Permeating all its institutions.

Entrepreneurship can be done in different fields. In addition to general entrepreneurship, there are social and technological entrepreneurship. Sources of start-up capital for starting a business can be: loans (debt financing - from a bank or from friends), gratuitous assistance (grants or subsidies), investments (venture funds or business angels - equity financing). In addition, to help budding entrepreneurs there are government and public organizations, technology parks and business incubators. However, entrepreneurship is not an easy endeavor and most new businesses fail.

Entrepreneurship Research

Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich August von Hayek and other representatives of the Austrian school of economists, as well as the American economist Joseph Schumpeter, did a lot to understand the nature of entrepreneurship. According to the latter's definition, an entrepreneur is a person who tries to turn a new idea or invention into a successful innovation. Specifically, entrepreneurship is a force of creative destruction, operating in markets and production while creating new products and business models. Creative destruction ensures dynamic and long-term economic growth.

Forms of entrepreneurship

  • Private
  • Collective
  • State
  • State-unitary

Types of business activities

  • Production
  • Financial
  • Insurance
  • Agrarian
  • Services sector
  • a commercial

Benefits of Entrepreneurship

  • Availability of profit.
  • Self-management, job satisfaction and greater freedom of action.
  • The ability to hire workers while offering better working conditions.
  • Economic development of your region.
  • Use of local resources for own needs and export.
  • Healthy competition, which leads to improved quality of goods and services.
  • Production of previously unavailable goods and services.
  • Market development.
  • Introduction of new technologies and increased labor productivity.
  • Support for new developments.
  • Development of entrepreneurial activity.
  • Providing a field of action for talented and enterprising people who would otherwise leave the region.
  • Respect in society.
  • Tax benefits.

see also

  • IT Business
  • Entrepreneurship Council under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Obstruction of legitimate business or other activities


  • WebInsight (a tool for identifying fraudulent companies and individuals) is a search service for the invisible part of the Internet, namely, according to documents of the Federal Tax Service, FSSP, Pension Fund, FAS, Labor Inspectorate, Federal Reserve Service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Arbitration Court, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, as well as documents of law enforcement, control and supervisory authorities of the CIS countries: Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus.
  • Oliver I. Williamson Economic institutions of capitalism. = The Economic Institutions of Capitalism // Lenizdat. - 1996.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Business” is in other dictionaries:

    Commerce, production; business, undertaking, business, trade, operation, undertaking, gesheft, entrepreneurship, company Dictionary of Russian synonyms. business see enterprise 1 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language... Synonym dictionary

    Commerce? It's very simple. It's other people's money. Alexandre Dumas son Business is a combination of war and sport. Andre Maurois Business is the art of extracting money from someone else's pocket without resorting to violence. Max Amsterdam Business is often something like... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    business- do action business develops change, subject of business engage in action, indirect object conduct business action, continuation do business action engage in business action, indirect object do business existence... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    business- Economic activity that produces profit; any type of activity that generates income and is a source of enrichment. [GOST R 53114 2008] business (ITIL Service Strategy) A corporate entity or organization consisting of some... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Business, occupation, entrepreneurship, economic activity aimed at achieving certain results (making a profit). transactions, trading operations. business life, business circles, economic activity in general, as opposed to... ... Financial Dictionary

    - [English] business] commercial activity that produces profit; entrepreneurship, business. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006. business (English business) economic activity that produces profit; trans. any type of activity that brings... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    business- BUSINESS, ah, m. A dubious matter, fraud. business in Russian (or business in ours) is obviously an unprofitable, unprofitable business. See also Sharashkin's office... English. business matter... Dictionary of Russian argot

    See Entrepreneurship Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

    - (from the English business, entrepreneurialism, entrepreneurship) initiative economic activity carried out at the expense of one’s own or borrowed funds at one’s own risk and under one’s own responsibility, with the main goals of making a profit and... ... Economic dictionary

    In Russian: they stole a box of vodka, sold it, and drank the money away. Jarg. they say Joking. iron. 1. About an unsuccessful, unprofitable business. 2. About absurdity. BSRG, 61. Lazy business. Jarg. they say Disapproved Bad purchase. Maksimov, 34 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

But sometimes they try to indicate the difference in meaning. In English the word business used for all shades of meaning of the concept case.

