The prospect of forgetting everything you've learned during a long-awaited conversation with native speakers doesn't make you very happy, right? Me too. Then remember the important principles for expanding your active vocabulary in a foreign language: study and practice. Regularly.

It is not enough to memorize a list of words in order to use them in speech or understand them by ear in the future. Most likely, most of it will fly out of your head and will not be remembered in the right situation. Your task- feel comfortable with every new expression that you learn and make it part of your vocabulary.

In this article, I will share with you effective methods that will help you learn to memorize words for the purpose of their further use in practice. I'll also tell you what worked for me. Remember, it’s not the quantity that matters, but the quality of memorization, let’s go!

1 Create a personal dictionary

Since the dictionary is personal, you will manage it in the way that is convenient for you. Write in a notebook or type on the computer.

  • Keep track of which methods work best for you and apply them.
  • Don't learn too many words at once. Let it be a limited quantity for a week.
  • Along with the dictionary, you can keep a notebook for the words you are learning this week. Cross out words as you memorize them and add new ones.
  • Keep a dictionary regularly, look it up and repeat words using the methods we'll talk about next.

I tried different methods and simulators for memorization, but still stuck to my own: I practice online exercises and write down words with a pen in a notebook (a foreign word and an example of its use are next to it).

2 Remember the school method

You can keep a dictionary traditionally (as we did at school): a column of words in Russian and an English version opposite each one. Test yourself by covering each column in turn with your hand. I don't like this method because it involves memorizing individual words. Instead of learning to apply a word to a situation, we simply memorize a meaningless list that rarely makes sense separately from the situation.

3 Study the context

Many people underestimate the power of context. In many languages, and especially in English, words have multiple meanings. By ignoring context, you are making a big mistake. You may simply use it inappropriately or misunderstand what is being said to you. Always work with context, no matter what materials you use.

4 Use explanatory dictionaries with voiceovers

Reduce the use of Russian-English (or other similar) dictionary in teaching. If you really want to rely on a dictionary, take an explanatory dictionary of the language you are studying, for example, English-English. Read examples of using a new word, immediately listen to its voiceover and repeat it out loud following a native speaker.

5 Write sentences in 1st person

After reading the examples in the dictionary, immediately create your own. Make several sentences in the first person, that is, “from yourself.” Gradually, your list of ready-made phrases for conversation will grow.

6 Select thematic groups

I noticed that it is easier for me to remember words by topic. It is enough to choose 7-15 words and master them using several methods in combination.

I remember when I was still taking courses, we were making a menu for our restaurant, when we went through the topic of food, creating projects to improve the environment, when we discussed the environment, making resumes and role-playing an interview when we were learning business vocabulary.

7 Write down synonyms and antonyms

When you memorize a word, immediately write down a couple of synonyms (words with the same meaning) or antonyms (words with the opposite meaning).

8 Prepare cards

You can make cards yourself, order ready-made ones, or find them online. The idea is that on one side you write a word, and on the other its translation. I adapted this method for myself like this: on one side there is a phrase (not a separate word!), and on the other an example of use or a phrase with a missing word, but without translation into Russian!

9 Glue stickers

If you need to remember specific words, such as the names of objects on your desk, in the kitchen or in the living room, put stickers with words in a foreign language. Without translation!

10 Find associations

Our brains love to make connections between new information and what we already know. He summarizes everything we read, listen and watch into pictures, feelings, ideas. This is how we remember. You can use a simple method: take a new word and remember what or what situation you associate it with. Or write it down.

11 Draw pictures and diagrams

Again, it all depends on your imagination. Write down the word you want to remember and make a diagram describing what ideas you come up with. You can simply draw a funny picture or a mind map if there are a lot of words. In order not to look for a leaf every time and not waste time, allocate a special notebook for this activity. By the way, this method helps to remember information on other topics.

12 Speak and write

Any new word or expression can simply be written down and spoken out loud on the day of study and several times during the week until you feel that you can use it in practice.

13 Act out dialogues

What could be better than sentences with new words? Full dialogue with them! Play out the situation with the teacher, in which you will have to use new expressions. This will help you gain confidence, prepare and understand in practice how to use these words in speech.

14 Making up stories

This is a great thing, which I will talk about separately. Sometimes there are a lot of words. And we really need to learn everything. Question: how to remember more and at the same time effectively? Answer: make up a story in which you connect all these words with each other. Let it be funny, stupid and unclear about what, your task is to come up with it and help yourself remember. While you are imagining situations and imagining the story in detail, pictures are created in your mind and you remember.

15 Explain in other words

Previously, I often heard from students: “how would this word be in English?”, “how to say...?”. This tactic is not conducive to promotion. You can’t learn all the words, there will always be something unfamiliar, and constantly asking again in conversation or looking in the dictionary is not the point. Learn to express thoughts in different ways.

