Julia Zarubina
Game-lesson "Useful and bad habits"

Program content:

1) Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

2) Cultivate a desire to help others, cultivate a sense of compassion.

3) Expand the experience of children.

Game progress:

Aibolit came to visit the children.

Hello guys! Today we will talk about habits.

What do you think is habit?

Habit- this is an action that becomes for us that without which we cannot live.

Useful, good habits make a person more free, since he stops thinking about many of his actions, they seem to be done by themselves.

What is this habits?

Right. Wash your hands with soap, wash your face and harden with cold water in the morning, do exercises, observe the daily routine.

Coming from the street, we change our shoes into home shoes, put on home clothes. And the one that was removed, carefully hang in the closet.

What do you think, is it good to scatter books and toys everywhere?

Of course it's bad. And why?

Yes, because then you will spend a lot of time looking for the right thing. Time must be valued! Every thing should have its place! Put things in place good habit!

By the way, the habit of appreciating time, and your own, and your relatives and friends - a wonderful habit. not without reason They say: "Accuracy - the politeness of kings". So, it is impolite to be late for a meeting with a friend, for classes at school or in the sports section.

What other good habits we forgot? Who will remind us? Yes you are right! Maintaining cleanliness and order in the house, cleaning the room with a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth, washing dishes are good habits.

- Good Habit- Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Always be clean and neatly dressed, neatly combed - wonderful habit.

But, unfortunately, there are bad habits. Let's talk about them. Bad habits badly affect the human body, spoil our lives. This is non-compliance with the daily routine, low mobility, smoking and other bad habits.

Many children, seeing that adults smoke, want to imitate them in order to appear more mature and independent, they drag on a cigarette. Nothing good comes from this it turns out: immediately begins to feel sick and dizzy!

What does it consist harm of smoking?

Tobacco smoke that a person inhales into the lungs contains many harmful substances: this is nicotine, and carbon monoxide, and substances that cause a serious illness - cancer. These substances are called carcinogens.

Smokers are more likely to get pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Smokers ruin not only their own health, but also the health of those around them. A person who has spent four hours in a smoky room is poisoned in the same way as a person who has smoked four cigarettes. This inhalation of cigarette smoke is called "passive smoking".

If a child is addicted to smoking early, he grows poorly, becomes shorter and weaker than his peers, he often has a headache. Smoking reduces physical strength, impairs coordination of movements, reduces endurance.

Remember! Smoking and health are not compatible!

Some of us have good habits and bad. You rarely meet a person who has only good good habits.

Nose bad habits to fight, and willpower will help to defeat them.


The fox has

Good habits:

Gathering to visit

Grooming a fluffy ponytail

Train the foxes

To keep order.

The fox has

Bad habits:

In the chicken coop - Shast

And steal a chicken.

Denis and Danny Bear

On the bank of a forest river, a bear cub lived in a small wooden hut. Every morning the sun's rays peered through the window of the hut, glided over the pillow and tickled Mishka's nose. The bear cub, whose name was Danny, woke up, jumped out of bed and went out into the forest.

The bear was exercising: crouched, pulled himself up on the lower bough of a pine, somersaulted, and then ran along the path along the river. Finally, he jumped into the cool water and splashed, dived and swam with pleasure.

After swimming, Danny went to the raspberry bushes and ate juicy sweet berries.

Once a boy Denis came to the forest. Last night, he deftly pulled a couple of cigarettes from his older brother's pocket and now decided to try smoking. Denis hoped that here, in the forest, and even at such an early hour, no one would notice him and scold him for smoking.

The boy took a cigarette out of his pocket, lit the lighter, and inhaled the bluish smoke.

Heh, heh, heh! - With unaccustomed he coughed.

Denis took another puff and felt nauseous. His head was spinning and his vision darkened. He nearly fell off the stump.

What is it? - the boy was frightened. - There others smoke - and nothing!