Business is one of the main activities in a market economy, a source of economic and social development of society. Covers manufacturing, commercial, consulting, banking and other areas of activity.

Based on the number of employees, volume of production, operating conditions, small, medium and large businesses are distinguished. The most widespread type of business is small business: as a rule, this is a small enterprise that produces homogeneous products and occupies a small share in the market. In some countries, there is a system of state support for such businesses, since they, by self-organizing, satisfy the daily minor needs of people, while simultaneously providing widespread employment.

A person who positions himself as a businessman focuses his actions on creating an asset for himself, which, over time, will not cease to generate income for him, regardless of further activity of personal participation in it. He can either be only the owner of the enterprise, or also work at his own enterprise, or develop a partnership with any convenient large enterprise in the field of management, marketing, finance, etc.

Business history

The English economist who won the Nobel Prize in Economics for 1974, F. A. Hayek (1899-1984), took a fresh look at this problem. In his opinion, the essence of entrepreneurship is the search and study of new economic opportunities, a characteristic of behavior, and not a type of activity. Later it continued in classical theories and new concepts, reflecting the specifics of the development and functioning of social and economic systems.

Classical school of political economy(A. Smith and D. Ricciardo). English economists A. Smith (1723-1790) and D. Ricardo (1772-1823) presented the economy as a self-regulating mechanism. An entrepreneur, in order to realize a certain commercial benefit and make a profit, takes risks, since investing capital in a particular business always contains an element of risk. Entrepreneurial profit is, according to Smith, the owner's compensation for risk. He characterized this with the concept of “economic man,” which corresponds to the characteristics of rational (reasonable) behavior. Another author, D. Riccardo, saw business as an absolute, eternal and natural mode of production, and considered entrepreneurial activity as an essential element of effective economic management.

Marxism. According to the research of the German scientist K. Marx in his work “Capital”, the basis of profit is surplus value, which the entrepreneur appropriates in the form of the result of the “work” of his capital, and does not buy from the worker. Therefore, business is a contradictory phenomenon that can and does generate various conflicts in society, and thus it acts as an undesirable component of people’s lives in general.

Advance Capital Theory. It is the opposite of the previous point of view. According to it, the entrepreneur takes risks by paying wages to workers and buying new raw materials, without yet selling his products.

Institutionalism. The institutional direction of economic thought emerged in the first decades of the 20th century. (T. Veblen, J. Commons, W. Mitchell). They represented three major areas: socio-psychological, socio-legal and institutional-statistical. According to this approach, industry and business represent a dichotomy (the former is the source of change and progress, and the latter is the factor that counteracts it).

Types of business

Manufacturing business

Manufacturing business is implemented within specific production structures (mainly within non-state enterprises) that perform a particularly important function in society. They produce material and spiritual goods that are used by both individuals (consumer goods) and legal entities (means of production).

Commercial business

Commercial business can be carried out through appropriate commercial organizations. These include trading establishments - shops, supermarkets, commodity exchanges, etc. The scope of their main commercial activity is the purchase and sale of various goods and services. Commercial business includes the purchasing and intermediary activities of numerous organizations that buy goods from commodity producers and sell them to trading institutions and thereby make their own profit. The more intermediaries there are between commodity producers and trading organizations, the more expensive the goods purchased by consumers.

Financial business

Financial business is a special, independent sphere of commercial business in which specific goods are sold and purchased - national and foreign currency, securities (stocks, bills, bonds, etc.). In this business, money in the form of a loan is “sold” for a certain time to the buyer, who subsequently returns in full the entire amount borrowed from the lender and pays a certain percentage for its use. The latter represents a kind of price for this product and provides the credit institution with a certain profit. The sale and resale of foreign currency, as well as securities, also belong to the area of ​​​​financial business, which has its own subject of labor and its own finished product, which brings profit to its owner if the business is successfully conducted. Financial business is carried out through various organizations and institutions, such as commercial banks, credit unions, investment and leasing companies, stock exchanges, insurance and trust companies.

