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Game "Remember - put"

Task: develop arbitrary visual memory, the ability to memorize a sequence of pictures (toys).

Equipment: 4 pictures with objects familiar to the child or 4 toys.

Description. After looking at the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember how they lie one after another. After that, the pictures (toys) are mixed, and the child must arrange them in the original sequence and name them in order.

Game "What is missing?"



Description. After looking at the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember how they lie one after another. Then the child closes his eyes, and the adult removes one of the pictures (toys) and aligns the disturbed row of objects. The child must remember which picture (or object) was removed, and show where he was.

By the age of five, the child should learn not only to show the location of the removed object, but also to tell about it, using the appropriate pretext. For example: "The picture with the doll is gone."

Game "What has changed?"

Task: develop visual memory and attention of children, teach them to memorize a sequence of pictures or details of a plot picture.

Equipment. I option: a row of 3-4 pictures or toys familiar to the child.

II option: one plot picture with a small one. the number of heroes and the details that characterize them, the other one is similar to it, but with slight differences.

Description. I option. An adult shows the child pictures or toys, names them, then puts them on the table and asks him to remember how they lie one after another. Then the child closes his eyes, the pictures (toys) are mixed, after which he needs to arrange them in a given sequence and name them in order.

II option. The child carefully examines the first plot picture, trying to remember in detail the objects on it. Then this picture is removed, and the second one is presented to the child. Having examined it, the child must answer the question "What has changed?" compared with the first and describe these differences in detail.

For example: “In the first picture, the bunny has a bow, and in the second, a tie. First, the hedgehog was in a red blouse and carried an apple on his back, and then the blouse turned blue, and there was a mushroom on his back.

Task: develop arbitrary visual memory, the ability to memorize the number and location of given objects.

Equipment: 3 pictures with objects familiar to the child or 3 toys.

Description. After looking at the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember their sequence. Then the child closes his eyes, and the adult quietly adds some picture (or toy) that does not attract much attention. The child must name the original pictures (toys) and determine the extra one. By the age of 5, a complete answer to the question should be sought from the child. For example: “To the left of the doll, a typewriter (a book, a cube, etc.) has been added.”

The game "What's different?"

Task: develop arbitrary visual attention, teach to memorize a given sequence of objects.

Equipment: 3-4 pictures with objects familiar to the child or 3-4 toys.

Description. After looking at the pictures (toys), the adult lays them out on the table and asks to remember how they lie. Then the child closes his eyes, and the adult swaps any pictures (toys). The child must restore the original sequence of pictures (toys). By the age of 5, the child should accompany his actions with suggestions for the location of pictures (or toys). For example: "The picture with the ball lay first, followed by a doll, a pyramid," etc. or "They swapped the typewriter and the book."

The game "What's different?"

Task: develop children's visual memory and attention, teach them to carefully examine similar objects and compare them in detail, name similarities and differences between

Equipment: pairs of similar plot pictures that differ from each other in noticeable differences in details (color, shape, quantity, location).

Description. The child is first shown one picture, then, after considering it, another, after which he must name the differences between them from memory. If necessary, an adult can help the child with leading questions.

Game "Remember and write down the numbers"

Task: develop visual and motor memory, fine motor skills of children.

Equipment: card with 2-3 numbers written on it.

Description. An adult shows the child a card with numbers and offers to carefully consider them for 5-10 seconds, trying to remember how they go in order. Then the card is removed, and the child must name or write the numbers he sees in the given order.

Game "Repeat after me"

Task: develop visual and motor memory, coordination of movements in children, teach them to consistently repeat actions after an adult.

Description: An adult and a child stand opposite each other. An adult shows the child 5-6 movements immediately following each other, and the child must remember their sequence and repeat on their own.

For example: hands up - forward - to the sides - on the belt - sit down; hands forward, crouch - hands up, stand up - hands on the belt, jump.

The game "Look - remember - draw"

Task: to develop visual and motor memory, fine motor skills in children.

Equipment: a card with 2-3 geometric shapes drawn on it, familiar to a child at this age.

Description. An adult shows the child a card with figures and offers to carefully examine them for 5-10 seconds and remember. Then the card is removed, and the child must draw the figures he sees in the same order as in the sample.

Game "Remember Pairs"

Task: develop visual memory and associative thinking of children, train them in the ability to correlate objects that are suitable in meaning.

Equipment: subject pictures familiar to the child, from which pairs can be made that match each other in meaning.

Description. The pictures are shuffled and laid out on the table. An adult pronounces words for each of which the child selects the appropriate picture and a paired picture suitable for it in meaning.

