Communicate, interact; keep in good order; deep structure; source of water necessary for life.

figurative row
They change cities, but they don't change the well.
You won't lose anything, but you won't gain anything either.
You will leave and you will come, but the well will remain a well.
If you almost get water, but there is still not enough rope, or if you break the tub - misfortune.

A well is at the same time a meeting place where people communicate and help each other, as well as a source of water necessary for life. You can do as you please, you can change the face of the city in which you live, but the needs expressed in the form of a well will remain the same.

Whether you come or go, the well and the water will remain the same. But if you allow the water to become carelessly turned into mud or go underground, then you will lose the source of life. The symbol of the well indicates the end of exhaustion and limitation.

It testifies to free communication and interaction between people. Stay where you are now and clarify your notions of right and wrong. Work for the common good. The well feeds all those who are thirsty and does not run dry.


  1. The deity in golden armor holds a secret Taoist inscription - a talisman. It means "to send blessings from heaven."
  2. Two women are hugging. The streak won't last forever.
  3. Heaps of coins and gems - wealth.
  4. The man fell into the well. It means "accusing the innocent".
  5. An official saves a fallen person with a rope, which means "avoid danger."

Image: a pearl hidden in the abyss.
Symbol: be content, be yourself.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wang.

Well. The city may change, but the well does not change. It doesn't increase or decrease. People come and draw from it. If the rope is not enough to reach the water, or your pitcher is broken, it is bad luck.

Guidelines for interpretation

  1. This is the March hexagram. It is good in autumn, bad in spring, full in summer, and has qi or air in winter.
  2. Jing symbolizes the well.
  3. You are happy just to live, just to wake up in the morning, and you understand that this is the main motivation that never changes and is the same for all people. When something oppresses you and you cannot experience this joy of being, or when it manifests itself weakly, you understand that this is true unhappiness.

Explanation of individual yaos according to Zhou Gong

First Yao.
Initial six. You don't drink mud from a well, and no animals come to drink from a running well.
  1. You live aimlessly and run your life and see that people leave you in boredom, and in the end no one even knows if you are still alive or not.
  2. The situation is very dangerous.
  3. Your feet get stuck in the mud. Difficult to move; you are in a real trap.
Second Yao.
Nine second. At the well people beat the fish. The jug is cracked and leaking.
  1. You had talents, but you didn't develop them. Now you are so degraded that nothing is left of them.
  2. You work hard but achieve nothing.
  3. It's better to forget about it.
Third Yao.
Nine third. The well is clean, but no one drinks from it. There is sadness in my heart, because people could draw from the well. If the king had a clear mind, everyone could rejoice at this good fortune.
  1. You have a friend with great talents, but he has no connections and cannot find a use for them. You regret it and pray that someday some influential person will see what he is worth and help him find a use for his powers.
  2. With two hands, miracles can be performed.
  3. You will be doing work facilitated by outside help.
Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. The well is lined. There is no guilt.
  1. You feel like your abilities are starting to dwindle and you take a month off to rest and renew your vision. Then you return to work refreshed.
  2. It is difficult to serve two masters.
  3. You will achieve two goals with one action.
Fifth Yao.
Nine fifth. There is a clean, cold spring in the well. You can drink from it.
  1. You realize that most of the places you visit to unwind turn out to be empty from time to time, but there is one place you know that is always invigorating and always full of people.
  2. Most of your friends are sometimes very attractive and sometimes not interesting. But you know one person, meeting with whom always leaves an unforgettable impression.
Sixth Yao.
Top six. You draw freely from the well. He is always good. This is the highest luck.
  1. Among your friends there is one person who is always noble and full of vitality, pouring out to all who are around him. When you think about it, you realize that this person has a huge impact in maintaining a healthy state in your society.
  2. You will have great virtues and impressive achievements.
  3. Having reached the highest point of the flight, every object begins to fall.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky.