Business by country

Business in Russia

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation) established the possibility of creating enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation reveals the essence and content of business:

  • The meaning of entrepreneurial activity is to satisfy the needs of the population for goods and services;
  • Satisfaction of needs is achieved through the use of property, sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services;
  • The driving motive of entrepreneurship, its goal is to make a profit;
  • Engaging in entrepreneurial activity is an inalienable right of a citizen (here, registration is not required, but rather a permit);
  • Entrepreneurial activity is of an initiative nature (an entrepreneur is not appointed, he becomes one);
  • Entrepreneurship is not a one-time act, but a constant activity, a systematic activity;
  • Entrepreneurship is risky by nature. The risk here is due to the possibility of incurring losses for reasons beyond the control of the entrepreneur.


see also


  • Vorobyov, E. B. History of business development in Russia and abroad: methodological instructions / E. B. Vorobyov; Yarosl. state University named after P. G. Demidova. - Yaroslavl: YarSU, 2012. - 52 p.
  • Chalavek and civility: Encyclopedia. davednik. - Mn: BelEn, 1998. ISBN 985-11-0108-7


Why I decided to write this article

Because many who ask me questions ask something that at first you shouldn’t even bother about. There are even questions that a person may never face at all. In general, “Woe from Wit” occurs in the minds of many novice entrepreneurs, and we will “eliminate” this grief in this article. At least I'll try my best. Now let’s talk about mistakes, and then I’ll give you a step-by-step plan as I see it.

Some errors and their solutions

1. Break-even point not calculated

Many people start a business without even calculating how much they need to sell in what period in order to break even. This is important because many business models are cut off at this stage.

Calculating the break-even point is simple. You calculate how many expenses you incur per month and then calculate how much you need to sell goods or provide services per month to recoup these expenses. If the figure is too large and seems unrealistic to you, then it is better not to take on such a business. If you think that you can sell the right amount of goods to cover expenses or start covering expenses in a few months, then you can think about this business further.

Conclusion 1: Until you have a complete financial picture of the business in your head, you cannot borrow money or even use your savings.

2. Everything must be perfect

When starting your business, you want everything to be correct and beautiful: the most modern equipment is purchased, the most functional website is created, the office is renovated, etc.

Striving for better is useful, but there is one “BUT” - before spending money, check the functionality of your business model. When planning to make an expensive website design, first make sure that your services or products are in demand at all.

Or, if you are opening a cafe, before making expensive renovations, try to start selling in the premises you have with minimal investment. If sales continue and the location in a given area of ​​the city generates at least some profit, then you can expand or do some major renovations.

Conclusion 2: Don't invest significant amounts of money until you are sure that people need the product itself. And there is no need to bring everything to perfection, thereby delaying the start. Start with what you have and gradually develop and improve.

3. Lack of understanding of your future business or simply no love

I personally think that a business should at least be liked. For example, I love every business project I have, and if I didn’t love them, they wouldn’t be profitable.

Some aspiring entrepreneurs write to me with questions like “What to sell”, “What services are profitable to provide”, “What business is profitable to start”, etc. I answer everyone: “Open your own bank.” And no one likes my answer, although it answers all these questions. Every entrepreneur has a different life situation, different interests and different knowledge. If one likes to sell toys, and the other likes to sell men's suits, then they will not be able to switch businesses and be as successful. This is because they don’t understand the model itself and simply don’t feel interested.

Conclusion 3: You can't build a business on an idea just because you just know it's profitable and have no interest in it. Business needs to be understood, loved and “in the know.” For example, I would not be able to open a massage parlor and lead the business to success. Not because I don’t have enough money, but because I don’t know anything about this business.

Where to start your business - 10 steps from scratch

To begin with, I want to say that below I will give 2 plans on how to start your business: complete and simplified. Let's start with the complete one.