For example: a vase - flowers, a dog - a collar, a key - a lock, a plate - a spoon, etc. As the training progresses, an adult can play a game by ear (without pictures), naming one word from a pair, and the child must remember and name the second.

The game "Remember - name"

Task: develop the visual memory of children, teach them to remember the number of given objects or pictures.

Equipment. I option: children 3-4 years old are presented with 4-5 pictures or well-known objects; for children 5 years old, the number of pictures or objects increases to 6-7 pieces.

II option: paired cards, one of which shows a certain (depending on the age of the child) number of objects (see option I), on the other - several new ones are added to the number of objects from the first card.


I option. The child examines a number of objects or pictures, counts them, and then names those that he remembers from memory.

II option. First, the first card is presented to the child, the child examines and names the objects depicted on it, counts them. Then
this card changes to the second, and the child must remember and name the items that were on the first card.

Game "Answer the questions"

Task: to develop visual memory in children, the ability to carefully examine the picture and memorize its details.

Equipment: plot pictures for viewing.

Description. After the child examines the picture, the adult removes it and asks questions about its content.

The instruction of an adult in this case may be as follows. First: “Look carefully what gifts his friends brought to the bunny for his birthday”; then: "Help the bunny remember who gave what."

Or first: “Try to remember who lives in which house,” then: “Remember who lives in which house.”

Game "Memorize the words"

Task: develop auditory memory and attention of children, expand their vocabulary.

Description. An adult slowly and clearly names words familiar to a child at this age and available to him for repetition: children 3-4 years old - 4-5 words; 5 years - 6-7 words. The players must repeat them in the same order. Missing words or rearranging them is not allowed.

At the initial stage, to facilitate the memorization process, words are selected that are related in meaning (for example, summer, a walk, bathing, a game, a ball), then they are completely different.

Game "Knock Like Me"

Task: to develop the auditory attention and memory of children, to train them in tapping out a given rhythm according to the model of an adult.

Description. An adult offers the child to listen to a simple rhythm that he will tap out and try to repeat it after him, keeping the number, frequency and strength of the beats.

Memory needs to be trained from early childhood.
Moreover, this can be done imperceptibly for the child himself, in a playful way.

You can start as soon as the child has learned to speak in sentences, from about 1.6-2-3 years.

“I take with me on a hike ...”
The number of players is not limited. But the more participants there are, the more interesting and fun the competition will be. “I take with me on a hike ... a bowl for porridge,” says the first participant. The next child names another indispensable thing on the trip. And so on, until the participant of the game runs out or makes a mistake, saying, for example, that a cat is needed on a hike. The winner, therefore, is the one who has a wider vocabulary, a good outlook, quick wits. The game trains auditory memory.

"What's missing?"
Visual memory, in turn, can be developed by offering children the game “What is missing?” Lay out various objects in front of the baby: a doll, cubes, a pyramid, a mug, a pacifier, a comb, etc. The child is given 30-40 seconds to remember which objects were in front of him. Then he closes his eyes, and the host removes one or more things. The task of the little player is to understand what exactly has disappeared from the table. The game can be upgraded without removing items altogether, but replacing them with others. Depending on the age of the child, you can increase the number of disappearing objects.

"Go shopping!"
Ask the child to buy in the "shop", whose role will be assigned to the toy boxes, two cars, red and blue, three forks and a frying pan, a doll and a ball. In the process of completing this task, the baby trains auditory memory. With each new trip to the "shops" the number of purchases should be increased.

By the way, this game can be played for real. When going to the store, write a list of necessary goods on a piece of paper, say them out loud so that the baby can hear. And in the store, ask him to remind you what you had to buy, since the list was allegedly forgotten at home.

"Dancing Together"
Children usually love to dance. They are not yet constrained by the fear of a possible negative reaction from society, and therefore they are as free as possible in their actions and manifestations. In order for dancing to develop a child not only physically, but also intellectually, a system of movements is needed that the baby must follow. Come up with your own or use the already formed dance lessons. Move with your child. Such a game teaches the child to follow the rules, to concentrate on a specific task, develops visual memory.

"Let's learn poetry"
Let the kid learn poetry as often as possible, not only on New Year's or March 8th. Thanks to the rhythmic structure, the verses are easy to remember, expand the baby's vocabulary, and train the memory. You can even arrange poetry battles with your family. And so that the child has an incentive to memorize, determine a valuable prize for the winner.