Next to each word in the explanatory dictionary (English-English and so on), there is a description of its meaning. And you make up your own description and say it out loud. How would you explain to a friend or acquaintance what this word means? This workout will help you out more than once. If you don’t remember complex words, you will definitely be able to explain them differently and convey your idea to your interlocutor.

16 Make combinations

When learning a word, immediately check and write down what it goes with. It is useful to understand the parts of speech.

Let's say a noun takes an article (a book, the Sun), some verbs require a preposition after themselves (wait for, get back...), and some adjectives can only be used to describe people.

Note such moments and record them in the dictionary.

17 Learn parts of words

Use word roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings to understand the meaning of the word. For example, you can find out the meaning of a noun if you already know the root verb or the meaning of a specific word prefix.

Think about which parts of the word occur to you most often and make a list. By memorizing them gradually, you will automatically guess more and more new words.

Let's see how this works in English.

If you add to the verb suffix or/er, we get the person’s occupation: employ (“hire”) --> employer (“employer”); act (“act”, “play in the theater”) --> actor (“actor”).

If added to an adjective suffix ness, we get a noun (some kind of mathematical formulas :)): kind (“kind”) --> kindness (“kindness”); happy (“happy”) --> happiness (“happiness”).

Any language is a puzzle that we put together piece by piece, then creating a whole. Practice and this tip will help you.

18 Play vocabulary games

An unobtrusive way to check whether you really remember new words and expressions is to go through games, tests, memory games and crossword puzzles on the Internet. You can easily find vocabulary games by searching on the Internet. If you have a lot of time, then you can create crossword puzzles on individual complex topics yourself and exchange them with other students.

19 Sing songs

We choose methods that suit your type of perception of information and even hobbies. If you are a karaoke fan and can sing a song to any given word, . Print out the lyrics and sing along.

20 Communicate with a native speaker

Let's say you're taking the topic "relationships," "weather," or "travel." Call a native speaker on Skype (or chat) and discuss the topic, intentionally using new words in practice.

21 Listen to audio

If you are an auditory learner and you need to listen to information in order to remember, select dialogues on the desired topics, download them to your phone, listen and repeat after a native speaker.

22 Read

One of the best sources of context. But reading materials also need to be chosen correctly. Reading Shakespeare is unlikely to teach you how to put modern vocabulary into practice. This kind of reading is more for pleasure and not for everyone. What language do you need? Read on it! Articles on current topics, books with dialogues, blogs of real people.

23 Conduct dictations

Ask someone close to you to dictate a list of new words to test you. This can be done both orally and in writing. Or check the translation of words in the dictionary yourself and check yourself.

24 Learn proverbs, poems, tongue twisters

If you want to improve your pronunciation along with your vocabulary, practice proverbs and sayings. If there are no proverbs with the word you need, come up with a rhyme or a short poem yourself.

25 Watch a movie

You don't like to sing, but love good movies? This is your method. To this list I will also add TV series, cartoons and simply various educational and motivational videos. Prepare your texts scripts and subtitles to materials and work with them.

26 Do spaced repetitions

Recently, where you can watch TV programs and series in English with subtitles. So, on this service you can add words to your electronic dictionary, and then practice memorizing just through interval repetitions. Its essence is that the system shows you a single word, and you need to remember its meaning. Depending on the correct and incorrect answers, these words will be shown to you in a different order over and over again.

27 Tell aloud

A method for those who have long lists of words and little time to memorize them properly. Intentionally using new words, tell yourself out loud how your day is going, plans, impressions, thoughts on any topic, compare objects, films, books, situations with each other. You can do the same thing to yourself.

28 Use memory trainers

Try Memrise. On this service you can create your own word lists, flash cards and memorization training. If you want me to review this resource, write in the comments.

29 Learn the right phrases

Assess your stage of learning and prepare an appropriate list of phrases to memorize. When I start learning a language from scratch, I don't try to immediately learn the terms I need for work or slang words.

First of all, I learn to use popular expressions that will be useful to me in everyday situations and when traveling (greetings, gratitude, introductions, how to ask for directions, how to order food in a cafe, and so on).

When everything is ok with the basic reserve, I focus on colloquial phrases that help make my speech natural and gain time in a conversation if I forget something (“so”, “firstly”, “well”, “probably”).

30 Put it into practice

The most important point of all. While all of these methods involve a hands-on approach, I'll remind you again: forget about cramming and test out a variety of methods for memorizing words, note what works for you and focus on it. Once you have learned the word, apply it in practice using the methods above today. Then in an hour, tomorrow, in a week. This is the only way you can ensure that the words move into your active vocabulary.

You can easily combine the memorization methods listed above. This will only enhance the positive effect!

