Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -

And radiant evenings ...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To the resting field...

Analysis of the poem by F. I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the original ..." (for students in grades 6-7)

The poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev depicts pictures of Russian nature. The poem "There is in the original autumn ..." was written in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. This work captures a wonderful autumn landscape.

The poem is an example of the artistic style of the poet. Here Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev shares the feelings that a beautiful autumn gives. Loneliness and a sense of loss, calmness and mute joy reign in the soul of the poet. Depicting what is revealed to the poet's gaze, and representing the past and the future, F.I. Tyutchev reveals his thoughts and feelings.

The work is rich in epithets: "in the initial autumn", "wonderful time", "crystal day", radiant evenings", "cheerful sickle", "cobwebs of thin hair", "idle furrow", "pure and warm azure", "resting field ".

Epithets allow you to reveal the landscape more deeply. The author puts deep meaning into short lines:

The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Epithets allow the reader to imagine these images on their own, to imagine an autumn landscape. This can happen when the sun shines brightly, but gently, calmly, and in the evening bright orange and yellow clouds appear in the sky.

At the same time, epithets serve to convey the author's attitude and feelings. The author is sad about the time when "a peppy sickle walked." Now he becomes sad because "cobwebs of thin hair glisten on an idle furrow."

This work is a vivid example of the work of a Russian poet. Love for the motherland, the image of the beauty of Russian nature are the main motives for the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

In Tyutchev's poem, autumn brilliance is subtly noticed at the initial stage. His special way of expressing feelings in lyrical lines, revealing the image of bright colors, unique autumn outfits. Together with the poet, we admire the primordial beauty of the animate and inanimate nature of our native expanses that surrounds us. And together with the beauty - in the fall we say goodbye to the last warm days that bring sad pain in the chest.

This period is very small, but all the more dear to us, we enjoy every minute, every moment given to us by nature. We enjoy calm silence, various colorful spots in the carpet, light "cloaks" of various shrubs and trees. Days are fragile and comparable to precious "crystal". It is followed by long, hard days of winter, hungry and harsh days. Filled with the last joyful moments in nature, unforgettable warm days pleasing to the eye.

The work in the fields is coming to an end. The environment is calm and uncommonly light. But, in our souls, a sad foreboding of the approaching long frosty days is already crushing. A reminder to get ready for winter.

After a hot, sultry summer, we especially notice a gentle warm breeze and a light touch of the last warmth. And at this moment we receive the last gift from the surrounding nature - subtle brilliance and amazing bright colors, as if mixed on a palette, of the decoration of trees, carpets of various colors and colors of leaves, a rich, juicy, healthy harvest.

At these moments, the human soul and the natural one merge in a single trembling of the being of the last "radiant" periods.

So, the beginning of autumn is September, the richest and most beautiful in all our land. Many poets, artists, writers enjoy and convey the whole beautiful composition of autumn decoration.

Analysis of the poem There is in the autumn of the original ... Tyutchev

The talented master of landscape lyrics F. I. Tyutchev masterfully described the Indian summer in his work “There is in the original autumn ...”. The poem was written on the way home from the family estate to Moscow on August 22, 1857. The poet did not like autumn, for him it was sometimes withering and the beginning of a close end. Nevertheless, the first, barely noticeable signs of the onset of cold weather caused him a slight light melancholy and suggested reflections.

In fact, the work consists of three long sentences and the repetition of dots evokes a gentle, sublime melancholy. The unusual musical rhythm of the poem is achieved through the use of cross and encircling rhymes. A two-syllable foot with an accent on the second syllable, alternate use of male and female rhymes, and different line lengths help to recreate an atmosphere of careless understatement. Describing the wonderful picture of Russian nature, Tyutchev uses many means and techniques to achieve greater expressiveness. The metaphors and comparisons used by the poet perfectly convey the harmony of the surrounding nature with human actions:

Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The Russian poet was able to convey to the reader the feeling of direct presence, filled with a sense of complete harmony and unity with nature. At the same time, the whole work is suggestive and makes you think about the short period of exuberant beauty before the onset of fading. Calling early autumn "wonderful", the poet hints at the unique mystery and magnetism of this time. The use of the epithet "crystal" to the first evening cooling creates a feeling of fragility and pristine purity. The “clean and warm azure” of the early autumn sky makes it possible for nature and man to take a break in order to take a break from righteous labors. The expression "... far before the first winter storms" only enhances the general emotional state of the read.

Each of Tyutchev's works, describing the beauty of the surrounding nature, immediately plunges the reader into an atmosphere of merging with the world. Gives rise to a deep sense of unity and inextricable connection with the place where he was born and raised. Creates a feeling of complete harmony and peace. When getting acquainted with the work, questions involuntarily arise that: How subtle and sensitive is the poet F.I. Tyutchev? What thoughts does the contemplation of his native land give rise to in him? What emotions help him so skillfully convey to the reader his perception of the world, understanding such elusive facets to a simple look?

5th, 6th, 9th grade

Analysis of the poem There is in the autumn of the original ... according to plan

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205 years since the birth of Fyodor Tyutchev

10th grade

Poem F.I. Tyutchev
"There is in the autumn of the original ..."

Integrated lesson of literature and Russian language


– development of skills in linguistic analysis of a poetic text;

- preparation and writing of an essay-miniature on one of the proposed topics;

- the formation of aesthetic taste and familiarizing students with the work of F.I. Tyutchev;

- education of attention to the poetic word and love for poetry.


1. A word about a poet(student says).

F.I. Tyutchev in the very heart of Russia - in the village of Ovstug, Bryansk district, Oryol province, in a noble family in 1803.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -

And the evenings are radiant...

Only cobwebs of thin hair

On the resting field…

August 1857

After many years of living abroad, the Tyutchev family settled in the capital, St. Petersburg. And in the summer, the family went to rest in the village.

Teacher additions.

The poem that we will read today was written on August 22, 1857 on the way from Ovstug to Moscow. The first autograph was written in pencil on the back of a sheet with a list of postage. For the first time the poem was published in 1858 in the journal "Russian conversation" and was included in the collection of poems in 1868.

Let's listen to the poem and try to imagine the picture drawn by the poet.

2. Expressive reading of a poem by a teacher or listening to it on an audio cassette.

3. Analysis of the poem.(Conversation, linguistic analysis of the poem.)

What picture did you see in your mind?

What do you think the poem is about?