A good memory is, in a way, a formula for success for a person. Achievements in a career and self-realization largely depend on the ability to memorize information. True, they also emphasize that, in addition to exercises for the development of memory, a full-fledged, healthy sleep and a high-quality, balanced diet are important.


adult drawsdifferent pictures representing the seasons, cuts them out and lays them out in front of the child. Then a blank sheet is taken, and the adult asks the baby to choose pictures that remind him of a particular season. For example, put all the pictures that talk about winter on one sheet, on the other -about summer, and so on. Discuss each picture with your child, ask him why it reminds him of this time of year, and why he chooses it. It’s not scary if the baby suddenly makes a mistake, because he hasnot yet a very great experience of the change of seasons, which he perceived consciously.

All pictures should be large and clear - for example, winter candisplay pictures with large snowflakes, houses with snowdrifts, sleds, snowmen, and summer - butterflies, flowers; spring can be characterized by the sun and icicles from which water drips; autumn - red and yellow leaves on trees, rain, etc.

If the child is older, you can invite him to draw pictures for the seasons himself.


Almost every child has a constructor, regardless of who grows up in the family - a boy or a girl. Any constructors will be useful - from serious houses with various elements to stylized "bricks". To begin with, an adult tells the kid about the builders, together they remember where they saw the construction sites, what the builders did, what material they used. Then the child needs to be explained that to begin with, a house is drawn, a drawing is created. Offer to make him a drawing of a house, and then, together with your child, figure out how to assemble such a house using the constructor.

If you do not have enough details for the roof, then it can be made of paper, steps, door and window openings can also be filled with parts made of paper stylized as a building element.
If there is no designer, then the “house” can be built from improvised means - cubes, boxes, and so on.
If there are small toys
. these can be toys from “kinder surprises”, for example, you can even create a small neighborhood from “houses” made from a designer.

Games of this kind are usually very popular with children, as they simulate the situation in which they themselves find themselves when they get to the market with their parents.At the same time, children gain skills in understanding what “fruits”, “vegetables”, “greens”, “seedlings” and so on are. Draw with your child different vegetables and fruits, other products that are sold in the market. Lay them out on the "counter" - the table. The "salesperson" can emphasize his profession by wearing, for example, an apron. The "buyer" can be an adult. You can ask the "seller" for some fruit from the "range" of the counter.

If the child still finds it difficult to choose for himself, you can show him the desired picture or start listing the signs of the fruit- what is the product in terms of color, shape, taste, so that the baby can guess for himself.

For older children, you can also include an account in the game - that is, write price tags for each “product”, “pay” with a larger bill so that the child can “turn in change”. For starters, it must be, of course, small money. within ten rubles, and that the change was a round sum.

"False is true"

RIt is recommended to use such games for the development of the child, they are needed for the development of his logical thinking and reasoning skills.To conduct such games, you can use books on "Informatics" for preschoolers, or you can simply come up with different examples.on one's own.

For starters - simple ones: for example, ask the truth or falsehood of a statement that people fly. You need to prepare for the fact that children can answer that people fly on airplanes, in which case this statement also turns out to be true, as well as the answer that people cannot fly.

Even more obvious questions that imply unambiguous answers can get different answers: is the color red, for example, a mouse. If the child has a very developed imagination, then he can answer that if you shine on the mouseflashlight with a red lamp, it will turn red.Do not extinguish the child's fantasies, you can support him.

In order for the child to see the results of the game, several red, green and yellow cards can be made. If the answer is correct, issue a green card, if the answer is incorrect, a red card, and if the answer was given based on additional conditions, as in the previous examples, then a yellow card.

For older children, more difficult questions can be used. For example, tell the children about some phenomenon, and then, according to the story, make a statement and ask if it is true or not. For example, tell children about birds: those that live constantly in one place and those that fly south for the winter. Then you can make a few statements, and let some of them be funny and make the children laugh. For example, it can be assumed that magpies have four legs or that tits do not fly, but.crawl like snakes. Then you can ask if the pigeons are migratory birds, etc.

A good memory is a very important quality for successful study. Memorizing poems and songs develops mainly mechanical memory, but right now I want to dwell on the ability to memorize, which is necessary to complete real tasks, in this case, to solve game problems.

"Memory Development"
For the game, we need several (4-7) toys of approximately the same size. For example: doll, ball, bear, house, car, horse, cube.

Important :

Choose toys familiar to the baby, he should not only know their names, but also use them in his speech. In addition, it is necessary that all objects are “named” differently. For example, it is impossible for two different dolls to participate in the game if the child calls them both dolls, and not a bear, a monkey, or something else.