How do you remember foreign words? Share in the comments!

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How to properly maintain a dictionary for learning a foreign language?

(Remember that you can, and we highly recommend, read and implement the ideas, life hacks and tips that we publish

Goals of this article:

- to motivate readers to learn English through recording vocabulary;

— justify the pros and cons of various ways of maintaining English dictionaries;

— open your eyes to the best method of maintaining an English dictionary;

Most vocabulary notebooks

Let's pay a little attention to what can be purchased in bookstores. Most notebooks or notepads for writing English words contain only 2 columns - the FIRST one for the original language, the SECOND one for the target language (in our case, English). If you not only read texts in English, watch films and TV series, do exercises, but also record new words in a separate notebook, then, as they say, “Good for you” (well done). But with this method, your English dictionary turns into a warehouse of “unnecessary things,” a kind of balcony on which seemingly necessary things are put away until better times. Want to take it to the next level? Then read on.

How to teach English dictionary at school

Re-read the previous paragraph and mentally insert 1 more column between the two indicated, call it “Transcription” and you will get a typical dictionary that teachers in schools required us to test. It's incredibly boring. I don’t know about you, but I always tried to delay “hour X” as much as possible. By the way, Transcription is the recording of the sounds of one language using specialized symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet. But I think you already know. As a rule, what they offer us in stores and at school are good methods, but not ideal. The time of “collision” with a new linguistic unit (a new English word) is negligible. So you write down your precious English words in such a dictionary, imagine that soon you will have to write a dictation on them or answer them orally in front of your friends, and you are overcome by universal laziness. This is because this process needs to be turned into creativity. Make it enjoyable. How? Let me tell you.

English Dictionary from English Seasons

At the ENGLISH SEASONS language school, the issue of replenishing lexical knowledge is taken seriously, responsibly and thoroughly. Let me immediately note that from year to year those who follow the advice of teachers and, in particular, keep an English dictionary in the method recommended below, are always head and shoulders ahead of their “fellow soldiers” and bring what they started to the end.

Our English dictionary contains as many as 4 (FOUR) columns and I would like to dwell on each of them in more detail. I’ll say in advance that the first 2 columns should be small (3-3.5 cm), the third column should preferably be 5-6 cm, the fourth 7-8 cm. But it’s better to have an A4 notebook in hardcover and never mind don't refuse.

Column 1 of English dictionary

Word . A lexical unit (word, phrase) of the language being studied, in our case, English, which must be remembered and subsequently used in spoken English (written or spoken - not so important).

Column 2 of English dictionary

Transcription. The definition of transcription was given above. The column is not the most important, but not completely useless. Especially in the early stages of learning English. At the very beginning of your language journey, you can write down how words are read in Russian letters. Over time, when even the English transcription becomes unnecessary (after several years of study), this column can be removed. You will then have more space. More space for what? Read on.

Column 3 of English dictionary

Values. Yes, yes, it’s ME, in the end and with a capital letter. It is several meanings (if any) of one word that are most likely to help you remember it better. A simple example: the word NAME. Everyone knows that it is translated as NAME. But let's look at the phrase WHAT IS YOUR NAME? - What is your name? And now not a trace remained of the NAME. And if you open a larger dictionary (read about paper dictionaries in our article), then one of the meanings you will find will be NAME. And it is the NAME part, which sounds a little like NAME, that will become a reliable anchor for memorizing a new word. And there are so many such “coincidences” in our languages. All you have to do is dig deeper into the English dictionary and show interest. It's exciting, believe me.

You've almost reached the most interesting part. Hold it.

Column 4 of English dictionary

Example. The last largest column of the English dictionary, number 4. Creativity and creativity when writing your unique English dictionary begins with it. By example, we mean a certain phrase, a statement that “plays out” the meaning of the word being studied. We don't communicate with each other in separate words, do we? Do you agree? Even people with minimal education try to put their thoughts into sentences. So we recommend that you memorize the sentences right away. Where to get them from? From my head. Can't think of anything? Find an example of using a language unit on the Internet; there are no problems with this in the modern world. Replace 1-2 words there with your own, and now you have an original statement that belongs only to you and no one else will have it.

For some, the above method may seem long. But learning English is not a picnic. This is not a walk down Oxford Street. Rather, it is a brave advance through the jungle, which becomes more and more exciting and interesting over time. The main thing is to be nearby, who will protect you from “dangers” and tell you about the rules of behavior in the “wild nature”. With the considered method of maintaining an English dictionary, you get four or even five references to a vocabulary item, a bunch of side-viewed words, and positive emotions from the creative process, which perfectly helps to get rid of stress.

Thank you for your attention!

According to Mayakovsky, the word is the commander of human power. Today we want to help you become a little stronger - to properly organize your work with vocabulary. We will tell you how to properly maintain a personal dictionary in order to learn vocabulary quickly and effectively.