In the poem, we saw a picture of early autumn. But I don't think it's just about that. Like any real work of art, it has several meanings. Let's try to find others, those that do not immediately open up to the reader, but require painstaking, hard work and the efforts of our mind, heart and imagination at the same time.

There is no title in the poem, which means that we will call it by the first line - “There is in the original autumn ...”.

What do you think, and how could Tyutchev call this poem ? ("Autumn", "Early Autumn", "Golden Autumn".)

But for some reason the poet refused these options. Why do you think?

(Because, probably, I wanted to tell not only about autumn, but also about something else.)

In the absence of a title, or, as it is called in science, with a zero title, we should pay special attention to the first line - "There is in the original autumn ...". For us, it will be the title of the poem. In the first place, in a strong position, the line contains the word There is.

What does it mean?

(Eat- means "exists, happens, exists".)

What part of speech is the word There is?

(This is a verb. It is in the 3rd person singular, and its initial form is be.)

Does it name the action as temporary or permanent? What is, exists, is constantly, always, regardless of any reasons. And this short capacious word immediately gives us the opportunity to think, to reflect on something eternal, independent of man.

Second in line - in autumn.

How do you understand the meaning of the word autumn?

(This is the time of year that comes after summer.)

Linguistic scientists drew attention to the fact that there are words in the language that, in addition to their meaning, can evoke many associations and comparisons in our minds, they are able, as it were, to “wake up” our imagination. These words include the word autumn. In addition to the season, it also denotes the time when people harvest, when the heat is replaced by the first cold. And therefore the word autumn is a designation, a symbol of life falling asleep in nature. Indeed, at this time, everything in nature is preparing for a long winter sleep, peace.

But in autumn there are several stages. Tyutchev in the very first line in a strong position (end of line) puts the word that names this stage, - initial.

How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(“First”, “initial, new”, “early” - about autumn.)

Of course, we are aware of the meaning "first", "initial", "new", "early", since the words are synonymous.

Why did Tyutchev choose the word for the poem initial? How is it different from other words? (All further work requires constant reference to explanatory dictionaries).

(The word initial has two roots: first- And -began-.)

This word has two synonymous roots that define early autumn twice. So, it was important for the author to draw our attention to this particular characteristic of autumn.

Such a long, or polysyllabic, unlike monosyllabic ones, is more solemn.

“In Tyutchev’s poems, such “long” and solemn words help from the very beginning switch the reader’s perception “to a high wave”, transfer it to an unusual, non-prosaic dimension.” ( Maymin E.A. Russian Philosophical Poetry: Wise Poets, A.S. Pushkin, F.I. Tyutchev. M., 1976)

Why did the poet need to "translate" our reader's perception into such an unusual dimension?

(Tyutchev wanted us to think, and this long word initial enhances thinking. It creates a mood of reflection in readers.)

An interesting fact, which the researchers of Tyutchev's work drew attention to: it turns out that the poet very often used long words in his poems. Almost everyone has one or two polysyllabic, i.e. long, words, and often with a word the poet seemed to be trying to decorate the poem.

(Very slowly, leisurely, thinking.)

This line sets the slow, solemn rhythm for the entire poem.

Is in the autumn of the original
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Second line - Short but wonderful time. Please note: two definitions of autumn, and between them a short word But.

What part of speech is it?

(But is a union. In a simple sentence, the union can connect homogeneous members of the sentence and shows the difference, the difference in what they stand for.)

But contrasts the meanings of two words with each other.

Short but wonderful time- what is it? How do you understand the meaning of the line?

(This time in autumn is special, because it is both amazing in beauty and very short. And therefore, very dear to each of us.)

In nature, there are only a few such days. She gives them to us before a long cold winter so that we remember this wondrous a long, long time. Each person understands this, because he wants to remember, capture these days in memory. He strives to absorb as fully as possible the last, quickly leaving warmth and the last beauty of autumn nature.

The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Pay attention to the nouns in the third and fourth lines: day And evenings.

In what form are they used?

(Noun day stands in the singular form, and the noun evenings- in plural.)

Perhaps the poet was mistaken: after all, there are not only many evenings, but also days, so it would be necessary to say days?

(Word day in the singular, so we seem to see the separateness, the peculiarity of each day.

The singular form, as it were, enlarges the object, makes it special, distinguishes it from the rest.)

Listen to the line: ... the day stands as if crystal. What literary device is the author using here? (Comparison.)

Why as if, but not How?

(Using as if the comparison is mild. It seems that the poet does not impose it on anyone, it just seems to him so.)

And we, the readers, as if as if allowing you to choose your comparisons. And this series can be continued. Day ... as if crystal- an amazing author's comparison. Crystal- this is a "genus, grade of glass."

What do they have in common?

(The day is as clear, transparent as crystal, because the autumn air is gradually getting colder.)

(An autumn day is as sonorous as crystal, because the sound carries far and is clearly audible.)

(The day is fragile, like crystal. We understand that autumn weather is fickle, the wind can blow at any time and silence, peace, serenity will end.)

Great you explained the meaning of the comparison day ... as if crystal.

Why evenings radiant?

(This word is long and consists of two roots - -Ray- And -zar-.)

From the point of view of the formation of words, this is correct. Once upon a time these two roots were really realized. But from the point of view of the current state of the Russian language, this is one root -radiant-. What does the word mean radiant?

(Light, clear, warm.)

Yes. And the plural form makes us feel that there are many such evenings, they follow one after another, so that each of us finally enjoys them.

The first stanza ends with an ellipsis. What does the ellipsis convey?

(An ellipsis is an important sign for a poet, because it has a lot of meaning. Firstly, this picture - day ... as if crystal And radiant evenings– is indescribably beautiful, and we ourselves can imagine it in even more detail. Secondly, the ellipsis means a long pause between stanzas, since the second stanza tells about something else. This sign prepares us for the next thought.)

Read the first stanza out loud.

Now listen to the second stanza.

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

What do you imagine when you listen to this stanza?

(A field where work is in full swing. It boils because the sickle is named by the word cheerful, those. lively, active, playful.)

(And also because the action of the sickle - did not sting, did not work, but - walked. In this word - the way he worked - “easy, fun, playful.”)

Right. This line repeats the use of nouns sickle, spike in the singular. Explain it.

(Here the poet specifically uses the singular form, although we understand that many objects are at work. We also feel the “weightiness, singularity” of each object important to the poet.)

In the second line, words that denote space are deliberately “collected” side by side.