In the previous situation, all the exhausted forces had to be found again. But it was impossible to find them surrounded, because the environment itself, the situation itself, was characterized by exhaustion of forces. Therefore, a way out of the previous situation (that is, what happens in this situation) can only be found if the search for forces is directed inward to get out of the previous situation.

He should not go anywhere for them, but should look for them in himself. In other words, this position must be clothed in an image that, on the one hand, has only internal mobility. And the authors of the "Book of Changes" found this image when they talked about the well.

Indeed, the well does not move from place to place, but the water that gives life can stay and decrease in it. That is why here we see a situation called the Well. However, the image of the well is such that one can never be sure of the possibility of acquiring those forces that were lost in the past.

There are many different circumstances due to which the water in the well may or may not be, and if it is, then it is undrinkable. In a word, it may not always have the necessary water in it.

Even if a well is a field of water, in other words, if a person finds these forces in himself, then he still has the question of how to bring out these forces outside, figuratively speaking, how to get water from a well. The very manifestation of forces, in turn, requires forces, in other words, a rope and a tub are needed in order to scoop up water from a well.

In this image, there can also be difficulties for a person. Therefore, the didactic text here says the following: Well. They change cities, but they don't change the well. You won't lose anything, but you won't gain anything either. You will leave and you will come, but the well will remain a well. If you almost get water, but there is still not enough rope, or if you break the tub - misfortune.

One of the meanings of this hexagram is interpreted as an inexhaustible and constant source of inspiration and spiritual teaching. The name itself ("Jing" - Well) refers to the source of eternal wisdom.

In ancient times, tribal communities built their structures around wells or springs. People were born and died, generation after generation, but the spring has always remained the same, disinterestedly supplying people with clean water to quench their thirst. Thus, a spring or fountain in many cultures has become a symbol of vital energy or wisdom that everyone can use.

At a deep level, the Well symbolizes the Teacher, instructing on the spiritual path, or the Truth, the deepest essence of our being.

In everyday life, a person can “run away” to various philosophical disciplines and teachings, get carried away with various activities, but from time to time he must return to the source of all things, the source of his true essence.

The well must be regarded as sacred; water must remain clean after we have used it, because others also need to quench their thirst. In the same way, a follower of the Spiritual Path, correctly addressing the I-Ching, allows himself to develop spiritually and be open to the people who follow him. The one who carelessly treats the Spring, or the Teacher, pollutes him and himself, as well as his environment.

In a psychological sense, when we receive the Well hexagram, it means that we are seized with inner fears and doubts. Unbelief in our Way grows in us. It is necessary to dispel these fears and doubts and continue the True Path, not paying attention to secondary, low things.


Difficult to implement; if you can't wait to get it, then it won't happen at all. Only long hard work will bring success.


Haste and perseverance in a relationship will only lead to failure. Let them flow naturally, be sincere, respect your partner.


A good marriage is possible, but haste will only destroy everything. Sincerity and devotion will lead to marriage.

Pregnancy, childbirth

A boy will be born. There will be difficulties during pregnancy and childbirth.

Health status

Colds, as well as diseases of the lower body. The recovery process will be slow. You need to take care of yourself.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

Unfavorable. It's best to seek a compromise. At first, everything looks great, but be careful, things can turn out for the worse in the end.



Exam, test

Average score.

Work, business, specialization

It is best to maintain the status quo.


Cloudy and rainy.

lucky color

Dark green, black, dark blue.

lucky numbers

4, 8, 3

Changing Traits


The pure water in the well is constantly renewed and quenches the thirst of many beings. You can see things and circumstances clearly, be lenient on the mistakes of others, give them worthwhile advice, and help them achieve their goals. Success; extremely favorable situation.

Fifth (dominant)

This feature indicates a source of clean water at the bottom of the well, quenching the thirst of the majority. Delve into yourself, the source of true inspiration, deep insight and wisdom. This period allows you to take a leading position that will benefit others. Your insight and energy should not languish, because people need "water to drink." You need to focus on daily life in order to continue to grow and be useful to others.