Do you need to keep your own dictionary?? Today there are different opinions on this matter: some consider it important, others say that this is just useless scribbling. What's the truth? We believe that maintaining a dictionary is necessary for everyone who wants to have a rich vocabulary. Your personal reference book will simultaneously become a textbook for you, from which you will learn new phrases, expressions and words. In addition, by writing down vocabulary in a dictionary, you activate rote memory, which makes it easier to learn new knowledge.

Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.

Words - so innocent and weak when they are in the dictionary, what a powerful instrument for the creation of good or evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to control them.

Why proper vocabulary management is really important? We believe that the quality of your learning and the effectiveness of memorizing new words depends on this.

You, of course, remember how at school we divided a notebook sheet into 3 columns and wrote according to the magic formula “word-transcription-translation”. How many words from this notebook can you remember today? We think that most of them have been safely forgotten, and only the haunting “London is the capital of Great Britain” is firmly stuck in the head. Why does this happen: you study a language at school or university for more than 10 years, but sometimes you cannot connect two words? Maybe because we don’t know how exactly these words can be “connected”. After all, that same “word-transcription-translation” dictionary took words out of context and tried to fix them in memory with the help of mechanical cramming.

As you can see, the good old way of maintaining a personal dictionary is more old than good: it has not justified itself. That is why we decided to offer you more effective methods for maintaining your personal directory. Study each of them and try in practice: this way you will understand which one is most suitable for you.

In the video, Alexander explains what you need to know in order to maintain a dictionary with maximum benefit.

How to keep a thematic dictionary

A thematic dictionary is a notebook or notebook for recording your future vocabulary - a lexical notebook. Such a notebook should be immediately divided into topics, for example: work, food, feelings, body parts, etc.

It is advisable to allocate 1 page or at least half for each word, depending on the format of the notebook and the size of your handwriting.

What to write in the dictionary

  • The word itself and its translation into Russian. If a word has several meanings, it is advisable to write 3-4 different definitions.
  • Transcription is optional if you are comfortable reading it.
  • The definition of a word in English is appropriate if your level of knowledge is intermediate or higher. This way you will also learn a few more useful words from the definition.
  • Words that combine with the word (collocations). Look at the picture with an example, there you see the phrases bad weather, hot weather, weather forecast, etc. These expressions will be better remembered by you than two words separated from each other. In addition, you will never make a mistake in combining words and will never say obnoxious weather.
  • Several examples of the use of this word in a sentence, and it is advisable to write at least one example for each written definition of the word.
  • Synonyms and antonyms for the word.
  • Idioms using this word if your level is not lower and you are going to expand your vocabulary with useful colorful expressions. But you need to adhere to the measure; you should not write out all the idioms that are associated with your word. One or two is enough.
  • Picture - optional. This technique helps some people: when learning a word, they draw a picture for it. This way, vocabulary begins to be associated with a certain visual image and is remembered more easily.

How to make mind maps

Mind maps also work great as a dictionary. You can create a mind-map in two ways:

The two methods of maintaining a dictionary that we have described are the most common and effective today. You can use them together. So, keeping the first type of dictionary will allow you to deepen your knowledge on any topic, and the second technique will help diversify your speech.

Previously, it was difficult to imagine learning a foreign language without a special dictionary, which the student filled out independently. Today, students have different opinions about maintaining a personal dictionary. Some people consider keeping a dictionary an absolutely useless activity; others, on the contrary, are a necessity. Let's figure out what are the advantages of maintaining a dictionary and how to maintain it correctly.

Advantages of maintaining a dictionary:

  1. A dictionary helps to systematize work on expanding your vocabulary.
  2. By writing down the words that you are learning today, for example, it will be easier for you to find them after a while.
  3. It happens that a learned word flies out of our heads at the right moment. And when we try to find the word we need on the Internet, the online translator gives us a synonym instead of the word we need. The same can happen with the search for the necessary phraseological units, phrasal verbs and set phrases on the Internet. If we have all the learned terms and phrases written down, it’s easier for us to navigate them, especially if they are divided into topics (but we’ll get to how best to keep a dictionary a little later).
  4. When we write down new terms, we remember them faster because rote and visual memory comes into play.

In essence, a dictionary is a convenient tool that helps us quickly learn new vocabulary and take it from a liability to an asset.

How to keep an English dictionary to remember words

At school, we divided the notebook into three columns (or bought a ready-made dictionary notebook): in the first we wrote down the word in English, in the second - the transcription, in the third - the translation. However, this method actually did not help much in learning new vocabulary.

How many of these words can we remember today?