Name and comment on them.

(Empty and space.)

These words draw a boundless space not covered by the eye. And the following words reinforce the impression of immensity - All And everywhere.

The third line begins with the word only. Explain its meaning.

(Only means "only". This is a particle that highlights in the text the description of an idle furrow against the backdrop of boundless expanse. This is "cobwebs of thin hair Shines ...".)

What do you "see" with your inner vision?

(Very long threads of the web. They stretch from object to object very far.)

Tyutchev in this line is a very subtle observer. Let's think about how you could write about this phenomenon in a different way.

(Spider web, web thread.)

But the poet chose cobwebs fine hair. Why? After all, in words web And thread cobwebs there is already an indication of the "subtlety" of the web. So it's all about the word hair.

(A person has hair. And if the poet adds this word to the line, then the thin hair of the cobweb turns out like a person. Meanings of words fine cobweb hair leads us to the idea that the poet wrote not only about early autumn, but also about a person. It uses an artistic device - personification.)

This phrase is really very important for understanding all the meanings of the poem. Why?

(We begin to understand that the poem is not only about nature, but also about people, about man.)

Look carefully at the first stanza and find in it a word that seems to “echo” with thin cobweb hair.

(This word autumn, for it signifies also the late period of human life.)

Think about what time in a person's life can be said like this: spring of life, summer of life, autumn of life?

(About childhood, youth, maturity, old age.)

Each of us understands this perfectly, and the poet only helps to feel in a new way the seemingly understandable and familiar words from childhood.

Pay attention in the fourth line to the words on the empty furrow. How do you understand them?

(Idle means "empty". No one works on it.)

In modern Russian, this word means "free from work, occupation, spending time in idleness, idleness." The meaning "occupied by no one and nothing, not filled, empty, empty" is recognized as obsolete. And in the XIX century it was almost the main meaning of the word. In the definition idle There were also such shades of meaning as "alien from worries and anxieties, immersed in peace."

L.N. Tolstoy, admiring the poem by F.I. Tyutchev, emphasized this particular phrase. And about the epithet idle the writer remarked: “Here this word idle as if it is senseless and it is impossible to say so not in poetry, but meanwhile this word immediately says that the work is finished, everything has been removed, and a complete impression is obtained.

(The first line at a fast pace, energetically, and the second, third and fourth - slowly, thoughtfully.)

And from these words we ourselves experience a feeling of peace, serenity, warmth. This poem gives us the opportunity to reflect on the eternal.

In the last line of the poem, words that are in a strong position, and therefore very important for the poet, - rest field.

What field can you say that about?

(On which no work is being carried out anymore. And before it was touched by human hands, therefore the field here is a humanized earth (sickle, ear, furrow), spiritualized. In addition, the field is a part of the earth that is covered by the gaze of an observer, a thinker.)

We carefully read the whole poem.

How do you now answer the question, what is it about?

(In the poem, the poet spoke not only about the beautiful time of early autumn, but also about the "autumn" time in the life of any person.)

(Tyutchev wrote that in our life there is always a time of rest, although then the time of “storms” may come. This is inevitable. But a person must accept this humbly, wisely, calmly.)

Get ready to expressively read the poem.

4. There are two topics for miniature essays to choose from:

1) How do I imagine the “wonderful time” of autumn according to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev.

2) "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house.

Samples of written work of 10th grade students

1. How do I imagine the “wonderful time” of autumn according to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the autumn of the original ...".

Tyutchev is a master of poetic landscapes. But in his poems, glorifying the phenomena of nature, there is no thoughtless admiration. Nature causes the poet to reflect on the mysteries of the universe, on the eternal questions of human existence. In the works of Tyutchev, nature is not presented as a background, it is animated, feels.

The poem has no title, which gives it a deeper meaning. The poem tells about the autumn season, which comes not only in nature, but also in the human soul.

The author uses such artistic means as comparison (the whole day stands as if crystal ...), personification (where a peppy sickle walked). This gives expressiveness of speech, contributes to a more complete disclosure of the artistic image. Sentences with dots indicate the incompleteness of the poet's thought. The author makes the reader think and reflect.

When reading the poem, an autumn sunny day of early autumn is imagined. Middle of Indian summer.

Autumn is known to be harvest time. In the poem, Tyutchev shows the fields where work was in full swing until recently:

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space everywhere ...
Only cobwebs of thin hair
Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms -
And pure and warm azure pours
To a resting field.

(Alexandra Chepel)

2. "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house. (According to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn ...”)

Autumn. What a wonderful time of year this is! Nature begins to prepare for sleep, but this does not prevent her from being beautiful. The sky is turning blue. Even in summer it is not always possible to see such a clear and beautiful sky. And the sun ... It shines so brightly and cheerfully, as if it wants to give us all the best before hiding behind the gray clouds of the coming cold, rainy and cloudy days. Despite the fact that the trees shed their clothes, and the leaves are already on the ground, forming a colorful carpet, nature becomes even more beautiful.

How nice it is to watch this picture from the window of your home or walking through the autumn forest. It is easy and pleasant to feel at heart from this picture. But at the same time, it is sad because the last warm days are coming, and then the cold gray days of autumn will come and the harsh (judging by the signs) winter will come.

"Indian summer" (as people call this period of autumn) is one bright moment among the dull autumn days. And it is sad that in the midst of human bustle, many sometimes do not notice this beauty. After all, every moment, every moment that nature gives a person leaves an indelible impression in the soul, some trace, some associations. This is what the remarkable Russian poet F.I. Tyutchev.

(Anastasia Zaplatkina)

3. "Wonderful time" of early autumn from the window of my house. (According to the poem by F.I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn ...”).

“There is a short but marvelous time in the original autumn,” wrote F.I. Tyutchev. "But what's so wonderful about this time of year?" - you ask. Indeed, what can be beautiful in the fact that birds fly south, that birdsong is not heard, as it happens in spring, that there is slush and mud on the street, that it constantly rains and cold winds blow. But there is such a period in autumn, which is called "Indian summer". It's only ten days or a little more. It is about this autumn gap that F.I. Tyutchev.

Try to wake up early in the autumn morning and look out the window! You will see how the rays of the recently awakened sun mysteriously and slowly glide over the tops of the trees. A round dance of leaves is spinning in the air. The leaves, like colorful confetti, slowly fall to the ground, forming a soft carpet. And looking at the light blue sky, you will truly feel peace and tranquility. But, unfortunately, such beautiful days do not last long in autumn. Most often the weather is cloudy. But that's not a problem either! Light the stove and listen to the merrily crackling of burning logs, how raindrops knock on the window.