He remembered how famously older boys smoked, hiding behind the school, and Denis - thin and short - dreamed of making friends with them and being at least somewhat like them. Suddenly Denis heard someone rustling in the raspberry bushes.

"Who could it be?"- the boy was surprised. He got up from the stump and carefully parted the branches of the bush.

"Oh, it's a teddy bear! Quite small, like a toy! Yes, how glorious! Furry, clumsy, with intelligent, cheerful eyes. I wish I could catch him and bring him to the school living corner! - Denis thought and began to carefully sneak up on the baby.

But the little bear suddenly tipped over on his back and merrily laughed:

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Denis froze in surprise: for the first time in his life he saw a laughing teddy bear!

Having laughed to his heart's content, Danny stood up on his hind legs and politely introduced himself:

- Hello! My name is Denny! And what is your name?

And me - Denis! - answered the shocked boy.

Are you a trained circus bear cub? - he asked.

Not at all! Danny replied. - I'm a magic teddy bear from a fairy tale.

Ah, that's it! - Denis drawled.

Tell me who are you laughing at? Above me? - the boy asked the bear cub.

Of course over you! Who else! Danny replied.

And why? - Denis did not let up.

You looked painfully confused when you almost fell off the stump. Let me ask you, what were you doing on the stump? In your hands you had some kind of thin white stick, bluish smoke was coming out of it.

Ah, this! - casually threw Denis. - This is an ordinary cigarette. Everyone smokes them, but for some reason I felt very bad!

Nothing surprising! Danny noticed. - I heard that cigarettes are very poisonous, you can even get sick from them!

Get sick? Denis was surprised. - But I know a lot of people who smoke cigarettes, and nothing happens to them!

But this is only the beginning! And then they get sick, cough, and, imagine, even die.

No no! the boy exclaimed in fright. - I don't want that!

That's fine! Danny replied. By the way, would you like to treat yourself to a raspberry? he asked, handing Denis a handful of berries.

With pleasure, - he answered, sending raspberries to his mouth.

Listen, Denis, do you want me to tell you a story that I heard from my grandmother? This story is about smoking.

Well, tell me!

And Danny started talking.

“Once upon a time there was one boy. He often came to the forest, sat on a stump and smoked a cigarette. Having learned this from adults, he thought he was getting smarter and more mature. My grandmother in those days was a playful young bear cub. She peeked out from behind the bushes and teased boy: “Ay! Smoker, well, catch up with me! And quickly ran away along the forest path.

But the Boy could never catch up with her! He was breathing heavily, choking, and, in the end, hopelessly lagged behind.

Time passed. The boy's friends, his classmates, grew rapidly, became taller and stronger. Many of them came to the dacha in the summer and made notches on the wall of the old closet, marking their height. And they rejoiced when they saw that every year they become a few centimeters taller.

The boy, about whom the grandmother told, could not rejoice along with everyone. He noticed that his friends had long overtaken him both in strength and in height, and this did not give him rest. He more and more often went into the forest, was sad for a long time, and then lit a cigarette and silently blew smoke. He no longer put on airs that he looked like adults - after all, everyone laughed at him, and no one took him with him play!

This is such a sad story! finished Danny. "I hope this doesn't happen to you," he remarked. - Do you want, dear Denis, I will teach you how to swim well, run fast, jump high, become strong, cheerful and happy?

Of course I want! - Denis was delighted.

Then forget about smoking! Throw your cigarettes away in the bushes and start training. Every morning, run to this clearing. We will be together to play football, splash in the river, pull up, run and jump. You will not notice how you grow up, become strong and healthy.

Thanks Denny! - answered the boy and threw the cigarettes away into the bushes. - I will not smoke anymore, but I will definitely go in for sports!

Answer the questions

Tell me about your good habits.

Do you have bad habits? Which?

Why good habits help health?

- Is it good to wash your hands with soap?? Clean up your room? Maintain cleanliness?

- Good or Bad Habit of Throwing Books Away, things, clothes?