This dictionary was regularly updated with dozens of new words that we had to learn for the dictation in the next lesson. However, after that same ill-fated dictation, new terms disappeared somewhere from memory without a trace. The fact is that this method was focused exclusively on cramming. We learned words, but we didn't learn how to use them correctly. So it turns out that after 10-11 years of studying English at school, we can understand a little English, but we ourselves cannot connect two words.

In fact, the fact that we kept such a dictionary was not of much use, if there was any at all. Therefore, we propose to consider more effective methods of maintaining a personal English dictionary.

The first option is a thematic dictionary:

  1. Many people find it much easier to remember new vocabulary if it is divided into thematic groups. Therefore, we recommend dividing them by topic when studying words. Dedicate several pages to each topic. For example, three pages of the dictionary for the topic “weather”, three for the topic “airport”, three more for stable phrases with the word “get”, etc.
  2. If you are comfortable reading the transcription, write it down next to the words (or above the words) whose pronunciation is difficult for you to remember.
  3. Write down the meaning of the word/phrase. If your level of language proficiency allows, write an interpretation in English. At the same time, we still recommend that you look at the translation of the word (if necessary, write it down next to the English interpretation). This is to make sure you understand the word correctly. It happens that the interpretation does not accurately convey the meaning of the word, so to be on the safe side, it is still better to look at its analogue in your native language.
  4. If a word has many meanings, write down a few of the most frequently used ones. This will avoid confusion if you later encounter the word in another context.
  5. — Find and write down examples of the use of a word (phrase) to understand how it can be used. In this case, it is advisable to write down 2-3 examples so that you can see what shades the word takes on in context. If you have written down several meanings of a word, write down an example of use for each of them.
  6. If you have already reached the Pre-intermediate level, also write down idioms with the word you are studying.
  7. Also write down several synonyms and antonyms for each word. This helps to build an associative series. For example, you learn the word tight-fisted and write greedy as a synonym for it. When you need to remember a learned word, an associative connection may automatically arise in your memory: “The term I needed was a synonym for the word greedy…. Oh exactly, tight-fisted!” You can also create figurative associations and write them down as verbal clues. For example, take the same word - tight-fisted. It can be associated with Scrooge, both McDuck and the main character of A Christmas Carol. Therefore, next to the word you can write the name Scrooge. If you wish, you can draw a picture; this technique helps many.

Draw up so-called mind maps.

This method is suitable for people who have the best developed visual memory. To do this, write down the topic word in the center of the page. For example, weather. And draw arrows from it, at the end of which write down what the weather might be like: sunny, rainy, and so on. Using this method, you can learn not only new words, but also grammatical structures. At the same time, on the back of the sheet, write down several sentences with the words you are learning. Alternatively, you can keep a separate notebook for examples of use.

Word blocks

Another way to maintain a dictionary is to write down vocabulary in blocks, the words in which are not thematically related to each other. This method is suitable if you often learn new vocabulary from films, books and articles. So, when watching a movie, it will not be very convenient to look for a page with the topic you need. It will be much easier to write down just words and phrases on one page.

  1. Allocate several pages per block of words. The block must include the quantity
  2. When writing down a word, write down its meaning and transcription, if necessary.
  3. Under each word (phrase), write down the sentence in which you met it. Then check how the word might be used again and write down 1-2 other examples of its use. To do this, you can use Google search or dictionaries like
  4. Also, if these are expressions from a film, you can write down an explanation of the situation. For example, the hero said the phrase that you learn when he was angry when he saw that his money was missing - write it down like that. This will be your “beacon”. Having remembered the situation, it will be easier for you to remember the phrase itself.
  5. Next to each block of words, write down the dates they were repeated.
  6. On the next sheet of paper allocated for this block, write down phrases and words in English. And while repeating, write down the translation or interpretation of them. On another sheet of paper, come up with your own examples of use. Then write down the meaning of the words or phrases you are learning, but in Russian, and the next time you repeat them, try to remember them yourself in English.

When maintaining a dictionary in blocks, you can (and even need) to use the methods that are described in maintaining a thematic dictionary. That is, write down synonyms, word associations, antonyms, etc.

Dictionaries can be kept both in paper and electronic versions. For example, create a “dictionary” folder on your computer, in which you can create several documents (each document on one topic). Or one document divided into several sheets.

Although, when writing by hand, new vocabulary will be remembered faster, and it is much easier to find everything in one notebook than in several documents in an electronic folder.

Such methods of maintaining a personal dictionary of a foreign language are convenient and effective. They help to systematize the vocabulary being studied and memorize it faster. All you have to do is choose the method that is convenient for you.

part 1
English language 2nd grade

Basic phrases.