Step 1. Business idea

Of course, to start a business, you need to know what exactly to start. I have always said, I say and will continue to say that an entrepreneur must have an idea. If you can’t even come up with an idea, then what kind of business are we talking about? You don't have to be an innovator and come up with something unimaginable. You can take an already working idea, look around, find shortcomings in it, or simply improve it the way YOU see it, and it will be a different business. It is easier to enter an established market than to form it yourself. And the idea doesn’t have to be global; you can start a micro-business or.

In order to come up with or find a business idea, read the following articles and after reading you will 100% decide on the idea:

After reading the articles and coming up with ideas, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2. Market analysis

After choosing a business idea, you need to analyze the market, find out whether people need your product at all. Assess the competition, identify the positive and negative sides of competitors, find in yourself what will distinguish you from your competitors. Compare prices, quality of service, assortment (if this is a commodity business) and look as much as possible for what you can be better at. It is necessary. Why? Read!

Once you have assessed supply and demand and realized that you can compete with existing companies, you can move on.

Step 3. Business planning

Step 5. Register your business

This step cannot be skipped because the business must be registered. You can use LLC or individual entrepreneur. It all depends on your activity. The following articles will help you with this:

Once your business is registered, you can move on to the next step.

Step 6. Taxes and reporting

I indicated this step right away, because you must initially decide which tax system you will work under. This must be done immediately, because the amount of taxes and methods of payment depend on this. To do this, read the following articles:

And also read other articles in the section, because there you will always find up-to-date and complete information about maintaining tax and accounting records. You can also ask your question and get an answer from a specialist.

Step 7: Quickly test your idea

Some will say that you can test without registering a business. And you're right! This is possible, but it was not for nothing that I wrote at the very beginning that there will be 2 options for the development of events and in the second I will talk about it. Now let's move on to the testing itself.

What you initially need is quick testing - “testing in combat”. Use your own money to test the idea, give minimal advertising, make the smallest possible product and try to sell it. Study the demand in practice, so to speak. You have to look at your plan, evaluate what you minimally need to get started, and start right away. Why is this being done? At the very beginning, I wrote about one of the mistakes of beginning entrepreneurs, which is delaying the start, constant improvements, etc. There is no need to bring it to perfection, you need to start as quickly as possible in order to test the idea in action, get the first sales and be inspired to continue development.

If the start does not give the first sales, then you need to reconsider the plan, idea and look for mistakes. A quick start is also done so that in case of failure you will spend less time, effort and money. Would you agree that it would be more annoying to prepare for a year and then fail? It’s less offensive to realize your mistakes right away, while you still have little time to do. This way you can make adjustments along the way and everything will start to work out!

To test your idea and your business, it can help you. It is more for testing an idea on the Internet, but it is also suitable for the real sector (offline).

Step 8. Business development

After the tests have been carried out, the plan has been adjusted and sales have slowly begun, you can develop your business and refine everything that you wrote in the plan to perfection. Now you can improve the site, increase warehouses or offices, expand staff, etc. When your idea and business model have shown their effectiveness, it is easier for you to set more global goals. Moreover, you have already received the first money from your first orders or sales and can reinvest it in development.

If there is not enough money, then you can already resort to loans and borrowings, because the business brings in money and you can borrow for its development with a clear conscience. If you don’t need a lot of money, then even a credit card may be suitable. In I told you how you can use credit card money for your business without interest.

Step 9. Active promotion

This step could be classified as development, but I took it separately. Once you have wider warehouses, more powerful equipment and website, more employees, etc., you need to provide all this with work. This requires aggressive advertising to the maximum. You should take advantage of many advertising opportunities. Look for clients on the Internet, do offline advertising, engage in direct sales, etc. The more advertising tools you use, the better the result. But be sure to record the results and weed out ineffective advertising tools so as not to waste your budgets.

Step 10. Scaling

Your business is working well, bringing in money, you are constantly developing, everything is great! But there are also related directions or neighboring cities. If your business model is successful in your city, then you can open representative offices in other cities. If there is no desire or opportunity to go to neighboring cities, then you can simply capture an adjacent direction, if there is one at all.