Why smoking is very bad habit?

What do you think, biting your nails - good or bad habit? Why?

Guess what useful habits, and which harmful

I scattered books, things

And I've been looking for them all night. (Harmful.)

My dirty dishes

I will not forget to wash the floor. (Useful.)

I clean with a vacuum cleaner

I don't leave dust. (Useful.)

I love to bite my nails

I catch all microbes. (Harmful.)

Purely with soap, I will wash myself,

I have a neat look. (Useful.)

Complete the task

Draw and color: a clothes brush, a shelf with neatly arranged books, a clean plate, a spoon, a cup, a fork, a knife, a bar of soap, a sponge.

educational game
Age of children: 69 years old
music teacher
Litvinova Irina Vladimirovna

Health is an invaluable wealth of each person individually, and of all
society as a whole. Good health is the main condition for a full and
happy life.
One of the main causes of morbidity is a weak immune system. How
boost your immunity? The answer is simple - lead a healthy lifestyle,
get rid of bad habits and acquire useful ones. Proper nutrition,
exercise, evening walks, cleanliness - these are the good habits that
that need to be worked on.
In this regard, the game "Good Habits" is aimed at developing in children
concepts and beliefs in the need to preserve and strengthen one's health and
the desire to acquire good habits and get rid of bad ones, to master
healthy lifestyle skills.
The lesson is designed taking into account the individual age characteristics of children 89
Used technologies:
1. health-saving there is a constant change of activity (games,
riddles, conversation, movement to music, exercise, and sanitary
hygiene standards SanPiN;
2. artistic and creative (art technologies) - listening and performing
music, the use of elements of theatricalization in the skit "Fortress and finches".
3. gaming technologies - games: "Find a pair"; "Solve the crossword puzzle."
4. information and communication (cartoons, audio recording of a song).

Methods: explanatory demonstrative - explanation of the material, conversation,
listening to music.
Preparation for the lesson includes the search and study of cognitive
literature, development of a lesson summary, viewing and selecting audio recordings of songs,
cartoons, selection of games.
Interdisciplinary connections:
Cognitive game "Good and bad habits" can be used
as an extracurricular activity at school, in the lessons of the world around, as
educational lesson in additional education, in kindergarten for children
67 years old.

The purpose of the event: the formation of students' sustainable motivation to conduct
healthy lifestyle through the enrichment of knowledge about good habits.
Educational: Deepen children's knowledge of good and bad habits;
Educational: To educate children in a negative attitude towards harmful
habits, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle;
Developing: Develop logical thinking.
Materials and tools: Cards with the text "Mode of the day"; board, chalk,
chairs and tables for players. Multi-colored emoticons for reflection. Audio recording
- music for charging.
Technical means: laptop, multimedia projector, screen.
Number of students: 25 people.
Age: 69 years old.
Time: 45 min.
Form of conduct: cognitive game.
The host is a teacher, the participants in the skit "Fortress and finches" are students.

The plot of the game:
The facilitator asks questions about habits and makes riddles, tells
biography of A.V. Suvorov. During the game, the students help the facilitator.
show the children the movements in the exercises, take part in the skit "Fortress and
finches." In conclusion, the guys express their opinion about their mood with
using colorful emoticons. All children are awarded a sweet prize for
Active participation.
Game rules:
Task number 1 Crossword "Health" is performed by all children, crossword cells
are written on the board, the correct answer appears in the highlighted line;
Task number 2 Collect in order, in the desired sequence "Mode of the day." -
children are divided into 4 teams of 67 people, tablets are given, the task
performed at speed, the winning team is awarded with applause,
the correct answer is on the slide;
Task number 3 "Charging" is performed by all children, they show movements
Task number 4 "Find a couple" children are divided into 4 teams of 67 people. Issued
signs, the task is performed at speed, the winning team is awarded
applause, the correct answer is on the slide.
Lesson plan:
Motivational moment - 2 minutes
Main part - 31 minutes
Fixing - 8 minutes
Reflection - 4 min

