below

Book of Changes - interpretation of hexagram No. 51

Zhen. Excitation (Lightning)

The previous situation was static. It is replaced by the maximum dynamism that is characteristic of this situation. The very name Excitation and its image - lightning indicate the dynamism of this situation. This is the most dynamic of all the situations indicated in the Book of Changes. It symbolizes the development that can come after not only the renewed forces have been accumulated, but also renewed and remelted. In addition, this hexagram consists of a repetition of the Zhen trigram, which, according to family symbolism, denotes the eldest son. The eldest son is the one who, inheriting from his father, is forced to further develop the work begun by his father. Therefore, it is precisely the action that awaits him, and he will achieve the accomplishment that the text speaks of. However, the dynamics itself, the movement itself, the energetic intervention in the life of the environment does not pass easily. And therefore, at the beginning of the onset of this situation, the dynamics may seem to a person as something greatly changing the circumstances, something shaking them to their foundations, and only at the end, after the completion of this situation, if it is carried out correctly, a certain satisfaction can come. Here the Book of Changes expresses this in the form of lightning. When lightning "comes" it frightens a person. If he has already heard and seen her, then he himself remains unharmed and fear is replaced by joy. In addition, lightning is visible from afar. This symbolizes the fact that it means intense active activity, capturing very wide circles. And yet, the danger inherent in lightning, if the situation is properly handled, cannot have a bad effect even in small things. In this sense, the main aphorism of this situation is understood:

[And it will pass, and] you will laugh: ha ha!
Lightning frightens for hundreds of miles.
[But she] will not knock over [and] spoons of sacrificial wine.

1. In this situation, the first position is the main one. Here occurs immediately, without any warning, the first lightning strike. It is here that we find that first blow, which is most frightening. Therefore, the aphorism about fear is repeated again. But here a reminder is given that this fear, if the lightning is realized and seen, will not lead to a bad consequence. So the text says:

Strong in the beginning.
Lightning comes, [and exclaim]: Wow!
[A] will pass, and you will laugh: ha ha!

2. Following a lightning strike, a person may feel fear. Of course, this position is dangerous. And since the impulse of the first line is very strong here, it is impossible to move back to it. You can only move on, forward. At the moment of such dynamics, which is meant in the first position, any movement back would be a complete break with the conditions surrounding a person, would lead him to the loss of everything that he has. But here, if he continues to move steadily forward, even if he loses everything that he has countless times, this should not be taken care of, one should steadily move on. Such a movement can lead to the highest success. A person can reach the last heights, which are called in the language of the "Book of Changes" the "ninth height." But such a movement must be exclusively impulsed by man's own forces. Chasing after something, i.e. to see some goal in front of oneself means already to defend oneself from this goal. Therefore, here the Book of Changes, warning that in the end everything will be achieved, says:

Weak trait in second [place].
[When] lightning comes, [it] is terrible.
[You can] a hundred thousand [times] lose your wealth,
[but] you will rise to the ninth height.
Do not chase - [in] seven days [and so] you will receive.

3. The moment of transition from inner to outer life is when a person can lose confidence in his actions. Particularly in a situation such as this one, this perplexity can manifest itself with particular force; in order not to be caught unawares, it is also necessary not to change the principle of unswerving action and striving forward here, because otherwise a person himself can invite misfortune that was not predetermined by the situation. The text says it this way:

Weak trait in third [place].
You get lost in lightning.
[But, like] lightning, act and do not [call] trouble.

4. The impulse itself develops, from the point of view of the authors of the Book of Changes, in waves. One lightning strike is followed by another. But the second blow is already only an echo of the first, in which all the power is concentrated. It is a blow to that which does not offer sufficient resistance and which absorbs the force of the blow without the effect of this blow being evident. Lightning strikes something inert, soft, pliable, in which only the force of impact is lost. Such a repeated weakened blow "Book of Changes" clothes in the following image:

Strong trait in fourth [place].
Lightning hits the silt.

5. Both the second position and the fifth speak of the possibility of loss, for these are positions corresponding to each other, with the only difference that the second characterizes the inner life, and the fifth characterizes the outer. But the run-up, the dynamics that were already in the previous positions, lead to the fact that in the fifth position of the development of this situation, despite all its danger, there is still an opportunity to get out and get out skillfully from the situation in which life put a person in this case. . In this sense, the Book of Changes says:

Weak trait in fifth [place].
Lightning comes and goes.
[Although for] the hundred thousandth [time], you will not lose the ability to act.