For example, if you sell household appliances, you can simultaneously open a repair service and provide paid repair services. If your client’s equipment cannot be repaired, you can always offer him to buy something from your store in exchange. In general, look at your business and I am sure that you will find something to latch on to.

What else can you pay attention to?

When starting a business, there are several parameters that allow you to evaluate how effective your business is at the start; take them seriously:

If your business's net income is above zero, excluding equipment costs and taxes, then your business will survive because it generates some money. If it is below zero, it means your business is burning money and will not have enough loans and investments;

If you have planned sales for 200,000, but sell for 50,000, then this is a reason to seriously adjust your work and, possibly, the plan itself;

You should be comfortable. Business is hard. If you are also constantly having a hard time, then coping with business tasks will be difficult. Give yourself enough comfort that you don't feel left out by running your own business.

How to start and open your own business using a simplified scheme

As promised, I’ll give you a simplified diagram of how to start your own business. Because I have already described all the points above, so I will refer to them here so as not to repeat myself.

I myself have used this scheme more than once, because before I launched very small projects in which a lot could be missed. So the diagram looks like this:

  1. Idea (it should always be there);
  2. Easy planning, you don’t have to write it down, but put the main points on a piece of notebook. This is done in order to draw a model;
  3. A quick test of an idea. Perhaps even without investing and finding money. Or you will need very little money and it will simply be in your savings;
  4. Development and active promotion. After the first orders are received, you can begin active promotion and bring everything to fruition;
  5. Business registration and scaling.

As you can see, I left out registration at the very end, because some business projects can be implemented without registration, because during the test you don’t get so much money that you have to immediately run to report to the tax office for it. But if the business model has shown its efficiency and after active promotion the profits are growing, then the registration should be instant.

But even in the first stages you cannot do without registration if you need retail space, an office or work with companies under contracts, because for this you need at least an individual entrepreneur.


In this article, I told you where to start your business, talked about the mistakes that beginners often make and that I made, and now you know what you need to do before starting your business. Read my website, subscribe to it, and try to start doing your own thing. We will not leave anyone on the site without help. Thank you for your attention!

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay

Friends, in this article let's talk about what business is and how to become a businessman.

I’ll say right away that no matter what business you are in, any business is trade, and as a result, you will have to work with people. Therefore, if you want to create a business but don’t like working with people, then you have two options: still learn to work with people and love them, or abandon your business plans and potential business in general.

In a business environment, people do things that they would never do in other conditions. A businessman is partly driven by money, and partly by the desire to be first, to be a winner.

No matter who you are, if you plan to go into business, then you will have to survive, and, accordingly, “show your teeth.” This applies to any business. And even if we are talking about online business. Beginning Internet entrepreneurs should be prepared for the fact that experienced ones can “swallow them without choking.”

Business is trade, but ideally it is trade in the labor and skills of others. The ideal business is when you are only a link - connecting the employer and the employee. You can also choose a product where you will also be a connecting link, but services do not have a fixed price, unlike goods, so the income can be many times greater.

If you decide to start a business, then no matter how you look at it, you will have to work with people. And what’s most important is that you will have to look for customers and buyers, and this is a completely different topic, and a very broad one.

So, I propose to thoroughly understand what business is!

Since childhood, each of us dreams of a beautiful and rich life. Many people believe that businessmen earn good money. Of course, somewhere this is true.

But the amount of money earned depends on luck and hard work.

What do you need to create and organize your own business?

Naturally, the main thing where movement in the direction of business begins is the realization that you really want to do this.

It takes a lot of desire to really succeed. But desire alone is not enough to organize your own business. Starting your own business requires good planning and proper organization.

A successful idea determines the success of a business.

Naturally, a lot of ideas can be found on the Internet and other sources, but you need to choose what exactly suits you and what you can do. After all, doing something you love always brings more pleasure and income.

Also, what is a business?

To effectively manage affairs, you need to have management skills or at least know the theory of management. It is unlikely that you will work alone, and to manage personnel, you need to know personnel management.

The organization of any business requires state registration and constant financial control. The accounting of funds is undertaken by the accountant, as well as the submission of the necessary reports to various government bodies.