Event progress:
Main part
1. Motivational moment
Hello guys! Today we will talk about habits and the topic of our
activities "Good and bad habits".
What do you think a habit is? (children's answers)
Today we will talk about bad habits and their impact on health.
Habit - means an action in which you do not think about what and how to
do, it is an action that becomes for us that without which we cannot
There is a saying - "Habit is second nature."
But, probably, a habit is by no means a second, but a very first nature.
Habits guide us around the clock, because it is so convenient to perform the usual
actions on the machine, without making any additional efforts - neither
mental or physical.
In the beginning, in order to create a habit, it is necessary to constantly consciously
repetition of an action. And then you can no longer hesitate
perform this action.
For example, can everyone ride a bike? Do you remember how you studied? Is it all at once
did it work? So, when you were learning to ride a bike, did you think about every
individual details of riding: how to keep your balance, how and when to pedal,
steering wheel, steering, brakes, etc. And when you have already mastered this skill, you ride
by habit, and this habit persists for life.
What are the habits? That's right, useful and harmful.
Let's talk about GOOD HABITS. But first we'll figure it out
crossword and find out why we need them.
Task number 1. Solve the crossword and guess the keyword.
1. Get up early in the morning,

Jump, run, push up.
For health, order
People all need ... (charging)
2. Here is such a funny case:
A cloud settled in the bathroom.
Rain pours from the ceiling
On my back and sides.
There are no puddles on the floor
All the guys love ... (shower)
3. Do you want to break the record?
So it will help you ... (sport)
4. I will sit in the armpit,
And tell me what to do
Or let me walk
Or I'll put you to bed (thermometer)
5. Passes through the nose to the chest.
And the reverse is on its way.
He's invisible and yet
We cannot live without it (air)
6. On a clear morning, dew glistens on the grass along the road.
On the road, legs ride and two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer: this is my ... (bike)
7. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are racing
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And shiny ... (skates)
8. To become a great athlete,
There is much to be learned.
Skill will help you here

And, of course, ... (training)
What matters most? ... (health)

and p
e e
You guessed it right - HEALTH!
Every person from a young age should take care of their health. bad
health, illness are the cause of poor academic performance, bad mood.
It is no coincidence that when asked what is more valuable for a person - wealth
or fame, one of the oldest philosophers answered that neither wealth nor fame
make a person happy.
"A healthy beggar is happier than a sick but rich king."
And for good health, you need to make friends with Useful
Meet! Good Habit #1

Let's watch the cartoon "Smeshariki" Routine "and find out why
you need to follow the daily routine. Watching a cartoon followed by
You decide to become healthy, so follow the regime!
Task number 2. Assemble in order, in the desired sequence "Mode
1. In the morning at seven, our cheerful friend alarm clock rings persistently
2. Our whole friendly family got up for exercises
3. After showering and exercising, a hot breakfast awaits me.
4. Dress neatly, boldly go to school
5. We read, write and sing, we have fun at school
6. Got an appetite? The table is set for dinner
7. There is time to read a book, relax and take a walk
Friendship with watches is good - do your homework slowly
The sun is going down - it's time for dinner, guys
10. What is tired? Take a break. Evening - time to play
11. The moon looks out the window to us, so it's time to sleep
Guys, do you know who this is? (showing the portrait of A.V. Suvorov, see Appendix
No. 1) (children's answers). This is Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, one of the outstanding
Russian generals. As a child, he was very weak, frail and sickly.
child. He really wanted to become a military man, but he understood that it was impossible.
his health was too bad. Secretly from the nurse, he stood for hours in the wind in
autumn rainy evenings. In winter, when everyone was still sleeping, he ran out into the street and
rubbed with snow. Everyone who has studied Suvorov's biography says that he became
healthy only thanks to the regime of the day, exercise and exercise.
Do you know that he made his passage with soldiers through the Alps at the age of 70?
Let's find out what the daily regimen of A.V. Suvorov.