6. Both in the third position and in the sixth, which stands in accordance with it, a person with a second blow can be seized by fear and confusion. However, there, in the third position, he had the possibility of further development of this situation. The lightning strike was felt even more strongly, and therefore the person's fear could be more justified. Here, however, such a fright, when a lightning strike is very far from the place occupied by a given person, can only be perceived as excessive fearfulness, which is understandable, because the sixth position represents excess. Therefore, if a person here falls into confusion and fear, then any of his further actions and performances can be completely spoiled. In order not to fall into this fear, one must keep in mind that the main lightning strike is far away, that it does not in any way affect the acting person himself, but only his neighbors. In addition, here we meet the position in which the dynamics of the whole given situation already permeates the entire environment of a person and even touches his life. If there are no strong shocks, then, in any case, there will be at least talk and talk. That is why we read in the text:

Above is a weak feature.
From the lightning you will lose your self-control [and you will] look around fearfully.
Hike - unfortunately.
[But] lightning does not touch you, [but only] your neighbors.
There will be no bullshit.
[But even about] marriage there will be talk.

The real estate of previous life circumstances is replaced according to the book of fate by a pronounced dynamism of the situation associated with the image of lightning.

Fresh forces are not just accumulated, they are completely renewed, therefore hexagram 51 is an interpretation of the development of inherited qualities that immediately change the external environment. A person's activities affect the circumstances of his life, so he worries, finding satisfaction only at the very end of the situation.

Hexagram 51, Zhen, Excitement (Lightning).


Accomplishment. Lightning comes, and you exclaim in fright: “Oh-oh-oh!”. And then you laugh: “Ha ha!”. Lightning frightens hundreds of miles away, but it will not lead to the loss of even a spoonful of sacrificial wine.

The symbol shows that lightning frightens a person, but after he calms down, sincere joy comes to a happy outcome of the event. The active activity of the individual at this moment of life is very intense, it affects large-scale circles of his environment. But there is no danger now if the individual chooses the right steps.

Trigrams in the sign are expressed by Excitation, but the Yin element prevails more. A person experiences a shock in fate, he receives a useful energy shake-up. The situation awakens him to life and love. A stormy and disturbing state allows you to destroy everything unnecessary and dilapidated. This is the turning point before a new wave of fun and laughter.

Hexagram 51, Zhen also speaks of the presence of a rival in a person who claims to be successful. The opposing side is clearly in the way, but don't worry. Now it is allowed to leave the usual positions, because what is desired does not look so ideal in reality.

Even unpleasant events are likely, but they do no harm. The individual just needs to stop being nervous and distract from instant emotions. Rest will be beneficial, as will the offering to the spirits that have led to positive changes. Any action should be a continuation of the high aspirations of a person.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine first. Anxiety is replaced by relief. Remember that memorable feats do not happen without due risk. Other people should not know about personal matters.
  • Six second. The Chinese Book of Changes interprets the meaning of this Yao as a threat of thunder and the loss of treasures, which themselves will return a little later. Man now has no position of his own. If trouble has happened somewhere, do not be discouraged, but plunge into a different sphere of affairs.
  • third six. Thunder pushes to action and frees from failures. Do not forget that the downpour scares only the weak. If you get fired from a new job, don't be discouraged and apply the skills you've learned to another job. The muzzle of a horse does not fit well with the head of a bull.
  • Nine fourth. Follow the middle path and move away from extremes. Don't leave things unfinished. A breakthrough at work remains unrealized and invisible.
  • Fifth six. All is not yet lost. Each individual has advantages and disadvantages, therefore it is necessary to eradicate the bad and realize the good. Remember that the real motives of a person cannot be understood. A multi-dimensional study of this Yao shows that fate strikes from all sides, but one must take this for granted and a temporary phenomenon.
  • Six at the top. Moving forward brings failure. Don't blame yourself for the thunder reaching other people. Friends will weave intrigues. Man is now approaching the sad end of activity. It is necessary to solve the problem urgently, otherwise difficulties cannot be avoided. Calmness in a hectic situation will be perceived as soullessness.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. A lightning strike is made immediately, without preparation and preliminary signs. Therefore, a person directly confronts his fear. But after realizing what happened, fear is replaced by happiness. Affairs and loved ones will not be affected by what happened.
  2. The position of fear is quite dangerous, because a person cannot move back. The pictogram shows that any steps back lead to a break with the environment, and therefore to the loss of everything accumulated. In turn, moving forward also involves some sacrifices, but you should not worry about this anymore, because the dynamics guarantee success. The main thing is that the impulse to activity should come from the internal forces of the individual, because orientation towards an external goal is harmful.
  3. There is a transition to the external environment, and therefore a person is not sure of his own actions. If you don’t want to be caught off guard by being lost, you need to be resilient and move forward. Otherwise, misfortune will be inevitable.
  4. According to the Yijing book, any impulse has a wave-like pattern of development. Therefore, there is a second roll of thunder with a flash of light. The new lightning seems to be weaker, it hits those things that completely absorb its strength, into something soft and inert. In fact, in a person’s life there are small stressful shake-ups that should pull him out of the frozen swamp.
  5. We are again talking about losses, but already in the external environment of the individual. It is easy to get out of the dangerous situation that requires sacrifices due to the accumulated dynamic run-up of activity. Thus, all the skills of a person again remain with him.
  6. The meaning of hexagram 51 in this position acquires the meaning of excessive fearfulness. Lightning is felt quite strongly, although it strikes far from the location of a person. It is possible to spoil all your activities if you become confused and fearful, so you should be aware of the scale of the blow. Now the thunder affects only the neighbors. There is a strong shock in life, or a lot of talk and gossip about the changed situation.