Howe old a u I am/I’m... To me… I Am How are you? How are you? How are you I'm fine I'm fine I m fine I'm bad I'm doing terribly I'm bad May I go out? Can I go out May i go out



3- three (free) 8- eight (eight)

4- four (fo) 9- nine (nine)

5- five (five) 10- ten (ten)


Personal pronouns

Verbto be

Pronoun Statement Negation Question
I I am Am not Am i?
He, she, it He, she, it is Isn't/isn't Is he?
We, you, they We, you, they are Are not/aren't Are we?

sor -es

Dog - dog s

Car-car s


Number Word Translation Pronunciation
1 Mother Mother Mave
2 Father Dad Fave
3 Sister Sister Siste
4 Brother Brother Brave
5 grandmother grandmother Grandmave
6 Grandfather Grandfather Grandfave
7 Uncle Uncle Uncle
8 Aunt Aunt Ant
9 Cat Cat Kat
10 Dog Dog Great Dane
11 Duck Duck Duck
12 Goose Goose Gus
13 Hen Chicken Hen
14 Cow Cow Kau
15 Horse Horse Hos
16 Pig Pig Pig
17 Hamster Hamster Hamste
18 Tortoise Turtle Totez
19 Mouse Mouse Mouse
20 Parrot Parrot Perot
21 Cock Rooster Cook
22 Bear Bear Bea
23 Fox Fox Fox
24 Wolf Wolf Wolf
25 Hare Hare Hey
26 Rabbit Rabbit Rebit
27 Lion a lion Lion
28 Tiger Tiger Taige
29 Elephant Elephant Elephant
30 Giraffe Giraffe Giraffe
31 Hippo hippopotamus Hypo
32 Monkey Monkey Monkey
33 Run Run Ran
34 Jump jump Jump
35 Swim Swim Suim
36 Dance Dance Dance
37 Sing Sing Syn
38 Draw Paint Dro
39 Count count Count
40 Kind Kind Kind
41 Angry Wicked Angry
42 Sad Sad Sad
43 Happy Happy Happy
44 Old Old Old
45 Young Young Ian
46 beautiful Beautiful Beautyful
47 Ugly Ugly Agli
48 strong Strong Strawn
49 Cowardly cowardly Cowedley
50 Brave Brave Brave
51 Curios Curious Curies
52 Funny Funny Fani
53 pen Pen Peng
54 Book Book Beech
55 Pencil Pencil Pencil
56 Read Read Reed
57 Write Write Wright
58 think Think Fink
59 Listen Listen Lisen
60 answer reply ance

You and I are learning a language surrounded by a vacuum. Lucky are those who find themselves in the fertile environment of native speakers. They grasp new words and phrases on the fly, learn to form sentences, questions and negations, understand why they need to use this or that article, pronoun, verb tense, etc. And even if they don’t understand, they simply remember. Because there is an example to follow nearby.

Those who have been deprived by fate of such a gift should not be discouraged! Firstly, there is such a miracle in the world as the Internet, thanks to which we exist everywhere and everywhere. You can always find pen pals. They are also interested in talking to you. And believe me, no one cares about your level of English. The main thing is that, even with the most incredible language errors, you can express your thoughts. And communication is always practice. The more of it, the better. Free listening comprehension – films, TV series, books, songs in English. Forget dubbing. Watch with subtitles. I remember that my brother, when he was a child, could speak Japanese for a year after he watched anime and dramas with subtitles every day. Your brain subconsciously builds bridges, creates connections, and remembers. The main thing is to give him this opportunity. So the lack of an English-speaking environment is another weak excuse for one’s laziness and inventiveness.

Secondly, since books, films and online communication are your only sources of new words and expressions, you need to have a dictionary notebook with you at all times and keep it as close to your body as possible. It’s even better to always carry it with you, so that when you have a free minute, you can look in and teach. Great wisdom passed down from generation to generation: languages ​​are taught by the booty. We allocate a common notebook, convenient, beautiful - you still have to live with it. We divide it into three columns, as taught at school: English version, transcription and translation into Russian. If you are very advanced, you can skip the second column. If you sit down to watch a movie or read a book, write down everything that you find interesting or necessary. Whenever you have time, close the column with the English version, read the Russian aloud and recite the translation from memory.

English Vocabulary. English Dictionary Notebook

You read one page, you know you made mistakes, read it again. Set aside 20 minutes of your time every day for this. You can even do it in several sessions: 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening. Old fashioned method, I know. But it always works. I have similar dictionaries for all languages, although I have been studying, for example, English for more than 9 years.

When I started learning German, in addition to the dictionary, I also had a cardboard sheet filled with expressions necessary during a conversation (“Do me a favor,” “I’m doing great”), and introductory words (“in general,” “in short,” “at least”, etc.). It was called "Vital Necessities."