Marketing will help you sell something or promote yourself.

This means that when organizing your own business, you need knowledge from certain areas.

There is no point in doing all these functions alone, since if you are distracted by secondary matters, you will not develop your own business due to lack of time.

Therefore, when choosing your field of activity, you must clearly understand that business is not a joke, and requires both a financial and labor process.

Any business will require some finances (to register a company, pay taxes, purchase a computer, etc.). If you have decided on your area of ​​activity, then you need to write a business plan , which will include calculations of all planned costs, planned income and the entire organization of the business.

In fact, a business plan is a very important action, since it is a plan, a cheat sheet that will help you:

  1. Don't forget anything
  2. Don't spend too much
  3. Compare planned and actual expenses and income
  4. And much more

A business plan will show the feasibility of investing in any type of activity.

In addition, your own business requires your personal intervention, that is, your labor.

Be prepared that you will miss holidays, weekends, and have no free time, since the development of any business requires time and labor, your own or hired, it all depends on the funds available and your business idea.

On the other hand, an established business can make you financially independent, well-versed in many issues, provide many new acquaintances and many opportunities for development, and can bring success and money.

Therefore, when dreaming about business, do not forget about work. And if you do decide to create your own business, be sure to draw up a business plan and consult with experienced people, because everyone starts somewhere. I think that at this stage you generally understand what business is. But let's continue.

What is business on the Internet

Tell me, would you always like to work for hire?

Or let me rephrase the question differently. Do you like the job you work at? Some will say yes, and some will say no. Many people will think about this question.

Think about working where you work, whether you can afford more of what you would like.

Go to good places (shops, restaurants, boutiques) more often, relax where you want and not spend your vacation for ten days once a year, but constantly travel and live in the countries where you want!

Spend more time with your family, friends and doing only what you love.

All this that I listed above allows you to carry out business on the Internet

  • You don't have to wake up early for work every day with an alarm clock.
  • Stuck in a traffic jam by car or on public transport.
  • It takes one to three hours to get to work.

This is especially true for Moscow and the northern capital of St. Petersburg. It’s not enough to waste time getting to work, but in the evening you have to get back home.

People spend a third of their time going to work, as well as half of their salary to get to work. Although people could also spend time and money on themselves and investing in themselves and their own education.

Advantages of doing business on the Internet

  1. No need to waste time commuting to the office. An office is your apartment, or rather a room. Where there is the most necessary computer and internet.
  2. This saves the family budget.
  3. A lot of free time for your own needs and affairs. You can do what you love.
  4. You are not dependent on your place of work. Not tied to a place. You can go to another country, to any continent or island. If only there was Internet and a computer (all in one office).
  5. Meet interesting people.
  6. You plan your day yourself, not your uncle for whom a large number of people work.
  7. Choosing those people with whom you would like to work and build a business (your environment).

Work for yourself, be your own boss!

These people do not want to work for someone else, they choose to work for themselves.

Why does the chart of such people start from the minus zone?

Because first you need to buy equipment, raw materials, pay rent, and salaries to employees (if any). Approval, licenses, certifications, etc.

The steeper the case, the steeper the minus point from which you begin to work for yourself.

Because every entrepreneur knows that it is not possible to plan for everything! And only then, step by step, you begin to recoup what you invested, (in other words, recapture) you approach zero from the minus part.

And only then, again if everything goes well, you gradually begin to earn something, if “they don’t put a spoke in your wheel,” you begin to allow yourself something. 9 out of 10 entrepreneurs do not fully feel financial wealth as such (statistics).

The word “work for yourself” means that everything depends on you; this is a plus, but there is also a minus.

Here, if something happens to you, then you and your family are left without a source of income! This is a catastrophe!

There are a lot of risk factors here! Can you work for yourself? Of course you can, but you need to imagine what the price of the issue is?!

Question: Can an entrepreneur hire someone and teach him what he can do? Why the hell does he need it?

If he can do the same as the entrepreneur himself, he will leave him and open a competing company! Here the entrepreneur has no right to trust anyone! The competition is fierce!