Wrong time to achieve external goals, pay attention to your own development. Reconsider both your goals and your lifestyle. Refuse to participate in anyone else's plans. Once you get your life in order, it will be easy for you to take steps in the outside world.


Now the water in the well is clean, but no one drinks it. Although you understand the situation, you still do not do what needs to be done, but act on the basis of your past behavior, dictated, among other things, by your ego. You must believe in your Path, trust the unknown future, accept calmly and with an open mind everything that you meet on the Path.


Your energy and abilities are wasted, like water that has leaked out of a leaky bucket. At the most important moment, you lack the strength to complete the task and make a positive impact on your environment. The holes in the bucket can symbolize doubts about the correctness of the Path, or your inability to build a fruitful relationship with the Teacher, because you are not able to use the knowledge that he gave. Understand that the "leaky bucket" is you.


The first line, the lowest in this hexagram, symbolizes the bottom of the well. The water there is polluted. This image denotes a person whose mind is not purified - one who does not understand the situation. You are discouraged and confused. You mistakenly or distortedly perceive the situation, you are influenced by external factors, and you are not able to discern the essence. At the same time, many desires and secondary things envelop you.

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Change the city, but don't change the well. There will be no loss or gain. You will leave and you will come, but the well will remain a well. If you almost reach the water, but there is still not enough rope, and if you break the tub, - misfortune!


1. Initial six.

There is silt in the well, you can’t feed on it. There are not even birds on the neglected well.

2. Nine second.

He launched a crucian into the well, and the earthen jug broke and leaked.

3. Nine third.

Well water cannot be drunk - it causes sadness in the heart. In order to get water, you can use the wisdom of Bath. You will also gain your wealth.

4. Six fourth.

Line the walls of the well and you will not make mistakes.

5. Nine fifth.

Clean well - good to drink from a cold source!

6. Top six.

A well without a lid. Return. Primal happiness.


1. Initial six.

Now you have nowhere to take strength, hope, inspiration for life. Difficult and lonely. Reconsider your whole life, you are forced to deal with the causes of the current situation, and they are inside you.

2. Nine second.

You are taking the first steps towards restoration, harmony and order. Take your time. Symbolically, this is depicted as slowly rising water in a well.

3. Nine third.

Whatever you do, there is no real success. You can despair, give up. But you won't help this. Call an influential person for help, look for a wise adviser. Your entire environment is waiting for change.

4. Six fourth.

Work hard, success is near.

5. Nine fifth.

You have succeeded, overcome obstacles, external and internal, and received a reward.

6. Top six.

The ideal situation is when not only you are satisfied with life, but also your surroundings.


During the tests of the previous hexagram, when those whom he counted on turned away from a person, when he saw the inequality, imperfection of the human community, was limited in means (or completely lost everything), suffered from the destruction of his beloved business, he had only one thing left - to survive. He needed a source of strength and hope - a well, which is discussed in this hexagram.

Now it becomes clear why only a "great" person manages to preserve himself in such conditions, he himself is a source - a well from which he will at any moment take what he needs to fight and win. But what if all my life I was guided only by the opinions of others, if I was only hoarding, thinking only about material goods: how to eat hearty, sleep well, marry the most beautiful woman in my environment, buy the most expensive car, etc.? This person has no inner strength, no well from which to draw strength and self-confidence. Nobody needs him, he remained abandoned, and now he must understand that there is wealth more valuable than ostentatious luxury - this is an inner, spiritual potential, an inner core, without which there is no real happiness and joy. The time has come to cleanse your soul, thoughts, lifestyle, your well.

You can change your place of residence, you can work hard and struggle with difficulties, not admitting your mistakes, not paying attention to the fact that the obstacles are not accidental, to create the appearance that you are stronger than fate. But Changes argue that such stubborn activity is the same as pounding water in a mortar, a stupid, meaningless and futile exercise. A person should not become like a robot, he should comprehend what happens to him, gain wisdom and spirituality, become mature in order to become a source of life, a well of clean water for others.