He got up at two in the morning and for an hour did exercises on the street at any time.
Then he doused himself with cold water. If there was a river nearby, he would swim for an hour in
Then he drank 23 cups of milk, and then he began to sing, because he believed that singing
helps to cope with difficulties.
Then his usual day as a commander began.
In the evening he went for a walk, which took 2 hours. At 10 p.m
he went to bed.
Do you want to be as strong and healthy? We will try!
Useful habit number 2 MORNING EXERCISE will help you.
Viewing the cartoon "Smeshariki" Who needs a charge "with the subsequent
Guys, in what mood do you wake up, how do you feel, is it easy
are you going up? (children's answers)
It is very important that every morning you start with positive emotions, with
Have a good mood. Wake up with the thought that the day will bring you good luck.
"Good morning!" tell yourself and your loved ones, because a good mood is also
Useful habit!
There are certain charging rules. Always do the same thing
time. Before starting, you need to ventilate the room.
Today we will learn one of the morning exercises. She will cheer you up and
will improve your health. And my assistants will help us in this - Dasha, Dima and
Dima: I want, friends, to confess
What do I like in the morning
Do physical exercises
What I advise you.

Teacher: Everyone needs to do exercises,
Lots of benefits from it.
Health is the reward
For your diligence.
Task number 3 (we do exercises to the music)
1. Walking with arms up and down, clap.
We just entered the forest
There were mosquitoes.
Hands up clap above your head,
Hands down cotton another.
2. Walking on the inside and outside of the foot with swaying to the left,
to the right.
We walk further through the forest
And we meet a bear.
We put our hands behind our heads
And we're walking.
3. Jumping from foot to foot on the "pebbles".
We're moving on again.
We have a reservoir in front of us.
We already know how to jump
We will jump more boldly:
Twice, Twice,
There is water behind.
4. Walking with hands up.
We walk, we walk
We raise our hands higher
We don't lower our heads
We breathe evenly deeply.

5. Tilt forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up, raise your hands
Suddenly we see: by the bush
The chick fell out of the nest.
Quietly we take a chick
And put it back in the nest.

6. Running on toes.
Bush ahead
Looks sly fox.
We will outwit the fox
Let's run on toes.
7. Forward bends in motion.
We go to the meadow
We find many berries there.
The strawberry is so fragrant.
That we are not too lazy to bend over.
8. Jumping on two legs.
The bunny quickly jumps into the field.
Lots of fun on the loose.
We imitate a bunny
Naughty kids.
We continue.
Meet Good Habit #3 PERSONAL HYGIENE.
Viewing the cartoon "Smeshariki" Personal hygiene "with the subsequent
What is hygiene?
The term hygiene itself comes from the Greek word and in translation means
"healing, bringing health" is the science of preserving and
health promotion.
Guys, tell me, please, what items are related to personal hygiene?
(comb, toothbrush, handkerchief, soap…)
What hygiene rules do you know?
wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, after walking;

never eat unwashed vegetables and fruits;
brush your teeth 2 times a day, morning and evening;
wash your face in the morning and evening;
be able to use a handkerchief;
keep clothes and shoes clean.
Next Useful habit number 4 HARDENING.
Watching the cartoon "Smeshariki" If you want to be healthy "with
subsequent discussion.
Scene "Fortress and finches".

I told them in winter: they would be tempered with me.
In the morning - running and invigorating shower, like for adults, real!
Open windows at night, breathe fresh air!
Wash your feet with cold water, and then the microbe is hungry
You will never be overcome. If they don't listen, they get sick.
Finches. We realized too late, brothers, how useful they will be tempered!
We will stop coughing and sneezing - we will take a shower.
From icy water!
Robust. Wait! Oyoyo!
You can’t become strong instantly, temper yourself gradually!
Let's name what forms of hardening you know or have learned? (children's answers)
run around
take a cool shower
open windows before bed
wash your feet with cool water
We talked about some useful habits, which are useful
Haven't we named habits yet? (children's answers).