Extended interpretation of the sign

The current life period is distinguished by a variety of large-scale events and does not let you get bored at home or at work. You need to be decisive and remember that all changes are positive, although their unexpectedness and harshness sometimes scare away. The dynamism of the hexagram predicts the opening of new horizons of development, so you need to boldly and swiftly grab luck by the tail, not wasting time and energy on panic and worries.

The decoding of the symbol is associated with the shock state of a person caused by changes in relationships and business. It is necessary to evaluate the benefits of what is happening, because it is the difficulties that force us to make talented decisions and implement creative ideas. The inspiration of the situation will also help to awaken the environment of the individual, and together with like-minded people, you can implement a project of any scale.

So, any losses at this stage of life are necessary to unlock the potential of a person. Of course, losing something familiar is painful, but it exposes the degree of dependence of the individual, his dependence on the outside world. With such a limited range of freedom, the subject found himself drawn into a monotonous mind-numbing life. Now is the time to change everything, to establish useful contacts, to reconstruct reliable past affairs. Even a simple shock in the personal sphere will help you look at your partner in a new way, return passion and love to the relationship.

A complete study of the symbol predicts a violation of financial well-being. Monetary losses do not require human intervention, because a large compensation awaits him for such a sacrifice. You have to wait a week or 7 weeks, maybe 7 months.

In the working sphere, all events are also going very intensively. The main thing is not to turn back. Relations with colleagues change, but this does not seem unexpected, because the person himself acts as an activator of change. The individual does not encounter too much difficulties in this area, because he is distinguished by discipline and is not too dependent on other people. New perspectives will help to get rid of the pessimistic attitude.

There is no need to fuss much now, as Yijing says. The book of changes, the interpretation of this hexagram reduces to the active participation of a person in his own life, but he should not swim against the current or put pressure on other participants in events.

Just evaluate the changes so you don't miss out on important things, and be more open with your friends. Just do not tell them the most important secrets. The realization of innermost desires is already very close, and the person himself feels it. The fulfillment of a dream will significantly change life, but you should not worry.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  • Gems combined with a pile of money promise wealth and fame.
  • A man is standing on a rock. An image of a dangerous situation.
  • Someone is pushing a cart full of books. The book Yijing connects the interpretation of this picture with the need for urgent services.
  • Blossoming flowers on a branch and a document hanging nearby. The expression of spring as a favorable period for literary skill.
  • The central symbol is that which is accessible to hearing, it is impossible to see.
  • The main image is strong thunder peals.

Interpretation of the sign by Wen-wang

  1. The hexagram is a pure symbol. The images of the sign are closely connected with the ideas of movement, power and blows. Man tries to behave positively so as not to anger Heaven even more.
  2. According to the Chinese book, the October sign is successful in any period, but it is considered especially lucky in the summer.
  3. Changing jobs and places is associated with anxiety and inconvenience. You need to follow the correct actions so as not to make mistakes.