For me, autumn is a time when you can at least forget about life's difficulties and dream about the future.

And yet, you shouldn’t stay at home in the fall: it’s better to dress warmly and go to the forest, pick mushrooms, and watch how animals prepare for the onset of a harsh winter. Autumn is an amazing time of the year.

(Luiza Kabirova)

Ulyanovsk region

The poem "There is in the original autumn ..." was created by F. I. Tyutchev on August 22, 1857. Returning with his daughter from the Ovstug estate to Moscow, inspired by the surrounding picture, the poet quickly sketched the lines of the poem in a notebook. Relating to mature lyrics (at the time of writing the poet was 54 years old), the poem first saw the light in 1858 - it was published in the journal Russian Conversation.

Imbued with subtle lyricism landscape sketch captured a picture of the very beginning of autumn, the time that is traditionally called "Indian summer". The period of the beginning of autumn is indicated by the mood-creating epithet "original" in the zero title of the poem. A recognized master, Tyutchev managed to describe in a poem the transitional period, the unsteady line between the summer heyday and the birth of a new season.

Leading role in disclosure images of early autumn playing in a poem epithets. Calling this time "wonderful" , Tyutchev points not only to her beauty, but also draws attention to the unusualness of these days, which have a special attraction. Nature presents its amazing gift, conveying a farewell warm greetings from the outgoing summer.

Epithet"crystal" in relation to the day, it contains both the play of light and the transparency of the autumn sky, losing the brightness of summer colors. Word "crystal" conveys the sonority of an autumn day, creating a feeling of the fragility of this beauty.

Epithet "radiant evenings" conveys the appearance of new colors created by the setting sun. The luminary spreads warm light all over the earth. Transparent blue sky "clear and warm azure") celebrates the coming of autumn together with the earth.

The close relationship between nature and man, characteristic of Tyutchev's work, is clearly manifested in the poem by an introduction to the landscape field image And metonymy "falling ear" And "the sickle walked".

In the third stanza, the breath of autumn is more and more clearly felt and a reminder of the coming winter sounds ( "but far from the first winter storms"). With the poet's exclamation of emptiness ( "Now everything is empty") the motive of ringing silence appears ( "no more birds heard"), bringing peace and tranquility. Both nature and man need this pause, the opportunity to enjoy the silence and harmony spilled in space. The poet compares autumn with the sunset of life, but not with the approaching old age, but with the maturity and wisdom that the past age gives. Tyutchev covers with a poetic gaze the whole vast space - from the seemingly vast deserted fields to the smallest detail - the thin hair of the cobweb. Looking back at the past years, a person especially acutely feels at such moments his belonging to this world, his unity with nature. That is why the poem, as if woven from a light transparent autumn air, evokes light sadness and tender sadness.

The three-line poem is written diversified iambic; the two-syllable foot has the stress on the second syllable. The poet uses cross rhyming in the first two stanzas and enveloping (encircling) rhyme in the last stanza. The rhythm of the poem is very musical. The alternation of masculine and feminine rhymes, long and short lines create a feeling of inconstancy and fragility of the beauty of nature.

The entire poem is three long sentences. The repetition of dots creates an atmosphere of reflection, a feeling of understatement, giving rise to various associations.

The poem abounds not only with epithets, but also with other means of expression: metaphors (pure and warm azure pours), comparisons (the whole day stands as if crystal), personifications (cobwebs fine hair), antithesis (the sickle walked - everything is empty). Tyutchev uses such a kind of metonymy as synecdoche: the sickle walked, the ear fell, cobwebs of thin hair. The singular number enlarges objects, giving them weight and distinguishing them from the rest.

A sensitive singer of nature, Tyutchev, with the colors peculiar only to him, created in a poem a picture of early autumn that captivates with its beauty - an embodiment of the harmony of the world filled with spiritualized images.

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Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is a recognized master of lyrics about nature. His works are reminiscent of colorful sketches of changes in the world around him: winter patterns, a warm summer breeze, a marvelous autumn time when nature is just beginning to fade. The poet speaks of the latter with particular trepidation and appeasement. Having become acquainted with a brief analysis of “There is in the original autumn” according to the plan, students of the 6th grade will be able to appreciate the masterful transmission of feelings and sensations through the Russian poetic language. A brief analysis of the work will help them easily cope with tasks on Tyutchev's lyrics in literature lessons.

The full text of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn"

Is in the autumn of the original

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms -

And pure and warm azure pours

On the resting field…

August 1857

A brief analysis of the verse "There is in the original autumn" F.I. Tyutchev

Option 1

Poetry depicts pictures of Russian nature. The poem "There is in the original autumn ..." was written in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. This work captures a wonderful autumn landscape.

The poem is an example of the artistic style of the poet. Here Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev shares the feelings that a beautiful autumn gives. Loneliness and a sense of loss, calmness and mute joy reign in the soul of the poet. Depicting what is revealed to the poet's gaze, and representing the past and the future, F.I. Tyutchev reveals his thoughts and feelings.

The work is rich in epithets: “in the initial autumn”, “wonderful time”, “crystal day”, radiant evenings”, “peppy sickle”, “cobwebs of thin hair”, “idle furrow”, “pure and warm azure”, “resting field ".

Epithets allow you to reveal the landscape more deeply. The author puts deep meaning into short lines:

And the evenings are radiant...

Epithets allow the reader to imagine these images on their own, to imagine an autumn landscape. This can happen when the sun shines brightly, but gently, calmly, and in the evening bright orange and yellow clouds appear in the sky.

At the same time, epithets serve to convey the author's attitude and feelings. The author is sad about the time when "a vigorous sickle walked." Now he becomes sad because "cobwebs of thin hair glisten on an idle furrow."

This work is a vivid example of the work of a Russian poet. Love for the motherland, the image of the beauty of Russian nature are the main motives for the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

Option 2

The landscape lyrics of Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich should be given great attention. This is not an easy description of nature, it is a whole moment of life experienced, described and filled with meaning. It is impossible to read the author's poem and not imagine the beauty in question. The poem “There is in the original autumn ...” requires great attention, because the author did not like autumn and considered it to symbolize the death of wildlife.