There are three main points here. First: don't overdo it. There is no point in writing everything down. Why do you need words like "collet", "stirrup", "snap close" or "cafard"? Write something that you can later use (for example, during conversations with your teacher. Second: do not take words out of context. Write down phrases and whole sentences! Third: not only do you write them down, constantly review and speak out loud. You need to apply in speech, and this is the key to the fact that they will move from a passive vocabulary to an active one.Write messages or letters to your English-speaking friends, keep a blog or diary in the language and shove your beautiful words and expressions into them.

A dictionary is your support, an intermediary between the bottomless vocabulary of a foreign language and your memory. Enrich your vocabulary. Love the word, as Stephen Fry says. Stop speaking in primitive language with such “little things” as “bro”, “wassup” and, God forbid, “lol”. Develop yourself and speak beautifully.

Some great expressions for your dictionaries:

to know one's onions- to know something thoroughly, to know something by heart

to take smth. with a pinch of salt- to treat something with distrust, skepticism

Keep up the good work!- Keep it up!

to kiss good-bye– put an end to something (e.g. “If you leave your camera on a park bench, you can kiss it good-bye”)

I'm having the time of my life– I'm having a great time; I'm having a blast

So far, so good- So far everything is going well.

I'm just getting by!– I somehow make ends meet (e.g. “I wish I could get a better job. I’m just getting by as it is”)

When the going gets tough– when things get tough (e.g. “I run the farm on my own, but a local boy helps me out when the going gets tough”)

Dictionary for 2nd grade according to the biboletova textbook

English language 2nd grade

Basic phrases.



1- one (one) 6- six (six) 11- eleven (ilevn)

2- two (tu) 7- seven (seven) 12- twelve (tvelv)

3- three (free) 8- eight (eight)

4- four (fo) 9- nine (nine)

5- five (five) 10- ten (ten)


Personal pronouns

Verbto be

Pronoun Statement Negation Question
I I am Am not Am i?
He, she, it He, she, it is Isn't/isn't Is he?
We, you, they We, you, they are Are not/aren't Are we?

Plural of nouns

The plural of nouns is formed by adding an ending sor -es

Dog - dog s

Car-car s


Number Word Translation Pronunciation
1 Mother Mother Mave
2 Father Dad Fave
3 Sister Sister Siste
4 Brother Brother Brave
5 grandmother grandmother Grandmave
6 Grandfather Grandfather Grandfave
7 Uncle Uncle Uncle
8 Aunt Aunt Ant
9 Cat Cat Kat
10 Dog Dog Great Dane
11 Duck Duck Duck
12 Goose Goose Gus
13 Hen Chicken Hen
14 Cow Cow Kau
15 Horse Horse Hos
16 Pig Pig Pig
17 Hamster Hamster Hamste
18 Tortoise Turtle Totez
19 Mouse Mouse Mouse
20 Parrot Parrot Perot
21 Cock Rooster Cook
22 Bear Bear Bea
23 Fox Fox Fox
24 Wolf Wolf Wolf
25 Hare Hare Hey
26 Rabbit Rabbit Rebit
27 Lion a lion Lion
28 Tiger Tiger Taige
29 Elephant Elephant Elephant
30 Giraffe Giraffe Giraffe
31 Hippo hippopotamus Hypo
32 Monkey Monkey Monkey
33 Run Run Ran
34 Jump jump Jump
35 Swim Swim Suim
36 Dance Dance Dance
37 Sing Sing Syn
38 Draw Paint Dro
39 Count count Count
40 Kind Kind Kind
41 Angry Wicked Angry
42 Sad Sad Sad
43 Happy Happy Happy
44 Old Old Old
45 Young Young Ian
46 beautiful Beautiful Beautyful
47 Ugly Ugly Agli
48 strong Strong Strawn
49 Cowardly cowardly Cowedley
50 Brave Brave Brave
51 Curios Curious Curies
52 Funny Funny Fani
53 pen Pen Peng
54 Book Book Beech
55 Pencil Pencil Pencil
56 Read Read Reed
57 Write Write Wright
58 think Think Fink
59 Listen Listen Lisen
60 answer reply ance

How to make a dictionary from a notebook video

How to make a dictionary from a notebook video However, if the site still does not contain the information you are interested in, write to us, we will prepare it for you and add it to our site! To determine the number of pages in a notebook, multiply the number of letters by 5. Creating a notebook with categories - an example of categories - an alphabet for easier search of entries.

If you think a different amount is needed, do your calculations. This lesson is for those who want to learn how to properly maintain a dictionary and how to memorize English words more. Our project lives and develops for those who are looking for answers to their questions and strive not to get lost in a stormy sea of ​​often useless information. In addition, some letters are rarely used at the beginning of words and require fewer pages. In the left column you will write a word in a foreign language, in the middle - a transcription, in the right column - a translation. On this page we told or rather showed you: How to make a dictionary from a notebook with your own hands according to the alphabet. How to make a dictionary from a notebook video I am a doctor. Look at how diaries are arranged and cut out unnecessary strips from the notebook. Today I want to show you how to make a dictionary for writing foreign words with a quick system.