Where is there no competition? It's everywhere! For example, open the production of any product - furniture, doors, or for example open a cafe, restaurant, beauty salon, tire service, auto repair shop, whatever! The competition is fierce!

Here you also need to educate yourself, invest back into your business, and be better than others.

Health problems: cardiovascular, nervous diseases. Because everything is focused on him. Unlimited work schedule

How do entrepreneurs differ from businessmen, and what is business?

Businessmen are often confused with entrepreneurs.

Who are businessmen? They are also entrepreneurs, but they have a lot of free time.

Can entrepreneurs, leaving for a month or half a year, see their business prosper? This is, for example, how dentists treat teeth - there is money, if you don’t treat them, there is no money!

Is it possible to earn good money? Can!

What is a business? It’s a business, but not every business can be called a business! There are three words that characterize business: Network, System, Team! What does this mean? If an entrepreneur has one car wash. A businessman has a network of car washes!

If an entrepreneur has a pit dug up near his car wash and repairs are carried out, then the profit of this car wash may collapse!

You know, if a heating main is dug up in the spring, then it will be buried in the fall at best, so the matter can generally get done in half a year!

Business is a network of cafes, car washes, tire shops, auto repair shops, beauty salons and so on! It’s not enough to create a network! We still need to set up the system so that all this functions.

Those who are successful in this business know and know how to set up a system! They know how to set up a system in such a way that it works without their presence, thanks to a well-coordinated team!

  • Delivery system - there are people
  • Product control and accounting system - there are people

A businessman has one huge and important advantage. He has a lot of free time! He has time to live, communicate with children, he has time to live.

For an entrepreneur, income directly depends on the time, how much time you devote to work, working for someone else, or working for yourself.

In business, the better the system, the wider your network, the more time you have to enjoy life.

Business is freedom in the full understanding of this word. Business is for those who want to live freely. Who wants freedom in the full understanding of this word, for whom freedom is not an empty phrase? Who wants to be financially secure?

  1. Create your own business system (for example, the Magnit network is established, functioning, everything is fine, but many people cannot do it. In order to create your own business system, you need huge investments, measured in tens of millions of dollars)
  2. Find a mentor who has already walked this path!
  3. Network marketing! In network marketing, you don't need to strain your brain.

In network marketing, you can immediately ignore such points as:

  • Advertising and promotion system
  • New product development system
  • Goods control and accounting system
  • Obtaining permits, certificates, licenses, etc.

What's the most attractive thing about network marketing?

There is no financial risk here!

The word network marketing has been so turned upside down...

Marketing is the promotion of any goods or services. Network - via the network. Network marketing is the promotion of any goods or services through the network.

Someone is promoting food products through the network (Carousel, Magnit, Lenta, etc.)

Someone is promoting petroleum products through the network (Lukoil, Gazpromneft, Volgopetrolium).

Why don't all people take network marketing seriously?

Because at a certain point, network marketing began to be shown as a lottery, on the principle of not doing anything at all!

Achieve success in any direction as a result of hard work! And in network marketing there is only one way to achieve success - hard work!

You have to work here! We need to work here! You can just work smart, or you can work stupidly! When someone tells me that I need to sell it there, run around distributing it and something else.

This is whatever you just said, but not about network marketing. This is absolutely not the case! This is absolutely not the case! Network marketing works differently, successful people in network marketing work differently. This is very important to understand!

What does it take to be successful in business?

  • You need a desire, a desire to change your life!
  • There must be a desire to improve living conditions, increase income,
  • You need a desire, a goal in life, a dream!

Call it what you want! It is in business and in life that those who clearly know the goal and where they need to go succeed, and achieve it.

Maybe someone wants to buy an apartment or a house, maybe someone wants to buy a car, someone wants to give their children a decent education.

Write down for yourself on a piece of paper what you want and also write down what it costs. Everything will immediately fall into place for you. And then don’t say you didn’t know!

Fate is not chance - fate is choice!

  • Accept information or not!
  • To use it or not to use it!
  • To do or not to do!