But he also could not help but admire her beauty. Therefore, on August 22, 1857, returning with his daughter to Moscow, he was struck by the beauty of the surrounding nature and made a draft of this poem. It is already attributed to the more mature lyrics of the poet.

The period described in the poem is not quite autumn yet, but the last warm days, popularly called "Indian summer". The author uses many beautiful epithets, thus making the poem fabulous and memorable. The day in it acquires a crystal color, and the evenings become radiant. The relationship between man and nature is also visible. An image of a field appears, where a sickle walked and an ear fell.

The poem consists of three stanzas written in multi-foot iambic. The rhyme in the first two stanzas is cross-rhymed, and in the last it is encircling. Male and female rhymes alternate, creating a musical sound, and the use of long and short lines shows the fragility and fickleness of nature.

Fyodor Tyutchev always showed that autumn brings oppression and melancholy to him. It reminds us that everything in life has its end and human life is no exception. And at a more mature age, such things are felt more strongly, so the author tried to spend the dull autumn period abroad, so he escaped from the fading Russian landscape. But I loved the preceding autumn and the warm last days very much.

Option 3

"There is in the autumn of the original ..." was written by Tyutchev in 1957 in the middle of the author's creative path. The author was inspired by the surrounding nature, one day he was returning home with his daughter and was amazed by the picture around.

The poem is permeated with lyricism and a subtle description of the landscape of early autumn. After all, this time is especially magical, the author showed a certain line between the departure of summer and the advent of a new season.

Epithets take the main role in the description, the author calls this time “wonderful”, showing by this not only the beauty of autumn, but also the unusualness of the days. One of the characteristic features of Tyutchev's work was the unification of man and nature, this is especially evident in the poem due to the image of the field and metomimy.

The third stanza tells that all living things feel the approach of winter. For the poet, autumn was like the maturity of a person, wisdom. This poem carries a light autumn air, a certain seal and tender sadness.

The work consists of three stanzas, Tyutchev used cross-rhyming and musical rhythm. Among artistic means, not only epithets play a major role, there are also comparisons, metaphors, personifications and antitheses.

The poem "There is in the original autumn" - analysis according to the plan

Option 1

History of creation

Speaking about the history of the creation of Tyutchev's works, one must remember that the poet spends a lot of time on the road, which gave him the opportunity to constantly admire the beauty and variability of Russian nature. The poem was written in 1857 in August, when all living things are preparing for the onset of autumn.

Tyutchev and his daughter were heading from Ovstug to Moscow when inspiration overtook him. He began to scribble verses on a piece of paper with a list of travel expenses. The daughter, noticing that her father's hands were trembling with impatience, and the potholes on the road did not allow her to concentrate, completed the second part of the newly born poem under his dictation.


After reading the poem “There is in the original autumn”, it is hard to believe that its author did not like this time of year. evoked melancholy from the realization that life is a fleeting phenomenon. But in this poem, the poet depicts a wonderful moment when nature is just getting ready to fall under the power of a cold winter and seems to freeze in all its splendor.

The theme of the work is autumn nature. But a parallel reflection of reflections on life and a person's place in it is characteristic. Therefore, in this work there is a second theme - reflections on life.

The poem raises a number of issues:

The relationship between man and nature. The beginning of autumn is beautiful, but a frosty winter is ahead. The period of maturity in people's lives is also beautiful, but the young years are left behind, and old age is inexorably approaching.

Labor and man. The work of a peasant is not easy, but it fills life with meaning.

Meaning of life. The onset of autumn favors summing up the outgoing year, evaluating it from the outside.


The poem consists of 3 quatrains, each of them acts as an independent landscape sketch. However, the completeness and true meaning of the quatrain are acquired only when read as a whole.


The poem "There is in the original autumn" belongs to the genre of landscape and philosophical lyrics. Tyutchev is a poet of "pure art" who does not understand the predominance of social issues in poetry. In this work, as in many of his other works, two artistic directions are combined: realism and. Therefore, his lines are painted with accurate pictures of the surrounding nature, combined with the emotional state of the author.

The poem is written in multi-foot iambic. In the first two quatrains, the rhyme is cross, and in the third - encircling. Male and female rhymes alternate. This creates the impression of a musical sound. Long lines replace short ones, characterizing the inconstancy and transience of the natural state.

means of expression

Tyutchev is known for the use of exquisite means of expression of the literary Russian language rich in poetics. To create in the poem a genuine sense of the constant connection between man and nature, the poet uses the following artistic techniques:

Graceful epithets: "... radiant evenings", "... peppy sickle ...", "... on an idle furrow", which accurately convey the highest degree of admiration for the surrounding nature.

Metaphors: "And pure and warm azure pours", "... cobwebs of thin hair."

Personifications: "... the day is worth ...", "... the sickle walked ...".

Comparisons: "... the day is as if crystal", that is, transparent, fragile, intangible for both the poet and his reader.

Metonymy, or rather its kind of synecdoche: "... an ear fell"

There are dots twice in the work, which create a feeling of understatement and the opportunity to “think it out”, to present any of the readers with their own picture of the “original” autumn season.

Option 2

The poem “There is in the original autumn ...” by F. I. Tyutchev is one of the most beautiful, poetic, melodic and perfect elegies in terms of artistic talent.

A genre in which a certain philosophical orientation dominates, the motive of farewell, leaving, preserving the purity of the soul. F. I. Tyutchev uses images of nature to express the complex world of the human soul. At the same time, in his artistic world, an addiction is manifested precisely to the borderline states of the soul and nature.

Tyutchev's elegies, melodic landscape sketches are one of the ways to overcome life's loneliness. The poet repeatedly complained about some "fits of longing", which, most likely, gave rise to a sense of the finiteness of being.

It is known that Fedor Ivanovich did not consider himself a professional poet. His lyrical revelations are most often improvisations, sketches based on live impressions. The poet sometimes himself felt their incompleteness, shortcomings and flaws. However, it is thanks to these qualities that they become so memorable and realistic. A raw gold bar is sometimes more valuable and more important than a finely crafted fake.

The poem reveals a favorite feature of F. I. Tyutchev's poetics - emphasizing the vertical coordinates of the artistic space. In the poet's worldview, this technique is associated with the idea of ​​transition from earthly life to immortality, from earth to heaven.

The first stanza in this connection is a small exposition. The motif of the completion of a certain life cycle of nature is always associated with autumn in poetry: in spring everything blooms, in summer it is fragrant, and in autumn nature prepares for winter sleep. F. I. Tyutchev subtly distinguishes a special period in autumn - the initial one.