The hexagram says that there is such a possibility. This is not done quickly, painstakingly, and at times despair is experienced, but hope performs miracles. Read books, communicate, be interested, expand your knowledge about life and the world. And your well will be filled to the brim with clean, spring water. Figuratively speaking, it will not need to be covered with a lid, that is, it is not in danger of drying out or exhaustion, it is infinite, like the Universe.

If your question is not about you personally, but about difficulties in a team or with a loved one, it is useful to work together to find a cause, ways of communication, conflict resolution techniques, and creatively approach obstacles. Everyone should receive their measure of joy from communication, work and living together, for this everyone should repair and clean their well, then everyone will be equally successful and satisfied. Such work is much more difficult, but such a married couple or a team of employees cannot be led astray by any difficulties. They are waiting for real success.

To overcome any obstacles, one must look for strength, first of all, in oneself. Where there is an eternal source of love and inspiration. But a person must still have a long rope - faith (purposefulness) and a strong, clean vessel - ethics, reason. And even the presence of all these things does not always ensure success. Let's not forget Destiny.

The fall of this hexagram is accompanied by a rather long and difficult period. The predicted event in itself serves as a source of enthusiasm for you.

If the answer does not satisfy you, wait a day or two or contact the Oracle with a different wording of the question.


The Book of Changes cannot be deceived. You don't really need that at all.

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

First paragraph of body text.

bottom line.

There is no water. It seems that you have not cleared your source of silt for a long time. You have nothing to offer people.

Second line.

You have partially grasped the essence of the problem, but are not yet confident enough in yourself. Try to find a solution using the opposite method.

Third line.

The question has not yet matured before its positive aspects are visible. Someone lacks knowledge or sanity.

Fourth line.

Your source is pure and your vessel strong. Now you can search for people who want to get drunk.

Fifth line.

If this is a man, he has a lot to learn. The event will benefit everyone.

Top line.

It turns out that the source belongs not only to you. Be courageous, and Fate will appreciate it.

Andrey Khramov, Andrey Tsumanov. I-Ching - the alphabet of fate

Description of external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifest WORLD.
Dangerous waves are walking in the vast fresh sea. Now the situation is really very dangerous.
Tree seeds sprouted at the bottom of the sea. It was on the inner plane that the growth (gathering) of forces began to resolve the situation.
Sprouts, feeding on water, penetrate the roots deep into the earth, and the branches stretch through the water column to the sky. Inner strength gains strength, drawing energy directly from danger. It will manifest itself from the inner plane and will be directed to heaven, to God.
Soon, thin green branches will appear on the surface of the sea and continue to grow further. The internal potential will increase so much that it will begin to change the world of events.
Where dangerous sea waves used to walk, tomorrow a mighty forest will rustle its leaves in the wind. The dangerous situation will be resolved by the force that comes from the inner plane. Life will be in full swing. There will be a joyful fuss.

The flames of a forest fire shot up into the sky. Emotions flare, passions rage over a dangerous situation.
Under the raging fire, the lake, locked in the bowels of the earth, woke up. Passions and emotions awakened something in the depths of their own subconscious.
Stormy streams of water will break out to the surface, extinguishing the flames of the fire. Puffs of smoke and steam! Inner strength will begin to manifest itself, solving problems and extinguishing raging passions.
Water will carry valuable gold bars from the bowels of the earth to the surface. The resolution of a dangerous situation will reveal a very valuable treasure, previously hidden in the depths of the subconscious.
Where a fire blazed yesterday, marvelous gold ingots will shine tomorrow in the rays of the sun. The main success, the main achievement will not be overcoming a dangerous life situation at all, but connecting with your inner strength, realizing your great internal reserves.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 48

In the manifested world, there is an immersion in a dangerous situation. This leads to a search for strength to overcome the danger. These forces will manifest because of the danger and because of the danger. INTERNAL RESERVES are incredibly powerful. The danger will be overcome if you can unlock your own INNER RESERVES.