Proper nutrition
be polite
be hardworking
help mom
Put things away, etc.
But, unfortunately, there are also BAD HABITS.
Watching the cartoon "Sisters of Habit" with a subsequent discussion.
Bad habits have a bad effect on a person, spoil our lives.
This is non-compliance with the daily regimen, low mobility, malnutrition and

other bad habits.
These actions developed over the years can poison the life of the owner himself.
bad habits, and his loved ones. And it also happens that a habit does not harm itself
owner, and his environment. For example: loud laughter; inability to listen
others; a sharp rise in voice; caustic remarks. However, all of
of the above cannot cause physical harm, from this, when
want to get rid of easily.
So what is a bad habit? This is the opposite of useful. She
brings a lot of trouble and makes the life of its owner unbearable,
even if he doesn't notice it.
3. Fixing
Task number 4 The game "Find a pair"
gluttony - moderation in eating

4. Reflection
Guys, our lesson is coming to an end and I would like to know in what
mood you go home. Please select the smiley
shows your mood, and stick it on the board. And let's see what
portraits are more cheerful or sad. (see Appendix No. 2).
(Children complete the task, then analyze with the teacher)
I wish you guys always be healthy,
But it is impossible to achieve results without difficulty.
Try not to be lazy - every time before eating,
Before you sit down at the table, wash your hands with water.
And exercise every day in the morning.
And, of course, temper yourself - it will help you so much!
Breathe fresh air whenever possible.
Go for a walk in the forest, it will give you strength, friends!
These are not secrets of how to maintain health.
Follow all the advice, and it will be easy for you to live.

1. Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, trainings, health lessons. 15 classes. M.:
VAKO, 2004.152p. Teacher's workshop.
2. Be friends with sports and play. Student performance support:
exercises, games, dramatizations/comp. G.P. Popova, Volgograd: Uchitel, 2008.
3. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies in elementary school. 14 classes.
M.: "VAKO", 2004, 296 pp. Pedagogy. Psychology. Control.
4. Workbook for grade 2 "Good habits", project HOPE, 2000
Internet resources
1. Routine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofkbNrPN2zs
2. Charging http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrlUNJE0NfY
3. Hygiene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J30j5TkE8p4
4. Hardening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67akG6a_dyM
5. Sisters of habit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjZxgfJUvM
6. 1600pxFrowny.svg image
7. picture
8. emotions1 picture

Application No. 1

All kinds of games are designed to brighten up leisure and entertain. There are a lot of different types of them: computer, card, desktop, sports and so on. They can also be used to develop certain personal qualities, develop good habits. With the help of educational games, you can learn a language, games on the phone train fine motor skills of hands and attentiveness, active games with other people improve memory and imagination. Moreover, this applies to adults and children equally, because it is never too late to learn.

The Importance of Board Games for Development

The concept of "board games" is often invested with a simple meaning - to have fun and have a good time. Their possibilities are much wider. Scientists have proven that diverse board games: card games, team games - contribute to the development of intelligence. Psychologists have studied the most popular board games. In the course of research, it turned out that these games have a significant impact on the development of spatial thinking (a special type of brain activity), both in adolescents and adults. It is generally accepted that a professional mathematician, engineer, architect has such thinking.

In addition to these positive qualities, thanks to board games develop:

1. Mental abilities. In the process of the game, visual memory, logical thinking, fantasy, quick wits develop. The vocabulary also expands and foreign words are easy to memorize.

2. Personal qualities. The game teaches independent decision-making in unforeseen situations. This is a good method to teach a child discipline and patience.