It was at this time that nature stands, as it were, on the verge of the flowering of its beauty in its entirety and the inevitability of imminent fading. The epithet "crystal" fully characterizes the fragility and short duration of this period. In the last stanza "And radiant evenings" F.I. Tyutchev emphasizes the motive of light.

In the second stanza, the poet emphasizes that by autumn the harvest is over: “Where the vigorous sickle walked and the ear fell, Now everything is empty.” An interesting move in the construction of the second stanza: from a generalized picture of the harvest to the finest artistic detail: “Only cobwebs thin hair Shines on an idle furrow.”

It is symbolic that there is a sense of completion of agricultural work, awareness of the importance of their results, but at the same time there is no feeling of carefree idleness. Space and emptiness cause only bright sadness in the lyrical hero. However, the fragile beauty of the natural world makes him, forgetting everything, stand and admire: "And pure and warm azure pours On the resting field."

Thus, the nature of F. I. Tyutchev performs the function of a harmonizing principle. Only in communion with nature is a person able to know the feeling of eternity.

Option 3

History of creation. The work “There is in the autumn of the original ...” (1857) F. I. Tyutchev wrote during his return from the estate to Moscow. Shaken by the magnificent landscape, the poet felt a surge of inspiration and, right on the road, transferred the lines that came to mind to paper. The work was first published in 1858.

Genre of the poem- landscape lyrics.

Main theme works- a special period at the beginning of autumn, the so-called. "Indian summer". Tyutchev drew attention to the special state of nature during this short period: "the day ... as if crystal." The fleeting return of summer warmth seems like an inexplicable phenomenon. There is a feeling that this charm can be easily destroyed. Agricultural work has already been completed. The fields are empty. Nothing disturbs the tranquility and tranquility poured in nature.

The author notices an insignificant but characteristic detail: “cobwebs of thin hair ... on an idle furrow”. Not only the land was empty, but also the air spaces. The birds have flown south; you can no longer hear them singing. Man is given the last opportunity to enjoy the warmth. The “winter storms” are still far away, but the beautiful time of the “Indian summer” will be replaced by autumn bad weather and slush. This period is transitional. Nature seems to freeze in a fragile state.

Composition of the poem consistent. It consists of three stanzas, which are three large sentences.

Artwork Size- diversified iambic. The rhyming is cross (first and second stanza) and encircling (last stanza).

expressive means. The beauty of the autumn landscape is emphasized by epithets (“wonderful”, “radiant”, “pure and warm”), comparison (“as if crystal”). The epithets “idle” and “resting” allude to peasants who have finished their work. The feeling of the invisible presence of a person is achieved with the help of personifications: “the sickle walked”, “the ear fell”.

the main idea works lies in the fact that man is a single whole with nature. Urban residents have long lost the feeling of this unity. The life of ordinary peasants is completely subordinated to the change of seasons. Spring is the awakening of nature and the beginning of agricultural work. Summer is the heyday of the animal and plant world, the hottest time for the farmer.

The beginning of autumn is a “crystal” state of nature, a well-deserved opportunity for a person to relax. This “pause” is necessary to prepare for the harsh Russian winter. Few Russian poets (with the exception of Pushkin) treated autumn with such warmth and love. Traditionally, this time of the year is associated with a decline in vitality, death, longing and sadness. Tyutchev's work, on the contrary, is very optimistic. The poet is glad that winter is still far away. In the onset of autumn, he sees the achievement of special harmony and beauty by nature.

Analysis of the poem by F.I. Tyutchev "There is in the original autumn"

Option 1

The poem "There is in the original autumn ..." was created by F. I. Tyutchev on August 22, 1857. Returning with his daughter from the Ovstug estate to Moscow, inspired by the surrounding picture, the poet quickly sketched the lines of the poem in a notebook. Relating to mature lyrics (at the time of writing the poet was 54 years old), the poem first saw the light in 1858 - it was published in the journal Russian Conversation.

The landscape sketch, imbued with the finest lyricism, captured a picture of the very beginning of autumn, that time, which is traditionally called "Indian summer". The period of the beginning of autumn is indicated by the epithet “original” in the zero title of the poem, which creates a mood of reflection. A recognized master, Tyutchev managed to describe in a poem the transitional period, the unsteady line between the summer heyday and the birth of a new season.

Epithets play a leading role in revealing the image of early autumn in the poem. Calling this time "wonderful", Tyutchev points not only to its beauty, but also draws attention to the unusual nature of these days, which have a special attraction. Nature presents its amazing gift, conveying a farewell warm greetings from the outgoing summer.

The epithet "crystal" in relation to the day contains both the play of light and the transparency of the autumn sky, losing the brightness of summer colors. The word "crystal" conveys the sonority of an autumn day, creating a feeling of the fragility of this beauty.

The epithet "radiant evenings" conveys the appearance of new flowers created by the setting sun. The luminary spreads warm light all over the earth. The transparent blue sky (“clear and warm azure”) celebrates the onset of autumn together with the earth.

The close relationship between nature and man, characteristic of Tyutchev's work, is clearly manifested in the poem by the introduction of the image of the field into the landscape and the metonyms "the ear fell" and "the sickle walked."

In the third stanza, the breath of autumn is more and more clearly felt and a reminder of the coming winter sounds ("but far from the first winter storms"). With the exclamation of the poet about emptiness (“Now everything is empty”), a motive of ringing silence appears (“no more birds can be heard”), bringing peace and tranquility. Both nature and man need this pause, the opportunity to enjoy the silence and harmony spilled in space.

The poet compares autumn with the sunset of life, but not with the approaching old age, but with the maturity and wisdom that the past age gives. Tyutchev covers with a poetic gaze the whole vast space - from the seemingly vast deserted fields to the smallest detail - the thin hair of the cobweb. Looking back at the past years, a person especially acutely feels at such moments his belonging to this world, his unity with nature. That is why the poem, as if woven from a light transparent autumn air, evokes light sadness and tender sadness.

The poem, consisting of three stanzas, is written in multi-foot iambic; the two-syllable foot has the stress on the second syllable. The poet uses cross rhyming in the first two stanzas and enveloping (girdle) rhyming in the last stanza. The rhythm of the poem is very musical. The alternation of masculine and feminine rhymes, long and short lines create a feeling of inconstancy and fragility of the beauty of nature.