How to interpret a symbol when divining

Some of the commentators of the Book of Changes, who establish connections between hexagrams and Tarot cards, tend to interpret the Zhen symbol more negatively and sadly. The arrival of new circumstances is considered here as a force majeure situation, associated not only with painful losses, but also with deceit, gossip, and ruin. Therefore, the loss of control over events by a person is perceived as a simultaneous revelry of the elements and disaster.

  • Love relationships seem very fragile. There is a high probability of dubious contacts that will not stand up to criticism. Such communication only leads to a dangerous situation, so it must be stopped. Being single is much better now.
  • According to the book of changes, interpersonal communication also turns out to be unstable. The family is going through a difficult time, the loss of male children is likely. Women will have a dangerous birth with a caesarean section and subsequent severe blood loss.
  • In the field of health, you need to be especially careful, as dangers lurk in different parts of life. There is a high risk of cancer.
  • In political and social plans, bankruptcy and career disruption are coming. There is a risk of a real fall from the existing post. Due to constant intransigence and excessive hardness, a person faces many problems.
  • The business is characterized by large material losses that cannot be recovered. Related businesses go bust, and so your firm's chances of survival are slim. Partners constantly lie and embezzle other people's funds. The lawsuit will be lost, possibly imprisonment for 6 (or less) years.

Hexagram 51 is the interpretation of an unexpected blow of fate, designed to stir up a person and accumulate his energy in order to achieve the main goals. It's time to get out of the everyday shell of life and go to new achievements. Be bold and react quickly to changing environments, then any change will bring good luck.

A shock, a necessary shake; stir up, stir up, wake up; spring return of life and love.


Zheng (Excitement/Lightning): excite, inspire; wake up, shake; shock, fright, awe; thunder, lightning strike, earthquake; set in motion, start; awesome, majestic; See also: to influence, influence; work, act; hatch from a cocoon, germinate from a bud. The hieroglyph depicts rain and a sign of excitement.

figurative row

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: "Wow!"

Lightning frightens for hundreds of miles.
But it will not overturn even spoonfuls of sacrificial wine.

This is an exciting and exciting shake, a surge of violent energy. It brings new life and love. Awaken things to action. Let the shake-up destroy the old and unnecessary. When shock sets in, it may seem frightening at first, but then fun and laughter follow. This is the turning point. Do not get carried away by momentary emotions. Focus on gratitude and offering to the spirits that have made a difference. Your actions should be a mirror of your highest aspirations.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Thunder and Thunder

Stormy energy rushes from below, exciting and encouraging new growth.

Hidden Feature:

Violent activity contains a hidden possibility of recreating a difficult situation.


Heaven responds to the sacrifice. Knowing this allows you to use excitement.


Arousal implies confusion.


Thunder rumbles twice. Excitation.
The noble person uses fear and anxiety to test himself.

Hexagram lines

Nine first

Lightning comes, and you exclaim: "Wow!"
And it will pass, and you will laugh: “Ha-ha!”

At first you are afraid, then you rejoice. The shake had a beneficial effect on you. The path is open.

Six second

When lightning comes, it's terrible.
You can lose your wealth a hundred thousand times
But you will rise to the ninth height.
Do not chase - in seven days you will get it.

Shock robs you of everything you once valued. It seems like all is lost. Do not be afraid and do not chase after the lost. Rise steadily. After a certain period of time, everything will return.

Six third

You get lost in lightning.
But, like lightning, act and you will not cause trouble.

You are taken by surprise. The main thing now is not to change what was planned and to move steadily forward. Much depends on the speed of your decisions.

Nine fourth

Lightning hits the silt.

It seems that there is no resistance, but your actions are bogged down in a quagmire. Stop and try to understand what's wrong.

Six fifth

Lightning comes and goes. Terrible.
At least for the hundred thousandth time you will not lose the ability to act.

Shock comes and goes. You are in danger, the roots of which are in the past. Stick to your goal and don't be afraid to start over: the skills will stay with you.

Top six

From the lightning you will lose your self-control and you will fearfully look around.
Hike - unfortunately.
But lightning does not touch you, only your neighbors.
There will be no bullshit.
But even about marriage there will be talk.