3. Communication skills. Several people take part in the game. Thus, they learn to interact with each other.

Monopoly is the game of all time

A good example of good habit formation is the Monopoly game. Playing it with a person, a culture of communication is formed, since the participants need to negotiate. At the same time, it is invaluable that mathematical knowledge and logical thinking are being improved. The gameplay develops the makings of entrepreneurship, raising the question of how it is more profitable to sell, at what cost. The game also strengthens the ability to plan, leadership, strategy development. Playing monopoly develops a very useful habit - to always keep a count of money and control their spending.

Chess is the best choice for brain training

British scientists have proven that chess contributes to family unity. Malcolm Payne (head of the British charity Chess in Schools and Communities and part-time London Chess Classic tournament) focuses on the invaluable benefits of teaching chess to primary school students. This helps them socialize, as it promotes the development of logic and critical thinking. Along with the acquisition of this knowledge, memory and attentiveness improve. Chess also helps emotional development, as creative thinking is activated. This game teaches that success cannot be achieved without hard work.

There are games that help relieve stress, overcome anxiety and depression. Some games are also able to increase discipline, develop patience, logic and concentration. By playing economic varieties, you can learn how to manage your own money rationally. An example is Liya Novikova, who started with just $50 and managed to gradually build up a large capital. According to the girl, she owes her success to her grandmother (a mathematics teacher), who often studied with her. Leah had solid knowledge in this subject, which helped her to become successful in life.

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Development of a class hour "Habits and health"

Lesson objectives:
  • find out students' ideas about what is useful and harmful to a person;
  • introduce the concept of "bad habits" and give an idea of ​​the adverse consequences for a person;
  • encourage students to acquire good habits and avoid bad ones.
Lesson plan:
  1. What is useful and what is harmful to a person.
  2. What are habits
  3. Good and bad habits.
  4. The main conclusion of the lesson.

A habit is something you do all the time.

Lesson progress

I. What is useful and what is harmful to a person

We love a lot in our life:

  • we love our relatives and friends and want them to be less worried and upset;
  • We love our friends, we strive to spend as much time as possible with them and make it interesting for them to communicate with us.
A person needs to be among people, to be able to communicate, to be an interesting interlocutor, to enjoy communicating with people.
  • We love sports and fun games:
  • We love to travel and learn something new every day;
  • We love to successfully solve difficult problems and get excellent grades.
If a person is healthy, he will always be energetic and active, he will always be able to overcome difficulties on his way, his parents will be proud of him, his friends will love and respect him, he will be able to achieve and become a wonderful specialist, necessary and useful to people.

Do you know what is good and what is bad for human health?


  • follow the daily routine
  • observe hygiene
  • eat right and regularly
  • exercise
  • do your homework on time and on your own
  • be outdoors
  • do morning exercises
  • keep your clothes clean and your home
  • listen to parents and loved ones
  • temper
  • attend circles
  • read books skip school
  • being rude and disrespectful to elders
  • sit a lot in front of the TV or computer
  • walk in inappropriate places where there is a danger to life
  • try unfamiliar substances
  • eat a lot of sweets
  • bite your nails
  • fight
  • smoke
List your habits
My bad habits……………………..
My Good Habits……………………
I am praised for………………………………………
I am scolded for…………………………………..
I would like to have (specify habit)………………………………………..

II. What are habits

Habit is what you do all the time. For example, the habit of getting dressed or brushing your teeth or making your bed.
To form a habit, it is necessary to repeat some action many times, day after day, and then a person will begin to perform it without hesitation.

The Habit game will help us to form a habit.

Game description:
Students stand in a circle and, if the leader’s command begins with the words “please”, perform various actions (“Please sit down”, “Please turn around”, “Please raise your hand”, etc.)
At a certain moment, the leader does not say the word “Please” before the team, and then the group should not follow the instructions.

III. Good and bad habits

(There is a package with boxes on the table, packs of toilet soap, perfumes, cosmetic creams and cigarettes.)

Find a sign by which all these beautiful boxes can be divided into two groups.
- Why did you group it this way? (creams, soaps, perfumes help take care of human skin and benefit, and cigarettes harm a person)

Habits are good and bad. Many habits can affect a person's health.
Habits that promote health are considered beneficial.
Habits that are harmful to health are called harmful.