The entire poem is three long sentences. The repetition of dots creates an atmosphere of reflection, a feeling of understatement, giving rise to various associations.

The poem is replete not only with epithets, but also with other means of expression: metaphors (pure and warm azure pours), comparisons (the whole day stands as if crystal), personifications (cobwebs of thin hair), antithesis (the sickle walked - everything is empty). Tyutchev uses such a kind of metonymy as a synecdoche: a sickle walked, an ear fell, cobwebs of thin hair. The singular number enlarges objects, giving them weight and distinguishing them from the rest.

A sensitive singer of nature, Tyutchev, with the colors peculiar only to him, created in a poem a picture of early autumn that captivates with its beauty - an embodiment of the harmony of the world filled with spiritualized images.

Option 2

F. I. Tyutchev in his work very skillfully describes nature, inspiring it and filling it with images. In his works, the author very brightly and colorfully conveys the landscape he has seen. He loves nature and understands it, gives it the image of a living being and fills it with life.

In his works, he shows the inextricable link between nature and human life, unity and interdependence - the main idea that runs through all of Tyutchev's work. In the poem “There is in the original autumn ...”, the poet describes the period of early autumn, when nature is unusually beautiful and gives its bright colors at parting.

The poet claims that "there is a short but marvelous time in the original autumn." With these words, he points to the peculiarity of this pore, he calls it marvelous, sees in it mystery and unusualness. The author gently and reverently describes the period of the beginning of autumn, this is the very moment when you should admire its wondrous beauty, because this time is very short.

Describing the days of this time, the author uses the comparison "crystal day", this gives a feeling of trepidation, expensive pleasure and shows the extraordinary purity and freshness of these days. And the author endows the evenings with warmth, describing them as “radiant”. “The whole day stands as if crystal, and the evenings are radiant.” - the extraordinary beauty that the poet was able to convey in words.

In continuation of the description of this wonderful picture of early autumn, the poet draws attention to the autumn field. Once upon a time, a sickle walked very cheerfully there and a lot of work was redone, but now everything has been removed. And everything is empty, "only cobwebs of thin hair glisten on an idle furrow."

In this part of the poem, a certain dual image appears, and descriptions of nature itself and its connection with human life. Here, autumn is compared to the sunset of life, when everything is already done and “idly”, days pass. This poem calls to reflect on the eternal.

Further, the poet says that the birds have already flown away and the air has become empty, but there is still time, because "it is far from the first winter storms." And on the deserted, resting field pours pure and warm azure. People call this time of autumn Indian summer, this is a very bright and short moment, and it is very important in the bustle of people not to miss the chance to admire this beauty. There is an Indian summer of a wonderful golden autumn in the life of every person.

The remarkable Russian poet F. I. Tyutchev conveys to the reader the amazing impressions that nature gives to man in simple things. Every moment of unity with nature leaves an indelible impression on the soul.

The theme of the poem is the state of nature in the first days of autumn. The author incredibly beautifully and believably describes how nature looks and how it “feels” in the “original autumn”.

The mood of the poem is completely peaceful, calm, full of quiet thoughts about the future and, at the same time, not forgetting about the present, about the value of this autumn moment.

The work consists of three quatrains, each of which is a separate landscape sketch, but they acquire their true meaning, meaning only when they are united into one.

To convey all feelings and thoughts, the author uses various artistic techniques. There are epithets here: a marvelous time, radiant evenings, a peppy sickle, an idle furrow, etc. There are also personifications: the day is standing, the sickle was walking, azure is pouring. And there are also metaphors: cobwebs of thin hair, a resting field, etc. These techniques are the best way to help the poet achieve those vivid impressions that he wanted to convey with his work.

The main idea of ​​the poem is that every moment, every season should be precious to us, we need to be able to see the beauty in every day, while leaving the past and the future in memory.

This poem really left an indelible impression on me, the poet masterfully conveyed all the feelings, colors, emotions that are very close to me.

Option 3

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev is an unsurpassed Russian poet, a contemporary of Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Nekrasov, Tolstoy, who left a rich creative heritage. The meaning of life for Tyutchev is love. Not only to a woman, but also to nature, the Motherland, all living things. its multifaceted.

It can be distinguished: philosophical, civil, landscape and love motifs. The poet admired the nature of his native land, yearned for it when he worked and lived in Europe. It is deeply reflected in his work. This poetic world, recreated on the basis of personal impressions, is so vivid and accurate that it seems as if you were next to the poet when he admired the views described in the text.

The poem "There is in the original autumn ..." appeared on August 22, 1857. On that day, the poet was returning with his daughter from the Ovstug estate to the capital. And was amazed by the landscape around them. Moscow could not boast of untouched, pure, natural beauty. In a big city, changes in weather are not so noticeable. Longing for picturesque expanses, the admiring Fyodor Ivanovich immediately makes a poetic sketch in his notebook, which invariably accompanied him. The lyrical landscape sketch gives us a picture of the very beginning of autumn.

It was the end of August, but changes were already being felt in the air, the weather, the trees were beginning to dress in gold and copper. Summer has receded, but just a few steps. This fine line of transition from one season to another was captured by the poet. The poem is permeated with lyricism, a keen sense of anticipation of something new. Fedor Ivanovich, with attentiveness characteristic only of creative people, notes that the described period is very short, not everyone can catch it. The process of withering, preparation for winter has not yet started, and the world around us gives the brightest colors goodbye.

The nature of Tyutchev is spiritualized, filled with images. The endowment of weather phenomena with life, conscious activity is characteristic of many writers. One of the first to use the principle of artistic parallelism. The author introduces us to the mysteries of early autumn. Even the poet himself does not have enough words to reflect the features of the time he saw and his delight. He uses the comparison of an August day with crystal. It is just as beautiful, it reflects the whole world, but at the same time fragile, fleeting, it is impossible to hold it, fix it.

And the evenings are even more magnificent, they are "radiant". The calendar autumn has not yet arrived, but nature has its own laws. The singing of birds is no longer heard, the harvest is harvested, the fields are resting, a little longing that they are no longer in demand. The reservoirs are silvered, over which the fog rises in the evenings, it gives them "radiance". The summer heat is gone, the nights are cool now. And the cranes, having gathered in a wedge, with drawn-out cries moved towards the southern edges. The approaching autumn is also spoken of by “cobwebs of thin hair”.