Don't rely on fate! Now you will have the choice to accept this information or not, and life will go its own way. This is your choice!

I work with Oriflame! This is a very famous company! This is a very powerful company! This company has been on the world market since 1967! This is a company that has been in Russia since 1991! Survived the 1998 crisis. She has raised a lot of powerful, earning, strong and ambitious leaders in Russia.

Now everyone should understand what business is. The main thing is to start doing something of your own, and the rest will follow!

What is business. Business rules

I have prepared a list of small business rules for you. More precisely, these are not exactly rules, but rather recommendations. After studying them, you will be able to look at business with different eyes, and perhaps answer the question “What is business” differently.

  1. You need to remember once and for all - the point of strength is yourself, there is no other support!
  2. You decide for yourself what professionalism is.
  3. Focus on yourself and your feelings; someone else’s opinion cannot be objective in principle.
  4. It's normal to love money. Earn even better!
  5. It's never too late to improve your own skills. Can be expanded vertically and horizontally.
  6. To get a more complete picture of what is happening, you need to learn to look at everything from the outside - life is truly a performance. It’s better to be a director and screenwriter than an extra... play by your own rules - you can always change them for yourself and for yourself!
  7. Anyone who makes money will never tell you how and why he does it, so be able to observe and analyze.
  8. There are a lot of ideas, but only your own can bring profit and make others nervous.
  9. Don’t trust words, people’s actions and fulfillment of agreements - this is the key in business.
  10. Where money appears, friends disappear. There are partners and competitors - there are no variations. If they try to force their point of view or information on you under flattery or a friendly message, then this is your enemy.
  11. The presence of ill-wishers is a measure of your success.
  12. Working with a client is always difficult, you need to get used to it and not be afraid of them. More clients - more money!
  13. For successful sales, it is better to monitor sales markets among your “colleagues” more often.
  14. You speak other people's “language” - a good sign. Word of mouth is the best thing you can dream of!
  15. A sense of humor helps anyone, especially a beginner, stay afloat. The happier a person is, the better his creative work turns out!
  16. The closer you get to know people, the further you want to send them, so keep everyone at a certain distance from yourself and your income so as not to be disappointed in the end!
  17. Don’t make an idol out of your work - it’s just a way to earn money to achieve other goals.

Psychology in business is usually complex and specific. In order to run your business you need iron endurance and strong nerves, in addition to this you need to understand a number of other things and build a communication environment for your successful functioning. Relationships in a business environment, as in any other environment, are built on certain principles that allow them to be managed. Some of them will be discussed in the article:

1) Expanding the circle of partners; For a business it is simply necessary that people are interested in its continuation. To do this, it is necessary that, in addition to the direct founder, major players in the market niche need it. These are business partners. The psychology of relationships

is built on ensuring that all people close to the business become these partners. These can be friends, then it’s very good when groups of people become them:




That is, the meaning of relationships is that when you are surrounded by friends and comrades, it is easier to conduct business.

2) Expansion of the client base;

The next thing that the psychology of relationships in business is aimed at is finding markets and clientele. To do this, you can talk to the same partners, they can advise where you can find clients. It is important to be able to combine two indicators: supply and demand. Then find your niche in the market.

3) Selection of qualified people;

For a business, if it is medium or large, personnel or employees are important. Partner channels and business comrades can help here, who can recommend a certain specialist, a person who will solve a number of issues related to sales, supplies, automation, consulting, and accounting. These questions can be sorted out by contacting specialists at

4) Issues of business sustainability;

Every businessman is interested in keeping his favorite business afloat. To do this, you need to have a clear understanding of how the business works and how to make it strong. This requires analysts and experts who can make a conclusion: where are the bottlenecks, what is good, what is bad and how to do it better. The resolved issue of sustainability allows us to conclude whether it is worth continuing the business, whether to do something else or to eliminate missed points, or whether everything is satisfactory, we must continue in the same spirit.

5) The issue of safety of funds;

Another issue that worries the psyche of a businessman is the availability of funds. This is a financial issue and includes choosing a bank, controlling expenses and income, and financial discipline.