Habits and consequences (work with cards: the teacher shows cards with habits, children should name the consequences and show on the card)

Among the bad habits that people have, there are habits that often become detrimental to health.

Drinking alcoholic beverages

Alcohol can cause:

  • quarrels and fights;
  • Diseases;
  • death of people.
drug use

Even more dangerous than drinking alcohol

  • Mental changes
  • Hallucinations appear, i.e. visions that don't really exist
Drugs can cause:
  • quarrels and fights;
  • Diseases;
  • road accidents and businesses;
  • death of people.
Tobacco smoking

Today we will talk about what tobacco is and where it came from, what happens to a person when he smokes himself, and what happens to those non-smoking people who surround him while smoking and inhale his smoke from his cigarettes.

Tobacco- This is an annual plant of the nightshade family, the leaves of which contain nicotine.

Europeans did not know tobacco for a long time. For the first time, members of the expedition of Christopher Columbus met him, who watched how the Indians let out smoke from their mouths, drawing it from leaves rolled into tubes lit at the end.
The Indians called such pipes "cigaros". Often, the Indians put dried smoldering leaves in special vessels, which they called "tobacco".

Tobacco was brought to Europe in 1496 by the Spanish monk Roman Panno, a member of the second expedition of Columbus. In 1559, tobacco came to France. The French ambassador in Portugal gave it to Catherine de Medici, who suffered from headaches (migraines). On Niko's advice, the queen crushed tobacco and sniffed it. Indeed, this brought her relief for a while, and in gratitude to Jean Nico, Catherine de Medici began to call this “healing remedy” nicotine. So tobacco began to be used as a remedy for all diseases. However, this did not last long.

In Russia, tobacco was brought by the British in 1585 through Arkhangelsk. Smoking and snuffing tobacco were severely persecuted. With the coming to power of Peter 1, the ban was lifted.

Tobacco smoke is harmful to everyone! In a burning cigarette, during the combustion of tobacco, a huge amount of harmful substances dangerous to human life is formed.

Tobacco smoke contains many harmful substances:

  • Nicotine is a poison found in tobacco and is addictive.
  • Resins are the name of several substances that are produced when tobacco is burned.
  • Carbon monoxide is one of the poisons found in tobacco smoke.
  • Passive smoking is the inhalation by non-smokers of the smoke of other people's cigarettes and the smoke exhaled by smokers.
What organs are affected by tobacco smoke?

Tobacco smoke enters the lungs upon entry (contaminates the lungs. It prevents clean air from entering the lungs.)
cigarette smoke affects the work of the heart (the heart begins to contract more often, the vessels through which blood enters the heart change, the heart begins to hurt)

The consequences of smoking are formed slowly, harmful substances accumulate and gradually lead to the development of various diseases. Especially dangerous is the introduction to smoking in childhood and adolescence, because. It is very difficult for an organism that has not yet formed to resist the toxic effects of tobacco.
The working capacity of a person decreases, vision, hearing, memory weaken. The behavior of people is changing: they become uncontrollable and are able to do things that are more dangerous for their lives and the lives of those around them. The life of such people becomes monotonous, they stop striving for a goal, they are not interested in the world around them, they do not learn much in life.

How does smoking affect a person's appearance?

  • a person is losing weight;
  • his complexion becomes ugly;
  • hair does not shine - it becomes dull, lifeless, brittle;;
  • the skin becomes thin and dry, becomes wrinkled, the skin color is yellowish, unhealthy;
  • dark circles under the eyes, inflamed, reddened eyes;
  • teeth turn yellow, begin to deteriorate, a smoker always has an unpleasant smell from his mouth, even chewing gum and toothpaste do not help;
  • the smoker's clothes have an unpleasant odor, smell of sour tobacco smoke.
These habits are harmful (drinking alcohol,