Rules games:
1. The simplest version of the game, which usually starts with two-year-olds: three toys are taken and placed in a row. Together with the child, you need to “remember” the names of all three toys and speak before starting the game.

2. Now the driver (at first it is an adult) asks the baby to close his eyes, and hides one of the toys behind his back. Important: at this first stage, in a row of toys, hidden in place, there remains, as it were, a “hole”: a gap, an empty space. This will allow the child to use additional visual memory.

3. The driver allows the baby to open his eyes and asks: “What did I hide? What toy is behind me? What are we missing here? What was here (pointing to an empty place in the row) and now it’s gone?

When the baby learns the rules of the game, be sure to change places with him. Let him, in turn with you, “drive” and hide the toy from you. With your eyes open, describe aloud in detail how you “remember”: “Aha, there was something here ... What did we have here? The bear is in place ... The doll is in place ... You know, probably, this is a ball? Yes? Show me..."

4. Intuitively, parents complicate this game by increasing the number of items in a row. This is correct, but it is not enough. Starting with four items in a row, you can add complexity in other ways.

First, after removing the toy, do not leave an "empty space" where it was: move adjacent objects so as to make the distance between all the remaining toys the same. This is a more difficult task, because the child cannot rely on visual memory to the same extent as before, but must already include semantic memory more, although he is still helped by the invariable order of toys.

5. Secondly, at a more difficult stage, the order of the toys in the row can be changed after one of them has been hidden. Now visual memory will not help the child, and he will have to use a more abstract mechanism: semantic, verbal.

6. Please note: every time you want to make the game more difficult, do it in only one of the ways. That is: either - increase the number of toys, or - complicate the task by changing the location of the toys. Don't be in a hurry.

7. And one more important condition. The next day, it is better to take a slightly different set of toys to participate in the game. For example, if you played with a doll, a house and a ball, tomorrow you can take a doll, a house and a car. The child must understand that the skills he has acquired do not depend on specific subjects.

Olga Kaigorodova

Methodical development (didactic games) educator 2 junior group of Kaigorodova Olga Vladimirovna

municipal budgetary preschool kindergarten educational institution general developing species No. 10 g. Slavyansk - on - Kuban municipal formation Slavyansky district

Didactic games aimed at sensory education and development of children.

My teaching activity is related to children younger preschool age. My students are 3 to 4 years old.. It is this age most favorable for improving the activity of the senses, the accumulation of ideas about the world. sensory development forms the basis of the general mental child development It is necessary for the successful education of the child. WITH perception objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, knowledge begins. All other forms of cognition are built on the basis of images. perception, are the result of their processing. Mastering knowledge and skills requires constant attention to the external properties of objects. (shape, color, size). I designed educational games taking into account the age and interests of children. Because when a child is interested, learning is more successful and effective. I have developed the following games: "Paired Pictures", "Guess by the Shadow", "Magic Train".

Limiting this enumeration didactic games, it is important to note that each game provides exercises that are useful for mental development of children and their upbringing. Role didactic games in sensory education is very large. Didactic The game helps the child to learn how the world around him works and expand his horizons. Didactic games perform a function - state control sensory development of children.

Thus, it can be confidently stated that the leading form sensory education are didactic games. Only with a certain system of conduct didactic games can achieve sensory development.

Didactic I selected the material taking into account the following principles: visibility, accessibility and strength, systematic and consistent. Suggested by me games are multifunctional, colorful, aesthetic and can be used not only by teachers of children's preschool institutions working with children younger preschool age but also parents and grandparents who love to play with their grandchildren.

"Paired Pictures"

Target games is to teach kids to compare the objects around them according to the totality of distinctive features, as well as according to their purpose. To do this, children are offered a special set of colorful paired pictures with attractive and varied content. The content of the pictures meets the natural need children to join the surrounding reality - objective, natural and social.

The game situation enables children to actively exchange impressions and, solving a learning problem, comprehend and realize their still small and unsystematized life experience. Execution of the rules games and adult questions guiding the viewing of pictures, comparing them, create favorable conditions for systematizing and enriching the child's ideas about the world around them. Comparing pictures, children learn to highlight the familiar qualities of objects (color, shape, size, purpose), and also get acquainted with the actions of living objects.

Thus, in solving the problem of choosing exactly the same picture for each picture, children learn to perform an elementary analysis and synthesis of the distinctive features of objects, to establish their identity or difference, and to determine what it consists of. At the same time, kids learn to convey in coherent speech the totality of features and the quality of the depicted objects, and thus take an important step towards their description. The game is played by a small group children, between which there is cognitive communication, which is important for their rapprochement and mutual understanding.