Larisa Zinovieva: Notebook-dictionary for writing English words

How to make a dictionary from a notebook video

How to make a dictionary from a notebook video

How to make a dictionary from a notebook video However, if the site still does not contain the information you are interested in, write to us, we will prepare it for you and add it to our site! To determine the number of pages in a notebook, multiply the number of letters by 5. Creating a notebook with categories - an example of categories - an alphabet for easier search of entries. If you think a different amount is needed, do your calculations. This lesson is for those who want to learn how to properly maintain a dictionary and how to memorize English words more. Our project lives and develops for those who are looking for answers to their questions and strive not to get lost in a stormy sea of ​​often useless information. In addition, some letters are rarely used at the beginning of words and require fewer pages. In the left column you will write a word in a foreign language, in the middle - a transcription, in the right column - a translation. On this page we told or rather showed you: How to make a dictionary from a notebook with your own hands according to the alphabet. How to make a dictionary from a notebook video I am a doctor. Look at how diaries are arranged and cut out unnecessary strips from the notebook. Today I want to show you how to make a dictionary for writing foreign words with a quick system.

GDZ workbook English language grade 2

However, if the site still does not contain the information you are interested in, write to us, we will prepare it for you and add it to our site! How to make a dictionary with your own hands from a notebook How to make a dictionary with your own hands from a notebook How to make a dictionary with your own hands from a notebook How to make a dictionary with your own hands from a notebook How to make a dictionary with your own hands from a notebook Notepad from a notebook video - X-diagnostic How to make a dictionary from a notebook with your own hands Notebook-dictionary for writing foreign languages. Divide each page vertically into 3 parts. Add a comment Your e-mail will not be published. For example: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Krasn Hey You! On this page we told or rather showed you: How to make a dictionary from a notebook with your own hands according to the alphabet. A notebook of writing paper, not sewn, six sheets, four by ten. Refer to the printed dictionary. Now you can jump to any letter in the dictionary very quickly. How to make a dictionary from a notebook video As a result, all the letters of the alphabet will be visible on the right side of the notebook. In addition, we have found and added thousands of other videos for you that can answer, it seems, any question you have. I hope you enjoy this video. Our project lives and develops for those who are looking for answers to their questions and strive not to get lost in a stormy sea of ​​often useless information. For example: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo, Tyumen, Krasn Hey You!

Text typed without errors is an indicator of a person’s literacy level. The spell check feature is very helpful if you have doubts about the correct spelling of certain words or the placement of commas.

List of words studied in 2nd grade

Word provides automatic spell checking: grammatical errors are underlined with a green wavy line, and spelling errors with a red line. To avoid situations in which a misspelled word remains ununderlined, you need to enable spell checking in Word and configure it correctly.

Quick navigation through the article

Automatic check

If Word does not react in any way to text that is obviously incorrectly written, it may not have an automatic checker enabled. You can fix this as follows:

  • Click the Office button or the File command (in Windows 7);
  • Select “Word Options”;
  • Select “Spelling” in the menu on the left;
  • Check the box “Automatically check spelling”;
  • Uncheck all the boxes in the “Exceptions” group -> OK;

Default check

When typing, words that are not included in the Word dictionary will be underlined. To add a correctly typed word to the dictionary or simply get rid of the underlining, you will need:

  • Select the desired piece of text;
  • Select from the menu “Review” -> “Proofing” (in Word 2007 and higher), or “Tools” -> “Proofing” (in Word 2003 and lower).

The dialog box that opens will display incorrectly spelled (according to the editor) words, which you can:

  • Correct if there really is an error;
  • Add to the dictionary if the word is written correctly and it is desirable that Word does not underline it in the future;
  • Skip if there is no error, but the word should not be added to the dictionary.

Installing Spell Checkers

If you try to check spelling and get the message "Spell check complete" or "Spell checker for the default language is not installed," here's how to fix it:

  • “Start” -> “Control Panel” -> “Add or Remove Programs” (in Windows XP), or “Programs” -> “Uninstall a program” (in Windows 7 and higher);
  • Find Microsoft Word in the list and select “Edit”;
  • In the window that opens, select “Add or remove components” -> “Continue”;
  • Open Office Common Tools -> expand the Spell Checkers list -> select Run everything from my computer.

Check for selected language

Sometimes the reason that Word does not check spelling may be that a checkbox with this requirement is selected. To cancel this setting:

  • Click on the “Review” menu;
  • In the “Spelling” group, find “Select language”;
  • Click on the desired language;
  • Uncheck the "Don't check spelling" checkbox.