The air is filled with silence, peace, harmony reigns all around. Nature froze in solemn expectation, golden September is about to come. Everyone understands that it is still far from the onset of snow storms, this makes it even more pleasant, more fun in the soul of people, forest animals and other living beings. In this poem there is no dull landscape that we can find at Fet. The poet saves us from describing a dying nature and a dull time. This is still a long way off.

Bare trees, cold rains, the wind tearing off the last leaves - there is still time for all this. Time to enjoy beauty, happiness. The description is facilitated by the means of artistic expression, selected by the poet. Tyutchev himself rarely saw Russian autumn. He met this period more often in Europe. Therefore, what he saw was especially valuable for him. The read poem leaves joy, peace - emotions similar to the feelings experienced by the author himself.

Option 4

A poetic work, as you know, is much more complicated than a prose work in its content: here is a huge thematic material “squeezed” into a very limited form, and an increment of meanings that elude an inattentive look, and a mass of unsaid, arising in the imagination of a penetrating reader. Each word in a lyrical work, even the smallest one, can tell a lot.

In the poems of Tyutchev, the unsurpassed master of landscape lyrics, the word takes on a new meaning: it begins to sound differently. Almost all of his poems are original sketches of various seasons: reading the poems of F. I. Tyutchev, the reader can immediately reproduce in his imagination the features of winter or summer, spring or autumn.

There are, Karamzin, Lermontov, Balmont, Pleshcheev, but Tyutchev's image of nature deserves the closest attention. It is impossible to imagine a person's life in which there is no place for admiration for the beauty of the surrounding world. Admiration for the beauty of nature is one of the distinguishing features of Tyutchev's poetry. That is why every poem praising native nature deserves the closest attention.

Tyutchev depicts nature as a living being that lives and changes. The poet shows how closely nature is connected with human life. Indeed, the world around us has a huge impact on a person. In this poem, the poet speaks of the beginning of autumn. This is an amazingly beautiful time.

Nature seems to give goodbye to all its bright colors. Nature is getting ready for bed, finally pleasing the human eye with magical beauty. Days become inexpressibly beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. The weather brings special joy - soft, striking with its magical calmness:

Is in the autumn of the original

Short but wonderful time -

The whole day stands as if crystal,

And the evenings are radiant...

But at the same time, the human soul is disturbed by painful thoughts. Autumn always reminds of the imminent onset of cold weather. Therefore, certain changes appear in the world around us, forcing us to experience the last days of warmth especially acutely.

Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell,

Now everything is empty - space is everywhere, -

Only cobwebs of thin hair

Shines on an idle furrow.

People finish their usual work associated with the onset of the new season. Preparations for winter are in full swing. Now the fields are no longer pleasing with the violent growth of wheat, the cold is gradually creeping up.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,

But far from the first winter storms -

And pure and warm azure pours

On the resting field…

Nature gives a person a wonderful opportunity to relax before the onset of winter blizzards, to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding world. Moreover, the usual work is completed and you can immerse yourself in the contemplation of the beauties of nature.

The poem creates a vivid and distinct feeling of the inseparable connection of a person with the outside world. The beauty of nature does not exist by itself. It makes a person especially keenly feel his belonging to this world. It is impossible to indulge in gloomy thoughts and reflections, watching the leisurely change of seasons that affects the mood so unobtrusively and easily.

The poet uses the most exquisite epithets that convey his attitude to the world around him: “wonderful time”, “crystal day”, “radiant evening”. What is behind these words? First of all, the poet wants to show his admiration for everything that surrounds him. All nature enjoys the change of seasons, the onset of the most beautiful season - autumn.

“Crystal Day” is an amazing intangible jewel. It cannot be touched, it can only be felt. And how happy a person must be who knows how to admire what surrounds him! “Crystal Day” in the understanding of the reader seems surprisingly beautiful and transparent. The familiar outlines of objects and phenomena in the transparent air begin to seem even more pure and gentle.

This amazingly beautiful “wonderful” time is very short. Before you know it, the cold will take its toll. And the surrounding world will lose such an exciting brightness of colors. The first cold rains and winds will wash away the transparency and radiance of the “crystal day”. And a person will only have to remember this amazing time. It is no coincidence that “cobwebs of thin hair” are mentioned. The hair can always break easily. And this will certainly happen as soon as the period allotted by nature for admiring the initial autumn passes.

The surrounding nature right now evokes thoughts of freedom, because a person is surrounded by an undisguised space. The field is empty. But this emptiness is not sad, but, on the contrary, joyful. The field is resting, the land has worked hard, gave people a great harvest. The soft rays of the sun illuminate everything around, emphasizing and revealing all the expressiveness of individual details.

In summer, the sun dries up, it is too cruel, so you want to hide from it. The autumn sun, on the contrary, is soft, gentle. I want to fully enjoy its radiance and warmth. The evening gives a special joy: neither the breeze nor the rain overshadow the magnificence of the surrounding nature.

“Radiant Evening” seems to shine with different colors. The palette of nature is surprisingly rich. It has many colors, shades and halftones. Even the best artist cannot compare with the picture that autumn itself paints. "Clean and warm azure is pouring." Azure is reminiscent of a pure, soft blue color.

This is how the world around us appears with the onset of early autumn. This poem celebrates the autumn calmness, which is also the hallmark of this season. Silence excites, makes you think about human life. Contemplating the beauties of the surrounding world is one of the ways to make a person at least a little happier.

Early autumn is a very special time, it is not like all other seasons. Tyutchev recalls summer at the moment when he speaks of a "cheerful sickle." “Where a peppy sickle walked and an ear fell” ... Indeed, work is in full swing in the summer, there is no time to be distracted and carefully look around. And autumn allows a person to escape from the constant cycle of their own affairs and indulge in the contemplation of the beauties of nature. Right now the cobweb glistens in the sun. And this detail looks completely detached, but at the same time it makes you think about the inconspicuous, almost imperceptible details that usually slip out of sight.

Now not only man is resting, but also nature itself. But this rest has nothing to do with laziness and idleness, it is primarily a reward for long and hard work. The poet emphasizes the beauty, lightness of the surrounding nature. And he uses bright figurative means for this.

There are often dots in the poem. They create a feeling of slowness and some understatement. This is exactly how it should be in reality, because reflections on the autumn landscape can never be associated with violent emotions. The poem evokes many different associations. Each reader imagines his own picture of the beauty of the surrounding nature, which is possible in early autumn.