I was able to combine several in one game, that is, to make developed games multifunctional.

Didactic game №1

"Make pairs of subject pictures"

Target: to learn to distinguish and compare subject pictures with each other,

to name them correctly develop the ability to concentrate.

Game progress:

caregiver invites children to look at the pictures, name the objects that are depicted. Note that the pictures are repeated, i.e. they are paired. The teacher shows how to find a pair of identical pictures. Then he invites the children to complete this task.

Didactic game №2

"Pair by color"

Target: the ability to match pairs based on similar sensory attribute;

Game progress:

caregiver invites children to look at pictures with glued colored squares, asks them to name the color. Then he invites the children to pick up pairs of identical colored squares.

Didactic game №3

"Choose a picture by color"

Target: to consolidate knowledge of the basic 4 colors, develop visual perception.

Game progress:

The teacher shows the children, for example, a picture with yellow, asks what color it is and invites children to choose a subject picture of the same color.

Then he shows a picture with a green color, the children name the color and also select the picture.

Didactic game №4

"Guess the object that I will describe"

Target: enrich vocabulary children adjectives; develop thinking, attention.

Game progress:

The teacher takes the card so that the children do not see the picture on it, and begins to describe the object. Children guess what it is. If the answer is correct, the teacher shows the answer.

Didactic game number 5

"What's missing?"

Target: develop attention.

Game progress:

caregiver lays out 3-4 cards with pictures in front of the children, asks them to carefully consider them. Children name things. Then the children close their eyes and the teacher hides 1 card. Children guess what item is missing.

"Guess by the Shadow"

This game created by me expands our understanding of the world around us, reinforces our understanding of what some animals eat; develop logical thinking; attention; memory; spatial orientation (right, left, top, bottom, middle); visual perception(correlation of objects and their shadows); improves the grammatical structure of speech (working out and fixing the correct use of case endings of nouns in the genitive, dative, instrumental, accusative cases (in the process of answering to questions: By whom? What do they eat? What do they love? What do they not eat? What (whom) see? What do you like? who like it).

Target: development of figurative thinking, attention, visual memory, improve speech children; formation of knowledge about the surrounding world.

Game progress:

caregiver invites children to look at pictures (silhouettes of wild and domestic animals).

"Magic Train"

This didactic math game for children of primary preschool age contains great opportunities to expand and consolidate knowledge about quantity: "one" And "a lot of"; about the equality of objects, to understand expressions: so many - how many, equally, one by one - many, none. My game can be used in the classroom and in your free time, in order to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, in order to development attention and imagination children.

Didactic game number 1

Target: develop sensory skills in children analytical skills and abilities perception; consolidate knowledge of colors; ability to identify patterns children act, according to the proposed algorithm.

Game progress:

caregiver invites the child to arrange the train cars according to the given algorithm. Showing by example first.

Didactic game number 2

Target: learn children distinguish geometric shapes; consolidate knowledge of colors; strengthening the ability to distinguish contrasting figures in size, using words "big", "small".

Game progress:

caregiver gives the children the task to attach windows to the trailers (geometric shapes, name the color, size, figure.

The didactic manual "Magic Caps" is made from improvised material.

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about yellow, blue, red, green colors. Develop fine motor skills. Develop children's interest in board games.

Didactic game is one of the important methods of active learning for preschool children. During the game, the child develops physically, learns to overcome difficulties. He brings up intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative.

The game is the leading activity of preschool children. Didactic games are one of the means of educating and educating children.

For this purpose, the didactic manual "Colored Caps" was created, which is multifunctional.

to name them correctly
develop the ability to concentrate.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures, name the objects that are depicted. Note that the pictures are repeated, i.e. they are paired. The teacher shows how to find a pair of identical pictures. Then he invites the children to complete this task.

develop visual perception.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to look at the covers with pasted colored circles, asks to name the color. Then he invites the children to pick up pairs of identical colored circles.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the main 4 colors, to develop visual perception.

Game progress: The teacher shows the children, for example, a lid with a yellow circle, asks what color it is and invites the children to pick up a subject picture of the same color. Then he shows a cover with a green circle, the children name the color and also select a picture.

Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with adjectives; develop thinking, attention.

Game progress: The teacher takes the lid so that the children do not see the picture on it, and begins to describe the object. Children guess what it is. If the answer is correct, the teacher shows the answer.