On the subconscious, the situation is very much aggravated: a big discord, a conflict. Fire and Water. A powerful release of energy, emotions (puffs of steam and smoke). As a result of this, a priceless treasure from the very depths of the subconscious will manifest itself as a joyful accomplishment. This treasure is the realization of a great inner power. INTERNAL RESERVES.




EXTERNAL POWER. Man lives because he eats. It receives energy by EXTERNAL SUPPLY. INTERNAL RESERVES is the energy accumulated inside, the source of which was EXTERNAL POWER. This is the prevailing stereotypical point of view. However, it cannot explain where the truly huge INTERNAL RESERVES come from, exceeding all accumulated reserves. Perhaps EXTERNAL NUTRITION is simply the most obvious source of human life energy, but by no means the most important.






Will you be able to get to this life-giving energy?

Positions for awareness:

1. INTERNAL RESERVES are small, since the person himself is weak, infirm and mortal.

2. INTERNAL RESERVES - there is an inexhaustible reliable source. We have possibilities beyond our wildest imagination.

3. Everything external is an illusion (Maya) and is only a reflection, a manifestation of something deep, internal.

4. A person likes it when they call him God and talk about his huge inner potential. This is self-deception, the madness of the ego. There is nothing supernatural inside us. The whole world outside. Look around right now, what a beautiful world around us! And what we have inside: kidneys, spleen, stomach ...

5. “You should not look for your way in heaven. You just have to look into your heart.” – Buddha

6. What you focus on will manifest itself stronger and stronger in you. Your thoughts change you every second. The manifested reality immediately reacts to the ongoing changes with a multitude of events. So your inner state instantly changes the outer world.

7. “Calm is within you. Don't look for it outside." - Buddha.

8. “You learn to love the turmoil of your life, its ever-changing nature, its unpredictability. And you stand, like unchanging silence, in the very center of the storm of life, like a great open space in which joy and pain, ecstasy and agony, boredom and bliss, can rise and fall like waves in the ocean. And there is no problem when you know yourself as the space for all this.” - Jeff Foster

9. “Our body is talking to us all the time. If only we could take the time to listen! Every cell of the body reacts to our every thought and every word.” – Louise Hay

10. “You do not stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should look for yourself. They have always been there.” – Sigmund Freud

11. “Nothing external can make you happy and prosperous. Your world is determined by the state of your soul.” - Wayne Dyer

12. “Your vision will become clear only if you can look into your heart. Whoever looks outward sees only dreams, whoever looks into himself awakens.” – Carl Gustav Jung

13. “If everything is in order inside you, then everything will fall into place outside!” — Eckhart Tolle.

14. “Each of us has only one true calling - to find a way to ourselves,” Hermann Hesse.

15. “What is around us is nothing compared to what is inside us.” - Henry Stanley Haskins.

16. “The key point of understanding is that prosperity is an internal experience, not an external state, and it is an experience that is not associated with the presence of a certain amount of money,” Shakti Gawain.

17. “You can’t see the changes you dream about because theyinternal,” Alice Walker.

18. "Freedom is an internal state, not an external condition" - Powell Clayton.

19. "God is in ourselves" - Plato.

20. “Inside each person there are dormant forces; forces capable of surprising him himself, since he often does not even assume that he possesses them; forces that can turn life around, you just have to raise them from the depths and put them into action, ”- Orison Marden.

21. "Inner strength is the ability to respect other people's music, but dance to your own tune and listen to your own harmony" - Doc Childre.

22. “The more a person has inside himself, the less he expects from the rest,” - Irvin Yalom.

23. “Yesterday I was so smart that I wanted to change the world. Today I am so wise that I am changing myself,” Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi.

24. “Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because we do not see the most beautiful things in life, but feel with our hearts,” - Author unknown.

25. “Life flows from the inside out. Following this thought, you yourself will become the truth, ”- the wisdom of the Indians.