Purpose: to develop attention.

Game progress: The teacher lays out 3-4 covers with pictures in front of the children, asks them to carefully consider. Children name things. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher hides 1 lid. Children guess what item is missing.

Development of games for older children:

the ability to change nouns by numbers.

Game progress:

The teacher asks the children to make up a story based on the pictures. Pictures can be swapped, then the sequence of the story will change. You can replace the pictures, then the meaning of the story will change. If a single picture is used, then a singular noun should be used in the story, if paired pictures, then a plural noun.

Purpose: to teach to navigate in space, to develop mindfulness.

Game progress: The teacher lays out 4-5 covers with pictures in front of the children and offers to determine which picture lies between the other two, left, right.

You can arrange the pictures in 2 rows and then form the concept of “above”, “under” in children, ask them to name the picture in the upper right corner or in the lower left corner.




The didactic manual "Magic Caps" is made from improvised material.

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to group objects by color. To consolidate knowledge about yellow, blue, red, green colors. Develop fine motor skills. Develop children's interest in board games.

Didactic game is one of the important methods of active learning for preschool children. During the game, the child develops physically, learns to overcome difficulties. He brings up intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative.

The game is the leading activity of preschool children. Didactic games are one of the means of educating and educating children.

What are didactic games for preschoolers? These are interesting games, during which the baby begins to be interested in such objects that practically do not interest him outside the game situation. In addition to the intellectual sphere, such didactic games are very closely intertwined with the emotional sphere of the baby, because the purpose of this game, in addition to gaining new knowledge, is also to give the child pleasure from the gaming process. The characteristic features of didactic games are that they are created by adults for the purpose of teaching and educating children. However, created for didactic purposes, they remain games. The child in these games is attracted, first of all, by the game situation, and while playing, he imperceptibly solves the didactic task. Each didactic game includes several elements, namely: a didactic task, content, rules and game actions. The main element of the didactic game is the didactic task. It is closely related to the program and educational areas. All other elements are subordinate to this task and ensure its implementation. Didactic tasks are varied. This can be knowledge (familiarization with the outside world: nature, flora and fauna, communication (speech development: fixing the correct pronunciation, enriching the dictionary, developing coherent speech). Didactic tasks can be associated with the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts, the development of creative abilities.
For this purpose, the didactic manual "Colored Caps" was created, which is multifunctional.

Didactic game "Make pairs of subject pictures"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish and compare subject pictures among themselves,
to name them correctly
develop the ability to concentrate.

Game progress:

The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures, name the objects that are depicted. Note that the pictures are repeated, i.e. they are paired. The teacher shows how to find a pair of identical pictures. Then he invites the children to complete this task.

Didactic game "Pair by color"

Purpose: the ability to select pairs based on a similar sensory attribute;
develop visual perception.

Game progress: The teacher invites the children to look at the covers with pasted colored circles, asks to name the color. Then he invites the children to pick up pairs of identical colored circles.

Didactic game "Pick a picture by color"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the main 4 colors, to develop visual perception.

Game progress: The teacher shows the children, for example, a lid with a yellow circle, asks what color it is and invites the children to pick up a subject picture of the same color. Then he shows a cover with a green circle, the children name the color and also select a picture.

Didactic game "Guess the object that I will describe"

Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with adjectives; develop thinking, attention.

Game progress: The teacher takes the lid so that the children do not see the picture on it, and begins to describe the object. Children guess what it is. If the answer is correct, the teacher shows the answer.

Didactic game "What's missing"

Purpose: to develop attention.

Game progress: The teacher lays out 3-4 covers with pictures in front of the children, asks them to carefully consider. Children name things. Then the children close their eyes, and the teacher hides 1 lid. Children guess what item is missing.

Development of games for older children:

Didactic game "Make up a story"

Purpose: development of coherent speech using reference subject pictures;
the ability to change nouns by numbers.

Game progress:

The teacher asks the children to make up a story based on the pictures. Pictures can be swapped, then the sequence of the story will change. You can replace the pictures, then the meaning of the story will change. If a single picture is used, then a singular noun should be used in the story, if paired pictures, then a plural noun.

Didactic game "Find the location of the object"

Purpose: to teach to navigate in space, to develop mindfulness.

Game progress: The teacher lays out 4-5 covers with pictures in front of the children and offers to determine which picture lies between the other two, left, right.

You can arrange the pictures in 2 rows and then form the concept of “above”, “under” in children, ask them to name the picture in the upper right corner or in the lower left corner.